We are living in an age of continual motion and change, and as a result traditional strategy planning has become outmoded. Every manager, perhaps even every employee, needs to become a strategist. Every strategist, in turn, needs to develop deep consumer insight - or empathy - as a basis for flexible strategy formation. This book offers a practical guide on how to develop and implement a systematic process of strategic empathy to lead to greater effectiveness and day-to-day success.
- Höfundur: Claire Brooks
- Útgáfa:1
- Útgáfudagur: 2016-08-03
- Hægt að prenta út 10 bls.
- Hægt að afrita 10 bls.
- Format:ePub
- ISBN 13: 9780749477554
- Print ISBN: 9780749477547
- ISBN 10: 0749477555
- Cover
- Praise for Marketing with Strategic Empathy
- Title Page
- Contents
- List of case studies and detailed examples
- List of figures
- List of tables
- About the author
- Preface
- Acknowledgements
- List of abbreviations
- 01 Why marketing strategists need empathy
- Introduction: the case for Strategic Empathy®
- How do organizations really develop marketing strategy?
- Strategic learning vs strategic planning
- Marketing strategy formation is both planned and emergent
- Organizational learning starts with individual learning
- Strategic learning based on empathy
- Strategic Empathy
- References
- 02 Strategic learning frameworks: needs, emotions, culture and decision-making
- Introduction
- Framework One: emotions
- Framework Two: needs, goals and values
- Framework Three: culture
- Framework Four: decision-making
- Future perspectives
- References
- 03 Reshaping the marketing strategy template, based on Strategic Empathy
- Introduction
- Time to reinvent marketing strategy for a new environment?
- Corporate strategy components
- The reshaped marketing strategy
- A new brand positioning architecture
- References
- 04 The Strategic Empathy Process for marketing strategy formation: overview
- Introduction
- Overview of the Strategic Empathy Process
- Pre-Planning
- Phase One: Immerse in the consumer’s world
- Phase Two: Activate insights into marketing strategy
- Phase Three: Inspire empathy among the wider stakeholder group
- References
- 05 The Strategic Empathy Process Phase One: Immerse – immersive research methods
- Introduction
- What exactly is immersive research?
- Ethnographic research methods (in business)
- Designing and planning an ethnographic research project
- Conducting an ethnographic encounter
- Design research
- Recording what happens in the ethnographic interview
- Netnography, social media ethnography and digital ethnography
- In-depth interviews
- Dyads and friendship pairs
- Group discussions
- Executive panels
- Online communities
- References
- 06 The Strategic Empathy Process Phase One (continued): Immerse – immersive research tools and techniques
- Introduction
- Immersive research project management
- Sample size, screening criteria and location
- Budget, project plan and timeline
- Recruiting screener
- Recruit and project logistics
- Managing global research
- Immersive research tools
- Deep Visualization
- Semiotic Scan
- Metaphor elicitation
- Laddering
- Projective techniques
- Consumer neuroscience methods and tools
- Agile research
- References
- 07 The Strategic Empathy Process Phase Two: Activate insights into strategy
- Introduction
- Three steps to insight activation
- Step 1: analyse immersive research data
- Planning an activation session
- Step 2: build fresh consumer or customer insights
- Insight architecture
- How to build insights out of data
- Step 3: identify potential strategic actions
- Agile insight activation
- Open innovation
- Validating potential strategic actions
- References
- 08 The Strategic Empathy Process Phase Three: Inspire – communicate strategic learning
- Introduction
- Inspiring stakeholders: three strategic goals
- Story-telling, not presenting
- Defining the audience and media approach for strategic story-telling
- Collecting consumer content for strategic story-telling
- Character-driven story-telling
- Consumer documentary video
- Video production guidelines
- Virtual reality consumer video?
- References
- 09 The Strategic Empathy Process in a non-profit organization
- Introduction
- ‘Customer-focus’ in the non-profit organization
- How the Strategic Empathy Process works in a non-profit
- Effective immersive research methods and tools
- Supporting fund-raising
- References
- Glossary
- Index
- Copyright
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- Gerð : 208
- Höfundur : 6352
- Útgáfuár : 2016
- Leyfi : 379