Marketing and Managing Tourism Destinations

- SÞF2706170 Stjórnun og þróun ferðamannastaða
Marketing and Managing Tourism Destinations is a comprehensive and integrated introductory textbook covering destination management and marketing in one volume. It focuses on how destination management is planned, implemented, and evaluated as well as the management and operations of destination management organizations (DMOs), how they conduct business, major opportunities, and challenges and issues they face to compete for the global leisure and business travel markets.
Much has changed since the publication of the second edition of this book in 2018. The COVID-19 pandemic was unpredictable at the time and has caused havoc for destinations and DMOs. The third edition includes many materials about the COVID-19 impacts and recovery from the pandemic. This third edition has been updated to include: four new chapters (Chapter 2—“Destination Sustainability and Social Responsibility”; Chapter 3—“Quality of Life and Well-Being of Destination Residents”; Chapter 11—“Destination Crisis Management”; and Chapter 20—“Destination Management Performance Measurement and Management”) new and updated international case examples to show the practical realities and approaches to managing different destinations around the world coverage of contemporary topics including, for example, COVID-19, social responsibility, metaverse, mixed reality, virtual meetings, teleworking, digital nomads, viral marketing, blended travel, regenerative tourism, meaningful travel, and several others a significantly improved illustration program keyword lists It is illustrated in full color and packed with features to encourage reflection on main themes, spur critical thinking, and show theory in practice.
- Höfundur: Alastair M. Morrison
- Útgáfa:3
- Útgáfudagur: 2023-07-31
- Hægt að prenta út 2 bls.
- Hægt að afrita 2 bls.
- Format:ePub
- ISBN 13: 9781000876161
- Print ISBN: 9781032380698
- ISBN 10: 1000876160
- Cover
- Endorsement Page
- Half Title
- Title Page
- Copyright Page
- Dedication Page
- Table of Contents
- List of Figures
- List of Examples
- List of Abbreviations
- Preface
- Acknowledgments
- Part I Critical Concepts in Destination Management and Marketing
- 1 Destination Management and Marketing
- Warming Up
- Defining a Tourism Destination
- Destination Management and Marketing Overview
- Destination Marketing
- Destination Management Roles
- Leadership, Coordination, and Governance
- Product Development
- The Ten As of Successful Destinations
- Stakeholders in Destination Management
- Destination Governance
- Destination Management Organizations
- Careers in Destination Management and Destination Marketing
- Hold the Printing Presses: DMOs Are Under Pressure and Need to Change
- Summing Up
- 2 Destination Sustainability and Social Responsibility
- Warming Up
- Destination Sustainable Tourism
- Destination Stewardship
- Destination Social Responsibility
- Responsible Tourism
- Regenerative Tourism
- Declarations and Pledges
- Ethical Tourism
- Ecotourism
- Community-based Tourism
- Pro-poor Tourism
- Social Tourism
- Greenwashing
- Doughnut Economics and the Circular Economy
- Summing Up
- 3 Quality of Life and Well-being of Destination Residents
- Warming Up
- Resident Quality of Life
- Resident Well-being
- Wellness vs. Well-being
- Place Attachment and Sense of Place
- Resident Irritation Resulting from Tourism
- Carrying Capacity
- Overcrowding and Overtourism
- Degrowth and Demarketing
- Impacts of COVID-19 Pandemic
- Measuring Resident Sentiment toward Tourism
- Improving Resident Quality of Life and Well-being
- Summing Up
- 1 Destination Management and Marketing
- 4 Destination Planning
- Warming Up
- Characteristics of Tourism Destination Planning
- Tourism Destination Planning Process
- Plans and Communicating about Plans
- Destination Visioning
- Tourism Planning Toolkits
- Specialized Forms of Destination Planning
- Steps for Effective Destination Planning
- Summing Up
- 5 Destination Management Research
- Warming Up
- Contributions of Research to Destination Management
- Developing a Destination Management Research Agenda and Plan
- Fundamentals of Destination Management Research
- Types of Destination Management Research Projects
- DMO Research Departments and Staff
- Steps for Effective Destination Management Research
- Summing Up
- 6 Destination Leadership, Coordination, and Governance
- Warming Up
- Definitions of Destination Leadership, Coordination, and Governance
- Destination Leadership
- Destination Leadership Styles
- Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
- Ethical Leadership Practices and DMO Standards
- Destination Coordination
- Destination Governance
- DMO Organizational Structures, Boards, and Bylaws
- Boards of Directors
- DMO Funding
- Measuring DMO Effectiveness
- Involvement
- Risk Management
- Steps for Effective Destination Leadership, Coordination, and Governance
- Summing Up
- 7 Destination Product Development
- Warming Up
- Definition and Components of the Destination Product
- Principles of Destination Product Development
- Tourism Area Life Cycle
- DMO Involvement in Product Development
- Product Development Variations by Types of Destinations
- Hard and Soft Tourism Product Development
- Destination Quality
- Product Development Strategy Models
- Physical (Hard) Product Development
- Intangible (Soft) Product Development
- Steps in Effective Product Development
- Summing Up
- 8 Destination Partnership and Team-Building
- Warming Up
- Definitions of Destination Partnership and Team-Building
- Destination Management Role Contributions of Partnerships
- Partnerships and Destination Governance
- Benefits of Destination Partnerships
- Destination Partners
- Identifying Destination Partners
- Public–Private Partnerships in Destination Management
- Barriers and Challenges for Destination Partnerships
- Destination Partnership Types
- Ingredients of Successful Destination Partnerships
- Destination Partnership-Building Steps
- Destination Team-building
- Steps in Effective Destination Partnerships and Team-Building
- Summing Up
- 9 Destination Stakeholder Relationships and Involvement
- Warming Up
- Stakeholder Landscape for Destination Management
- Stakeholder Relationships and Involvement
- Tourism Sector Stakeholders
- Relationships with DMO Members
- Relationships with DMO Boards of Directors
- Relationships with Community Residents
- Relationships with Government
- Relationships with the Environment
- Relationships with Tourists
- Relationships with Other Stakeholders
- Steps in Effective Stakeholder Relationships and Involvement
- Summing Up
- 10 Visitor Management
- Warming Up
- Definition of Visitor Management
- The ADVICE Model for a Visitor Management Program
- Reasons for Visitor Management
- Benefits from Visitor Management
- Components of a Visitor Management Program
- Visitor Expectations, Experiences, Enjoyment, and Satisfaction
- Yield Management
- Other Visitor Management Efforts
- Steps in Effective Visitor Management
- Summing Up
- 11 Destination Crisis Management
- Warming Up
- Definitions of Crises and Disasters
- Categories of Crises and Disasters
- Susceptibility of Destinations to Crises and Disasters
- Impacts of Crises and Disasters on Tourism
- Stages in Crises and Disasters
- Crisis Management Planning
- Crisis Communications
- Risk Management
- Resilience and Recovery
- Summing Up
- 12 Planning Marketing, Branding, and Communications
- Warming Up
- Definitions of Marketing, Branding, and Integrated Marketing Communications
- Destination Marketing Principles
- Planning Marketing, Branding, and Communications
- The Destination Marketing System and the PRICE model
- Steps for Effective Planning of Marketing, Branding, and Communications
- Summing Up
- 13 Destination Positioning, Image, and Branding
- Warming Up
- Definitions of Destination Positioning, Image, and Branding
- Positioning, Imaging, Branding (PIB) Approach
- Importance and Benefits of Destination Branding
- Challenges of Destination Branding
- Characteristics of a Good Destination Brand
- Classic Concepts in Branding
- Steps in Destination Branding
- Steps in Effective Destination Positioning, Image, and Branding
- Summing Up
- 14 Destination Integrated Marketing Communications
- Warming Up
- Definition of Integrated Marketing Communications
- Components of Integrated Marketing Communications
- Benefits of Integrated Marketing Communications
- E-marketing
- Advertising
- Sales (Personal Selling)
- Public Relations and Publicity
- Sales Promotion and Merchandising
- Crowdsourcing and Content Co-creation
- Theme Year and Event Marketing
- Movie and Film Development
- Steps in Effective Planning of Integrated Marketing Communications
- Summing Up
- 15 E-marketing and ICTs
- Warming Up
- Definition and Increasing Importance of E-marketing
- Functions of Digital Media for Visitors
- Main Components of E-marketing
- Websites
- Search Engine Marketing and Optimization
- Social Media
- Apps
- Other Components of E-marketing
- Big Data Analysis
- Performance Evaluation of DMO E-marketing
- ICT Definition and History
- Internet Usage
- Traveler ICTs
- Recent ICT Innovations
- Challenges and Issues
- Steps in Effective E-marketing
- Summing Up
- 16 Consumer Behavior, Segmentation, and Market Trends
- Warming Up
- Motivations for Travel
- Destination Selection
- The Influence of Destination Images
- Travel Purchase Behavior Process
- Destination Market Segmentation
- Market Trends
- Implications for Destinations and DMOs
- Summing Up
- 17 Domestic Leisure and VFR Travel Markets
- Warming Up
- Definition of Domestic Tourism
- Benefits of Domestic Tourism
- Size and Importance of Domestic Tourism
- Trends and Prospects for Domestic Tourism
- Issues and Challenges for Domestic Tourism
- Providing Incentives for Domestic Travel
- Factors Influencing Domestic Tourism
- Domestic Tourism Market Segments
- Visiting Friends and Relatives (VFR) Market
- Domestic Leisure Travel and VFR Marketing, Branding, and Communications Procedures
- Summing Up
- 18 International Pleasure and Leisure Travel Markets
- Warming Up
- Size of the International Tourist Market
- Challenges for International Travel
- Emerging International Travel Markets
- International Travel Market Segments with Growth Potential
- Other International Tourism Growth Markets
- International Pleasure/Leisure Travel Marketing, Branding, and Communications Procedures
- Summing Up
- 19 Business Travel and Business Event Markets
- Warming Up
- Definitions of Market Segments
- Size and Importance of Business Travel and Business Event Markets
- Benefits of Business Travel and Business Event Markets
- Challenges for Business Travel and Business Events
- Trends for Business Travel and Business Events
- Professional Congress or Conference Organizers (PCOs)
- Incentive Travel Planners
- Requests for Proposals (RFPs)
- Business Event Marketing, Branding, and Communications
- Summing Up
- 20 Destination Management Performance Measurement and Management
- Warming Up
- The Uniqueness of Destination Management Performance Measurement
- Definitions of Performance Measurement and Performance Management
- Destination Management Roles Performance (8 + 3D Platform)
- Performance Metrics
- Levels of Performance Measurement for Destination Management
- The 80–20 Principle and the Iceberg Effect
- Performance Measurement Systems
- Performance Measurement Process
- DMO Funding and Budgets
- Evaluation
- Performance Reporting
- Summing Up
- 21 The Future of Destination Management
- Warming Up
- Pre-COVID Issues in Destination Management
- Summary of Issues and Trends from Previous Chapters
- Destination Management Issues in the COVID-19 Years
- Expected Future Trends and Potential Challenges for Destinations and DMOs
- The DMO of the Future
- Summing Up
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- Gerð : 208
- Höfundur : 9755
- Útgáfuár : 2018
- Leyfi : 380