Marketing 4.0: Moving from Traditional to Digital

Marketing has changed forever—this is what comes next Marketing 4. 0: Moving from Traditional to Digital is the much-needed handbook for next-generation marketing. Written by the world's leading marketing authorities, this book helps you navigate the increasingly connected world and changing consumer landscape to reach more customers, more effectively. Today's customers have less time and attention to devote to your brand—and they are surrounded by alternatives every step of the way.
You need to stand up, get their attention, and deliver the message they want to hear. This book examines the marketplace's shifting power dynamics, the paradoxes wrought by connectivity, and the increasing sub-culture splintering that will shape tomorrow's consumer; this foundation shows why Marketing 4. 0 is becoming imperative for productivity, and this book shows you how to apply it to your brand today.
Marketing 4. 0 takes advantage of the shifting consumer mood to reach more customers and engage them more fully than ever before. Exploit the changes that are tripping up traditional approaches, and make them an integral part of your methodology. This book gives you the world-class insight you need to make it happen. Discover the new rules of marketing Stand out and create WOW moments Build a loyal and vocal customer base Learn who will shape the future of customer choice Every few years brings a "new" marketing movement, but experienced marketers know that this time its different; it's not just the rules that have changed, it's the customers themselves.
- Höfundar: Philip Kotler, Hermawan Kartajaya, Iwan Setiawan
- Útgáfa:1
- Útgáfudagur: 2016-11-28
- Hægt að prenta út 10 bls.
- Hægt að afrita 2 bls.
- Format:ePub
- ISBN 13: 9781119341147
- Print ISBN: 9781119341208
- ISBN 10: 1119341140
- Cover
- Series Page
- Title Page
- Copyright
- Dedication
- Acknowledgments
- Prologue: From Marketing 3.0 to Marketing 4.0
- About the Authors
- Part I: Fundamental Trends Shaping Marketing
- Chapter 1: Power Shifts to the Connected Customers
- From Exclusive to Inclusive
- From Vertical to Horizontal
- From Individual to Social
- Summary: Horizontal, Inclusive, and Social
- Chapter 2: The Paradoxes of Marketing to Connected Customers
- Breaking the Myths of Connectivity
- Summary: Marketing Amid Paradoxes
- Chapter 3: The Influential Digital Subcultures
- Youth: Acquiring the Mind Share
- Women: Growing the Market Share
- Netizens: Expanding the Heart Share
- Summary: Youth, Women, and Netizens
- Chapter 4: Marketing 4.0 in the Digital Economy
- Moving from Traditional to Digital Marketing
- Integrating Traditional and Digital Marketing
- Summary: Redefining Marketing in the Digital Economy
- Chapter 1: Power Shifts to the Connected Customers
- Chapter 5: The New Customer Path
- Understanding How People Buy: From Four A's to Five A's
- Driving from Awareness to Advocacy: The O Zone (O3)
- Summary: Aware, Appeal, Ask, Act, and Advocate
- Chapter 6: Marketing Productivity Metrics
- Introducing PAR and BAR
- Decomposing PAR and BAR
- Driving Up Productivity
- Summary: Purchase Action Ratio and Brand Advocacy Ratio
- Chapter 7: Industry Archetypes and Best Practices
- Four Major Industry Archetypes
- Four Marketing Best Practices
- Summary: Learning from Different Industries
- Chapter 8: Human-Centric Marketing for Brand Attraction
- Understanding Humans Using Digital Anthropology
- Building the Six Attributes of Human-Centric Brands
- Summary: When Brands Become Humans
- Chapter 9: Content Marketing for Brand Curiosity
- Content Is the New Ad, #Hashtag Is the New Tagline
- Step-by-Step Content Marketing
- Summary: Creating Conversations with Content
- Chapter 10: Omnichannel Marketing for Brand Commitment
- The Rise of Omnichannel Marketing
- Step-by-Step Omnichannel Marketing
- Summary: Integrating the Best of Online and Offline Channels
- Chapter 11: Engagement Marketing for Brand Affinity
- Enhancing Digital Experiences with Mobile Apps
- Providing Solutions with Social CRM
- Driving Desired Behavior with Gamification
- Summary: Mobile Apps, Social CRM, and Gamification
- What Is a “WOW”?
- Enjoy, Experience, Engage: WOW!
- Are You Ready to WOW?
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Fleiri góðir kostir
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- Gerð : 208
- Höfundur : 5779
- Útgáfuár : 2016
- Leyfi : 379