Marine Ecology: Processes, Systems, and Impacts

Striking full colour illustrations and photographs bring this integrated and stimulating survey of marine ecology to life. Through its unique structure, Marine Ecology: Processes, Systems, and Impacts offers a systems-orientated approach from a truly modern and global perspective. The text introduces key processes and systems from which the marine environment is formed and the issues and challenges which surround its future.
Opening with an overview of the processes and interactions which are central to an understanding of marine ecology, the book goes on to explore the diverse systems from which the marine environment is composed, from estuaries to seabeds, the deep sea to polar regions. Detailed case studies form the basis of the pedagogy, highlighting issues from a diverse range of marine systems in a digestible way.
In this third edition, more of an emphasis is placed on climate change and looking towards future challenges, since the importance of understanding and conserving the marine environment has never been more apparent. There is also a new chapter on the value of the ocean to society which discusses key topics such as natural capital and food security. Marine Ecology: Processes, Systems, and Impacts is a carefully balanced, positive and considered text, containing measures that can be taken to mitigate adverse effects on this complex, fragile environment.
- Höfundar: Michel J Kaiser, Martin J Attrill, Simon Jennings
- Útgáfa:3
- Útgáfudagur: 2020-08-25
- Hægt að prenta út 2 bls.
- Hægt að afrita 2 bls.
- Format:ePub
- ISBN 13: 9780192522856
- Print ISBN: 9780198717850
- ISBN 10: 019252285X
- Cover
- Title page
- Copyright
- Dedication
- Preface
- Acknowledgements
- Outline Contents
- Detailed Contents
- 1 Patterns in the Marine Environment
- 1.1 Introduction
- 1.2 Biogeography
- 1.3 Biodiversity
- 1.4 Abundance and Size
- Further Reading
- Part One: Processes
- 2 Primary Production Processes
- 2.1 Introduction
- 2.2 Photosynthesis
- 2.3 Light in Water
- 2.4 Light and Photosynthesis
- 2.5 Supply of Inorganic Nutrients
- 2.6 The Main Limiting Nutrients for Growth
- 2.7 Algal Growth
- 2.8 Seasonal Trends in Primary Production
- 2.9 Global Trends in Primary Production
- 2.10 Primary Production in Seaweeds
- 2.11 Measurement of Primary Production
- 2.12 Continuous Plankton Recorder Survey (1930s to present)
- 2.13 Hawaii Ocean Time Series, HOT (1988 to present)
- Further Reading
- 3 Marine Microbial Secondary Production
- 3.1 Introduction
- 3.2 Organic Matter in the Ocean
- 3.3 Key Marine Microbial Secondary Producers
- 3.4 Prokaryotic Primary Producers
- 3.5 Major Metabolic Strategies in Marine Prokaryotes
- 3.6 Sources and Processing of Organic Carbon
- 3.7 Marine Microbes and the Oceanic Nitrogen Cycle
- 3.8 The Importance of Small Organisms in Oceanic Food Webs and Organic-matter Cycling
- 3.9 The Dynamics of Bacterial Growth and its Measurement
- 3.10 Growth Yield and Trophic Yield
- 3.11 Marine Microbial Food Webs
- 3.12 Marine Bacterial Populations
- 3.13 Viruses
- 3.14 Protozoa
- 3.15 Metazoan Zooplankton
- 3.16 Food Web Dynamics and Growth Control in Oceanic Microbial Food Webs
- 3.17 The Seasonal Cycle of Production and Consumption
- 3.18 Oceanic Microbes in Global Carbon and Nutrient Cycles
- Further Reading
- 4 Secondary Production: The Macrobiota
- 4.1 Introduction
- 4.2 Measuring Secondary Production
- 4.3 Drivers of Secondary Production
- 4.4 Size Structuring in Marine Food-Webs
- 4.5 Human Impacts on Secondary Production
- Further Reading
- 2 Primary Production Processes
- 5 Estuaries
- 5.1 Introduction
- 5.2 Estuarine Organisms
- 5.3 Productivity and Food Webs
- 5.4 Diversity Patterns in Estuaries
- 5.5 Other ‘Brackish-water’ Systems
- Further Reading
- 6 Rocky and Sandy Shores
- 6.1 Introduction
- 6.2 What is the Shore?
- 6.3 Environmental Gradients and the Shore
- 6.4 Causes of Zonation
- 6.5 The Organization of Shore Communities
- 6.6 The Shore Network
- 6.7 The Future of Rocky and Sandy Shores
- Further Reading
- 7 Pelagic Ecosystems
- 7.1 Introduction
- 7.2 Definitions and Environmental Features
- 7.3 Pelagic Inhabitants: Consequences of Size
- 7.4 Diel Vertical Migration
- 7.5 Size-structured Pelagic Food-webs
- 7.6 Longevity in the Plankton
- 7.7 Temporal and Spatial Variability in Pelagic Ecosystems
- 7.8 Sampling the Open Ocean
- 7.9 Pelagic Fisheries
- 7.10 Regime Shifts in Pelagic Marine Ecosystems
- 7.11 The Future for Pelagic Marine Ecosystems
- Further Reading
- 8 Continental Shelf Seabed
- 8.1 Introduction
- 8.2 Definitions and Environmental Features
- 8.3 The Seabed Habitat and Biota
- 8.4 Functional Roles of the Biota
- 8.5 Food Webs in Shelf Systems
- 8.6 Characterization of Seabed Communities
- 8.7 Specific Habitats
- Further Reading
- 9 The Deep Sea
- 9.1 Introduction
- 9.2 Definitions and Environmental Features
- 9.3 Food Supply to the Deep Sea
- 9.4 The Organisms of the Deep Sea
- 9.5 Habitats of the Deep Sea
- 9.6 Chemosynthetic Habitats—Hydrothermal Vents and Cold Seeps
- Further Reading
- 10 Mangrove Forests and Seagrass Meadows
- 10.1 Introduction
- 10.2 Mangrove Forests
- 10.3 Seagrass Meadows
- Further Reading
- 11 Coral Reefs
- 11.1 Introduction
- 11.2 Reef Development and Distribution
- 11.3 Reef Growth and Bioerosion
- 11.4 Corals’ Biology and Reproduction
- 11.5 Constraints on Coral Growth and Distribution
- 11.6 Coral Reef Productivity and Food Chains
- 11.7 Diversity Patterns on Coral Reefs
- 11.8 Dynamics of Reef Animals
- 11.9 Threats to Coral Reefs
- 11.10 Reefs and Human Society
- Further Reading
- 12 Polar Regions
- 12.1 Introduction
- 12.2 What is Pack Ice?
- 12.3 Arctic vs Antarctic Pack Ice
- 12.4 Life in a Block of Ice
- 12.5 Sea-Ice Edges
- 12.6 Polar Benthos
- 12.7 Polar Bentho-Pelagic Coupling
- 12.8 Endemism in Polar Benthos
- 12.9 Gigantism in Polar Waters
- 12.10 Birds and Mammals
- Further Reading
- 13 Fisheries
- 13.1 Introduction
- 13.2 Global Fisheries
- 13.3 Fish Production
- 13.4 Fished Species and their Fisheries
- 13.5 Fish Population Biology
- 13.6 Fishing Methods
- 13.7 Fish Stock Assessment
- 13.8 The Management Process
- 13.9 Environmental Impacts of Fishing
- 13.10 Ecosystem-based Fishery Management
- 13.11 The Future of Fisheries
- Further Reading
- 14 Aquaculture
- 14.1 Introduction
- 14.2 Aquaculture Past and Present
- 14.3 How do we Produce Food from the Sea?
- 14.4 What is Cultivated and Where?
- 14.5 Food Requirements and Constraints
- 14.6 The Role of Biotechnology
- 14.7 Negative Effects of Biotechnology
- 14.8 Cultivation Systems
- 14.9 Cultivation of Fish in Cages
- 14.10 Cage Cultivation: A Lousy System?
- 14.11 Breaking Away from the Coastal Margin
- 14.12 Shrimp Cultivation: The Gold Rush
- 14.13 Shrimp Farming and Mangroves
- 14.14 Cultivation of Molluscs
- 14.15 Ranching at Sea
- 14.16 A Conservation Role for Aquaculture?
- Further Reading
- 15 Pollution, Disturbance, and Environmental Monitoring
- 15.1 Introduction
- 15.2 Ecological Role of Disturbance
- 15.3 Measuring the Effects of Human Activities
- 15.4 Agents of Change
- 15.5 Interaction of Multiple Factors
- Further Reading
- 16 Conservation
- 16.1 Introduction
- 16.2 Why Conserve?
- 16.3 What to Conserve
- 16.4 Implementing Conservation Policy
- 16.5 Conservation in Action
- 16.6 The Role of Science
- 16.7 The Future
- Further Reading
- 17 Climate Change
- 17.1 Introduction
- 17.2 The Mechanisms of Climate Change
- 17.3 Temperature Change in the Oceans
- 17.4 Polar Ice Melt and Sea Level Rise
- 17.5 Ocean Circulation, Weather, and Land Run-off
- 17.6 Ocean Acidification
- Further Reading
- 18 Sea and Society
- 18.1 Introduction
- 18.2 Ecosystem Goods and Services
- 18.3 An Economic Perspective
- 18.4 Integrating Ecosystem Value into Spatial Planning
- 18.5 Life-cycle Analysis
- 18.6 Innovating to Reduce Carbon and Environmental Footprint
- 18.7 Citizen Science
- 18.8 Use of Social Media
- Further Reading
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- Gerð : 208
- Höfundur : 13369
- Útgáfuár : 2020
- Leyfi : 380