Managing Hospitality Organizations

Introduction to Hospitality Management: Creating Excellent Guest Experiences, Third Edition takes students on a journey through the evolving service industry. Each chapter focuses on a core principle of hospitality management and is packed with practical advice, examples, and cases from some of the best companies in the service sector. Authors Robert C. Ford and Michael Sturman emphasize the critical importance of focusing on the guest and creating an unforgettable customer experience.
Whether your students will be managing a neighborhood café, a convention center, or a high-end resort hotel, they will learn invaluable skills for managing the guest experience in today’s ultracompetitive environment. Included with this title: LMS Cartridge: Import this title’s instructor resources into your school’s learning management system (LMS) and save time. Don’t use an LMS? You can still access all of the same online resources for this title via the password-protected Instructor Resource Site.
- Höfundar: Robert C. Ford, Michael C. Sturman
- Útgáfa:3
- Útgáfudagur: 2023-11-23
- Hægt að prenta út 2 bls.
- Hægt að afrita 2 bls.
- Format:ePub
- ISBN 13: 9781071876299
- Print ISBN: 9781071876275
- ISBN 10: 1071876295
- Foreword
- Preface
- Acknowledgments
- About the Authors
- Introduction
- Section I The Hospitality Service Strategy
- Chapter 1 The Basics of Wow! The Guest Knows Best: Hospitality Principle: Provide the Service Quality and Value That Guests Expect
- Introduction
- Guestology: What Is It?
- Meeting Customer Expectations
- Understanding the Guest
- Serving Internal Customers
- Service
- Service Product
- Service Industries
- Goods to Services to Experiences
- Meeting Customer Expectations
- The Guest Experience
- Product, Setting, and Delivery
- Unique, Yet Similar
- Components of the Guest Experience
- The Service Product
- The Service Setting
- The Service Delivery System
- Service Encounters and Moments of Truth
- The Nature of Services
- Services Are Partly or Wholly Intangible
- Services Are Consumed at the Moment or during the Period of Production or Delivery
- Services Require Interaction between the Service Provider and the Customer, Client, or Guest
- Chapter 1 The Basics of Wow! The Guest Knows Best: Hospitality Principle: Provide the Service Quality and Value That Guests Expect
- Guest Expectations
- Meeting Expectations
- Do Not Provide More Hospitality than Guests Want
- Just What Does the Guest Expect?
- Quality, Value, and Cost Defined
- Quality
- Value
- Cost
- Cost of Quality
- Who Defines Quality and Value?
- The Importance of Guestology
- Lessons Learned
- Key Terms
- Review Questions
- Activities
- Ethics in Business
- Case Study
- Further Readings
- Introduction
- Three Generic Strategies
- A Lower Price
- A Differentiated Product
- The Brand Image
- A Special Niche
- Reinventing the Industry
- No Matter the Strategy, Provide Better Service
- The Hospitality Planning Cycle
- Looking Around
- Looking Within
- The Necessity for Planning
- Forecasting
- Assessing The Environment
- The Overall Environment
- Society and Demographics
- Changing Social and Political Expectations
- Technology
- Ecology
- The Industry Environment
- Changing Competitors
- Changes in Other Relevant Groups
- The Operating Environment
- Strategic Premises
- Predicting the Competitive Environment
- Surprises
- The Overall Environment
- Core Competencies
- Internal Assets
- The Vision Statement
- The Mission Statement
- Determining the Service-Product Strategy
- Determining the Service-Setting Strategy
- Determining the Delivery-System Strategy
- Management Performance Plans
- Employee Hiring, Training, and Retention Plans
- Capacity Utilization Plans
- The Design Day
- Yield Management and Revenue Management
- Financial Budget Plans
- Marketing Plans
- Action Plans as an Integrated Whole
- Involve Employees in Planning
- The Uncertain Future
- Introduction
- Creating “the Show”
- Themes Create Fantasy
- To Theme or Not to Theme?
- Control and Focus
- The Architecture
- Sights and Sounds
- Why Is the Environment Important?
- Guest Expectations
- Guest Mood
- Main Street, Disney
- Employee Satisfaction
- Setting as a Part of Service
- The Functional Value of the Setting
- A Model: How the Service Environment Affects the Guest
- Environment
- Ambient Conditions
- Use of Space
- Functional Congruence
- Signs, Symbols, and Artifacts
- Other People
- The Servicescape
- Individual Moderators
- Responding to the Servicescape
- Physiological Responses
- Cognitive Responses
- Emotional Responses
- The Bottom Line: Come and Stay, or Stay Away
- Environment
- Lessons Learned
- Key Terms
- Review Questions
- Activities
- Ethics in Business
- Case Studies
- Further Readings
- Introduction
- The Importance of Leaders
- Culture and Reputation
- The Manager’s Most Important Leadership Responsibility
- The Importance of Culture
- Strategy and Employee Commitment
- Culture Defined
- Culture as a Competitive Advantage
- Management by Culture
- An Example: The Chef
- Culture as a Competency
- Culture and the Outside World
- Culture and the Internal Organization: X and Y
- Teaching the New Values
- Culture Fills the Gaps
- Beliefs, Values, and Norms
- Beliefs
- Values
- Norms
- Norms in Advertising
- Norms of Appearance
- Folkways and Mores
- Learning the Culture, Learning from the Culture
- Subcultures
- Subcultures of Nations
- Laws
- Language
- Stories, Legends, and Heroes
- Symbols
- Rituals
- Leaders Teach the Culture
- Setting the Example
- Guests Teach the Culture
- Culture and the Organization Chart
- Culture and Physical Space
- Culture and Leadership Skills
- At Southwest: Maintaining a Strong Culture
- Denny’s Restaurants
- What We Know about Culture
- Chapter 5 Staffing for Service: Hospitality Principle: Find and Hire People Who Love to Serve
- Introduction
- The Many Employees of the Hospitality Industry
- Serving the Guests
- Supporting the Service
- The Role of the Manager
- Managing Emotional Labor
- Find the Service Naturals
- The Recruitment and Selection Challenge
- The First Step: Study the Job
- Job Analysis: The Foundation of Human Resources
- Study Your Best Performers
- Develop Talent Profiles
- Other Key Characteristics for Service Personnel
- Human Resource Planning
- Job Analysis: The Foundation of Human Resources
- The Second Step: Recruit a Pool of Qualified Candidates
- Hiring Internal Candidates
- The Known Quantity
- Internal Equity
- Experience
- Knowing the Culture
- Lower Cost
- Recruiting Advantage
- Internal Search Strategies
- Hiring External Candidates
- New Ideas and Fresh Perspectives
- Difficulties with Internal Candidates
- Specific Skills and Knowledge
- Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
- External Search Strategies
- Casting a Broad Net
- Focused Recruitment Efforts
- Personal and Professional Networks
- Student Recruiting
- Employee Referrals
- Employment Events, Job Fairs, and Career Fairs
- Employers of Choice
- Walk-Ins
- Recruiting from the Competition
- Call-Back File and Boomerang Employees
- The Fully Virtual Experience
- The Final Applicant Pool
- Hiring Internal Candidates
- The Third Step: Select the Best Candidate
- Screening and Evaluating Applicants
- The Application Form
- The Interview
- AI-Assisted Interviewing
- Commitment to Service
- Psychological Tests
- Assessment Centers
- References, Background Checks, and Drug Tests
- New Technologies for Screening and Evaluating Applicants
- Screening and Evaluating Applicants
- The Fourth Step: Hire the Best Applicant
- The Fifth Step: Make The New Hire Feel Welcome
- The Sixth Step: Turnover—Retaining the Best and Selecting People Out of an Organization
- Employing the Best to Serve Your Guests
- Lessons Learned
- Key Terms
- Review Questions
- Activity
- Ethics in Business
- Case Studies
- Further Readings
- Introduction
- Employee Training
- Berry’s Five Training Principles for an Effective Training Strategy
- Critical Skills
- The Big Picture
- Formalized Learning
- Varied Approaches
- Continuous Improvement
- Berry’s Five Training Principles for an Effective Training Strategy
- What Do We Need to Improve?
- Solving the Guest’s Problem
- Data-Driven Approaches to Identifying Training Needs
- Internal Training
- External Training
- Skills Training
- Training the Very Basics
- Using Training to Refresh Employee Skills
- On-the-Job Training
- Coaching
- Apprenticeships
- Internships
- Cross-Functional Training
- Classroom Training
- Simulation
- Online and Electronic Learning
- Training with Collaboration Platforms
- Executive Education
- Mentoring
- Know Your Training Objectives
- Measuring Training Effectiveness
- Participant Reactions
- Content Mastery
- Behavioral Change
- Organizational Performance
- When a Great Training Program Can Hurt You
- Training Costs
- Training Return on Investment
- Career Paths and the Right Experience
- Preparing for Organizational Needs
- Giving Employees the Chance to Advance
- Education
- Supporting General Education
- The Competition Is Watching
- They Want Your Best
- Introduction
- Motivating and Engaging Employees
- The Service-Profit Chain
- What Motivates People?
- The Needs People Have
- Economic Needs
- Social Needs
- Recognition Needs
- Growth Needs
- Achievement Needs
- The Rewards Managers Can Provide
- Financial Rewards
- Recognizing a Job Well Done
- Making the Job Fun
- Minimizing the Negatives
- Accommodating Worker Preferences
- Empowering the Employee
- What Is Empowerment?
- Empowerment Implementation
- Limitations and Potential of Empowerment
- Degrees of Empowerment
- Unintended Consequences of Empowerment
- Individual, Generational, and Cultural Differences
- The Power of Positive Reinforcement
- At the Buffet
- Linking Performance and Rewards
- Managing Fairly
- Justice in the Workplace
- Pay Secrecy
- Setting Goals
- An Example: Management by Objectives
- Working in Teams
- Increasing Team Effectiveness
- Self-Managed Teams
- Managers and Authority
- Authority-Acceptance Theory
- Preconditions for Employee Acceptance of Authority
- Securing Employee Compliance with Authoritative Directives
- Sexual Harassment in the Hospitality Industry
- Managers and Leaders
- Ethical Leadership
- Leaders and the Changing Environment
- Solving the Leadership Challenge of Motivating Exceptional Guest Service
- Introduction
- The Guest Can Help!
- Guests as Quasi-Employees
- The Organization Decides
- Strategies for Involving the Guest
- Guests as Unpaid Consultants
- Guests as Marketers
- Guests as Part of Each Other’s Experience
- Guests as Co-Producers
- Advantages of Co-Production for the Organization
- Advantages of Co-Production for the Guest
- Disadvantages of Co-Production for the Organization
- Disadvantages of Co-Production for the Guest
- The High Cost of Failure
- Motivating Guests to Co-Produce
- The Guest as a Substitute for Management
- Guests as Supervisors
- Guests as Motivators
- Guests as Supervisors and Trainers for Other Guests
- Enriching the Wait
- Co-Producing Value
- Key Factors: Time and Control
- Cutting Costs, Increasing Capacity
- Co-Production as a Differentiation Strategy
- Building Commitment
- The Bottom Line: Costs versus Benefits
- Help Wanted: Co-Producer
- Inviting Guests to Participate: Guidelines
- Firing Airline Passengers
- Abrupt Firings
- Subtle Firings
- Maintaining Guest Dignity
- Chapter 9 Communicating for Service: Hospitality Principle: Glue the Guest Experience Elements Together with Information
- Introduction
- The Challenge of Managing Information
- Informing the Guest
- Cues Communicate
- Adding Quality and Value through Information
- New Information from Virtual Worlds
- Getting Information Where It Needs to Go
- Information and the Service Product
- Information as Product: FreshPoint
- Giving Employees the Information They Need
- Information and the Service Setting
- The Environment and the Service
- The Environment as Information System
- Customer-Provided Information
- Information and the Delivery System
- Really Knowing Your Customers
- Delivering Freshness
- Information on Service Quality
- Information to the People
- At Hyatt
- At United
- High Tech Becomes High Touch
- Technology for Expertise
- Centralized Reservations at Hyatt
- Cross-Selling
- The Front and the Back of the House
- Point-of-Sale Systems
- The Daily Count
- The Information Flow Between Levels
- Decision Support Systems
- Using Data to Drive Decisions
- Modeling Decisions
- Statistical Analysis
- Big Data and Data Mining
- Using Information
- Market Segmentation
- Identifying and Targeting Your Best and Worst Customers
- Collaborative Filters
- Problems with Information Systems
- Information Overload
- Focusing on the Numbers
- Bad Information
- Maintaining Security
- Value Versus Cost
- Learning the System
- Using Data to Drive Decisions
- The Hospitality Organization as an Information System
- The Primacy of Information
- Strategies for Addressing Deficiencies
- Everybody Connected
- Implications for Service
- The Primacy of Information
- Lessons Learned
- Key Terms
- Review Questions
- Activities
- Ethics in Business
- Case Studies
- Further Readings
- Introduction
- Planning and Designing the Service Delivery System
- Designing and Checking the Service Delivery System
- The Goal: Fail No Guest; Delight Every Guest
- Some Guiding Principles
- Developing the Service Delivery System
- Planning the System
- Monitoring the Service Experience
- Assessing the Experience and Improving the System
- The Blurred Lines
- The Self-Healing System
- Planning Techniques
- Blueprinting
- The Hot Dog Stand
- Adding Detail to Blueprints
- The Universal Service Map
- The Line of Internal Interactions
- The Line of Visibility
- The Line of Guest Interaction
- Fishbone Analysis
- Late Departures at Quickconnect Airlines
- Resource Categories
- Airport Data
- No More Waiting
- PERT/CPM Defined
- The Diagrams
- Circles and Arrows
- Tony’s Deli
- Building the Network
- The Big PERT/CPM Picture
- Holding a Convention
- Potential Disadvantages
- Simulations
- At Epcot
- The Odyssey Restaurant
- Computer Simulations for All
- Blueprinting
- Forecasting Demand to Prevent Problems
- Training
- Quality Teams
- Poka-Yokes
- Types of Inspections
- Warnings and Controls
- Poka-Yokes for Customers
- Speed Parking
- Cross-Functional Project and Matrix Organizations
- At the Ritz-Carlton
- Advantages and Disadvantages of Cross-Functional Project and Matrix Structures
- The Real Boss
- Introduction
- Capacity and Psychology: Keys To Managing Lines
- When the Wait Begins
- Designing the Service to Manage the Wait
- Capacity
- What to Do?
- Design Day
- The Capacity Day
- Characteristics of Waiting Lines
- Line Types
- Single-Channel, Single-Phase Queue
- Single-Channel, Multiphase Queue
- Multichannel, Single-Phase Queue
- Multichannel, Multiphase Queue
- Virtual Queues
- Which Queue to Use?
- Line Simulation: A Gift Shop
- Observing the Flow
- Allocation Wheels
- Balancing Capacity and Demand
- The Emotional Wait State
- Crowds and Clientele
- Waits in Contrast
- Before Service
- During Service
- After Service
- Managing Waits in an Imperfect World
- Introduction
- Techniques and Methods for Assessing Service Quality
- Process Strategies
- Rusty Pelican Standards
- Measures of Service Quality
- Use Many Measures or Just One?
- Service Standards
- Job Performance Standards
- Managerial Observation of the Delivery Process
- Employee Assessment of Guest Experiences
- The Service Guarantee
- Organizational Advantages of Guarantees
- Potential Disadvantages of Service Guarantees
- Asking Guests the Right Questions
- Informal Queries by Employees
- Formal Inquiries by Employees
- Structured Guest Interviews
- Process Strategies
- Customer Rating Systems
- Disadvantages
- Call-in Feedback
- Web, Tablet, and Phone App Feedback
- Surveys
- Web Surveys/Mail
- Telephone Surveys and Interviews
- Critical-Incidents Surveys
- Guest Focus Groups
- Experiments
- Customers Evaluating Services on Their Own
- Mystery Shoppers
- Your Best Evaluators: The Guests
- The Improvement Cycle Continues
- Introduction
- Service Failures: Types, Where, and Why
- Stuck in the Snow
- Types of Service Failures
- Customer Failure
- Where Failures Happen
- Severity of Failure and Recovery
- The Importance of Fixing Service Failures
- The Price of Failure
- The Customer’s Response to Service Failure
- Never Return
- Complain
- Bad-Mouth the Organization
- Retaliate
- Worst-Case Scenario
- The Value of Positive Publicity: Bad-Mouth versus “Wow”
- Credibility
- Evangelists
- How the Recovery Is Handled
- Service Recovery: A Message to Employees
- The Yellow and Black Tags
- Looking for Service Failures
- The Complaint as a Monitoring Device
- Encouraging Complaints
- Body Language as a Complaint
- Don’t Forget to Ask
- Do Something Quickly
- Benefits of Quick Recovery
- How Do Customers Evaluate Recovery Efforts?
- Distributive Justice
- Procedural Justice
- Interactional Justice
- How the Recovery Is Managed
- Service-Recovery Systems Analysis
- Characteristics of a Good Recovery Strategy
- No Better Makes It Worse
- Costs of Failure to Guests
- Making It Right Is Not Enough
- Being Wrong with Dignity
- Matching the Recovery Strategy to the Failure
- Learning from Failures
- Service Recovery: Ow! to Wow!
- Successful Service Recovery
- Introduction
- The Three Ss: Strategy, Staffing, and Systems
- Strategy
- The Key Drivers
- Study, Study, Study
- Accumulating Information
- An Added Element: Personalization
- Plan, Plan, Plan
- Get Constant Feedback to Drive Innovation
- Culture Fills the Gaps
- Staffing
- Getting the Right People for the Job
- Training
- Setting and Reinforcing the Standards
- Satisfaction from Satisfying
- Employ the Guest
- Systems
- Systems and Guestology
- The Wait
- Strategy
- Service or Price
- People Making the Difference
- Keeping Promises
- Tomorrow’s “Wow”
- Server-Customer Interactions
- Leading the Way through Innovation
- Types of Innovation
- Management Innovation: William C. Coup, Innovative Champion
- Restaurant Incubators
- Eco-Innovations
- Servant Leadership
- All Jobs and People Have Value
- Leaders, Employees, Guests, and the Larger Purpose
- The Leader’s Challenge: Blending It All Together—Seamlessly
Bókahillan þín er þitt svæði og þar eru bækurnar þínar geymdar. Þú kemst í bókahilluna þína hvar og hvenær sem er í tölvu eða snjalltæki. Einfalt og þægilegt!Rafbók til eignar
Rafbók til eignar þarf að hlaða niður á þau tæki sem þú vilt nota innan eins árs frá því bókin er keypt.
Þú kemst í bækurnar hvar sem er
Þú getur nálgast allar raf(skóla)bækurnar þínar á einu augabragði, hvar og hvenær sem er í bókahillunni þinni. Engin taska, enginn kyndill og ekkert vesen (hvað þá yfirvigt).
Auðvelt að fletta og leita
Þú getur flakkað milli síðna og kafla eins og þér hentar best og farið beint í ákveðna kafla úr efnisyfirlitinu. Í leitinni finnur þú orð, kafla eða síður í einum smelli.
Glósur og yfirstrikanir
Þú getur auðkennt textabrot með mismunandi litum og skrifað glósur að vild í rafbókina. Þú getur jafnvel séð glósur og yfirstrikanir hjá bekkjarsystkinum og kennara ef þeir leyfa það. Allt á einum stað.
Hvað viltu sjá? / Þú ræður hvernig síðan lítur út
Þú lagar síðuna að þínum þörfum. Stækkaðu eða minnkaðu myndir og texta með multi-level zoom til að sjá síðuna eins og þér hentar best í þínu námi.
Fleiri góðir kostir
- Þú getur prentað síður úr bókinni (innan þeirra marka sem útgefandinn setur)
- Möguleiki á tengingu við annað stafrænt og gagnvirkt efni, svo sem myndbönd eða spurningar úr efninu
- Auðvelt að afrita og líma efni/texta fyrir t.d. heimaverkefni eða ritgerðir
- Styður tækni sem hjálpar nemendum með sjón- eða heyrnarskerðingu
- Gerð : 208
- Höfundur : 14590
- Útgáfuár : 2023
- Leyfi : 380