Management International Edition

The second EMEA edition of Richard L. Daft’s popular textbook, Management, has been fully updated to ensure that new European, Middle East and African content provides students with a practical approach to key concepts and theories with regional examples to enrich their learning. A wide range of inspiring real-world features are revealed as the student is guided through and prepared for the various challenges facing a modern manager.
This title is available with MindTap, a flexible online learning solution that you can customize to suit your specific course needs, and which provides students with all the tools they need to succeed including an interactive eReader and a wide range of assignments, practice questions, scenarios, and cases to further entrench key concepts, boost confidence, develop critical thinking skills and prepare them for the workplace.
- Höfundar: Richard L. Daft, Alan Benson, Brian Henry
- Útgáfa:2
- Útgáfudagur: 2020-01-03
- Hægt að prenta út 2 bls.
- Hægt að afrita 2 bls.
- Format:Page Fidelity
- ISBN 13: 9781473770812
- Print ISBN: 9781473770799
- ISBN 10: 1473770815
- Brief Contents
- Contents
- Preface
- About the Authors
- Acknowledgements
- Part 1: Introduction to Management
- Chapter 1: Introduction to Management
- Why Innovative Management Matters
- The Definition of Management
- The Four Management Functions
- Organizational Performance
- Management Skills
- Management Types
- What Is It Like to Be a Manager?
- When Does a Manager Find the Time to Manage the Business?
- Managing in Small Businesses and Non-Profit Organizations
- State-of-the-Art Management Competences
- Discussion Questions
- Apply Your Skills: Ethical Dilemma
- Apply Your Skills: Case for Critical Analysis
- End Notes
- Chapter 2: The Evolution of Management Thinking
- Management and Organization
- Classical Perspective
- Humanistic Perspective
- Recent Historical Trends
- Innovative Management Thinking for a Changing World
- Social Media Programs
- Customer Relationship Management
- Supply Chain Management
- Discussion Questions
- Apply Your Skills: Ethical Dilemma
- Apply Your Skills: Case for Critical Analysis
- End Notes
- Part 1: Integrative Case: James Dyson and the Electric Vehicle Revolution
- Chapter 1: Introduction to Management
- Chapter 3: The Organization and Corporate Culture
- Introduction
- The External Environment
- Organization-Environment Relationship
- The Internal Environment: Corporate Culture
- Types of Culture
- Shaping Corporate Culture for Innovative Response
- Discussion Questions
- Apply Your Skills: Ethical Dilemma
- Apply Your Skills: Case for Critical Analysis
- End Notes
- Chapter 4: The Dynamics of Alternative Organizational Forms
- Organizing the Vertical Structure
- Departmentalization
- Organizing for Horizontal Coordination
- Factors Shaping Structure
- Outsourcing of Services
- Discussion Questions
- Apply Your Skills: Ethical Dilemma
- Apply Your Skills: Case for Critical Analysis
- End Notes
- Chapter 5: Managing in a Global Environment
- Are We in a Borderless World?
- Multinational Corporations
- Getting Started Internationally
- The International Business Environment
- Economic Environment
- The Legal-Political Environment
- The Sociocultural Environment
- Changing International Landscape
- International Trade Alliances
- Discussion Questions
- Apply Your Skills: Ethical Dilemma
- Apply Your Skills: Case for Critical Analysis
- End Notes
- Chapter 6: Managing Ethics and Social Corporate Governance
- What Are Managerial Ethics?
- Ethical Management Today
- Ethical Dilemmas: What Would You Do?
- Criteria for Ethical Decision-Making
- The Individual Manager and Ethical Choices
- What Is Corporate Social Responsibility?
- Evaluating Corporate Social Responsibility
- Managing Company Ethics and Social Responsibility
- The Business Case for Ethics and Social Responsibility
- Discussion Questions
- Apply Your Skills: Ethical Dilemma
- Apply Your Skills: Case for Critical Analysis
- End Notes
- Part 2: Integrative Case: Rehumanizing Poult Biscuits: Empowering Factory Workers
- Chapter 7: Managerial Planning and Goal Setting
- Goal Setting and Planning Overview
- Goal Setting in Organizations
- Operational Planning
- Benefits and Limitations of Planning
- Planning for a Turbulent Environment
- Innovative Approaches to Planning
- Discussion Questions
- Apply Your Skills: Ethical Dilemma
- Apply Your Skills: Case for Critical Analysis
- End Notes
- Chapter 8: Strategy Formulation and Execution
- Thinking Strategically
- What Is Strategic Management?
- The Strategic Management Process
- Formulating Corporate-Level Strategy
- Formulating Business-Level Strategy
- Formulating Functional-Level Strategy
- Global Strategy
- Strategy Execution
- Discussion Questions
- Apply Your Skills: Ethical Dilemma
- Apply Your Skills: Case for Critical Analysis
- End Notes
- Chapter 9: Managerial Decision-Making
- Types of Decisions and Problems
- Decision-Making Models
- Decision-Making Steps
- Personal Decision Framework
- Why Do Managers Make Poor Decisions?
- Innovative Decision-Making
- Discussion Questions
- Apply Your Skills: Ethical Dilemma
- Apply Your Skills: Case for Critical Analysis
- End Notes
- Part 3: Integrative Case: The European Commission
- Chapter 10: Managing Small Business Start-Ups
- What Is Entrepreneurship?
- Impact of Entrepreneurial Companies
- Who Are Entrepreneurs?
- Social Entrepreneurship
- Launching an Entrepreneurial Start-Up
- Managing a Growing Business
- Discussion Questions
- Apply Your Skills: Ethical Dilemma
- Apply Your Skills: Case for Critical Analysis
- End Notes
- Chapter 11: Managing Change and Innovation
- Innovation and the Changing Workplace
- Changing Things: New Products and Technologies
- Changing People and Culture
- Implementing Change
- Discussion Questions
- Apply Your Skills: Ethical Dilemma
- Apply Your Skills: Case for Critical Analysis
- End Notes
- Chapter 12: Managing Corporate Diversity
- Diversity in the Workplace
- Managing Diversity
- Factors Shaping Personal Bias
- Factors Affecting Women's Careers
- Achieving Cultural Competence
- Diversity Initiatives and Programmes
- Discussion Questions
- Apply Your Skills: Ethical Dilemma
- Apply Your Skills: Case for Critical Analysis
- End Notes
- Part 4: Integrative Case: Hermes
- Chapter 13: Leadership
- The Nature of Leadership
- Contemporary Leadership
- From Management to Leadership
- Leadership Traits
- Behavioural Approaches
- Contingency Approaches
- Charismatic and Transformational Leadership
- Followership
- Power and Influence
- Discussion Questions
- Apply Your Skills: Ethical Dilemma
- Apply Your Skills: Case for Critical Analysis
- End Notes
- Chapter 14: Managing Human Resources
- The Strategic Role of HRM
- The Influence of Globalization on HRM
- Determining and Attracting an Effective Workforce
- Rewarding and Developing an Effective Workforce
- Maintaining an Effective Workforce
- Content Perspectives on Motivation
- Process Perspectives on Motivation
- Reinforcement Perspective on Motivation
- Innovative Ideas for Motivating
- Termination
- Discussion Questions
- Apply Your Skills: Ethical Dilemma
- Apply Your Skills: Case for Critical Analysis
- End Notes
- Chapter 15: Managing Communication
- Communication Is the Manager's Overarching Role
- Communicating amongst People
- Organizational Communication
- Workplace Communication
- Discussion Questions
- Apply Your Skills: Ethical Dilemma
- Apply Your Skills: Case for Critical Analysis
- End Notes
- Chapter 16: Leading Teams
- The Value of Teams
- The Dilemma of Teams
- Model of Team Effectiveness
- Virtual Teams
- Team Characteristics
- Team Processes
- Managing Team Conflict
- Discussion Questions
- Apply Your Skills: Ethical Dilemma
- Apply Your Skills: Case for Critical Analysis
- End Notes
- Part 5: Integrative Case: South Africa's Unjani Clinics
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- Gerð : 208
- Höfundur : 18256
- Útgáfuár : 2020
- Leyfi : 380