- ÁÆT2106 Áætlanagerð
EBOOK: Management Control Systems, 2eAnnað
- Útgáfa:2
- Útgáfudagur: 2020-11-05
- Hægt að prenta út 2 bls.
- Hægt að afrita 2 bls.
- Format:ePub
- ISBN 13: 9781526848321
- Print ISBN: 9781526848314
- ISBN 10: 1526848325
- Cover
- Half Title
- Title
- Copyright
- Brief Contents
- Detailed Table of Contents
- Case grid
- Preface
- About the authors
- Acknowledgements
- Guided tour
- Road map
- Connect
- Create & Custom Publishing
- Improve your Study, Research & Writing Skills
- PART 1: Management control systems: managing organizational performance
- 1 Introduction to management control systems
- Introduction
- Top-down and bottom-up roles of management control systems
- A management control system ‘package’ – input, throughput and output controls
- Enabling and coercive management control systems
- Case 1.1: Maybach
- Case 1.2: Abrams company
- Case 1.3: Enron
- Case 1.4: Wal-Mart Stores, Inc.
- Case 1.5: Southwest Airlines Corporation
- 2 Mission, goals and strategies
- Introduction
- The shareholder view
- The stakeholder view
- Mission
- Different types of organizational goal
- Strategy
- Contingencies
- Case 2.1: Gyros: a drama in three acts
- Case 2.2: Northern Light: growing pains
- Case 2.3: Scania: a case of differentiation and low cost
- Case 2.4: BioTool: a biotech company’s innovation journey
- Case 2.5: Tesla: climate change and the future of the electric vehicle
- 3 Managers, human behaviour and organizations
- Introduction
- Models of human behaviour
- The management control systems model of human behaviour
- Case 3.1: A matter of ethics?
- Case 3.2: Do not fool yourself
- Case 3.3: Decision support systems and ethics
- Case 3.4: Cultural issues: Netflix culture
- Case 3.5: ‘In control’ at FBS Executive Education
- 1 Introduction to management control systems
- 4 Responsibility centres
- Introduction
- Responsibility centres
- Revenue centres
- Expense centres
- Profit and investment centres
- Case 4.1: BookWorm
- Case 4.2: MoreSki
- Case 4.3: BreathEZ
- Case 4.4: Responsibility structure within the Volvo Group
- Case 4.5: Grand Jean Company
- 5 Control with transfer prices and shared service centres
- Introduction
- Transfer pricing
- Transfer pricing methods
- Administration of transfer prices
- Corporate services
- Shared service centres
- Management control system challenges arising from interdependent responsibility centres
- Case 5.1: SLA contracting: the big three shared services centres (SSCs)
- Case 5.2: SLA control and reinforcement: Vodafone
- Case 5.3: Transfer pricing trouble at galeria glassworks
- Case 5.4: North Country Auto, Inc.
- Case 5.5: Transfer pricing in international firms: interaction of control and tax
- 6 Organizational structure and cross-functional integration
- Introduction
- Organizational structure
- Lean management
- Projects
- Case 6.1: Miracle on ice!
- Case 6.2: The washer
- Case 6.3: The Motorway PPP
- Case 6.4: The cross-functional integration projectc
- Case 6.5: New product development at Big Fish
- 7 Management control systems and inter-organizational relationships
- Introduction
- Increased importance of inter-organizational relationships
- Types of inter-organizational relationship
- Inter-organizational management control systems
- Case 7.1: Ramirent
- Case 7.2: Working capital management
- Case 7.3: Outsourcing Unilever
- Case 7.4: The clothing industry supply chain
- Case 7.5: J.L. Apparel Limited
- 8 Budgeting and forecasting
- Introduction
- The roles of budgeting
- The parts of the budget
- The budgeting process
- Beyond budgeting
- Case 8.1: Tight budgetary control
- Case 8.2: Rolling forecasts or budgets? New wine in old wineskins?
- Case 8.3: Budgeting at FHP Motors
- Case 8.4: Beyond budgeting in a medical company
- Case 8.5: Svenska Handelsbanken
- 9 Financial and non-financial performance measurement systems
- Introduction
- Pitfalls when using financial measures
- Pitfalls when using non-financial measures
- The balanced scorecard: an ‘enabling’ performance measurement system
- Case 9.1: MedalRain
- Case 9.2: TurnAround
- Case 9.3: Setting an appropriate target: continuous improvement or benchmarking?
- Case 9.4: Performance measurement in a cooperative: context issues and challenges
- Case 9.5: Frescent: sustainability and the balanced scorecard
- 10 Monetary incentive systems and motivation
- Introduction
- Compensation and incentives
- Agency theory and the design of incentive systems
- Self-determination theory and incentives
- Comparing the two theories
- Case 10.1: Triathlon guy and golf girl
- Case 10.2: Rome-Work
- Case 10.3: Eaglet Plc: the phone call
- Case 10.4: What is CEO talent worth?
- Case 10.5: The Pitfalls of achieving cost efficiency in the creative organization
- 11 Risk management systems
- Introduction
- Behavioural aspects of risk management
- Risk management
- Enterprise risk management frameworks
- Case 11.1: Future gains and future pains
- Case 11.2: Profit warning
- Case 11.3: Risk or challenges
- Case 11.4: Unilever and the risk of being taken over: a case on shareholder value creation . . . or lack thereof
- Case 11.5: Risks or challenges?
- 12 Control and controllership: past, present, future
- Controllers
- Roles and tasks of controllers
- Developments in controllership and management control systems
- Case 12.1: Controller involvement
- Case 12.2: Crisis management: strategic or tactical responses?
- Case 12.3: Ethical dilemmas in a controller job
- Case 12.4: Nucor corporation
- Case 12.5: Aluminum container corporation
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- Gerð : 208
- Höfundur : 16589
- Útgáfuár : 2020
- Leyfi : 380