Management Accounting for Decision Makers

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It has never been more important for businesses to operate within a framework of strategic planning and decision making. This popular introductory text teaches you how to make the best choices in managerial and other business roles. This text is aimed at undergraduate students who wish to grasp key elements of management accounting and those seeking a foundation for further study. New to this edition · Expanded discussion of relevant costs for decision making · Increased coverage of cost management in a competitive environment · Increased coverage of inventories’ management techniques · New chapter on managing risk · More activities throughout the text to enhance reader interaction and to encourage critical thinking.
Everything you need to develop your practical understanding of the key management accounting principles and techniques “Excellent, relevant, and practical management accounting edition with improved and updated real-world examples supported by self-assessment activities and review questions reflecting current changes in the management accounting field. ” – Dr McFoster Tembo (FCCA), Assistant Professor in Accounting, Coventry University “Management Accounting for Decision Makers is a benchmark of clarity and practicality.
It addresses key issues and has a wealth of examples to support and embed learning. ” – Ian Crawford, Senior Lecturer in Accounting, University of Bath Management Accounting for Decision Makers 11th edition is the ultimate introduction to the essential management accounting methods, supporting real-life decision-making. Accessible and easy to understand, this book is the ideal core text for Management Accounting modules on Undergraduate and MBA Courses.
The latest edition guides you step-by-step through making the best strategic choices in business and management roles, providing an all-important framework for effective strategic planning and decision-making. Key features of the book include: Relevant, real-life examples to help you make sense of real accounting issues, discussing companies such as Coca-Cola, Shell, BT Group, easyJet, Boohoo Group and more Many useful illustrations and activities, seamlessly woven into the text, to enable individual learning and revision or group work Expanded content on topics relevant to decision-making, including opportunity costs, contingency planning and risk heat maps, inventory control, strategic management accounting and more A new set of multiple-choice questions, added to the end of every chapter to help you revise Pair this text with MyLab® Accounting MyLab® is a teaching and learning resource that combines trusted author content with quizzes and assessments, help tools to use at point-of-need, and a flexible platform.
MyLab Accounting for this book includes over 1000 auto-graded questions and 13 animated videos on key concepts. MyLab® Accounting is not included with this title. If you would like to purchase both the physical textbook and MyLab® Accounting (which also comes with the eBook), search for: 9781292461038 Management Accounting for Decision Makers 11th edition ‘MyLab via Bundle’ which consists of: Print textbook eTextbook MyLab® Accounting Students, MyLab should only be purchased when required by an instructor.
- Höfundar: Peter Atrill, Eddie McLaney
- Útgáfa:11
- Útgáfudagur: 2024-06-19
- Hægt að prenta út 2 bls.
- Hægt að afrita 2 bls.
- Format:ePub
- ISBN 13: 9781292461021
- Print ISBN: 9781292729220
- ISBN 10: 1292461020
- Preface
- Preface
- Cover
- Title Page
- Copyright
- Preface
- Preface
- 1. Introduction to management accounting
- Introduction
- Introduction to management accounting
- Learning outcomes
- Succeeding in a competitive environment
- Succeeding in a competitive environment
- How are businesses organised?
- How are businesses organised?
- How are businesses managed?
- How are businesses managed?
- 1 Establish mission, vision and objectives
- 2 Undertake a position analysis
- 3 Identify and assess the strategic options
- 4 Select strategic options and formulate plans
- 5 Perform, review and control
- The changing business landscape
- The changing business landscape
- What is the financial objective of a business?
- What is the financial objective of a business?
- Meeting the needs of other stakeholders
- Thinking long term
- Balancing risk and return
- Balancing risk and return
- What is management accounting?
- What is management accounting?
- How useful is management accounting information?
- How useful is management accounting information?
- Management accounting principles
- Management accounting principles
- Weighing up the costs and benefits
- Weighing up the costs and benefits
- Management accounting as an information system
- Management accounting as an information system
- It’s just a phase
- It’s just a phase
- What information do managers need?
- What information do managers need?
- Reporting non-financial information
- Reporting non-financial information
- Influencing managers’ behaviour
- Influencing managers’ behaviour
- Reaping the benefits of information technology
- Reaping the benefits of information technology
- From bean counter to team member
- From bean counter to team member
- Reasons to be ethical
- Reasons to be ethical
- Management accounting and financial accounting
- Management accounting and financial accounting
- Summary
- Summary
- Key terms
- Key terms
- References
- References
- Further reading
- Further reading
- Critical review questions
- Critical review questions
- Multiple choice questions
- Multiple choice questions
- Exercises
- Exercises
- Introduction
- 2. Relevant costs and benefits for decision making
- Introduction
- Relevant costs and benefits for decision making
- Learning outcomes
- Cost–benefit analysis
- Cost–benefit analysis
- What is meant by ‘cost’?
- What is meant by ‘cost’?
- Relevant costs: opportunity and outlay costs
- Relevant costs: opportunity and outlay costs
- Opportunity costs: further issues
- Opportunity costs: further issues
- Irrelevant costs: sunk costs and committed costs
- Irrelevant costs: sunk costs and committed costs
- Sunk cost fallacy
- Sunk cost fallacy
- Determining the relevant cost of labour and materials
- Determining the relevant cost of labour and materials
- Labour
- Materials
- Non-measurable costs and benefits
- Non-measurable costs and benefits
- Summary
- Summary
- Key terms
- Key terms
- Further reading
- Further reading
- Critical review questions
- Critical review questions
- Multiple choice questions
- Multiple choice questions
- Exercises
- Exercises
- Introduction
- 3. Cost–volume–profit analysis
- Introduction
- Cost–volume–profit analysis
- Learning outcomes
- Cost behaviour
- Cost behaviour
- Fixed cost
- Fixed cost
- Variable cost
- Variable cost
- Semi-fixed (semi-variable) cost
- Semi-fixed (semi-variable) cost
- Analysing semi-fixed (semi-variable) costs
- Finding the break-even point
- Finding the break-even point
- Contribution
- Contribution
- Contribution margin ratio
- Margin of safety
- Margin of safety
- Achieving a target profit
- Achieving a target profit
- Operating gearing and its effect on profit
- Operating gearing and its effect on profit
- Profit–volume charts
- Profit–volume charts
- The economist’s view of the break-even chart
- The economist’s view of the break-even chart
- The struggle to break even
- The struggle to break even
- Weaknesses of break-even analysis
- Weaknesses of break-even analysis
- Using contribution to make decisions: marginal analysis
- Using contribution to make decisions: marginal analysis
- Pricing/assessing opportunities to enter contracts
- The most efficient use of scarce resources
- Make-or-buy decisions
- Are there hidden costs?
- Closing or continuation decisions
- Summary
- Summary
- Key terms
- Key terms
- Further reading
- Further reading
- Critical review questions
- Critical review questions
- Multiple choice questions
- Multiple choice questions
- Exercises
- Exercises
- Introduction
- 4. Full costing
- Introduction
- Full costing
- Learning outcomes
- What is full costing?
- What is full costing?
- Why do managers want to know the full cost?
- Why do managers want to know the full cost?
- Single-product businesses
- Single-product businesses
- Process-costing problems
- Multi-product businesses
- Multi-product businesses
- Direct and indirect cost
- Job costing
- Full costing and cost behaviour
- The problem of indirect cost
- Overheads as service renderers
- Overheads as service renderers
- Job costing: a worked example
- Job costing: a worked example-continued
- Selecting a basis for charging overheads
- Selecting a basis for charging overheads-continued
- Segmenting the overheads
- Dealing with overheads on a cost centre basis
- Dealing with overheads on a cost centre basis-continued
- Dealing with overheads on a cost centre basis-continued
- Should we allocate overhead costs?
- Batch costing
- Non-manufacturing overheads
- Full (absorption) costing and estimation errors
- Full (absorption) costing and relevant costs
- Full (absorption) costing versus variable costing
- Full (absorption) costing versus variable costing
- Which method is better?
- Summary
- Summary
- Key terms
- Key terms
- Reference
- Reference
- Further reading
- Further reading
- Critical review questions
- Critical review questions
- Multiple choice questions
- Multiple choice questions
- Exercises
- Exercises
- Split from Exercises
- Introduction
- 5. Costing and cost management in a competitive environment
- Introduction
- Costing and cost management in a competitive environment
- Learning outcomes
- Cost determination in the changed business environment
- Costing and pricing: the traditional way
- Costing and pricing: the new environment
- Cost management systems
- Cost management systems
- The problem of overheads
- Taking a closer look
- Activity-based costing
- Activity-based costing
- Assigning overheads
- Identifying cost drivers
- ABC and the traditional approach compared
- ABC and service industries
- Evaluating benefits and costs
- ABC in practice
- Managing costs over the product life cycle
- Managing costs over the product life cycle
- Total life-cycle costing
- Minimising product total life cycle costs
- Target costing
- Target costing
- Target costing and service businesses
- Evaluating benefits and costs
- Kaizen costing
- Kaizen costing
- The Kaizen philosophy
- Evaluating benefits and costs
- Other approaches to managing costs in the modern environment
- Value chain analysis
- Benchmarking
- Finding a suitable benchmark
- Total quality management
- Managing quality costs
- An alternative view
- Summary
- Summary
- Key terms
- Key terms
- Reference
- Reference
- Further reading
- Further reading
- Critical review questions
- Critical review questions
- Multiple choice questions
- Multiple choice questions
- Exercises
- Exercises
- Introduction
- 6. Budgeting
- Introduction
- Budgeting
- Learning outcomes
- How budgets link with strategic plans and objectives
- How budgets link with strategic plans and objectives
- Exercising control
- The role of managers
- Time horizon of plans and budgets
- Time horizon of plans and budgets
- Budgets and forecasts
- Budgets and forecasts
- Periodic and continual budgets
- Periodic and continual budgets
- Limiting factors
- Limiting factors
- How budgets link to one another
- How budgets link to one another
- How budgets help managers
- How budgets help managers
- The budget-setting process
- The budget-setting process
- Revising budgets
- Using budgets in practice
- Using budgets in practice
- Incremental budgeting
- Incremental budgeting
- Zero-base budgeting
- Zero-base budgeting
- Evaluating benefits and costs
- ZBB in practice
- Preparing budgets
- Preparing budgets
- The cash budget
- Preparing other budgets
- Activity-based budgeting
- Activity-based budgeting
- Evaluating benefits and costs
- Non-financial measures in budgeting
- Non-financial measures in budgeting
- Budgets and management behaviour
- Budgets and management behaviour
- Problems with budgets
- Problems with budgets
- Beyond conventional budgeting
- Beyond conventional budgeting
- The future of budgeting
- The future of budgeting
- The increasing role of IT
- Summary
- Summary
- Key terms
- Key terms
- References
- References
- Further reading
- Further reading
- Critical review questions
- Critical review questions
- Multiple choice questions
- Multiple choice questions
- Exercises
- Exercises
- Introduction
- 7. Accounting for control
- Introduction
- Accounting for control
- Learning outcomes
- Budgeting for control
- Budgeting for control
- Budgetary control and management by exception
- Budgetary control and management by exception
- Feedback and feedforward control
- Feedback and feedforward control
- Variances from budget
- Variances from budget
- Flexing the budget
- Sales volume variance
- Sales price variance
- Materials variances
- Labour variances
- Fixed overhead variance
- Reconciling the budgeted profit with the actual profit
- Reconciling the budgeted profit with the actual profit
- Reasons for adverse variances
- Reasons for adverse variances
- Variance analysis in service industries
- Variance analysis in service industries
- Non-operating-profit variances
- Non-operating-profit variances
- Investigating variances
- Investigating variances
- Variance analysis in practice
- Variance analysis in practice
- Compensating variances
- Compensating variances
- Standard quantities and costs
- Standard quantities and costs
- Setting standards
- Setting standards
- Who sets the standards?
- How is information gathered?
- What kind of standards should be used?
- The learning-curve effect
- The learning-curve effect
- Other uses for standard costing
- Other uses for standard costing
- Some problems
- Some problems
- The new business environment
- The new business environment
- Making budgetary control effective
- Making budgetary control effective
- Behavioural issues
- Behavioural issues
- Failing to meet the budget
- Types of management control
- Direct control
- Indirect control
- Summary
- Summary
- Key terms
- Key terms
- Reference
- Reference
- Further reading
- Further reading
- Critical review questions
- Critical review questions
- Multiple choice questions
- Multiple choice questions
- Exercises
- Exercises
- Introduction
- 8. Making capital investment decisions
- Introduction
- Making capital investment decisions
- Learning outcomes
- The nature of investment decisions
- The nature of investment decisions
- Investment appraisal methods
- Investment appraisal methods
- Accounting rate of return (ARR)
- Accounting rate of return (ARR)
- ARR and ROCE
- Problems with ARR
- Payback period (PP)
- Payback period (PP)
- Problems with PP
- Net present value (NPV)
- Net present value (NPV)
- Why does time matter?
- Interest lost
- Risk
- Inflation
- What should managers do?
- Dealing with the time value of money
- Calculating the net present value
- Using present value tables
- The discount rate and the cost of capital
- Why NPV is better
- Why NPV is better
- NPV and economic value
- Internal rate of return (IRR)
- Internal rate of return (IRR)
- Problems with IRR
- Some practical points
- Some practical points
- Investment appraisal in practice
- Investment appraisal in practice
- Investment appraisal and strategic planning
- Investment appraisal and strategic planning
- Managing investment projects
- Managing investment projects
- Summary
- Summary
- Key terms
- Key terms
- Reference
- Reference
- Further reading
- Further reading
- Critical review questions
- Critical review questions
- Multiple choice questions
- Multiple choice questions
- Exercises
- Exercises
- Introduction
- 9. Managing risk
- Introduction
- Managing risk
- learning Outcomes
- Dealing with risk
- Dealing with risk
- Assessing the level of risk
- Sensitivity analysis
- Strengths and weaknesses of sensitivity analysis
- Scenario analysis
- Contingency planning
- Expected values
- Reacting to the level of risk
- Risk heat maps
- Risk heat maps
- Summary
- Summary
- Key terms
- Key terms
- Further reading
- Further reading
- Critical review questions
- Critical review questions
- Multiple choice questions
- Multiple choice questions
- Exercises
- Exercises
- Introduction
- 10. Strategic management accounting: performance evaluation and pricing in a competitive environment
- Introduction
- Strategic management accounting: performance evaluation and pricing in a competitive environment
- Learning outcomes
- What is strategic management accounting?
- What is strategic management accounting?
- Facing outwards
- Facing outwards
- Competitor analysis
- Customer profitability analysis
- Competitive advantage through cost leadership
- Competitive advantage through cost leadership
- Non-financial measures of performance
- Non-financial measures of performance
- Using measures as targets
- Using measures as targets
- The balanced scorecard
- Strategic mapping
- Measuring shareholder value
- Measuring shareholder value
- The quest for shareholder value
- How can shareholder value be created?
- The need for new measures
- Economic value added (EVA®)
- Just another fad?
- Just another fad?
- Pricing
- Pricing
- Economic theory
- Some practical considerations
- Full cost (cost-plus) pricing
- Pricing on the basis of marginal cost
- Target pricing
- Pricing strategies
- Summary
- Summary
- Key terms
- Key terms
- References
- References
- Further reading
- Further reading
- Critical review questions
- Critical review questions
- Multiple choice questions
- Multiple choice questions
- Exercises
- Exercises
- Introduction
- 11. Measuring divisional performance
- Introduction
- Measuring divisional performance
- Learning outcomes
- Divisionalisation
- Why do businesses divisionalise?
- Devolving decisions
- Divisional structures
- Is divisionalisation a good idea?
- Measuring divisional profit
- Measuring divisional profit
- Contribution
- Controllable profit
- Divisional profit before common expenses
- Divisional profit for the period
- Divisional performance measures
- Divisional performance measures
- Return on investment (ROI)
- Residual income (RI)
- Looking to the longer term
- Comparing performance
- EVA® revisited
- EVA® revisited
- Transfer pricing
- Transfer pricing
- The objectives of transfer pricing
- Transfer pricing and tax mitigation
- Transfer pricing policies
- Market prices
- Variable cost
- Full cost
- Negotiated prices
- Divisions with mixed sales
- Differential transfer prices
- Transfer pricing and service industries
- Non-financial measures of performance
- Non-financial measures of performance
- What is measured?
- Choosing non-financial measures
- Who should report?
- Summary
- Summary
- Key terms
- Key terms
- Further reading
- Further reading
- Critical review questions
- Critical review questions
- Multiple choice questions
- Multiple choice questions
- Exercises
- Exercises
- Introduction
- 12. Managing working capital
- Introduction
- Managing working capital
- Learning outcomes
- What is working capital?
- What is working capital?
- Managing working capital
- Managing working capital
- The scale of working capital
- The scale of working capital
- Managing inventories
- Managing inventories
- Budgeting future demand
- Financial ratios
- Recording and reordering systems
- Levels of control
- Inventories management models
- XYZ inventories management
- Managing trade receivables
- Managing trade receivables
- Which customers should receive credit and how much should they be offered?
- Length of credit period
- An alternative approach to evaluating the credit decision
- Cash discounts
- Debt factoring and invoice discounting
- Credit insurance
- Collection policies
- Reducing the risk of non-payment
- Managing cash
- Why hold cash?
- How much cash should be held?
- Controlling the cash balance
- Cash budgets and managing cash
- Operating cash cycle
- Bank overdrafts
- Managing trade payables
- Managing trade payables
- Taking advantage of cash discounts
- Controlling trade payables
- Managing working capital
- Summary
- Summary
- Key terms
- Key terms
- Further reading
- Further reading
- Critical review questions
- Critical review questions
- Multiple choice questions
- Multiple choice questions
- Exercises
- Exercises
- Introduction
- Appendix A Solutions to self-assessment questions
- Appendix A Solutions to self-assessment questions
- Appendix B Solutions to critical review questions
- Appendix B Solutions to critical review questions
- Appendix C Solutions to multiple choice questions
- Appendix C Solutions to multiple choice questions
- Appendix D Solutions to selected exercises
- Appendix D
- Chapter 6 Appendix D
- Chapter 7 and 8 Appendix D
- Chapter 9 Appendix D
- Chapter 10-11 Appendix D
- Chapter 12 Appendix D
- Appendix D
- Appendix E
- Present value table
- Footnotes
- Glossary
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- Höfundur : 6194
- Útgáfuár : 2021
- Leyfi : 380