Management, Global Edition
- VSK0176110 Vinnu- og skipulagssálfræði
- STJ2106110 Stjórnun I
Ensk lýsing:
For undergraduate Principles of Management courses. REAL managers, REAL experiences With a renewed focus on skills and careers, the new edition of this bestselling text can help better prepare your students to enter the job market. Management, 14th Edition, Global Edition, vividly illustrates effective management theories by incorporating the perspectives of real-life managers.
Management vividly illustrates effective management theories by incorporating the perspectives of real-life managers. Through examples, cases and hands-on exercises, you get to experience management in “action” and see how the concepts you’re reading about work in today’s dynamic business world. Featuring new co-authorship from Dr. Lori Long, the 16th Edition continues to address the evolving workplace.
- Höfundar: Stephen P. Robbins, Mary A. Coulter
- Útgáfa:16
- Útgáfudagur: 2024-12-02
- Hægt að prenta út 2 bls.
- Hægt að afrita 2 bls.
- Format:ePub
- ISBN 13: 9781292462677
- Print ISBN: 9781292462691
- ISBN 10: 1292462671
- Cover
- Cover
- Front Matter
- Title
- Section 1: Copyright
- Section 2: Dedication
- Section 3: Preface
- Section 4: About the Authors
- 1: Managers and You in the Workplace (PART 1: INTRODUCTION TO MANAGEMENT)
- Introduction: Managers and You in the Workplace
- 1.1: Who Are Managers, and Where Do They Work?
- 1.2: Why Are Managers Important?
- 1.3: Management Versus Managers
- 1.4: Managerial Challenges Today and into the Future
- 1.5: What Careers Are in Management?
- 1.6: Why Study Management?
- Summary and Assignments: Managers and You in the Workplace
- 2: The Evolution of Management
- Introduction: The Evolution of Management
- 2.1: Early Management
- 2.2: Classical Approaches
- 2.3: Social-Person Approaches
- 2.4: Quantitative Approach
- 2.5: Systems and Contingency Approaches
- 2.6: Recent History
- Summary and Assignments: The Evolution of Management
- 3: Making Decisions
- Introduction: Making Decisions
- 3.1: The Decision-Making Process
- 3.2: Approaches to Decision Making
- 3.3: Types of Decisions
- 3.4: Decision-Making Biases and Errors
- 3.5: Using Technology to Improve Decision Making
- Summary and Assignments: Making Decisions
- PART 1 Management Practice
- Continuing Case: Starbucks
- Practice Your Data Analysis Skills
- 4: Influence of the External Environment and the Organization's Culture (PART 2: BASICS OF MANAGING IN TODAY'S WORKPLACE)
- Introduction: Influence of the External Environment and the Organization's Culture
- 4.1: The Manager: Omnipotent or Symbolic?
- 4.2: The External Environment: Constraints and Challenges
- 4.3: Organizational Culture: Guiding Employee Behavior
- Summary and Assignments: Influence of the External Environment and the Organization's Culture
- 5: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
- Introduction: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
- 5.1: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in the Workplace
- 5.2: The Changing Workplace
- 5.3: Types of Workplace Diversity
- 5.4: Challenges in Managing Diversity
- 5.5: Workplace Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Initiatives
- Summary and Assignments: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
- 6: Managing in a Global Environment
- Introduction: Managing in a Global Environment
- 6.1: Clarifying Terminology
- 6.2: A Brief History of Globalization
- 6.3: The Case for and Against Globalization
- 6.4: Different Types of International Organizations
- 6.5: How Organizations Go International
- 6.6: Managing in a Global Environment
- Summary and Assignments: Managing in a Global Environment
- 7: Managing Social Responsibility and Ethics
- Introduction: Managing Social Responsibility and Ethics
- 7.1: What Is Social Responsibility?
- 7.2: Green Management and Environmental Sustainability
- 7.3: Reporting Social Responsibility and Sustainability
- 7.4: Managers and Ethical Behavior
- 7.5: Encouraging Ethical Behavior
- Summary and Assignments: Managing Social Responsibility and Ethics
- PART 2 Management Practice
- Continuing Case: Starbucks
- Practice Your Data Analysis Skills
- 8: Foundations of Planning (PART 3: PLANNING)
- Introduction: Foundations of Planning
- 8.1: The What and Why of Planning
- 8.2: Types of Plans
- 8.3: Contingency Factors in Planning
- 8.4: Objectives: The Foundation of Planning
- 8.5: Contemporary Issues in Planning
- Summary and Assignments: Foundations of Planning
- 9: Managing Strategy
- Introduction: Managing Strategy
- 9.1: What Is Strategic Management, and Why Is It Important?
- 9.2: The Strategic Management Process
- 9.3: Corporate Strategies
- 9.4: Competitive Strategies
- Summary and Assignments: Managing Strategy
- 9B: Entrepreneurial Ventures Module
- Introduction: Entrepreneurial Ventures Module
- 9B.1: The Context of Entrepreneurship
- 9B.2: Start-Up and Planning Issues
- 9B.3: Organizing Issues
- 9B.4: Leading Issues
- 9B.5: Control Issues
- Summary and Assignments: Entrepreneurial Ventures Module
- PART 3 Management Practice
- Continuing Case: Starbucks
- Practice Your Data Analysis Skills
- 10: Designing Organizational Structure (PART 4: ORGANIZING)
- Introduction: Designing Organizational Structure
- 10.1: Six Elements of Organizational Design
- 10.2: Mechanistic and Organic Structures
- 10.3: Contingency Factors Affecting Structural Choice
- 10.4: Traditional Organizational Design Options
- 10.5: Organizing for Flexibility in the Twenty-First Century
- 10.6: Offering Flexibility for Today's Workforce
- Summary and Assignments: Designing Organizational Structure
- 11: Managing Human Resources
- Introduction: Managing Human Resources
- 11.1: Why Managing Human Resources Is Important
- 11.2: External Factors That Affect the Human Resource Management Process
- 11.3: Identifying and Selecting Competent Employees
- 11.4: Training and Developing Employees
- 11.5: Retaining Competent, High-Performing Employees
- Summary and Assignments: Managing Human Resources
- 12: Managing Change and Innovation
- Introduction: Managing Change and Innovation
- 12.1: The Case for Change
- 12.2: The Change Process
- 12.3: Areas of Change
- 12.4: Managing Change
- 12.5: Exploring Innovation
- 12.6: Driving Innovation
- Summary and Assignments: Managing Change and Innovation
- PART 4 Management Practice
- Continuing Case: Starbucks
- Practice Your Data Analysis Skills
- 13: Understanding and Managing Individual Behavior (PART 5: LEADING)
- Introduction: Understanding and Managing Individual Behavior
- 13.1: Focus and Goals of Organizational Behavior
- 13.2: Attitudes and Job Performance
- 13.3: Personality
- 13.4: Perception
- 13.5: Learning
- Summary and Assignments: Managing Change and Innovation
- 14: Motivating Employees
- Introduction: Motivating Employees
- 14.1: What Is Motivation?
- 14.2: Early Theories of Motivation
- 14.3: Contemporary Theories of Motivation
- 14.4: Current Issues in Motivation
- Summary and Assignments: Managing Change and Innovation
- 15: Managing Groups and Teams
- Introduction: Managing Groups and Teams
- 15.1: Groups and Group Development
- 15.2: Work Group Performance and Satisfaction
- 15.3: Turning Groups into Effective Teams
- Summary and Assignments: Managing Groups and Teams
- 16: Being an Effective Leader
- Introduction: Being an Effective Leader
- 16.1: Who Are Leaders, and What Is Leadership?
- 16.2: Early Leadership Theories
- 16.3: Contingency Theories of Leadership
- 16.4: Contemporary Views of Leadership
- 16.5: Integrating Theories of Leadership
- 16.6: Leadership Issues in the 21st Century
- Summary and Assignments: Being an Effective Leader
- 17: Managing Communication
- Introduction: Managing Communication
- 17.1: Understanding Communication
- 17.2: The Communication Process
- 17.3: Effective Organizational Communication
- 17.4: Communication and Technology
- 17.5: Becoming a Better Communicator
- Summary and Assignments: Managing Communication
- PART 5 Management Practice
- Continuing Case: Starbucks
- Practice Your Data Analysis Skills
- 18: Management Control (PART 6: CONTROLLING)
- Introduction: Management Control
- 18.1: What Is Controlling, and Why Is It Important?
- 18.2: The Control Process
- 18.3: Controlling for Organizational and Employee Performance
- 18.4: Tools for Measuring Organizational Performance
- 18.5: Contemporary Issues in Control
- Summary and Assignments: Management Control
- 18B: Planning and Control Techniques Module
- Introduction: Planning and Control Techniques Module
- 18B.1: Techniques for Assessing the Environment
- 18B.2: Techniques for Allocating Resources
- 18B.3: Project Management
- Summary and Assignments: Planning and Control Techniques Module
- 18C: Managing Operations Module
- Introduction: Managing Operations Module
- 18C.1: The Role of Operations Management
- 18C.2: Value Chain Management
- 18C.3: Current Issues in Managing Operations
- Summary and Assignments: Managing Operations Module
- PART 6 Management Practice
- Continuing Case: Starbucks
- Practice Your Data Analysis Skills
- Glossary
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- Gerð : 208
- Höfundur : 5912
- Útgáfuár : 2024
- Leyfi : 380