Lubkin's Chronic Illness: Impact and Intervention
Námskeið LSL0105200 Langvinn veikindi, sjúkdómar og lífsglíman LSL0110200 Langvinn veikindi, sjúkdómar og lífsglíman - Höfundur: Pamala D. Larsen
6.290 kr.

- LSL0105200 Langvinn veikindi, sjúkdómar og lífsglíman
- LSL0110200 Langvinn veikindi, sjúkdómar og lífsglíman
- Höfundur: Pamala D. Larsen
- Útgáfa:11
- Útgáfudagur: 2021-10-29
- Hægt að prenta út 30 bls.
- Hægt að afrita 10 bls.
- Format:ePub
- ISBN 13: 9781284251623
- Print ISBN: 9781284230642
- ISBN 10: 1284251624
- Cover
- Title Page
- Copyright Page
- Dedication Page
- Brief Contents
- Contents
- Preface
- Contributors
- Chapter 1 The Illness Experience
- Introduction
- The Lived Experience
- Illness Perceptions
- Illness Perceptions of Patients and Their Partners
- Illness Perceptions of Patients and Physicians
- Illness Behavior
- Definitions of Illness Behavior
- Influences to Illness Behavior
- The Legitimization of Chronic Illness
- Illness Perceptions/Behavior and Chronic Disease
- Cardiovascular Disease
- Cancer
- Chronic Somatic Disease
- Professional Responses to Illness Behavior
- Interventions
- Social Media
- Mindful Presence
- Research
- Outcomes
- References
- Chapter 2 Social Isolation
- Introduction
- The Nature of Social Isolation
- Social Isolation Defined
- Social Isolation Versus Similar States of Human Apartness
- Social Isolation Versus Aloneness
- Social Isolation Versus Loneliness
- Social Isolation Versus Solitude
- Social Isolation and Chronic Illness
- From Ambiguity to Clarity: The Evolution of Social Isolation
- Typology of Social Isolation
- Social Isolation and Older Adults
- Functional Disability and Independence
- Risk Factors and Predictors of Social Isolation
- Physical Factors
- Psychological Factors
- Economic Factors
- Work/Family Changes
- Environmental Factors
- Demographic Factors
- Negative Outcomes of Social Isolation
- Physical Outcomes
- Psychological Outcomes
- Social Outcomes
- Identifying Social Isolation
- The Social Isolation Scale
- Social Components of Social Isolation
- Interventions
- Self-Management of Chronic Illness
- Respite for Caregivers
- Technology
- Social Isolation in the World of COVID-19
- Future Trajectory
- References
- Introduction
- Defining Quality of Life
- Defining Health-Related Quality of Life
- HRQOL Theoretical Frameworks and Models
- Measuring Health-Related Quality of Life
- Health-Related Quality of Life in the Context of Chronic Illness
- Interventions
- HRQOL Guidelines in Chronic Illness
- Evidence-Based HRQOL Interventions
- Interventions in Chronic Physical Illness
- Interventions in Chronic Mental Illness
- Technology Interventions and Health-Related Quality of Life
- Outcomes
- References
- Introduction
- The Phenomenon of Powerlessness in Chronic Illness
- The Paradox of Powerlessness in Chronic Illness
- Theoretical Perspectives of Powerlessness and Power
- Self-Determination Theory
- Determinants of Health and Social Determinants of Health
- Loss
- Uncertainty
- Chronic Illness Management
- Lack of Knowledge and Health Literacy
- Dignity
- Dignity, Rights, and Health
- Vulnerability
- Vulnerability Implies Susceptibility
- Marginalization
- Stigma
- Culture
- Healthcare System
- Empowerment
- Health Coaching and Care Transition
- Collaboration
- Self-Management
- Control
- Self-Determination
- Cultural/Linguistic Competence and Cultural Humility
- Knowledge
- Health Navigation
- Advocacy
- Motivational Interviewing
- Decision Making
- Anticipatory Guidance
- Introduction
- The Lived Experience of Intimacy and Chronic Illness
- Chronic Somatic Disease
- Stroke
- Cancer
- Influences on Intimacy
- Communication with Healthcare Professionals
- Interventions
- Outcomes
- References
- Introduction
- Coping and Psychosocial Adjustment
- Factors Affecting Coping
- Coping Models
- Stress and Coping Theory
- Coping and the Stress and Coping Theory
- Common-Sense Model of Self-Regulation
- Coping and the CSM
- Stress and Coping Theory
- Dyadic Coping
- Communal Coping
- Instruments to Measure Coping
- Introduction
- Self-Management of Chronic Illness
- Definitions of Self-Care, Self-Management, and Disease Management
- Supported Self-Management
- The Environment of Self-Management
- Policy Incentives for Self-Management of Chronic Disease
- Middle-Range Theories of Self-Management
- The Meaning of Self-Management
- A Balancing Act
- Home and On-the-Go Resources for Self-Management
- Self-Determination and Shifting Identities
- Self-Realization as Self-Transformation
- Nursing Interventions
- Coaching as a Technique to Enhance Self-Management and Family Management
- Medication Self-Management
- A Model of eHealth Medication Self-Management
- Advanced Practice Nurse–Led Group Visits
- Ethical Considerations in Self-Management
- Outcomes
- Condition Outcomes
- Individual Outcomes
- Family Outcomes
- Environmental Outcomes
- Proximal Versus Distal Outcomes
- Client-Reported Outcome Measures
- National Study of Chronic Disease Self-Management
- Summary
- References
- Introduction
- Spirituality and Health
- Historical Perspectives of Spirituality in Chronic Illness
- Definitions
- Spirituality in Nursing Theories
- Impact: Spirituality and Chronic Illness
- Well-Being
- Dementia
- Human Immunodeficiency Virus/Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome
- Heart Disease/Heart Failure
- Depression
- Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
- Interventions
- Spiritual Assessment
- Spiritual Nursing Interventions
- Spiritual Measures and Tools
- Nursing Education in Spiritual Care
- Outcomes
- References
- Introduction
- The Teaching–Learning Process
- Significance of Client and Family Teaching to Practice and Healthcare Costs
- Major Learning Considerations of Children, Young and Middle-Age Adults, and Older Adults
- Health Literacy
- Evaluating the Quality of Research to Guide Educational Interventions
- Teaching Patients How to Evaluate Health Websites
- Client Education Using Social Media and Telehealth
- Assessment of the Learner
- Influences on Teaching and Learning
- Family Structure and Function
- Culture
- Gender and Learning Styles
- Readiness to Learn, Self-Efficacy, and Readiness to Change
- Developmental Stage
- System Factors That Influence the Teaching and Learning Process
- Educational Interventions for the Client and Family
- Development of the Teaching Plan
- Teaching Strategies
- Learning Curve
- Evaluation
- Example of a Teaching Plan
- Development of the Teaching Plan
- Introduction
- Research Trends
- Implications for Healthcare Professionals
- Evolution of Social Support
- Social Support Defined
- Key Concepts of Social Support
- Structural Social Support
- Functional Social Support
- Typology of Social Support
- Social Capital
- Incidence and Prevalence of Social Support
- Risk Factors for Social Support
- Sociodemographics
- Quantity and Quality of Social Support
- Chronic Illness
- Aging
- Health Behaviors
- Social Support and Healthcare Utilization
- Negative Health Outcomes
- Instruments to Measure Social Support
- Interventions
- Peer Support Interventions
- Family Support Interventions
- Group Support Interventions
- Technology
- Online Social Networking Sites
- E-Health Interventions
- Healthcare Professionals
- Conclusion
- References
- Introduction
- Goals for Healthy People 2030
- Adherence and Chronic Illness
- The Adherence Label
- Prevalence
- Components of Adherence
- Factors Contributing to Adherence Behavior
- Individual Characteristics
- Patient–Provider Interactions
- Ethics and Adherence Behavior
- Theoretical Underpinnings of Adherence Behavior
- Health Belief Model
- Health Promotion Model
- Common-Sense Model of Self-Regulation
- The Theory of Reasoned Action and the Theory of Planned Behavior
- Cognitive Social Learning Theory
- Transtheoretical Model of Change (Stages of Change)
- Ecologic Perspective
- Measuring Adherence Behaviors
- Indirect Measures
- Direct Measures
- Education and Coaching
- Behavioral Strategies to Enhance Adherence
- Tailoring
- Simplifying the Regimen
- Providing Reminders
- Ethnocultural Interventions
- Introduction
- Defining Terms
- Culture
- National CLAS Standards
- Racial and Ethnicity Classification
- Defining Terms
- Impact of Culture on Health Outcomes
- Social Determinants of Health
- Racism in Health Care
- Health Disparities
- Race and Ethnicity
- Sexual and Gender Minorities
- Nursing Theoretical Models
- Giger and Davidhizar’s Transcultural Assessment Model
- Purnell Model for Cultural Competence
- Leininger’s Culture Care Diversity and Universality Theory
- Cultural Humility
- Cultural Awareness and Sensitivity
- Cultural Competence
- Education to Increase Knowledge of Culturally Competent Care
- Introduction
- Current Family Caregiving
- Context of Caregiving
- Caregiving and Family Systems
- The Heterogeneity of Caregiving
- Types of Care Provided by Family Caregivers
- Caregiving Trajectory
- Family Relationships and Shifting Roles
- The Future of Caregiving
- Current Family Caregiving
- Challenges and Concerns
- Effects of Caregiving
- Strain or Burden
- Compassion Fatigue
- Grief, Bereavement, and Ambiguous Loss
- Social Isolation and Loneliness
- Elder Abuse and Neglect
- Positive Aspects of Caregiving
- Spirituality and Caregiving
- Financial Impact of Caregiving
- Employment
- Caregiver Assessment
- Planning the Care
- Family-Centered Care and Family-Integrated Care
- Effects of Caregiving
- Interventions
- The Interface of Informal and Formal Caregiving Networks
- Providing Support and Building Skills
- Emerging Technologies and Caregiving Support
- Telehealth and Virtual Visits
- Internet-Based Resources
- Mobile Health and Smart Device Applications
- COVID-19 and Technology Advancement
- Programs, Services, and Resources for Family Caregivers
- Respite Programs and Services
- Adult Day Services
- Family-Centered Interventions
- Faith-Based Support
- Evidence-Based Practice
- The Influence of Public Policy on Family Caregiving
- Increasing Awareness and Advocacy to Address Caregiver Needs
- Outcomes
- Care Recipient, Caregiver, and Caregiving System Outcomes
- Quality of Life
- Family Stress and Coping
- Social Functioning
- Societal Outcomes
- Transitioning from Care at Home to Residential Care
- Care Recipient, Caregiver, and Caregiving System Outcomes
- References
- Introduction
- Historical Perspectives
- Impact
- Disease Management Versus Illness Management
- Integrating Care
- Chronic Care Model
- Patient-Centered Medical Home: Comprehensive Primary Care
- Collaborative Care
- Integrating Social Care Needs into Health Care
- Home- and Community-Based Medicare–Medicaid Waiver Programs
- Program of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly
- Transitional Care
- Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute
- Community Paramedicine Programs
- Population- and Community-Based Models for Disease Prevention and Self-Management
- Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services Innovation Models
- Integration of Technology in Chronic Disease Management Programs
- Telehealth and the VA
- Emerging Evidence in Technology in Health Care
- Health Information Exchange Networks
- COVID-19 and Telehealth
- Common Themes in Emerging Models
- Person-Centered or Family-Integrated Care?
- Introduction
- History and Definition
- Comprehensive Medicine and Primary Physicians
- Roots of Nursing in Primary Care
- Current State of Primary Care
- Definition and Core Attributes
- Primary Care Clinicians and Practices
- Impact of Primary Care on Chronic Illness
- Access to Primary Care
- Financial Barriers
- Structural Barriers
- Personal and Cultural Barriers
- The Triple Aim and Equity
- Triple Aim
- Other Aims
- Equity
- Access to Primary Care
- Registered Nurses
- Team RNs
- RN Care Coordinators
- Outcomes
- 2016 Josiah Macy Conference on Preparing RNs for Enhanced Roles in Primary Care
- Advanced Practice Registered Nurses
- Nurse/APRN-Led Models of Care
- Other Models
- Team-Based Models
- Patient-Centered Medical Homes
- Chronic Care Model
- Integrated Care Models
- Focus of Models
- Setting of Models
- Outcomes/Evidence
- Processes of Care
- Patient Health Outcomes
- Healthcare Utilization
- Cost-Effectiveness
- Patient/Family Satisfaction and Engagement
- Other Outcomes
- Models for Chronic Illness Care
- Implementation of Models
- Future/Next Steps
- Introduction
- Definitions: Public Health, Population Health, Community Health
- Theoretical Models
- An Ecological Model of Care
- Community-Based Models of Care Delivery for People with Serious Illness
- Competencies in Community Health Nursing
- Health Promotion Interventions
- Promoting the Nation’s Health
- Promoting Health Through Nursing Care
- Levels of Health Promotion
- Community Health Nursing-Led Interventions Addressing Chronic Illness
- Health Education Interventions
- Case Management
- Collaboration
- Digital Health
- Introduction
- Definitions
- Long-Term Care
- Rehabilitation
- Restorative Care
- Vocational Rehabilitation
- Historical Perspectives: Long-Term Care
- Historical Perspectives: Rehabilitation
- Definitions
- The Continuum of Post-Acute Care: Services and Settings
- Long-Term Care Hospitals
- Hospitals and Freestanding Rehabilitation Facilities
- Subacute Care/Transitional Care Units
- Community-Based Care
- Geriatric Care Management
- Adult Day Services
- Program of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly
- Retirement Communities
- Residential LTC Settings
- Group Homes
- Assisted-Living Facilities
- Green House Model
- Skilled Nursing Facilities or Nursing Homes
- Challenges and Issues in Post-Acute Care
- Provision of Care
- Organization of Services in LTC
- Care Transitions and Discharge Planning
- Admission and Assessment in the LTC Setting
- Admission and Assessment in the Rehabilitation Setting
- International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health (ICF)
- Funding
- Medicare
- Medicaid
- Long-Term Care Insurance
- Worker’s Compensation
- Private Insurance
- Social Security Disability Income
- Disability Benefits for Veterans
- Vocational Rehabilitation
- Staffing and Standards
- Long-Term Care Standards
- Rehabilitation
- Inequities Among Disabled Americans
- Stigma of Disability
- Americans with Disabilities Act
- Ethical Issues in Post-Acute Care
- Client Autonomy Versus Dependence
- Mental Health Issues
- End-of-Life Decision Making
- Abuse and Neglect of Vulnerable Adults
- Ethical Dilemmas
- Provision of Care
- Preservation of Autonomy of the Person
- Autonomy
- Guardianship
- Advocacy: The Role of the Ombudsman
- Interprofessional Care
- Team Approach
- Nursing Care
- Disease Prevention/Health Promotion
- Pain Management
- Substance Abuse
- Fall Risk Reduction and Safety
- Delirium
- Depression and Anxiety
- Dementia
- Introduction
- Historical Perspectives
- Differentiating Palliative Care, End-of-Life Care, and Hospice Care
- Palliative Care Nursing
- Clinical Practice Guidelines for Palliative Care
- Settings of Care
- Palliative Care Data
- Issues and Barriers to Palliative Care
- Identifying Patients Who Could Benefit from Palliative Care
- Late Identification of Patients in Need of Palliative Care
- Lack of Knowledge About Palliative Care
- Other Factors
- Interventions
- Nursing Assessment
- Determining the Goals of Care
- Communication
- Early Integration of Outpatient Palliative Care
- Clinical Interventions
- Palliative Care in Heart Failure
- Advance Care Planning
- Education of Healthcare Professionals
- Research in Palliative Care
- Outcomes
- Clinical Outcomes
- Cost Savings
- Quality of Life
- References
- Introduction
- National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health
- Definitions
- Complementary Health Therapies
- 2012 National Health Interview Survey—Adult Alternative Medicine
- Trends from NHIS 2002, 2007, and 2012
- National Health Inventory Survey, 2017
- Users
- Costs
- Common CAM/CIM Therapies
- Natural Products
- Herb and Drug Interactions
- Echinacea
- Gingko Biloba
- St. John’s Wort
- Mind–Body Practices
- Yoga
- Acupuncture
- Meditation and Mindfulness
- Other CAM Practices
- Traditional Chinese Medicine
- Natural Products
- Research
- Safety and Regulation of CAM
- CAM Practitioners
- Paradigm Issues
- Self-Reflection of the Healthcare Professional
- Communication Between the Patient and the Healthcare Professional
- Selecting a CAM Practitioner
- Introduction
- Health Policy Defined
- Major Stakeholders in the U.S. Healthcare Industry
- Issues
- U.S. Health Care: A Fragmented System of Healthcare Delivery
- Health Insurance
- Traditional or Conventional Health Insurance
- Managed Care Organizations and High-Deductible Health Plans
- Medicare
- Medicaid
- Children’s Health Insurance Program
- Costs, Access, and Quality
- Costs
- Access to Care
- Quality
- Stages of Influencing Policy
- Nursing Interventions: Action Steps
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- Gerð : 208
- Höfundur : 14652
- Útgáfuár : 2021
- Leyfi : 380