- T-306-MERK Merki og kerfi
Linear Systems and Signals, Third Edition, is a textbook for the required junior-year signals and systems course in the typical Electrical Engineering department curriculum. The book's success lies in its thorough, inclusive presentation of key concepts supported by a unique, bottom-up explanation of the theories and reasoning behind the material. The heuristic approach is a trademark of Dr. Lathi's books and a vital reason why instructors who adopt the text stick with it.
- Höfundar: BP Lathi, Roger Green
- Útgáfa:3
- Útgáfudagur: 2022-10-12
- Engar takmarkanir á útprentun
- Engar takmarkanir afritun
- Format:ePub
- ISBN 13: 9780197660683
- Print ISBN: 9780190200190
- ISBN 10: 0197660681
- Cover Page
- Title page
- Copyright page
- Contents
- Preface
- Notable Features
- Organisation
- Suggestions for Using This Book
- Credits and Acknowledgements
- CHAPTER 1 Background
- 1.1 Complex Numbers
- 1.1-1 A Historical Note
- Origins of Complex Numbers
- 1.1-2 Algebra of Complex Numbers
- Conjugate of a Complex Number
- Understanding Some Useful Identities
- A Warning About Computing Angles with Calculators
- Arithmetical Operations, Powers, and Roots of Complex Numbers
- Logarithms of Complex Numbers
- 1.1-1 A Historical Note
- 1.1 Complex Numbers
- 1.2 Sinusoids and Exponentials
- 1.2-1 Addition of Sinusoids
- 1.2-2 Sinusoids in Terms of Exponentials
- 1.2-3 Monotonic Exponentials
- 1.2-4 The Exponentially Varying Sinusoid
- 1.3 Cramer’s Rule
- 1.4 Partial Fraction Expansion
- 1.4-1 Method of Clearing Fractions
- 1.4-2 The Heaviside “Cover-Up” Method
- Distinct Factors of Q(x)
- Complex Factors of Q(x)
- Quadratic Factors
- Shortcuts
- 1.4-3 Repeated Factors of Q(x)
- 1.4-4 A Combination of Heaviside “Cover-Up” and Clearing Fractions
- A Combination of Heaviside “Cover-Up” and Shortcuts
- 1.4-5 Improper F(x) with m=n
- 1.4-6 Modified Partial Fractions
- 1.5 Vectors and Matrices
- 1.5-1 Some Definitions and Properties
- 1.5-2 Matrix Algebra
- Addition of Matrices
- Multiplication of a Matrix by a Scalar
- Matrix Multiplication
- Multiplication of a Matrix by a Vector
- Matrix Inversion
- 1.6-1 MATLAB Overview
- 1.6-2 Calculator Operations
- 1.6-3 Vector Operations
- 1.6-4 Simple Plotting
- 1.6-5 Element-by-Element Operations
- 1.6-6 Matrix Operations
- 1.6-7 Partial Fraction Expansions
- 1.7-1 Some Useful Constants
- 1.7-2 Complex Numbers
- 1.7-3 Sums
- 1.7-4 Taylor and Maclaurin Series
- 1.7-5 Power Series
- 1.7-6 Trigonometric Identities
- 1.7-7 Common Derivative Formulas
- 1.7-8 Indefinite Integrals
- 1.7-9 L’Hôpital’s Rule
- 1.7-10 Solution of Quadratic and Cubic Equations
- 2.1 Size of a Signal
- 2.1-1 Signal Energy
- 2.1-2 Signal Power
- Comments.
- Units of Energy and Power.
- Comment.
- 2.2-1 Time Shifting
- 2.2-2 Time Scaling
- 2.2-3 Time Reversal
- 2.2-4 Combined Operations
- 2.3-1 Continuous-Time and Discrete-Time Signals
- 2.3-2 Analogue and Digital Signals
- 2.3-3 Periodic and Aperiodic Signals
- Comment.
- 2.3-4 Energy and Power Signals
- Comments.
- 2.3-5 Deterministic and Random Signals
- 2.4-1 The Unit Step Function u(t)
- 2.4-2 The Unit Impulse Function δ(t)
- Multiplication of a Function by an Impulse
- Sampling Property of the Unit Impulse Function
- Unit Impulse as a Generalised Function
- 2.4-3 The Exponential Function estst
- 2.5-1 Some Properties of Even and Odd Functions
- Area
- 2.5-2 Even and Odd Components of a Signal
- A Modification for Complex Signals
- 2.6-1 Classification of Systems
- 2.6-2 Linear and Nonlinear Systems
- The Concept of Linearity
- Response of a Linear System
- More Comments on Linear Systems
- 2.6-3 Time-Invariant and Time-Varying Systems
- 2.6-4 Instantaneous and Dynamic Systems
- 2.6-5 Causal and Noncausal Systems
- Why Study Noncausal Systems?
- 2.6-6 Continuous-Time and Discrete-Time Systems
- 2.6-7 Analogue and Digital Systems
- 2.6-8 Invertible and Noninvertible Systems
- 2.6-9 Stable and Unstable Systems
- 2.7-1 Electrical Systems
- 2.7-2 Mechanical Systems
- Translational Systems
- Rotational Systems
- 2.7-3 Electromechanical Systems
- 2.8-1 Internal Description: The State-Space Description
- 2.9-1 Anonymous Functions
- 2.9-2 Relational Operators and the Unit Step Function
- 2.9-3 Visualising Operations on the Independent Variable
- 2.9-4 Numerical Integration and Estimating Signal Energy
- 3.1 Introduction
- 3.2 System Response to Internal Conditions: The Zero-Input Response
- Practical Initial Conditions and the Meaning of 0− and 0+
- Independence of the Zero-Input and Zero-State Responses
- Role of Auxiliary Conditions in Solution of Differential Equations
- 3.2-1 Some Insights into the Zero-Input Behaviour of a System
- The Resonance Phenomenon
- Practical Initial Conditions and the Meaning of 0− and 0+
- 3.4-1 The Convolution Integral
- The Commutative Property
- The Distributive Property
- The Associative Property
- The Shift Property
- Proof.
- Convolution with an Impulse
- The Width Property
- Zero-State Response and Causality
- The Convolution Table
- Response to Complex Inputs
- Multiple Inputs
- 3.4-2 Graphical Understanding of Convolution Operation
- Summary of the Graphical Procedure
- The Width of Convolved Functions
- The Phantom of the Signals and Systems Opera
- Why Convolution? An Intuitive Explanation of System Response
- 3.4-3 Interconnected Systems
- Inverse Systems
- 3.4-4 A Very Special Function for LTIC Systems: The Everlasting Exponential est
- A Fundamental Property of LTI Systems
- 3.4-5 Total Response
- Natural and Forced Response
- 3.5-1 External (BIBO) Stability
- 3.5-2 Internal (Asymptotic) Stability
- 3.5-3 Relationship Between BIBO and Asymptotic Stability
- Implications of Stability
- 3.6-1 Dependence of System Behaviour on Characteristic Modes
- 3.6-2 Response Time of a System: The System Time Constant
- 3.6-3 Time Constant and Rise Time of a System
- 3.6-4 Time Constant and Filtering
- 3.6-5 Time Constant and Pulse Dispersion (Spreading)
- 3.6-6 Time Constant and Rate of Information Transmission
- 3.6-7 The Resonance Phenomenon
- Importance of the Resonance Phenomenon
- 3.7-1 Script M-Files
- 3.7-2 Function M-Files
- 3.7-3 For-Loops
- 3.7-4 Graphical Understanding of Convolution
- 4.1 Introduction
- 4.1-1 Size of a Discrete-Time Signal
- 4.1-2 Useful Signal Operations
- Shifting
- Time Reversal
- Sampling Rate Alteration: Downsampling, Upsampling, and Interpolation
- 4.2-1 Discrete-Time Impulse Function δ[n]
- 4.2-2 Discrete-Time Unit Step Function u[n]
- 4.2-3 Discrete-Time Exponential γn
- 4.2-4 Discrete-Time Sinusoid cos(Ωn+θ)
- Sampled Continuous-Time Sinusoid Yields a Discrete-Time Sinusoid
- 4.2-5 Discrete-Time Complex Exponential ejΩn
- 4.3-1 Classification of Discrete-Time Systems
- Linearity and Time Invariance
- Causal and Noncausal Systems
- Invertible and Noninvertible Systems
- Stable and Unstable Systems
- Memoryless Systems and Systems with Memory
- 4.4-1 Recursive (Iterative) Solution of Difference Equation
- Operator Notation
- Response of Linear Discrete-Time Systems
- 4.6-1 The Closed-Form Solution of h[n]
- 4.7-1 Graphical Procedure for the Convolution Sum
- An Alternative Form of Graphical Procedure: The Sliding-Tape Method
- 4.7-2 Interconnected Systems
- Inverse Systems
- System Response to ∑k=−∞nx[k]
- A Very Special Function for LTID Systems: The Everlasting Exponential zn
- 4.7-3 Total Response
- Natural and Forced Response
- 4.8-1 External (BIBO) Stability
- 4.8-2 Internal (Asymptotic) Stability
- 4.8-3 Relationship Between BIBO and Asymptotic Stability
- 4.8-4 Intuitive Insights into System Behaviour
- 4.9-1 Discrete-Time Functions and Stem Plots
- 4.9-2 System Responses Through Filtering
- 4.9-3 A Custom Filter Function
- 4.9-4 Discrete-Time Convolution
- 5.1 The Laplace Transform
- 5.1-1 Finding the Inverse Transform
- A Historical Note: Marquis Pierre-Simon de Laplace (1749–1827)
- Oliver Heaviside (1850–1925)
- 5.1-1 Finding the Inverse Transform
- 5.2-1 Time Shifting
- 5.2-2 Frequency Shifting
- 5.2-3 The Time-Differentiation Property
- 5.2-4 The Time-Integration Property
- 5.2-5 The Scaling Property
- 5.2-6 Time Convolution and Frequency Convolution
- Initial and Final Values
- Comment.
- Comment.
- Initial and Final Values
- 5.3-1 Comments on Initial Conditions at 0− and at 0+
- 5.3-2 Zero-State Response
- Intuitive Interpretation of the Laplace Transform
- 5.3-3 Stability
- 5.3-4 Inverse Systems
- 5.4-1 Analysis of Active Circuits
- 5.5-1 Direct Form I Realisation
- 5.5-2 Direct Form II Realisation
- 5.5-3 Cascade and Parallel Realisations
- Realisation of Complex Conjugate Poles
- Realisation of Repeated Poles
- 5.5-4 Transposed Realisation
- 5.5-5 Using Operational Amplifiers for System Realisation
- Operational Amplifier Circuits
- The Scalar Multiplier
- The Integrator
- The Adder
- 5.5-6 Application to Feedback and Controls
- 5.5-7 Analysis of a Simple Control System
- Step Input
- Ramp Input
- Design Specifications
- 5.6-1 Steady-State Response to Causal Sinusoidal Inputs
- 5.7-1 Constant Ka1a2/b1b3
- 5.7-2 Pole (or Zero) at the Origin
- Log Magnitude
- Phase
- 5.7-3 First-Order Pole (or Zero)
- The Log Magnitude
- Phase
- 5.7-4 Second-Order Pole (or Zero)
- The Log Magnitude
- Phase
- Comment.
- Poles and Zeros in the Right Half-Plane
- 5.7-5 The Transfer Function from the Frequency Response
- 5.8-1 Dependence of Frequency Response on Poles and Zeros of H(s)
- Gain Enhancement by a Pole
- Gain Suppression by a Zero
- 5.8-2 Lowpass Filters
- Wall of Poles
- 5.8-3 Bandpass Filters
- 5.8-4 Notch (Bandstop) Filters
- 5.8-5 Practical Filters and Their Specifications
- 5.9-1 Properties of the Bilateral Laplace Transform
- Linearity
- Time Shift
- Frequency Shift
- Time Differentiation
- Time Integration
- Time Scaling
- Time Convolution
- Frequency Convolution
- Time Reversal
- 5.9-2 Using the Bilateral Transform for Linear System Analysis
- 5.10-1 Frequency Response and Polynomial Evaluation
- Design and Evaluation of a Simple RC Filter
- A Cascaded RC Filter and Polynomial Expansion
- 5.10-2 Butterworth Filters and the Find Command
- 5.10-3 Using Cascaded Second-Order Sections for Butterworth Filter Realisation
- 5.10-4 Chebyshev Filters
- 6.1 The z-Transform
- 6.1-1 Inverse Transform by Partial Fraction Expansion and Tables
- 6.1-2 Inverse z-Transform by Power Series Expansion
- Relationship Between h[n] and H[z]
- 6.2-1 Time-Shifting Properties
- Right Shift (Delay)
- Proof.
- Left Shift (Advance)
- Proof.
- Right Shift (Delay)
- LTID System Response
- Initial and Final Values
- 6.3-1 Zero-State Response of LTID Systems: The Transfer Function
- Alternate Interpretation of the z-Transform
- 6.3-2 Stability
- 6.3-3 Inverse Systems
- 6.5-1 The Periodic Nature of Frequency Response
- Non-uniqueness of Discrete-Time Sinusoid Waveforms
- All Discrete-Time Signals Are Inherently Bandlimited
- A Man Named Robert
- Further Reduction in the Frequency Range
- 6.5-2 Aliasing and Sampling Rate
- Anti-aliasing Filter
- 6.5-3 Frequency Response from Pole-Zero Locations
- Controlling Gain by Placement of Poles and Zeros
- Lowpass Filters
- Highpass Filters
- 6.7-1 Properties of the Bilateral z-Transform
- Linearity
- Shift
- Convolution
- Multiplication by γn
- Multiplication by n
- Time Reversal
- Complex Conjugation
- 6.7-2 Using the Bilateral z-Transform for Analysis of LTID Systems
- 6.7-3 Connecting the Laplace and z-Transforms
- 6.8-1 Frequency Response and Pole-Zero Plots
- 6.8-2 Transformation Basics
- 6.8-3 Transformation by First-Order Backward Difference
- 6.8-4 Bilinear Transformation
- 6.8-5 Bilinear Transformation with Prewarping
- 6.8-6 Example: Butterworth Filter Transformation
- 6.8-7 Problems Finding Polynomial Roots
- 6.8-8 Using Cascaded Second-Order Sections to Improve Design
- 7.1 Periodic Signal Representation by Trigonometric Fourier Series
- 7.1-1 The Fourier Spectrum
- 7.1-2 The Effect of Symmetry
- 7.1-3 Determining the Fundamental Frequency and Period
- A Historical Note: Baron Jean-Baptiste-Joseph Fourier (1768–1830)
- 7.2-1 Convergence of a Series
- Dirichlet Conditions
- 7.2-2 The Role of Amplitude and Phase Spectra in Waveshaping
- Asymptotic Rate of Amplitude Spectrum Decay
- Phase Spectrum: The Woman Behind a Successful Man
- Fourier Synthesis of Discontinuous Functions: The Gibbs Phenomenon
- A Historical Note on the Gibbs Phenomenon
- 7.3-1 Exponential Fourier Spectra
- What is a Negative Frequency?
- Bandwidth of a Signal
- Effect of Symmetry in Exponential Fourier Series
- 7.3-2 Parseval’s Theorem
- 7.3-3 Properties of the Fourier Series
- 7.5-1 Component of a Vector
- 7.5-2 Signal Comparison and Component of a Signal
- 7.5-3 Extension to Complex Signals
- Energy of the Sum of Orthogonal Signals
- 7.5-4 Signal Representation by an Orthogonal Signal Set
- Orthogonal Vector Space
- Orthogonal Signal Space
- Finality Property.
- Energy of the Error Signal
- Generalisation to Complex Signals
- Some Examples of Generalised Fourier Series
- Legendre Fourier Series
- Trigonometric Fourier Series
- Exponential Fourier Series
- Why Use the Exponential Set?
- 7.6-1 Numerical Computation of Dn
- 7.6-2 Periodic Functions and the Gibbs Phenomenon
- 7.6-3 Optimisation and Phase Spectra
- 8.1 Aperiodic Signal Representation by the Fourier Integral
- 8.1-1 Physical Appreciation of the Fourier Transform
- A Marvelous Balancing Act
- 8.1-1 Physical Appreciation of the Fourier Transform
- 8.2-1 Connection Between the Fourier and Laplace Transforms
- 8.4-1 Signal Distortion During Transmission
- Distortionless Transmission
- Measure of Time-Delay Variation with Frequency
- The Nature of Distortion in Audio and Video Signals
- 8.4-2 Bandpass Systems and Group Delay
- 8.4-3 Ideal and Practical Filters
- Thinking in the Time and Frequency Domains: A Two-Dimensional View of Signals and Systems
- 8.6-1 Double-Sideband, Suppressed-Carrier (DSB-SC) Modulation
- Demodulation of DSB-SC Signals
- 8.6-2 Amplitude Modulation (AM)
- Demodulation of AM: The Envelope Detector
- 8.6-3 Single-Sideband Modulation (SSB)
- Generation of SSB Signals
- 8.6-4 Frequency-Division Multiplexing
- 8.7-1 Using Windows in Filter Design
- 8.8-1 The Sinc Function and the Scaling Property
- 8.8-2 Parseval’s Theorem and Essential Bandwidth
- 8.8-3 Spectral Sampling
- 8.8-4 Kaiser Window Functions
- 9.1 The Sampling Theorem
- 9.1-1 Practical Sampling
- 9.2 Signal Reconstruction
- 9.2-1 Practical Difficulties in Signal Reconstruction
- The Treachery of Aliasing
- Defectors Eliminated: The Anti-aliasing Filter
- Sampling Forces Nonbandlimited Signals to Appear Bandlimited
- Verification of Aliasing in Sinusoids
- General Condition for Aliasing in Sinusoids
- 9.2-2 Some Applications of the Sampling Theorem
- 9.2-1 Practical Difficulties in Signal Reconstruction
- 9.3 Analogue-to-Digital (A/D) Conversion
- 9.4 Dual of Time Sampling: Spectral Sampling
- 9.5 Numerical Computation of the Fourier Transform: The Discrete Fourier Transform
- 9.5-1 Some Properties of the DFT
- Linearity
- Conjugate Symmetry
- Time Shifting
- Proof.
- Frequency Shifting
- Proof.
- Circular Convolution
- 9.5-2 Some Applications of the DFT
- Linear Convolution
- Filtering
- 9.5-3 The Fast Fourier Transform (FFT)
- How Does the FFT Reduce the Number of Computations?
- The Decimation-in-Time Algorithm
- 9.5-1 Some Properties of the DFT
- 9.6-1 Computing the Discrete Fourier Transform
- 9.6-2 Improving the Picture with Zero Padding
- 9.6-3 Quantisation
- 10.1 Discrete-Time Fourier Series (DTFS)
- 10.1-1 Periodic Signal Representation by Discrete-Time Fourier Series
- 10.1-2 Fourier Spectra of a Periodic Signal x[n]
- Periodic Extension of Fourier Spectrum
- 10.2-1 Nature of Fourier Spectra
- Fourier Spectra Are Continuous Functions of Ω
- Fourier Spectra Are Periodic Functions of Ω with Period 2π
- Conjugate Symmetry of X(Ω)
- Physical Appreciation of the Discrete-Time Fourier Transform
- Existence of the DTFT
- 10.2-2 Connection Between the DTFT and the z-Transform
- 10.4-1 Distortionless Transmission
- Measure of Delay Variation
- Distortionless Transmission over Bandpass Systems
- 10.4-2 Ideal and Practical Filters
- 10.5-1 Use of DFT and FFT for Numerical Computation of the DTFT
- Computation of Discrete-Time Fourier Series (DTFS)
- 10.5-2 Generalisation of the DTFT to the z-Transform
- 10.6-1 Computing the Discrete-Time Fourier Series
- 10.6-2 Measuring Code Performance
- 10.6-3 FIR Filter Design by Frequency Sampling
- 11.1 Mathematical Preliminaries
- 11.1-1 Derivatives and Integrals of a Matrix
- 11.1-2 The Characteristic Equation of a Matrix: The Cayley–Hamilton Theorem
- Functions of a Matrix
- 11.1-3 Computation of an Exponential and a Power of a Matrix
- Computation of Ak
- 11.3-1 Electrical Circuits
- An Alternative Procedure
- 11.3-2 State Equations from a Transfer Function
- A General Case
- 11.4-1 Laplace Transform Solution of State Equations
- The Output
- Characteristic Roots (Eigenvalues) of a Matrix
- 11.4-2 Time-Domain Solution of State Equations
- Determining eAt
- The Output
- 11.5-1 Diagonalisation of Matrix A
- 11.6-1 Inadequacy of the Transfer Function Description of a System
- 11.7-1 Solution in State Space
- 11.7-2 The z-Transform Solution
- Linear Transformation, Controllability, and Observability
- 11.8-1 z-Transform Solutions to Discrete-Time, State-Space Systems
- 11.8-2 Transfer Functions from State-Space Representations
- 11.8-3 Controllability and Observability of Discrete-Time Systems
- 11.8-4 Matrix Exponentiation and the Matrix Exponential
- CHAPTER 1 Background
- CHAPTER 2 Signals and Systems
- CHAPTER 3 Time-Domain Analysis of Continuous-Time Systems
- CHAPTER 4 Time-Domain Analysis of Discrete-Time Systems
- CHAPTER 5 Continuous-Time System Analysis Using the Laplace Transform
- CHAPTER 6 Discrete-Time System Analysis Using the z-Transform
- CHAPTER 7 Continuous-Time Signal Analysis: The Fourier Series
- CHAPTER 8 Continuous-Time Signal Analysis: The Fourier Transform
- CHAPTER 9 Sampling: The Bridge from Continuous to Discrete
- CHAPTER 10 Fourier Analysis of Discrete-Time Signals
- CHAPTER 11 State-Space Analysis
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- Gerð : 208
- Höfundur : 14582
- Útgáfuár : 2009
- Leyfi : 380