Learning Styles and Inclusion

- HMB1510160 Hugmyndafræði og stefnur í skóla margbreytileikans
Ensk lýsing:
'[Gavin Reid] provides some useful links to websites devoted to different approaches. Some of the ideas relating to specific areas of the curriculum, for example, the suggested approaches to the teaching of modern languages, are likely to be particularly valuable. Reid also outlines strategies using learning styles for pupils with learning differences, including attention disorders, dyslexia, developmental co-ordination difficulties, number difficulties, and those on the autistic spectrum' - Times Educational Supplement Extra for Special Needs `We have been lucky enough to hear Gavin speak twice in the last year and those of you who have also heard him will know that he is at the cutting edge of his field.
This book really encompasses those areas that are particularly topical and the "buzz" words on everyone's lips! This book clearly sets out "who" is involved in inclusion and "what" is actually meant by learning styles. Gavin not only offers practical strategies but also suggests how "old hands" could vary their teaching styles to appeal to all types of learners. Therefore we feel this book is for the main stream teacher as well as the specialist and, if this is a target area for your school, this book might be a valuable addition to your bookshelf' - SATIPS `In this book, Gavin Reid has grasped the nettle (of inclusion) with both hands and provided a text that is full of common sense and practical suggestions as to how the mainstream teacher can draw upon recent psychological theory and research to enhance the learning of all children.
He jumps on no bandwagons but draws judiciously from a wide range of approaches to assessing learning styles and links what can be learned about groups and individuals from such techniques to helpful classroom practice' - Professor Bob Burden, School of Education and Lifelong Learning, University of Exeter `Gavin Reid is that rare professional who not only explains how and why children learn best, but also suggests a myriad of practical strategies to help them.
I highly recommend this book for everyone from undergraduates to "old hands" working toward successful inclusion. Parents, too, will profit from Dr. Reid's wise and comprehensive experience' - Jane M. Healy, Ph. D. , Educational Psychologist and Author of "Your Child's Growing Mind: Brain Development and Learning from Birth to Adolescence. " 3rd Edition. NY: Broadway Books, 2004. Drawing on his considerable experience as a teacher, educational psychologist, lecturer and author, Gavin Reid illustrates how to assess pupils' different learning styles and how to vary your teaching style to appeal to all types of learners, including disaffected students and those with special educational needs.
This book provides an overview of the different stages in the learning cycle; describes the differences between learners; and emphasizes the role the classroom environment and different teaching styles play in children's ability to learn. Readers will see how an understanding of learning styles can be used to encourage and promote good inclusive practice. Ideas for assessment of learning styles and examples of different teaching styles will prove invaluable to class teachers, trainee teachers, SENCOs, LEA advisers; NQTs and NQT advisers and school management.
′[Gavin Reid] provides some useful links to websites devoted to different approaches. Some of the ideas relating to specific areas of the curriculum, for example, the suggested approaches to the teaching of modern languages, are likely to be particularly valuable. Reid also outlines strategies using learning styles for pupils with learning differences, including attention disorders, dyslexia, developmental co-ordination difficulties, number difficulties, and those on the autistic spectrum′ - Times Educational Supplement Extra for Special Needs `We have been lucky enough to hear Gavin speak twice in the last year and those of you who have also heard him will know that he is at the cutting edge of his field.
This book really encompasses those areas that are particularly topical and the "buzz" words on everyone′s lips! This book clearly sets out "who" is involved in inclusion and "what" is actually meant by learning styles. Gavin not only offers practical strategies but also suggests how "old hands" could vary their teaching styles to appeal to all types of learners. Therefore we feel this book is for the main stream teacher as well as the specialist and, if this is a target area for your school, this book might be a valuable addition to your bookshelf′ - SATIPS `In this book, Gavin Reid has grasped the nettle (of inclusion) with both hands and provided a text that is full of common sense and practical suggestions as to how the mainstream teacher can draw upon recent psychological theory and research to enhance the learning of all children.
He jumps on no bandwagons but draws judiciously from a wide range of approaches to assessing learning styles and links what can be learned about groups and individuals from such techniques to helpful classroom practice′ - Professor Bob Burden, School of Education and Lifelong Learning, University of Exeter `Gavin Reid is that rare professional who not only explains how and why children learn best, but also suggests a myriad of practical strategies to help them.
I highly recommend this book for everyone from undergraduates to "old hands" working toward successful inclusion. Parents, too, will profit from Dr. Reid′s wise and comprehensive experience′ - Jane M. Healy, Ph. D. , Educational Psychologist and Author of "Your Child′s Growing Mind: Brain Development and Learning from Birth to Adolescence. " 3rd Edition. NY: Broadway Books, 2004. Drawing on his considerable experience as a teacher, educational psychologist, lecturer and author, Gavin Reid illustrates how to assess pupils′ different learning styles and how to vary your teaching style to appeal to all types of learners, including disaffected students and those with special educational needs.
This book provides an overview of the different stages in the learning cycle; describes the differences between learners; and emphasizes the role the classroom environment and different teaching styles play in children′s ability to learn. Readers will see how an understanding of learning styles can be used to encourage and promote good inclusive practice. Ideas for assessment of learning styles and examples of different teaching styles will prove invaluable to class teachers, trainee teachers, SENCOs, LEA advisers; NQTs and NQT advisers and school management.
- Höfundur: Gavin Reid
- Útgáfa:1
- Útgáfudagur: 2005-09-09
- Blaðsíður: 192
- Hægt að prenta út 30 bls.
- Hægt að afrita 30 bls.
- Format:ePub
- ISBN 13: 9781446231241
- Print ISBN: 9781412910637
- ISBN 10: 1446231240
- Cover Page
- Dedication
- Title
- Copyright
- Contents
- Acknowledgements
- Introduction
- Part 1 How Children Learn
- 1 Learning Models and the Learning Cycle
- 2 Learning Differences and Learning Styles
- 3 The Role of the Learning Environment
- Part 2 Learning Styles
- 4 Background to Learning Styles
- 5 Assessment of Learning Styles
- 6 Learning Styles – Learning and Teaching
- Part 3 Inclusion
- 7 The Inclusive School – Characteristics and Challenges
- 8 Learning Styles in the Inclusive Context
- Part 4 Effective Learning
- 9 Promoting Effective Learning
- 10 Learning Styles – Strategies and Insights
- Appendix – Books, Resources and Information
- Glossary
- Reference
- Index
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- Gerð : 208
- Höfundur : 5915
- Útgáfuár : 2005
- Leyfi : 380