Leadership in Health Care

- STF0104160 Stjórnunarfræði
Ensk lýsing:
The Fourth Edition of Leadership in Healthcare responds to the ever-growing importance of leadership to a healthcare professional's role today and includes updated content to reflect the new guidelines set out in the 2018 Nursing and Midwifery Council Standards. The need for leadership in an everyday context is highlighted throughout the book with reference to both theory and practice. There are case studies, practical examples, reflective questions and even anecdotes from the authors' own experience, showing students the potential and application of leadership.
There are also activities that enable students to engage with every facet of leadership, as it connects to topics such as team-work, communication, problem-solving, emotional intelligence, critical self-reflection and quality of care. New to the Fourth Edition: A new chapter on Ethical, Legal and Professional Aspects in Leadership Content updates in-line with the 2018 NMC Standards, the new NMC code, and Revalidation.
Designed to guide you through a structured approach to building your leadership skills, this book uses case studies, practical examples, and reflective questions to help you engage with every aspect of leadership. It explores a wide range of topics and ideas from teamwork, communication, and problem-solving, to emotional intelligence, critical self-reflection, and quality of care to provide an ideal platform for learning.
- Höfundur: Jill Barr
- Útgáfa:5
- Útgáfudagur: 2022-09-23
- Engar takmarkanir á útprentun
- Engar takmarkanir afritun
- Format:ePub
- ISBN 13: 9781529786514
- Print ISBN: 9781529770629
- ISBN 10: 1529786517
- Online Resources
- About the Authors
- Foreword
- Preface
- 1 The Nature of Leadership
- 2 What Makes a Leader?
- 3 Culture, Diversity and Values
- 4 Theories of Leadership
- 5 Team Life
- 6 Interdisciplinary and Interprofessional Working
- 7 Communication and Leadership
- 8 Problem Solving
- 9 Ethical, Legal and Professional Aspects in Leadership
- 10 Managing Conflict
- 11 Emotional, Social and Practical Intelligence
- 12 Theory of Organisational Life
- 13 Quality
- 14 Leadership for Change
- References
- Index
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- Gerð : 208
- Höfundur : 6024
- Útgáfuár : 2022
- Leyfi : 380