Now with a new chapter on Social Identity Leadership! Adopted in thousands of courses in 89 countries and translated into 15 different languages, this market-leading text successfully combines an academically robust account of the major theories and models of leadership with an accessible style and focus on how leadership theory can inform leadership practice. Peter G. Northouse uses a consistent structure for each chapter, allowing readers to easily compare and contrast different theories.
- Höfundur: Peter G. Northouse
- Útgáfa:10
- Útgáfudagur: 2024-12-05
- Hægt að prenta út 2 bls.
- Hægt að afrita 2 bls.
- Format:ePub
- ISBN 13: 9781071957424
- Print ISBN: 9781071957394
- ISBN 10: 1071957422
- Preface
- Acknowledgments
- About the Author
- About the Contributors
- Chapter 1 Introduction
- Leadership Defined
- Ways of Conceptualizing Leadership
- The Evolution of Leadership Concepts
- Leadership in the 20th Century
- Leadership in the New Millennium
- Definition and Components
- Leadership Described
- Trait Versus Process Leadership
- Assigned Versus Emergent Leadership
- Leadership and Power
- Leadership and Coercion
- Leadership and Morality
- Leadership as a Value-Neutral Process
- Leadership as a Moral Process
- Leadership and Management
- Plan of the Book
- Case Studies
- Leadership Instrument
- Summary
- Leadership Defined
- Chapter 2 Trait Approach
- Description
- Intelligence
- Self-Confidence
- Determination
- Integrity
- Sociability
- Five-Factor Personality Model and Leadership
- Strengths and Leadership
- Emotional Intelligence
- How Does the Trait Approach Work?
- Strengths
- Criticisms
- Application
- Case Studies
- Leadership Instrument
- Summary
- Description
- Chapter 3 Skills Approach
- Description
- Three-Skill Approach
- Technical Skills
- Human Skills
- Conceptual Skills
- Summary of the Three-Skill Approach
- Skills Model
- Individual Attributes
- Competencies
- Influences on Skills Development
- Leadership Outcomes
- Summary of the Skills Model
- Three-Skill Approach
- Description
- How Does the Skills Approach Work?
- Strengths
- Criticisms
- Application
- Case Studies
- Leadership Instrument
- Summary
- Description
- Task and Relationship Behaviors
- Task Orientation
- Relationship Orientation
- Historical Background of the Behavioral Approach
- The Ohio State Studies
- The University of Michigan Studies
- Blake and Mouton’s Managerial (Leadership) Grid
- Paternalism/Maternalism
- Opportunism
- Recent Studies
- Task and Relationship Behaviors
- How Does the Behavioral Approach Work?
- Strengths
- Criticisms
- Application
- Case Studies
- Leadership Instrument
- Summary
- Description
- Leadership Style
- Development Level
- How Does SLII® Work?
- Strengths
- Criticisms
- Application
- Case Studies
- Leadership Instrument
- Summary
- Description
- Leader Behaviors
- Directive Leadership
- Supportive Leadership
- Participative Leadership
- Achievement-Oriented Leadership
- Follower Characteristics
- Task Characteristics
- Leader Behaviors
- How Does Path–Goal Theory Work?
- Strengths
- Criticisms
- Application
- Case Studies
- Leadership Instrument
- Summary
- Description
- Early Studies
- Later Studies
- Leadership Development
- Emotions and LMX Development
- Description
- Transformational Leadership Defined
- Transformational Versus Transactional Leadership
- Pseudotransformational Leadership
- Transformational Leadership and Charisma
- A Model of Transformational Leadership
- Transformational Leadership Factors
- Transactional Leadership Factors
- Nonleadership Factor
- Transformational Leadership Measurements
- Other Transformational Perspectives
- Bennis and Nanus
- Kouzes and Posner
- Transformational Leadership Defined
- Description
- Authentic Leadership Defined
- Approaches to Authentic Leadership
- Practical Approach
- Theoretical Approach
- Description
- Servant Leadership Defined
- Historical Basis of Servant Leadership
- Ten Characteristics of a Servant Leader
- Building a Theory About Servant Leadership
- Model of Servant Leadership
- Antecedent Conditions
- Context and Culture
- Leader Attributes
- Follower Receptivity
- Servant Leader Behaviors
- Conceptualizing
- Emotional Healing
- Putting Followers First
- Helping Followers Grow and Succeed
- Behaving Ethically
- Empowering
- Creating Value for the Community
- Outcomes
- Follower Performance and Growth
- Organizational Performance
- Summary of the Model of Servant Leadership
- How Does Servant Leadership Work?
- Strengths
- Criticisms
- Application
- Case Studies
- Leadership Instrument
- Summary
- Description
- Adaptive Leadership Defined
- A Model of Adaptive Leadership
- Situational Challenges
- Leader Behaviors
- 1. Get on the Balcony
- 2. Identify the Adaptive Challenge
- 3. Regulate Distress
- 4. Maintain Disciplined Attention
- 5. Give the Work Back to the People
- 6. Protect Leadership Voices From Below
- Adaptive Work
- How Does Adaptive Leadership Work?
- Strengths
- Criticisms
- Application
- Case Studies
- Leadership Instrument
- Summary
- Description
- Groups Versus Teams
- Stages of Group Development
- Teams
- Foundational Elements of Teams
- Team Composition
- Teamwork Skills
- Team Transition Processes
- Types of Teams
- Types of Team Leadership
- External Leaders
- Internal Leaders
- Collective Leadership
- Self-Managing Team Structures
- How Does Team Leadership Work?
- Strengths
- Criticisms
- Application
- Case Studies
- Leadership Instrument
- Summary
- Description
- Followership Defined
- Role-Based and Relational-Based Perspectives
- Typologies of Followership
- The Zaleznik Typology
- The Kelley Typology
- The Chaleff Typology
- The Kellerman Typology
- Theoretical Approaches to Followership
- Reversing the Lens
- The Leadership Co-Created Process
- New Perspectives on Followership
- Followership and Destructive Leaders
- 1. Our Need for Reassuring Authority Figures
- 2. Our Need for Security and Certainty
- 3. Our Need to Feel Chosen or Special
- 4. Our Need for Membership in the Human Community
- 5. Our Fear of Ostracism, Isolation, and Social Death
- 6. Our Fear of Powerlessness to Challenge a Bad Leader
- Description
- Social Identity Leadership Defined
- Dimensions of Social Identity Leadership
- Identity Prototypicality: Being One of “Us”
- Identity Advancement: Doing It for “Us”
- Identity Entrepreneurship: Crafting a Sense of “Us”
- Identity Impresarioship: Making “Us” Matter
- A Developmental Model of Social Identity Leadership
- How Does Social Identity Leadership Work?
- Strengths
- Criticisms
- Application
- Reflecting
- Representing
- Realizing
- Case Studies
- Leadership Instrument
- Summary
- Description
- Inclusion Defined
- A Model of Inclusive Leadership
- Antecedent Conditions
- Inclusive Leadership Behaviors
- Outcomes
- How Does Inclusive Leadership Work?
- Strengths
- Criticisms
- Application
- Assessment
- Challenge
- Support
- Case Studies
- Leadership Instrument
- Summary
- Description
- Ethics Defined
- Level 1. Preconventional Morality
- Level 2. Conventional Morality
- Level 3. Postconventional Morality
- Ethical Theories
- Centrality of Ethics to Leadership
- Heifetz’s Perspective on Ethical Leadership
- Burns’s Perspective on Ethical Leadership
- The Dark Side of Leadership
- Principles of Ethical Leadership
- Ethical Leaders Respect Others
- Ethical Leaders Serve Others
- Ethical Leaders Are Just
- Ethical Leaders Are Honest
- Ethical Leaders Build Community
- Ethics Defined
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- Gerð : 208
- Höfundur : 5933
- Útgáfuár : 2025
- Leyfi : 380