Law Enforcement Interpersonal Communication and Conflict Management
3.890 kr.
Law Enforcement Interpersonal Communication and Conflict Management: The IMPACT Model provides law enforcement professionals with a comprehensive, easy-to-follow model designed specifically to improve communications with victims, witnesses, subjects, and other members of the public. Harnessing 30 years of front line law enforcement experience, author Brian D. Fitch outlines practical strategies in a six-step model, IMPACT, which asks professionals to: Identify and master emotions Master the story Promote positive behavior Achieve Rapport Control your response Take perspective When used correctly, this model will help readers communicate and connect more effectively with people in virtually any law enforcement environment.
- Höfundur: Brian D. Fitch
- Útgáfa:1
- Útgáfudagur: 2015-09-11
- Hægt að prenta út 2 bls.
- Hægt að afrita 2 bls.
- Format:ePub
- ISBN 13: 9781506303383
- Print ISBN: 9781506303376
- ISBN 10: 1506303382
- Foreword Randy Means
- Preface: Why This Book?
- 1. Introduction to the IMPACT Principles
- Interpersonal Communication in Law Enforcement
- Benefits of Effective Interpersonal Communication
- Communication Myths
- The IMPACT Principles
- Summary
- Study Questions
- 2. Identify and Manage Emotions
- History and the Study of Emotions
- The Emotional Brain
- Logic Versus Emotion
- “Fight or Flight”
- Tools for Managing Emotions
- Summary
- Study Questions
- 3. Master the Story
- Mindless Listening Versus Mindful Listening
- Barriers to Effective Listening
- Developing the Right Attitude
- Eight-Step Strategy for Effective Listening
- What to Avoid
- Summary
- Study Questions
- 4. Promote Positive Behavior
- Conflict Style
- Remove the Barriers
- Ask for a Commitment
- Closing the Deal
- Summary
- Study Questions
- 5. Achieve Rapport
- Trust and Rapport
- Interpersonal Communication
- Summary
- Study Questions
- 6. Control Your Response
- The Truth About Anger
- Thoughts, Feelings, and Behaviors
- Beliefs, Labels, and Self-Talk
- Steps to Improving Emotional Management
- Summary
- Study Questions
- 7. Take Perspective
- The Power of Perspective
- Attribution Theory
- Self-Fulfilling Prophecy
- Empathy
- Summary
- Study Questions
- 8. Putting the IMPACT Principles to Work
- Communication Competence
- The Johari Window
- The Conscious Competence Model
- A Plan for Improvement
- In Closing
- Study Questions
- Bibliography and Works Cited
- Index
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- Gerð : 208
- Höfundur : 17819
- Útgáfuár : 2015
- Leyfi : 380