Key Concepts in Geography

"This book clearly outlines key concepts that all geographers should readily be able to explain. It does so in a highly accessible way. It is likely to be a text that my students will return to throughout their degree. " - Dr Karen Parkhill, Bangor University "The editors have done a fantastic job. This second edition is really accessible to the student and provides the key literature in the key geographical terms of scale, space, time, place and landscape.
" - Dr Elias Symeonakis, Manchester Metropolitan University "An excellent introductory text for accessible overviews of key concepts across human and physical geography. " - Professor Patrick Devine-Wright, Exeter University Including ten new chapters on nature, globalization, development and risk, and a new section on practicing geography, this is a completely revised and updated edition of the best-selling, standard student resource.
Key Concepts in Geography explains the key terms - space, time, place, scale, landscape - that define the language of geography. It is unique in the reference literature as it provides in one volume concepts from both human geography and physical geography. Four introductory chapters on different intellectual traditions in geography situate and introduce the entries on the key concepts. Each entry then comprises a short definition, a summary of the principal arguments, a substantive 5,000-word discussion, the use of real-life examples, and annotated notes for further reading.
- Útgáfa:2
- Útgáfudagur: 2008-12-12
- Hægt að prenta út 30 bls.
- Hægt að afrita 30 bls.
- Format:ePub
- ISBN 13: 9781446243466
- Print ISBN: 9781412930215
- ISBN 10: 144624346X
- Cover Page
- Title
- Copyright
- Contents
- Notes on contributors
- Preface
- Acknowledgements
- 1 Histories of Geography / Mike Heffernan
- 2 Geography and the Physical Sciences Tradition / Keith Richards
- 3 Geography and the Social Science Tradition / Ron Johnston
- 4 Geography and the Humanities Tradition / Alison Blunt
- 5 Space: the Fundamental Stuff of Geography / Nigel Thrift
- 6 Space: Making Room for Space in Physical Geography / Martin Kent
- 7 Time: Change and Stability in Environmental Systems / John B. Thornes
- 8 Time: From Hegemonic Change to Everyday Life / Peter J. Taylor
- 9 Place: Connections and Boundaries in an Interdependent World / Noel Castree
- 10 Place: The Management of Sustainable Physical Environments / Ken Gregory
- 11 Scale: Resolution, Analysis and Synthesis in Physical Geography / Tim Burt
- 12 Scale: The Local and the Global/ Andrew Herod
- 13 Social Systems: Thinking about Society, Identity, Power and Resistance / Cindi Katz
- 14 Environmental Systems: Philosophy and Applications in Physical Geography / Stephan Harrison
- 15 Landscape: The Physical Layer / Murray Gray
- 16 Landscape: Representing and Interpreting the World / Karen M. Morin
- 17 Nature: A Contested Concept / Franklin Ginn and David Demeritt
- 18 Nature: An Environmental Perspective / Roy Haines-Young
- 19 Globalization: Interconnected Worlds / James R. Faulconbridge and Jonathan V. Beaverstock
- 20 Globalization: Science, (Physical) Geography and Environment / Nicholas J. Clifford
- 21 Development: Critical Approaches in Human Geography / Katie D. Willis
- 22 Development: Sustainability and Physical Geography / Robert Inkpen
- 23 Risk: Mastering Time and Space / Shaun French
- 24 Risk: Geophysical Processes in Natural Hazards / Graham A. Tobin and Burrell E. Montz
- 25 Relevance: Human Geography, Public Policy and Public Geographies / David Bell
- 26 Relevance: The Application of Physical Geographical Knowledge / Michael Church
- Index
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- Gerð : 208
- Höfundur : 8060
- Útgáfuár : 2008
- Leyfi : 380