From the bestselling authors of Keto Diet For Dummies Keto Desserts for Dummies debunks the rumor that you need to give up your favorite sweet treats when you go keto. Rami and Vicky Abrams provide in-depth details on how to maintain the popular low-carb, low-sugar diet while still enjoying delicious desserts and treats. Created by the founders of the wildly popular Tasteaholics. com, along with the Total Keto Diet App, Keto Desserts For Dummies explains how to swap out standard baking ingredients, including sugar, flour, and milk, for keto-friendly ones.
You’ll maintain the flavor of your favorite desserts while making them compatible with the keto diet. This handy guide shows you how to: Make delicious desserts while sticking to the keto regimen Choose keto-friendly versions of your favorite desserts so you don’t ruin your daily macros Incorporate keto-approved desserts into your overall keto meal plans Keto Desserts For Dummies includes more than 150 easy-to-follow and tasty recipes sure to make your taste buds light up.
- Höfundar: Rami Abrams, Vicky Abrams
- Útgáfa:1
- Útgáfudagur: 2020-05-21
- Hægt að prenta út 10 bls.
- Hægt að afrita 2 bls.
- Format:ePub
- ISBN 13: 9781119696513
- Print ISBN: 9781119696438
- ISBN 10: 1119696518
- Cover
- Introduction
- About This Book
- Foolish Assumptions
- Icons Used in This Book
- Where to Go from Here
- Part 1: Understanding How Desserts Fit into Keto
- Chapter 1: Brushing Up on the Basics
- Understanding What the Keto Diet Is
- Realizing the Importance of Dessert
- Making the Transition to the Low-Carb Lifestyle
- Discovering a New Way of Cooking
- Enjoying All Types of Keto Desserts
- Embracing Natural and Artificial Sweeteners
- Discovering Other Resources
- Chapter 2: Recognizing Why Desserts Are Important to Keto
- Making Sustainable Diet Choices
- Making Desserts Social Again
- Overcoming Diet Obstacles
- Understanding What Happens When You Eat Dessert
- Reconciling Alcohol and Keto
- Chapter 3: Identifying Common Keto Dessert Cooking Techniques
- Preparing Your Kitchen for Keto
- Finding Flour Substitutes
- Selecting the Right Milk Replacements
- Comparing Fat and Carbs: Where the Flavor Comes From
- Fitting Pre-Fab Keto Products and Supplements into the Picture
- Chapter 1: Brushing Up on the Basics
- Chapter 4: Baking Keto Cakes — Moist and Delicious
- Creating Classic Cakes, Keto Style
- Making Chocolate Cakes Keto
- Chapter 5: Going Sweet with Keto Candies
- Making Caramels and Fudge Candies
- Trying Some Tasty and Quick Keto Candies
- Chapter 6: Enjoying Keto Pies and Tarts
- Baking Perfect Pies
- Embracing No-Bake Pies
- Chapter 7: Cooking Keto Cookies That Everyone Loves
- Lining a Cookie Tray Correctly
- Perfecting Cookie Storage
- Chapter 8: Staying Cool with Keto Ice Cream and Frozen Treats
- Going Machine-Free
- Personalizing Your Ice Cream and Frozen Treats
- Chapter 9: Baking Keto Mug, Dump, and Slow Cooker Cakes
- Keeping Keto with Mug Cakes
- Adding Dump and Slow Cooker Cakes to Your Keto Repertoire
- Chapter 10: Blending Keto Shakes and Smoothies
- Shaking Up Your Keto Diet with Shakes
- Living Your Keto Life with Smoothies
- Chapter 11: Keeping Warm with Keto Hot Drinks
- Making Some Classic Keto Coffee Drinks
- Adding Cocoa Recipes to Your Keto Repertoire
- Chapter 12: Serving Up Keto Cocktails
- Making Favorite Cocktails the Keto Way
- Shaking Up Some Martinis
- Chapter 13: Showing Your Loved Ones How You Feel: Keto Valentine’s Day Desserts
- Emphasizing Nutrition on Valentine’s Day
- Getting Fruity with Your Valentine’s Day Treats
- Chapter 14: Getting Spooky with Halloween Keto Fun
- Discovering the Health Benefits of Pumpkin
- Having Fun with Halloween Baking
- Chapter 15: Making Keto Desserts for Thanksgiving
- Embracing Pie at Thanksgiving
- Adding Nuts to Your Thanksgiving Keto Desserts
- Chapter 16: Crafting Keto Easter Treats
- Discovering Berries at Easter Time
- Adding Coconut to Your Easter Desserts
- Chapter 17: Commemorating December Holidays the Keto Way
- Remembering Holiday Baking Traditions
- Loving Christmas Cookies
- Chapter 18: Bringing In New Year’s with a Keto Bang
- Gathering with Keto Desserts
- Creating Some New Year’s Eve Desserts
- Chapter 19: Top Ten Most Common Keto Sweeteners
- Erythritol
- Monk Fruit Extract
- Stevia
- Xylitol
- Truvia
- Sucralose
- Splenda
- Yacon Syrup
- Aspartame
- Saccharin
- Chapter 20: Top Ten Resources for Keto Dessert Recipes
- Tasteaholics and So Nourished
- Low Carb Yum
- FatForWeightLoss
- Wellness Mama
- Chocolate Covered Katie
- Sugar-Free Londoner
- Kalyn’s Kitchen
- Ditch the Carbs
- Joy Filled Eats
- Hey Keto Mama
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- Gerð : 208
- Höfundur : 16124
- Útgáfuár : 2020
- Leyfi : 380