Following in the tradition of the first eight editions, the goal of this successful, issues-based textbook, Chemistry in Context, is to establish chemical principles on a need-to-know basis for non-science majors, enabling them to learn chemistry in the context of their own lives and significant issues facing science and the world. The non-traditional approach of Chemistry in Context reflects today's technological issues and the chemistry principles within them.
- Höfundur: American Chemical Society
- Útgáfa:10
- Útgáfudagur: 2020-01-07
- Hægt að prenta út 2 bls.
- Hægt að afrita 2 bls.
- Format:ePub
- ISBN 13: 9781260590036
- Print ISBN: 9781260570816
- ISBN 10: 1260590038
- Cover Page
- Title Page
- Copyright Page
- Breif Contents
- Contents
- Preface
- Active Learning Resources
- Chapter 1 Portable Electronics: The Periodic Table in the Palm of Your Hand
- 1.1 How Do Touchscreens Work?
- 1.2 What’s the Matter with Materials? A Survey of the Periodic Table
- 1.3 Compounding the Complexity:From Elements to Compounds
- 1.4 Measuring the Invisible—How Small Are Atoms?
- 1.5 What Makes Atoms Tick? Atomic Structure
- 1.6 A Look at the Elements in Their Natural States
- 1.7 Your Cell Phone Started with a Day at the Beach: From Sand to Silicon
- 1.8 More Fun at the Beach: From Sand to Glass
- 1.9 From Cradle to Grave: The Life Cycle of a Cell Phone
- 1.10 Howdy Neighbor, May We Borrow a Few Metals? The Importance of Recycling and Protecting Our Supply Chains
- Conclusion
- Learning Outcomes
- Questions
- Chapter 2 The Air We Breathe
- 2.1 Why Do We Breathe?
- 2.2 Defining the Invisible: What Is Air?
- 2.3 You Are What You Breathe
- 2.4 What Else Is in the Air?
- 2.5 Home Sweet Home: The Troposphere
- 2.6 I Can “See” You! Visualizing the Particles in the Air
- 2.7 A Chemical Meet & Greet—Naming Molecular Compounds
- 2.8 The Dangerous Few: A Look at Air Pollutants
- 2.9 Are You Feeling Lucky? Assessing the Risk of Air Pollutants
- 2.10 Is It Safe to Leave My House? Air Quality Monitoring and Reporting
- 2.11 The Origin of Pollutants: Who’s to Blame?
- 2.12 More Oxygen, Please: The Effect of Combustion on Air Quality
- 2.13 Air Pollutants: Direct Sources
- 2.14 Ozone: A Secondary Pollutant
- 2.15 Are We Really Safe from Polluted Air by Staying Indoors?
- 2.16 Is There a Sustainable Way Forward?
- Conclusion
- Learning Outcomes
- Questions
- Chapter 3 Radiation from the Sun
- 3.1 Dissecting the Sun: The Electromagnetic Spectrum
- 3.2 The Personalities of Radiation
- 3.3 Where Do Colors Come From?
- 3.4 The ABCs of Ultraviolet Radiation
- 3.5 The Biological Effects of Ultraviolet Radiation
- 3.6 The Atmosphere as Natural Protection
- 3.7 Counting Molecules: How Can We Measure the Ozone Concentration?
- 3.8 How Does Ozone Decompose in UV Light?
- 3.9 How Safe Is Our Protective Ozone Layer?
- 3.10 Chemistry to the Rescue or Detriment? Human Roles in the Destruction of the Ozone Layer
- 3.11 Where Do We Go from Here: Can the Ozone Hole Be Restored?
- 3.12 How Do Sunscreens Work?
- Conclusion
- Learning Outcomes
- Questions
- Chapter 4 Climate Change
- 4.1 Carbon, Carbon Everywhere!
- 4.2 Where Did All the Carbon Atoms Go?
- 4.3 Quantifying Carbon—First Stop: Mass
- 4.4 Quantifying Carbon—Next Stop: Molecules and Moles
- 4.5 Why Does It Matter Where Carbon Atoms End Up?
- 4.6 Warming by Greenhouse Gases: Good, Bad, or a Little of Both?
- 4.7 How Do You Recognize a “Greenhouse Gas”?
- 4.8 How Do Greenhouse Gases Work?
- 4.9 How Can We Learn from Our Past?
- 4.10 Can We Predict the Future?
- 4.11 A Look at Our Future World
- 4.12 Action Plans to Prevent Future Global Catastrophes—Who and How?
- Conclusion
- Learning Outcomes
- Questions
- Chapter 5 Water Everywhere: A Most Precious Resource
- 5.1 The Unique Composition of Water
- 5.2 The Key Role of Hydrogen Bonding
- 5.3 Where, Oh Where Is All the Water?
- 5.4 Help! There Is Something in My Water
- 5.5 How Much Is OK? Quantifying Water Quality
- 5.6 A Deeper Look at Solutes
- 5.7 Corrosive and Caustic: The Properties and Impacts of Acids and Bases
- 5.8 Heartburn? Tums to the Rescue: Acid–Base Neutralization!
- 5.9 Quantifying Acidity/Basicity: The pH Scale
- 5.10 The Chemistry of Acid Rain
- 5.11 Acid’s Effect on Water
- 5.12 Treating Our Water
- 5.13 Water Solutions for Global Challenges
- Conclusion
- Learning Outcomes
- Questions
- Chapter 6 Energy from Combustion
- 6.1 Fossil Fuels: A Prehistoric Fill-Up at the Gas Station
- 6.2 Burn, Baby! Burn! The Process of Combustion
- 6.3 What Is “Energy”?
- 6.4 How Hot Is “Hot”? Measuring Energy Changes
- 6.5 Hyperactive Fuels: How Is Energy Released during Combustion?
- 6.6 Fossil Fuels and Electricity
- 6.7 How Efficient Is a Power Plant?
- 6.8 Power from Ancient Plants: Coal
- 6.9 From Steam Engines to Sports Cars: The Shift from Coal to Oil
- 6.10 Squeezing Oil from Rock: How Long Can This Continue?
- 6.11 Natural Gas: A “Clean” Fossil Fuel?
- 6.12 Cracking the Whip: How Do We Obtain Useful Petroleum Products from Crude Oil?
- 6.13 What’s in Gasoline?
- 6.14 New Uses for an Old Fuel
- 6.15 From Brewery to Fuel Tank: Ethanol
- 6.16 From Deep Fryer to Fuel Tank: Biofuels
- 6.17 Are Biofuels Really Sustainable?
- Conclusion
- Learning Outcomes
- Questions
- Chapter 7 Energy from Alternative Sources
- 7.1 From Nuclear Energy to Bombs: The Splitting of Atomic Nuclei
- 7.2 Harnessing a Nuclear Fission Reaction: How Nuclear Power Plants Produce Electricity
- 7.3 What Is Radioactivity?
- 7.4 Nuclear Radiation and You
- 7.5 How Long Do Substances Remain Radioactive?
- 7.6 What Are the Risks of Nuclear Power?
- 7.7 Is There a Future for Nuclear Power?
- 7.8 Solar Power: Electricity from the Sun
- 7.9 Solar Energy: Electronic “Pinball” Inside a Crystal
- 7.10 Beyond Solar: Electricity from Other Renewable (Sustainable) Sources
- Conclusion
- Learning Outcomes
- Questions
- Chapter 8 Energy Storage
- 8.1 How Does a Battery Work?
- 8.2 Ohm, Sweet Ohm!
- 8.3 Batteries, Batteries Everywhere!
- 8.4 (Almost) Endless Power-on-the-Go: Rechargeable Batteries
- 8.5 Lead–Acid: The World’s Most Widely Used (and Heaviest!) Rechargeable Battery
- 8.6 Vehicles Powered by Electricity
- 8.7 Storage Wars: Supercapacitors vs. Batteries
- 8.8 Higher MPGs with Less Emissions: Gasoline-Electric Hybrid Vehicles
- 8.9 Fuel Cells: The Basics
- 8.10 Hydrogen for Fuel Cell Vehicles
- 8.11 My Battery Died—Now What?
- Conclusion
- Learning Outcomes
- Questions
- Chapter 9 The World of Polymers and Plastics
- 9.1 Polymers Here, There, and Everywhere
- 9.2 Polymers: Long, Long Chains
- 9.3 Adding Up the Monomers
- 9.4 Got Polyethylene?
- 9.5 The “Big Six”: Theme and Variations
- 9.6 Cross-Linking Monomers
- 9.7 From Proteins to Stockings: Polyamides
- 9.8 Dealing with Our Solid Waste: The Four Rs
- 9.9 Recycling Plastics: The Bigger Picture
- 9.10 From Plants to Plastics
- 9.11 A New “Normal”?
- Conclusion
- Learning Outcomes
- Questions
- Chapter 10 Brewing and Chewing
- 10.1 What’s in a Mouthful? The Science of Taste
- 10.2 How Does Smell Affect Taste?
- 10.3 The Kitchen Laboratory
- 10.4 The Science of Recipes
- 10.5 Kitchen Instrumentation: Flames, Pans, and Water
- 10.6 Cooking in a Vacuum: Not Just for Astronauts!
- 10.7 Microwave Cooking: Fast and Easy
- 10.8 Cooking with Chemistry: No-Heat Food Preparation
- 10.9 How Can I Tell When My Food Is Ready?
- 10.10 Exploiting the Three States of Matter in Our Kitchen
- 10.11 The Baker’s and Brewer’s Friend: Fermentation
- 10.12 From Moonshine to Sophisticated Liqueurs: Distillation
- 10.13 Extraction: Coffees and Teas
- Conclusion
- Learning Outcomes
- Questions
- Chapter 11 Nutrition
- 11.1 You Are What You Eat
- 11.2 From Buttery Popcorn to Cheesecake: Lipids
- 11.3 Fats and Oils: Not Necessarily a Bad Thing!
- 11.4 Carbohydrates: The Sweet and Starchy
- 11.5 How Sweet It Is: Sugars and Sugar Substitutes
- 11.6 Proteins: First among Equals
- 11.7 Vitamins and Minerals: The Other Essentials
- 11.8 Food for Energy
- 11.9 Food Safety: What Else Is in Our Food?
- 11.10 The Real Costs of Food Production
- 11.11 From Field to Fork I: The Carbon Footprint of Foods
- 11.12 From Field to Fork II: The Nitrogen Footprint of Foods
- 11.13 Food Security: Feeding a Hungry World
- Conclusion
- Learning Outcomes
- Questions
- Chapter 12 Health & Medicine
- 12.1 A Life Spent Fighting Against Equilibrium
- 12.2 Keeping Our Bodies in Equilibrium
- 12.3 Carbon: The Essential Building Block of Life
- 12.4 Functional Groups
- 12.5 Give These Molecules a Hand!
- 12.6 Life via Protein Function
- 12.7 Life Driven by Noncovalent Interactions
- 12.8 Steroids: Essential Regulators for Life (and Performance Manipulators!)
- 12.9 Modern Drug Discovery
- 12.10 New Drugs, New Methods
- Conclusion
- Learning Outcomes
- Questions
- Chapter 13 Genes and Life
- 13.1 A Route to Synthetic Insulin
- 13.2 DNA: A Chemical that Codes Life
- 13.3 The Double Helix Structure of DNA
- 13.4 Cracking the Chemical Code
- 13.5 Proteins: Form to Function
- 13.6 The Process of Genetic Engineering
- 13.7 Better Chemistry Through Genetic Engineering
- 13.8 The Great GMO Debate
- Conclusion
- Learning Outcomes
- Questions
- Chapter 14 Who Killed Dr. Thompson? A Forensic Mystery
- 14.1 Friday, Aug. 1—7:08 pm: A Relaxing Evening Interrupted
- 14.2 Solvent Stills: An Effective but Dangerous Way to Purify Solvents
- 14.3 Friday, Aug. 1—10:13 pm: The Aftermath
- 14.4 Saturday, Aug. 2—8:05 am: Accidental or Deliberate?
- 14.5 Fire Modeling
- 14.6 Behind-the-Scenes at the Crime Lab
- 14.7 Wednesday, Aug. 13—1:03 pm: Access to the Lab Restored
- 14.8 Wednesday, Aug. 13—10:57 pm: What Now?
- 14.9 Thursday, Aug. 14—5:42 am: A Gruesome Discovery
- 14.10 Behind-the-Scenes at the Crime Lab
- 14.11 Friday, Aug. 22—9:03 am: The Questioning of Julie Thompson
- 14.12 Monday, Aug. 25—8:31 am: The Questioning of Dr. Littleton
- 14.13 Tuesday, Aug. 26—2:05 pm: Road Trip to Atlanta
- 14.14 Back in the Crime Lab
- 14.15 Charge: Murder-1!
- Conclusion
- Learning Outcomes
- Questions
- Appendix 1 Measure for Measure: Metric Prefixes, Conversion Factors, and Constants
- Appendix 2 The Power of Exponents
- Appendix 3 Clearing the Logjam
- Appendix 4 Answers to Your Turn Questions
- Appendix 5 Answers to Selected End-of-Chapter Questions Indicated in Blue in the Text
- Glossary
- Index
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- Gerð : 208
- Höfundur : 15143
- Útgáfuár : 2020
- Leyfi : 379