- Höfundur: John Santrock
- Útgáfa:18
- Útgáfudagur: 2022-01-25
- Hægt að prenta út 2 bls.
- Hægt að afrita 2 bls.
- Format:ePub
- ISBN 13: 9781260589955
- Print ISBN: 9781260571318
- ISBN 10: 1260589951
- Cover page
- Title page
- Copyright page
- Brief Contents
- Contents
- Guide to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
- About the Author
- Dedication
- Expert Consultants
- Connecting Research and Results
- Preface
- Content Revisions
- Acknowledgments
- Chapter 1 Introduction
- The Historical Perspective
- Early History
- The Twentieth and Twenty-First Centuries
- Stereotyping of Adolescents
- A Positive View of Adolescence
- connecting with adolescents Wanting to Be Treated as an Asset
- Today’s Adolescents in the United States and Around the World
- Adolescents in the United States
- connecting with careers Gustavo Medrano, Clinical Psychologist
- connecting with adolescents Doly Akter, Improving the Lives of Adolescent Girls in the Slums of Bangladesh
- The Global Perspective
- The Nature of Development
- Processes and Periods
- Developmental Transitions
- connecting with emerging adults Chris Barnard
- connecting with health and well-being Do Health and Well-Being Change in Emerging Adulthood?
- Developmental Issues
- The Science of Adolescent Development
- Science and the Scientific Method
- Theories of Adolescent Development
- Research in Adolescent Development
- connecting with careers Pam Reid, Educational and Developmental Psychologist
- The Historical Perspective
- Puberty
- Determinants of Puberty
- Growth Spurt
- Sexual Maturation
- Secular Trends in Puberty
- Psychological Dimensions of Puberty
- connecting with adolescents Attractive Blonde Females and Tall Muscular Males
- connecting with health and well-being Strategies for Effectively Guiding Adolescents Through Puberty
- connecting with careers Anne Petersen, Researcher and Administrator
- Health
- Adolescence: A Critical Juncture in Health
- connecting with careers Bonnie Halpern-Felsher, University Professor in Pediatrics, Director of Community Efforts to Improve Adolescents’ Health, and Mentor for Underrepresented Adolescents
- Emerging Adults’ Health
- Nutrition
- Exercise and Sports
- connecting with adolescents In Pitiful Shape
- connecting with health and well-being Effective College Student Strategies for Exercising
- Sleep
- connecting with health and well-being Effective College Student Strategies for Improving Sleep
- Evolution, Heredity, and Environment
- The Evolutionary Perspective
- The Genetic Process
- Heredity-Environment Interaction
- connecting with adolescents and emerging adults Am I an “I” or “We”?
- The Brain
- The Neuroconstructivist View
- Neurons
- Brain Structure, Cognition, and Emotion
- Experience and Plasticity
- The Cognitive Developmental View
- Piaget’s Theory
- Vygotsky’s Theory
- The Information-Processing View
- connecting with adolescents We Think More Than Adults Think We Do
- Cognitive Resources
- Attention and Memory
- Executive Function
- connecting with health and well-being Guiding Adolescents to Engage in Better Decision Making
- connecting with careers Laura Bickford, Secondary School Teacher
- connecting with adolescents Rochelle Ballantyne, Chess Star
- The Psychometric/Intelligence View
- Intelligence Tests
- Multiple Intelligences
- The Neuroscience of Intelligence
- Heredity and Environment
- Social Cognition
- Adolescent Egocentrism
- connecting with adolescents Are Social Media an Amplification Tool for Adolescent Egocentrism?
- Social Cognition in the Remainder of This Edition
- Language Development
- Overview
- Bilingualism
- Writing
- The Self
- Self-Understanding and Understanding Others
- Self-Esteem and Self-concept
- connecting with health and well-being How Can Adolescents’ Self-Esteem Be Increased?
- Self-Regulation
- Identity
- Erikson’s Ideas on Identity
- The Four Statuses of Identity
- Developmental Changes in Identity
- Identity and Social Contexts
- Identity and Intimacy
- Emotional Development
- The Emotions of Adolescence
- Hormones, Experience, and Emotions
- Emotion Regulation
- Emotional Competence
- Social-Emotional Education Programs
- Personality Development
- Personality
- Temperament
- Biological, Social, and Cognitive Influences on Gender
- Biological Influences on Gender
- Social Influences on Gender
- Cognitive Influences on Gender
- Gender Stereotypes, Similarities, and Differences
- Gender Stereotyping
- Gender Similarities and Differences
- Gender Controversy
- Gender in Context
- Gender-Role Classification
- Masculinity, Femininity, and Androgyny
- connecting with careers Cynthia de las Fuentes, College Professor and Counseling Psychologist
- Transgender
- connecting with careers Stephanie Budge, Transgender Researcher and Psychotherapist
- Going Beyond Gender as Binary
- Developmental Changes and Junctures
- Early Adolescence and Gender Intensification
- Is Early Adolescence a Critical Juncture for Females?
- connecting with health and well-being How Can We Best Guide Adolescents’ Gender Development?
- Exploring Adolescent Sexuality
- A Normal Aspect of Adolescent Development
- The Sexual Culture
- Developing a Sexual Identity
- Obtaining Research Information About Adolescent Sexuality
- Sexual Attitudes and Behavior
- Heterosexual Attitudes and Behavior
- connecting with adolescents Struggling with a Sexual Decision
- connecting with emerging adults Christine’s Thoughts About Sexual Relationships
- Sexual Minority Youths’ Attitudes and Behavior
- Self-Stimulation
- Contraceptive Use
- Problematic Sexual Outcomes in Adolescence
- Adolescent Pregnancy
- connecting with adolescents Sixteen-Year-Old Alberto: Wanting a Different Kind of Life
- Sexually Transmitted Infections
- connecting with careers Dr. Maria Eva Trent, Adolescent Reproductive Health Specialist
- Forcible Sexual Behavior and Sexual Harassment
- Sexual Literacy and Sex Education
- Sexual Literacy
- Sources of Sex Information
- Cognitive Factors
- Sex Education in Schools
- connecting with health and well-being What Is the Most Effective Sex Education?
- What Moral Development Is and the Domains of Moral Development
- What Is Moral Development?
- Moral Thought
- Moral Behavior
- Moral Feeling
- Moral Personality
- Social Domain Theory
- Contexts of Moral Development
- Parenting
- connecting with health and well-being How Can We Raise Moral Children and Adolescents?
- Schools
- connecting with adolescents Finding a Way to Get a Playground
- Culture
- Values, Religion, and Spirituality
- Values
- connecting with careers Constance Flanagan, Professor of Youth Civic Development
- connecting with adolescents Nina Vasan, Superstar Volunteer and Author
- Religion and Spirituality
- Family Processes
- Reciprocal Socialization and the Family as a System
- Maturation
- Sociocultural and Historical Influences
- Adolescents’ and Emerging Adults’ Relationships with Their Parents
- Parents as Managers
- connecting with adolescents Needing Parents as Guides
- Parenting Styles
- Mothers, Fathers, and Coparenting
- Parent-Adolescent Conflict
- connecting with careers Martha Chan, Marriage and Family Therapist
- Autonomy and Attachment
- Emerging Adults’ Relationships with Their Parents
- connecting with health and well-being Can Emerging Adults and Their Parents Coexist?
- Grandparents and Grandchildren
- Intergenerational Relationships
- Sibling Relationships
- Sibling Roles
- Birth Order
- The Changing Family in a Changing Society
- Working Parents
- Divorced Families
- connecting with emerging adults A College Student Reflects on Growing Up in a Divorced Family
- Stepfamilies
- Adoption
- Gay and Lesbian Parents
- Social Policy, Adolescents, and Families
- Exploring Peer Relations and Friendship
- Peer Relations
- Friendship
- connecting with health and well-being What Are Effective and Ineffective Strategies for Making Friends?
- Loneliness
- Adolescent Groups
- Groups in Childhood and Adolescence
- Cliques and Crowds
- Youth Organizations
- Gender and Culture
- Gender
- Socioeconomic Status and Ethnicity
- Culture
- Dating and Romantic Relationships
- Functions of Dating
- Types of Dating and Developmental Changes
- Emotion, Adjustment, and Romantic Relationships
- Romantic Love and Its Construction
- connecting with emerging adults Is Online Dating a Good Idea?
- Gender and Culture
- Emerging Adult Lifestyles
- Single Adults
- Cohabiting Adults
- Married Adults
- connecting with careers Susan Orenstein, Couples Counselor
- Divorced Adults
- Gay and Lesbian Adults
- Approaches to Educating Students
- Contemporary Approaches to Student Learning
- Accountability
- Technology and Education
- Transitions in Schooling
- Transition to Middle or Junior High School
- Improving Middle Schools
- The American High School
- High School Dropouts
- Transition from High School to College
- Transition from College to Work
- The Social Contexts of Schools
- Changing Social Developmental Contexts
- Classroom Climate and Management
- Person-Environment Fit
- Teachers, Parents, Peers, and Extracurricular Activities
- connecting with adolescents “You Are the Coolest”
- connecting with health and well-being Bullying Prevention/Intervention
- Culture
- connecting with adolescents Forensics Teacher Tommie Lindsey’s Students
- connecting with careers Ahou Vaziri, Teach for America Instructor
- Schools and the COVID-19 Pandemic
- K-12 Education
- College Education
- Adolescents Who Are Exceptional
- Who Are Adolescents with Disabilities?
- Learning Disabilities
- Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
- Autism Spectrum Disorders
- Educational Issues Involving Adolescents with Disabilities
- Adolescents Who Are Gifted
- Achievement
- The Importance of Achievement in Adolescence
- Achievement Processes
- connecting with careers Jaime Escalante, Secondary School Math Teacher
- connecting with emerging adults Hari Prabhakar, Student on a Path to Purpose
- Social Motives, Relationships, and Contexts
- Some Motivational Obstacles to Achievement
- connecting with health and well-being Can You Tackle Procrastination?
- Work
- Work in Adolescence
- Working During College
- Work/Career-Based Learning
- Work in Emerging Adulthood
- Career Development
- Developmental Changes
- Cognitive Factors
- connecting with careers Grace Leaf, College/Career Counselor and College Administrator
- Identity Development
- Social Contexts
- connecting with careers Armando Ronquillo, High School Counselor/College Advisor
- Culture, Adolescence, and Emerging Adulthood
- The Relevance of Culture for the Study of Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood
- Cross-Cultural Comparisons
- Rites of Passage
- Socioeconomic Status and Poverty
- What Is Socioeconomic Status?
- Socioeconomic Variations in Families, Neighborhoods, and Schools
- Poverty
- connecting with health and well-being How Do the Eisenhower Quantum Opportunities and El Puente Programs Help Youth in Poverty?
- Ethnicity
- Immigration
- connecting with careers Carola Suárez-Orozco, Immigration Studies Researcher and Professor
- Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood: A Special Juncture for Ethnic Minority Individuals
- connecting with adolescents Seeking a Positive Image for African American Youth
- Ethnicity Issues
- Media/Screen Time and Technology
- Media/Screen Time
- Television
- The Media and Music
- Technology and Digitally Mediated Communication
- Social Policy and the Media
- Exploring Adolescent and Emerging Adult Problems
- The Biopsychosocial Approach
- The Developmental Psychopathology Approach
- Characteristics of Adolescent and Emerging Adult Problems
- connecting with adolescents All Stressed Out
- Stress and Coping
- Resilience
- connecting with health and well-being What Coping Strategies Work for Adolescents and Emerging Adults?
- Problems and Disorders
- Drug Use
- Juvenile Delinquency
- connecting with careers Rodney Hammond, Health Psychologist
- Depression and Suicide
- Eating Disorders
- Interrelation of Problems and Prevention/Intervention
- Adolescents with Multiple Problems
- Prevention and Intervention
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- Gerð : 208
- Höfundur : 9586
- Útgáfuár : 2018
- Leyfi : 380