The Tenth Edition of the bestselling Investigating the Social World provides students with the critical skills necessary to evaluate research and to carry out their own research. Each chapter integrates instruction in the various core research methods with investigation of interesting aspects of the social world. The book has always sought to communicate the excitement of social research and the importance of carefully evaluating the methods we use in that research.
This edition also includes updated coverage of each research method and features many new examples reflecting research on the key issues we have experienced since 2020: the COVID-19 pandemic, the rise of social justice movements, and threats to democracy. It also includes exercises based on the 2020 General Social Survey dataset. This textbook is also available in SAGE′s Vantage platform for the first time.
- Höfundur: Russell K. Schutt
- Útgáfa:10
- Útgáfudagur: 2022-10-21
- Hægt að prenta út 2 bls.
- Hægt að afrita 2 bls.
- Format:ePub
- ISBN 13: 9781071817087
- Print ISBN: 9781071879801
- ISBN 10: 1071817086
- About the Author
- Preface
- Acknowledgments
- Section I Foundations for Social Research
- Chapter 1 Science, Society, and Social Research
- Learning About the Social World
- Motives for Social Research
- Avoiding Errors in Reasoning About the Social World
- Observing
- Generalizing
- Reasoning
- Reevaluating
- Science and Social Science
- The Scientific Approach
- Pseudoscience or Science
- Types of Social Research
- Descriptive Research
- Exploratory Research
- Explanatory Research
- Evaluation Research
- Strengths and Limitations of Social Research
- Alternative Research Orientations
- Quantitative and/or Qualitative Methods
- Philosophical Perspectives
- Basic Science or Applied Research
- The Role of Values
- Conclusions
- Key Terms
- Highlights
- Discussion Questions
- SPSS Exercises
- Learning About the Social World
- Chapter 2 The Process and Problems of Social Research
- Social Research Questions
- Identifying Social Research Questions
- Refining Social Research Questions
- Evaluating Social Research Questions
- Feasibility
- Social Importance
- Scientific Relevance
- Social Research Questions
- Social Theories
- Scientific Paradigms
- Searching for Prior Research
- Searching the Literature
- Searching the Web
- Reviewing Prior Research
- Single-Article Reviews: Aggressive Policing and Educational Performance of Minority Youth
- Integrated Literature Reviews: When Does Arrest Matter?
- Systematic Literature Reviews: Second Responder Programs and Repeat Family Abuse Incidents
- Social Research Strategies
- Explanatory Research
- Deductive Research
- Body-Worn Cameras and the Research Circle
- Inductive Research
- An Inductive Approach to Explaining Support for Black Lives Matter
- Exploratory Research
- Black Youths’ Strategies for Navigating Police Contact
- Descriptive Research
- Explanatory Research
- Social Research Standards
- Measurement Validity
- Generalizability
- Causal Validity
- Authenticity
- Conclusions
- Key Terms
- Highlights
- Discussion Questions
- SPSS Exercises
- Chapter 1 Science, Society, and Social Research
- Chapter 3 Research Ethics and Research Proposals
- Historical Background
- Ethical Principles
- Achievement of Valid Results
- Honesty and Openness
- Protection of Research Participants
- Avoid Harming Research Participants
- Obtain Informed Consent
- Avoid Deception in Research, Except in Limited Circumstances
- Maintain Privacy and Confidentiality
- Consider Uses of Research So That Benefits Outweigh Risks
- Informed Consent Forms
- The Institutional Review Board
- Social Research Proposals
- Case Study: Evaluating a Public Health Program
- Conclusions
- Key Terms
- Highlights
- Discussion Questions
- SPSS Exercises
- Chapter 4 Conceptualization and Measurement
- Concepts
- Conceptualization in Practice
- Tolerance
- Poverty
- Conceptualization in Practice
- Concepts
- From Concepts to Indicators
- Operationalizing the Concept of Race
- Operationalizing Perceived Threat From Immigrants
- The Inductive Approach to Conceptualization
- Measurement
- Constructing Questions
- Making Observations
- Collecting Unobtrusive Measures
- Physical Trace Evidence
- Using Available Data
- Coding Content
- Taking Pictures
- Combining Measurement Operations
- Levels of Measurement
- Nominal Level of Measurement
- Ordinal Level of Measurement
- Interval Level of Measurement
- Ratio Level of Measurement
- The Special Case of Dichotomies
- Comparison of Levels of Measurement
- Evaluating Measures
- Measurement Validity
- Face Validity
- Content Validity
- Criterion Validity
- Construct Validity
- Measurement Reliability
- Multiple Times: Test–Retest and Alternate Forms
- Multiple Indicators: Interitem and Split-Half
- Multiple Observers: Interobserver and Intercoder
- Ways to Improve Reliability and Validity
- Measurement Validity
- Conclusions
- Key Terms
- Highlights
- Discussion Questions
- SPSS Exercises
- Sample Planning
- The Purpose of Sampling
- Define Sample Components and the Population
- Sample Generalizability
- Assess the Diversity of the Population
- Consider a Census
- Probability and Representativeness
- Probability Sampling Methods
- Simple Random Sampling
- Systematic Random Sampling
- Stratified Random Sampling
- Multistage Cluster Sampling
- Probability Sampling Methods Compared
- Nonprobability Sampling Methods
- Availability (Convenience) Sampling
- Quota Sampling
- Purposive Sampling
- Snowball Sampling
- Respondent-Driven Sampling
- Lessons About Sample Quality
- Generalizability With Web-Based Samples
- Generalizability in Qualitative Research
- Sampling Distributions
- Estimating Sampling Error
- Sample Size Considerations
- Conclusions
- Key Terms
- Highlights
- Discussion Questions
- SPSS Exercises
- Units of Analysis
- Individual and Group
- The Ecological Fallacy and Reductionism
- Cross-Sectional and Longitudinal Designs
- Cross-Sectional Designs
- Longitudinal Designs
- Nomothetic or Idiographic Causal Explanations
- Nomothetic Causal Explanations
- Idiographic Causal Explanations
- Criteria for Nomothetic Causal Explanations
- Association
- Time Order
- Experimental Designs
- Nonexperimental Designs
- Nonspuriousness
- Randomization
- Statistical Control
- Mechanism
- Context
- Chapter 7 Experiments
- True Experiments
- Experimental and Comparison Groups
- Pretest and Posttest Measures
- Randomization
- Limitations of True Experimental Designs
- Summary: Causality in True Experiments
- Association Between the Hypothesized Independent and Dependent Variables
- Time Order of Effects of One Variable on the Others
- Nonspurious Relationships Between Variables
- Mechanism That Creates the Causal Effect
- Context in Which Change Occurs
- True Experiments
- Quasi-Experiments
- Nonequivalent Control Group Designs
- Aggregate Matching
- Individual Matching
- Before-and-After Designs
- Summary: Causality in Quasi-Experiments
- Association Between the Hypothesized Independent and Dependent Variables
- Time Order of Effects of One Variable on the Others
- Nonspurious Relationships Between Variables
- Mechanism That Creates the Causal Effect
- Context in Which Change Occurs
- Nonexperimental Ex Post Facto Control Group Designs
- Nonequivalent Control Group Designs
- Causal (Internal) Validity in Experiments
- Sources of Internal Invalidity Reduced by a Comparison Group
- Sources of Internal Invalidity Reduced by Randomization
- Sources of Internal Invalidity That Require Attention While the Experiment Is in Progress
- Generalizability in Experiments
- Sample Generalizability
- Factorial Surveys
- External Validity
- Interaction of Testing and Treatment
- Sample Generalizability
- Ethical Issues in Experimental Research
- Deception
- Selective Distribution of Benefits
- Conclusions
- Key Terms
- Highlights
- Discussion Questions
- SPSS Exercises
- Survey Research in the Social Sciences
- Attractions of Survey Research
- Versatility
- Efficiency
- Generalizability
- The Omnibus Survey
- Attractions of Survey Research
- Errors in Survey Research
- Poor Measurement
- Nonresponse
- Inadequate Coverage of the Population
- Sampling Error
- Writing Survey Questions
- Avoid Confusing Phrasing
- Minimize the Risk of Bias
- Maximize the Utility of Response Categories
- Avoid Making Either Disagreement or Agreement Disagreeable
- Minimize Fence-Sitting and Floating
- Combining Questions in Indexes
- Designing Questionnaires
- Build on Existing Instruments
- Refine and Test Questions
- Add Interpretive Questions
- Maintain Consistent Focus
- Order the Questions
- Make the Questionnaire Attractive
- Consider Language and Culture
- Organizing Surveys
- Mailed, Self-Administered Surveys
- Group-Administered Surveys
- Telephone Surveys
- Reaching Sample Units
- Maximizing Response to Phone Surveys
- In-Person Interviews
- Maximizing Response to Interviews
- Web Surveys
- Mixed-Mode Surveys
- A Comparison of Survey Designs
- Ethical Issues in Survey Research
- Conclusions
- Key Terms
- Highlights
- Discussion Questions
- SPSS Exercises
- Introducing Statistics
- Case Study: The Likelihood of Voting
- Preparing for Data Analysis
- Displaying Univariate Distributions
- Graphs
- Bar Chart
- Histograms
- Frequency Polygon
- Misuse of Graphs
- Frequency Distributions
- Ungrouped Data
- Grouped Data
- Combined and Compressed Distributions
- Graphs
- Measures of Central Tendency
- Mode
- Median
- Mean
- Median or Mean?
- Measures of Variation
- Range
- Interquartile Range
- Variance
- Standard Deviation
- Constructing Contingency Tables
- Graphing Association
- Describing Association
- Evaluating Association
- Controlling for a Third Variable
- Intervening Variables
- Extraneous Variables
- Specification
- Fundamentals of Qualitative Methods
- History of Qualitative Research
- Features of Qualitative Research
- Collection Primarily of Qualitative Rather Than Quantitative Data
- A Focus on Previously Unstudied Processes and Unanticipated Phenomena
- Exploratory Research Questions, With a Commitment to Inductive Reasoning
- Sensitivity to the Subjective Role of the Researcher (Reflexivity)
- An Orientation to Social Context, to the Interconnections Between Social Phenomena Rather Than to Their Discrete Features
- A Focus on Human Subjectivity, on the Meanings That Participants Attach to Events and That People Give to Their Lives
- Use of Idiographic Rather Than Nomothetic Causal Explanation
- Acceptance—by Some Qualitative Researchers—of a Constructivist Philosophy
- Adaptive Research Design, in Which the Design Develops as the Research Progresses
- The Case Study
- Ethnography
- Digital Ethnography
- Hybrid Ethnography
- Choosing a Role
- Covert Observation
- Overt Observation
- Overt Participation (Participant Observer)
- Covert Participation
- Entering the Field
- Developing and Maintaining Relationships
- Sampling People and Events
- Taking Notes
- Managing the Personal Dimensions
- Establishing and Maintaining a Partnership
- Asking Questions and Recording Answers
- Interviewing Online
- Voluntary Participation
- Subject Well-Being
- Identity Disclosure
- Confidentiality
- Appropriate Boundaries
- Researcher Safety
- Features of Qualitative Data Analysis
- Qualitative Data Analysis as an Art
- Qualitative Compared With Quantitative Data Analysis
- Techniques of Qualitative Data Analysis
- Documentation
- Coding, Categorization, and Condensation
- Examination and Display of Relationships
- Corroboration and Legitimization of Conclusions
- Reflection on the Researcher’s Role
- Alternatives in Qualitative Data Analysis
- Grounded Theory
- Abductive Analysis
- Case-Oriented Understanding
- Conversation Analysis
- Narrative Analysis
- Qualitative Comparative Analysis
- Combining Qualitative Methods
- Visual Sociology
- Systematic Observation
- Participatory Action Research
- Computer-Assisted Qualitative Data Analysis
- Ethics in Qualitative Data Analysis
- Privacy, Confidentiality, and Anonymity
- Intervention and Advocacy
- Research Integrity andQquality
- Ownership of Data and Conclusions
- Use and Misuse of Results
- Conclusions
- Key Terms
- Highlights
- Discussion Questions
- Computer-Assisted Qualitative Data Analysis
- Chapter 12 Mixed Methods
- History of Mixed Methods
- Diagramming Mixed Methods
- Types of Mixed Methods
- Integrated Mixed-Methods Designs
- Embedded Mixed-Methods Designs
- Staged Mixed-Methods Designs
- Complex Research Program Mixed-Methods Designs
- Strengths and Limitations of Mixed Methods
- Ethics and Mixed Methods
- Conclusions
- Key Terms
- Highlights
- Discussion Questions
- SPSS Exercises
- Chapter 13 Evaluation and Policy Research
- History of Evaluation Research
- Evaluation Basics
- Questions for Evaluation Research
- Needs Assessment
- Evaluability Assessment
- Process Evaluation
- Impact Analysis
- Efficiency Analysis
- Design Decisions
- Black Box Evaluation or Program Theory
- Researcher or Stakeholder Orientation
- Quantitative or Qualitative Methods
- Simple or Complex Outcomes
- Groups or Individuals
- Policy Research
- Ethics in Evaluation
- Conclusions
- Key Terms
- Highlights
- Discussion Questions
- SPSS Exercises
- Chapter 14 Using Secondary Data and Big Data
- Secondary Data Analysis
- Overview
- Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research
- Types of Data Available From ICPSR
- Obtaining Data From ICPSR
- Secondary Data Analysis
- Secondary Data From Government and Other Sources
- U.S. Census Bureau
- Integrated Public Use Microdata Series
- Bureau of Labor Statistics
- Other Government Sources
- Other Data Sources
- Societal Experts Action Network (SEAN)
- Harvard’s Dataverse
- International Data Sources
- Qualitative Data Sources
- Challenges for Secondary Data Analyses
- Big Data
- Background
- Examples of Research Using Big Data
- Digital Methods
- Challenges for Using Big Data
- Ethical Issues With Secondary Data and Big Data
- Conclusions
- Key Terms
- Highlights
- Discussion Questions
- SPSS Exercise
- Overview of Historical and Comparative Research Methods
- Historical Social Science Methods
- Historical Events Research
- Event-Structure Analysis
- Oral History
- Historical Process Research
- Cautions for Historical Methods
- Historical Events Research
- Comparative Social Science Methods
- Comparative Cross-Sectional Research
- Comparative Historical Research
- Comparative Case Study Designs
- Cautions for Comparative Methods
- Demographic Analysis
- Content Analysis
- Identify a Population of Documents or Other Textual Sources
- Determine the Units of Analysis
- Select a Sample of Units From the Population
- Design Coding Procedures for the Variables to Be Measured
- Develop Appropriate Statistical Analyses
- Ethical Issues in Historical and Comparative Research and Content Analysis
- Conclusions
- Key Terms
- Highlights
- Discussion Questions
- SPSS Exercises
- Writing Research
- Displaying Research
- Performing Meta-Analyses
- Case Study: Vaccine Intentions Across 28 Large National Samples
- Reporting Research
- Journal Articles
- Case Study: Does Protest Against Police Violence Matter?
- Applied Research Reports
- Findings From Living in Boston During COVID-19: Economic Impact
- Framing an Applied Report
- Research Videos
- Research Posters and Presentations
- Reporting Quantitative and Qualitative Research
- Journal Articles
- Ethics, Politics, and Research Reports
- Plagiarism
- Conclusions
- Key Terms
- Highlights
- Discussion Questions
- SPSS Exercises
Bókahillan þín er þitt svæði og þar eru bækurnar þínar geymdar. Þú kemst í bókahilluna þína hvar og hvenær sem er í tölvu eða snjalltæki. Einfalt og þægilegt!Rafbók til eignar
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Auðvelt að fletta og leita
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Glósur og yfirstrikanir
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Hvað viltu sjá? / Þú ræður hvernig síðan lítur út
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Fleiri góðir kostir
- Þú getur prentað síður úr bókinni (innan þeirra marka sem útgefandinn setur)
- Möguleiki á tengingu við annað stafrænt og gagnvirkt efni, svo sem myndbönd eða spurningar úr efninu
- Auðvelt að afrita og líma efni/texta fyrir t.d. heimaverkefni eða ritgerðir
- Styður tækni sem hjálpar nemendum með sjón- eða heyrnarskerðingu
- Gerð : 208
- Höfundur : 5918
- Útgáfuár : 2018
- Leyfi : 380