Investigating Mathematics, Science and Technology in Early Childhood
- LSS105G Umhverfi sem uppspretta náms
Investigating Mathematics, Science and Technology in Early Childhood explores the ways in which young children develop mathematics, science and technology understandings through everyday play and investigation. Taking a holistic approach, the book addresses key areas of knowledge within mathematics, science and technology in the early years’ contexts and looks at how they can be integrated to create meaningful learning experiences.
It provides clear explanations and examples of mathematical, scientific and technological concepts and processes to help pre-service educators build up their own content knowledge to confidently prepare for practice in early years learning environments. KEY FEATURES Focuses on the birth to eight, with particular attention paid to 0 – 3 ages Learning stories with practical examples and anecdotes from early childhood educators demonstrate how children investigate concepts within mathematics, science and technology learning Investigation boxes provide examples of children’s investigations of mathematics, science and technology and educator’s interpretations of these, to help build content knowledge Critical reflective questions throughout encourage readers to consider key issues, interpret examples and reflect upon their own experiences.
- Höfundar: MacDonald, Amy, Rafferty, John
- Útgáfa:1
- Útgáfudagur: 08/2015
- Hægt að prenta út 10 bls.
- Hægt að afrita 10 bls.
- Format:ePub
- ISBN 13: 9780190302719
- Print ISBN: 9780195529906
- ISBN 10: 0190302712
- Cover
- Title Page
- Copyright Page
- Contents
- Figures
- Tables
- Investigations
- Preface
- About the authors
- Acknowledgments
- Guided tour
- 1 Holistic Approaches to Mathematics, Science and Technology Education
- Chapter overview
- Learning objectives
- Introduction
- The everydayness of mathematics, science and technology
- Knowing the parts to understand the whole
- The place of mathematics, science and technology in early years curricula
- Positioning the child in mathematics, science and technology education
- Playful pedagogies in mathematics, science and technology education
- Chapter summary
- For further discussion
- Further reading
- 2 Powerful Processes
- Chapter overview
- Learning objectives
- Introduction
- The relationship between concepts and processes
- Powerful processes in mathematics, science and technology
- The importance of questioning in mathematics, science and technology
- Developing dispositions for mathematical, scientific and technological learning
- Chapter summary
- For further discussion
- Further reading
- 3 Assessment and Planning
- Chapter overview
- Learning objectives
- Introduction
- The relationship between assessment and planning
- Assessing learning in mathematics, science and technology education
- Planning for play and investigation
- Problem solving in mathematics, science and technology
- Using learning stories to assess and plan for mathematics, science and technology
- Chapter summary
- For further discussion
- Further reading
- 4 Technological Tools, ICTs and Digital Play
- Chapter overview
- Learning objectives
- Introduction
- Technology in context
- Developing understandings of technology
- Chapter summary
- For further discussion
- Further reading
- 5 Patterns
- Chapter overview
- Learning objectives
- Introduction
- Patterns in context
- Developing understandings of pattern
- Chapter summary
- For further discussion
- Further reading
- 6 Space
- Chapter overview
- Learning objectives
- Introduction
- Space in context
- Developing understandings of space
- Chapter summary
- For further discussion
- Further reading
- 7 Measurement
- Chapter overview
- Learning objectives
- Introduction
- Measurement in context
- Developing understandings of measurement
- Chapter summary
- For further discussion
- Further reading
- 8 Number
- Chapter overview
- Learning objectives
- Introduction
- Number in context
- Developing understandings of number
- Chapter summary
- For further discussion
- Further reading
- 9 Data
- Chapter overview
- Learning objectives
- Introduction
- Data in context
- Developing understandings of data
- Chapter summary
- For further discussion
- Further reading
- 10 Sustainability
- Chapter overview
- Learning objectives
- Introduction
- Sustainability in context
- Developing understandings of sustainability
- Chapter summary
- For further discussion
- Further reading
- 11 Earth Science
- Chapter overview
- Learning objectives
- Introduction
- Earth science in context
- Developing understandings of Earth science
- Chapter summary
- For further discussion
- Further reading
- 12 Biological Science
- Chapter overview
- Learning objectives
- Introduction
- Biological science in context
- Developing understandings of biological science
- Chapter summary
- For further discussion
- Further reading
- 13 Physical Science
- Chapter overview
- Learning objectives
- Introduction
- Physical science in context
- Developing understandings of physical science
- Chapter summary
- For further discussion
- Further reading
- 14 Chemical Science
- Chapter overview
- Learning objectives
- Introduction
- Chemical science in context
- Developing understandings of chemical science
- Chapter summary
- For further discussion
- Further reading
- 15 Bringing It All Together
- Investigations matrix
- Glossary
- Bibliography
- Index
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- Gerð : 208
- Höfundur : 17235
- Útgáfuár : 2015
- Leyfi : 380