Námskeið LÍF214G Dýrafræði - hryggleysingjar - Höfundar: Richard C. Brusca, Gonzalo Giribet, Wendy Moore
5.090 kr.

- LÍF214G Dýrafræði - hryggleysingjar
Invertebrates is a complete, trusted, and engaging textbook whose comprehensive coverage makes it an invaluable resource for both undergraduate and graduate courses and professional researchers. The third edition has been widely praised for its detailed classifications, high-quality illustrations, and coverage of contemporary debates in the field. The fourth edition continues to feature recent scholarship and current perspectives while streamlining the text to improve accessibility for intro-level students.
- Höfundar: Richard C. Brusca, Gonzalo Giribet, Wendy Moore
- Útgáfa:4
- Útgáfudagur: 2022-02-15
- Hægt að prenta út 2 bls.
- Hægt að afrita 2 bls.
- Format:ePub
- ISBN 13: 9780197637173
- Print ISBN: 9780197554418
- ISBN 10: 0197637175
- Cover Page
- Title page
- About the cover
- Copyright page
- Dedication
- Contents
- Foreword
- Preface
- Acknowledgments
- Guest Chapter Revisers
- Digital Resources for Invertebrates, Fourth Edition
- E-Book(ISBN 9780197637173)
- For the Instructor(Available at
- Classification of the Animal Kingdom (Metazoa)
- A phylogeny of Metazoa
- Geologic Time Scale
- CHAPTER 1 Introduction
- Keeping Track of Life
- Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes
- Where Did Invertebrates Come From?
- The Dawn of Life
- The Ediacaran Period and the Origin of Animals
- The Paleozoic Era (541–251.9 Ma)
- The Mesozoic Era (251.9–66 Ma)
- The Cenozoic Era (66 Ma–present)
- Where Do Invertebrates Live?
- Marine Habitats
- Estuaries and Coastal Wetlands
- Freshwater Habitats
- Terrestrial Habitats
- A Special Type of Environment: Symbiosis
- Changing Views of Invertebrate Phylogeny
- Legacy Names
- Phylogenetics and Classification Schemes
- A Final Introductory Message to the Reader
- Chapter Summary
- CHAPTER 2 Systematics, Phylogeny, and Classifications
- Phylogeny, Monophyly, Paraphyly, and Polyphyly
- Homology
- Apomorphy and Plesiomorphy
- Challenges of Phylogenetic Inference
- Constructing Phylogenies
- Biological Classification
- Nomenclature
- Chapter Summary
- CHAPTER 3 Introduction to the Animal Kingdom
- Body Symmetry
- Cellularity, Body Size, Germ Layers, and Body Cavities
- Locomotion and Support
- Reynolds Number
- Ameboid Locomotion
- Cilia and Flagella
- Muscles and Skeletons
- The hydrostatic skeleton
- The rigid skeleton
- Feeding and Digestion
- Intracellular and Extracellular Digestion
- Feeding Strategies
- Suspension feeding
- Deposit feeding
- Herbivory
- Carnivory and scavenging
- Dissolved organic matter
- Chemoautotrophy
- Nitrogenous Wastes and Water Conservation
- Osmoregulation and Habitat
- Excretory and Osmoregulatory Structures
- Water expulsion vesicles
- Nephridia
- Other organs of excretion
- Internal Transport
- Circulatory Systems
- Hearts and Other Pumping Mechanisms
- Gas Exchange and Transport
- Gas exchange structures
- Gas transport
- Sense Organs
- Tactile receptors
- Georeceptors
- Proprioceptors
- Phonoreceptors
- Baroreceptors
- Chemoreceptors
- Photoreceptors
- Thermoreceptors
- Independent Effectors
- Asexual Reproduction
- A word about colonies
- Sexual Reproduction
- Parthenogenesis
- Evolutionary Developmental Biology: Evo-Devo
- Developmental Tool Kits
- The Relationship Between Genotype and Phenotype
- The Evolution of Novel Gene Function
- Gene Regulatory Networks
- Eggs and Embryos
- Eggs
- Cleavage
- Orientation of Cleavage Planes
- Radial and Spiral Cleavage
- Cell Fates
- Blastula Types
- Gastrulation and Germ Layer Formation
- Mesoderm and Body Cavities
- Life Cycles: Sequences and Strategies
- Classification of Life Cycles
- Indirect Development
- Settling and Metamorphosis
- Direct Development
- Mixed Development
- Adaptations to Land and Fresh Water
- Parasite Life Cycles
- The Relationships Between Ontogeny and Phylogeny
- The Concept of Recapitulation
- Heterochrony and Paedomorphosis
- The Origin of the Metazoa
- Origin of the Metazoan Condition
- Historical Perspectives on Metazoan Origins
- The Origin of Multicellularity
- The Origin of the Bilateral Condition and the Coelom
- The Trochaea Theory
- Closing Thoughts
- Chapter Summary
- Phylum Porifera: The Sponges
- Taxonomic History and Classification
- The Poriferan Body Plan
- Body Structure and the Aquiferous System
- More on Sponge Cell Types
- Cells that line surfaces
- Cells that secrete the skeleton
- Contractile cells
- Stem cells
- Other cell types
- Cell reaggregation
- Support
- Nutrition, Excretion, and Gas Exchange
- Activity and Sensitivity
- Reproduction and Development
- Asexual reproduction
- Sexual processes
- Embryogenesis and larvae
- Calcarea
- Hexactinellida
- Demospongiae
- Homoscleromorpha
- Distribution and Ecology
- Biochemical Agents
- Growth Rates
- Symbioses
- The Origin of Sponges
- Evolution within the Porifera
- Phylum Placozoa
- Phylum Ctenophora*
- Taxonomic History and Classification
- The Ctenophoran Body Plan
- Support and Locomotion
- Feeding and Digestion
- Circulation, Excretion, Gas Exchange, and Osmoregulation
- Nervous System and Sense Organs
- Reproduction and Development
- Asexual reproduction and regeneration
- Sexual reproduction and development
- Taxonomic History and Classification
- The Cnidarian Body Plan
- The Body Wall
- The polypoid form
- The medusoid form
- Support
- Movement
- Cnidae
- Feeding and Digestion
- Defense, Interactions, and Symbiosis
- Circulation, Gas Exchange, Excretion, and Osmoregulation
- Nervous System and Sense Organs
- Reproduction and Development
- Anthozoan reproduction
- Scyphozoan reproduction
- Cubozoan reproduction
- Staurozoan reproduction
- Hydrozoan reproduction
- Myxozoan reproduction
- The Body Wall
- Earliest Cnidaria
- Cnidarian Phylogeny
- The Bilateria
- Deuterostomes and Protostomes
- The Basal Bilaterian
- Phylum Xenacoelomorpha
- Classification of Phylum Xenacoelomorpha
- Subphylum Acoelomorpha
- Class Acoela
- The Acoel Body Plan
- Body Wall and External Appearance
- Body Musculature, Support, and Movement
- Nutrition, Excretion, and Gas Exchange
- Nervous Systems and Sense Organs
- Reproduction and Development
- Class Nemertodermatida
- The Nemertodermatid Body Plan
- Body Structure
- Cell and Tissue Organization
- Support and Movement
- Nutrition, Excretion, Gas Exchange
- Nervous System
- Reproduction and Development
- Subphylum Xenoturbellida
- The Xenoturbellid Body Plan
- General Body Structure
- Support and Movement
- Nutrition, Excretion, and Gas Exchange
- Nervous System and Sense Organs
- Reproduction and Development
- Chapter Summary
- Protostomes and Deuterostomes
- Spiralia and Ecdysozoa
- The Phylum Dicyemida (= Rhombozoa)
- Anatomy and Biology of Dicyemidans
- Life Cycles
- Chapter Summary
- Phylum Gnathostomulida: The Gnathostomulids*
- The Gnathostomulid Body Plan
- Body Wall, Support, and Locomotion
- Nutrition, Circulation, Excretion, and Gas Exchange
- Nervous System
- Reproduction and Development
- Phylum Rotifera: The Free-Living Rotifers
- The Rotifer Body Plan
- Body Wall, General External Anatomy, and the Corona
- Body Cavity, Support, and Locomotion
- Feeding and Digestion
- Circulation, Gas Exchange, Excretion, and Osmoregulation
- Nervous System and Sense Organs
- Reproduction and Development
- Phylum Rotifera, Subclass Acanthocephala: The Acanthocephalans
- The Acanthocephalan Body Plan
- Body Wall, Support, Attachment, and Nutrition
- Circulation, Gas Exchange, and Excretion
- Nervous System
- Reproduction and Development
- Phylum Micrognathozoa: The Micrognathozoans
- The Micrognathozoan Body Plan
- Epidermis, Ciliation, and Body Wall Musculature
- Locomotion
- Pharyngeal Apparatus, Feeding, and Digestion
- Circulation, Gas Exchange, and Excretion
- Nervous System and Sense Organs
- Reproduction and Development
- Phylum Chaetognatha
- The Chaetognath Body Plan
- Body Wall, Support, and Movement
- Feeding and Digestion
- Circulation, Gas Exchange, and Excretion
- Nervous System and Sense Organs
- Reproduction and Development
- Chapter Summary
- Phylum Entoprocta: The Entoprocts*
- The Entoproct Body Plan
- Body Wall, Support, and Movement
- Feeding and Digestion
- Circulation, Gas Exchange, and Excretion
- Nervous System
- Reproduction and Development
- Phylum Cycliophora: The Cycliophorans
- Chapter Summary
- Phylum Mollusca*
- Taxonomic History and Classification
- The Molluscan Body Plan
- The Body Wall
- The Mantle and Mantle Cavity
- The Molluscan Shell
- Torsion, or “How the Gastropod Got its Twist”
- Locomotion
- Feeding
- Digestion
- Circulation and Gas Exchange
- Excretion and Osmoregulation
- Nervous System
- Sense Organs
- Cephalopod Coloration and Ink
- Reproduction
- Development
- Molluscan Evolution and Phylogeny
- Chapter Summary
- Taxonomic History and Classification
- Classification
- The Nemertean Body Plan
- Body Wall
- Support and Locomotion
- Feeding and Digestion
- The proboscis apparatus
- Digestive system
- Circulation and Gas Exchange
- Excretion and Osmoregulation
- Nervous System and Sense Organs
- Reproduction and Development
- Asexual processes
- Sexual reproduction
- Taxonomic History and Classification
- Synopses of Major Groups
- The Annelid Body Plan
- Body Forms
- Body Wall and Coelomic Arrangement
- Support and Locomotion
- Feeding and Digestion
- Feeding
- Digestion
- Circulation and Gas Exchange
- Excretion and Osmoregulation
- Nervous System and Sense Organs
- Reproduction and Development
- Regeneration and asexual reproduction
- Sexual reproduction
- Development
- Sipuncula
- Body Wall, Coelom, Circulation, and Gas Exchange
- Support and Locomotion
- Feeding and Digestion
- Excretion and Osmoregulation
- Nervous System and Sense Organs
- Reproduction and Development
- Body Wall and Coelom
- Support and Locomotion
- Feeding and Digestion
- Circulation and Gas Exchange
- Excretion and Osmoregulation
- Nervous System and Sense Organs
- Reproduction and Development
- Siboglinidae: Vent Worms and Their Kin
- The Tube, Body Wall, and Body Cavity
- Nutrition
- Circulation, Gas Exchange, Excretion, and Osmoregulation
- Nervous System and Sense Organs
- Reproduction and Development
- Hirudinea: Leeches and Their Relatives
- Body Wall and Coelom
- Support and Locomotion
- Feeding and Digestion
- Circulation and Gas Exchange
- Excretion and Osmoregulation
- Nervous System and Sense Organs
- Reproduction and Development
- Orthonectida: Extremely Simplified Annelids
- Taxonomic History of the Lophophorates
- The Lophophorate Body Plan
- Phylum Phoronida: The Phoronids
- The Phoronid Body Plan
- Body Wall, Body Cavity, and Support
- The Lophophore, Feeding, and Digestion
- Circulation, Gas Exchange, and Excretion
- Nervous System
- Reproduction and Development
- Phylum Bryozoa: The Moss Animals
- The Bryozoan Body Plan
- The Body Wall, Coelom, Muscles, and Movement
- Zooid Interconnections
- The Tentacle Crown, Feeding, and Digestion
- Circulation, Gas Exchange, and Excretion
- Nervous System and Sense Organs
- Reproduction and Development
- Sexual reproduction
- Asexual reproduction
- Phylum Brachiopoda: The Lamp Shells
- The Brachiopod Body Plan
- The Body Wall, Coelom, and Support
- The Lophophore, Feeding, and Digestion
- Circulation, Gas Exchange, and Excretion
- Nervous System and Sense Organs
- Reproduction and Development
- Chapter Summary
- Introduction to Rouphozoa
- The Phylum Platyhelminthes (Flatworms)
- Taxonomic History and Classification
- The Platyhelminth Body Plan
- Body Wall
- Free-living flatworms
- Flukes and tapeworms
- Support, Locomotion, and Attachment
- Feeding and Digestion
- Free-living flatworms
- Flukes and tapeworms
- Circulation and Gas Exchange
- Excretion and Osmoregulation
- Nervous System and Sense Organs
- Free-living flatworms
- Flukes and tapeworms
- Reproduction and Development
- Asexual processes
- Sexual reproduction: Free-living flatworms
- Sexual reproduction: Flukes
- Sexual reproduction: Tapeworms
- Body Wall
- Phylum Gastrotricha: The Gastrotrichs, or Hairy-Bellied Worms*
- Body Wall
- Support and Locomotion
- Feeding and Digestion
- Circulation, Gas Exchange, Excretion, and Osmoregulation
- Nervous System and Sense Organs
- Reproduction and Development
- Introduction to Ecdysozoa*
- The Scalidophora
- Phylum Kinorhyncha: The Kinorhynchs, or Mud Dragons
- The Kinorhynch Body Plan
- Body Wall
- Support and Locomotion
- Feeding and Digestion
- Circulation, Gas Exchange, Excretion, and Osmoregulation
- Nervous System and Sense Organs
- Reproduction and Development
- Phylum Priapula: The Priapulans, or Penis Worms
- Priapulan Classification
- Priapulan Body Plan
- Body Wall, Support, and Locomotion
- Feeding and Digestion
- Circulation, Gas Exchange, Excretion, and Osmoregulation
- Nervous System and Sense Organs
- Reproduction and Development
- Phylum Loricifera: The Loriciferans
- Chapter Summary
- Phylum Nematoda: Roundworms*
- Classification of Phylum Nematoda
- The Nematode Body Plan
- Body Wall, Support, and Locomotion
- Feeding and Digestion
- Circulation, Gas Exchange, Excretion, and Osmoregulation
- Nervous System and Sense Organs
- Reproduction, Development, and Life Cycles
- Life Cycles of Some Parasitic Nematodes
- Phylum Nematomorpha: Horsehair Worms and Their Kin
- The Nematomorph Body Plan
- Body Wall, Support, and Locomotion
- Feeding and Digestion
- Circulation, Gas Exchange, Excretion, and Osmoregulation
- Nervous System and Sense Organs
- Reproduction and Development
- Chapter Summary
- Phylum Tardigrada*
- The Tardigrade Body Plan
- Locomotion
- Feeding, Digestion, and Excretion
- Circulation and Gas Exchange
- Nervous System and Sense Organs
- Reproduction and Development
- Phylum Onychophora
- The Onychophoran Body Plan
- Locomotion
- Feeding and Digestion
- Circulation and Gas Exchange
- Excretion and Osmoregulation
- Nervous System, Sense Organs, and Behavior
- Reproduction and Development
- Systematics and Biogeography
- An Introduction to the Phylum Arthropoda
- Taxonomic History and Classification
- The Arthropod Body Plan and Arthropodization
- The Body Wall
- Arthropod Appendages
- Appendage anatomy
- Appendage Evolution
- Support and Locomotion
- Growth
- The Digestive System
- Circulation and Gas Exchange
- Excretion and Osmoregulation
- Nervous System and Sense Organs
- Reproduction and Development
- The Evolution of Arthropods
- The Origin of Arthropods
- Evolution within the Arthropoda
- Chapter Summary
- Classification of the Crustacea
- Synopses of Crustacean Taxa
- Subphylum Crustacea
- Superclass Oligostraca
- Class Ostracoda
- Class Mystacocarida
- Class Branchiura
- Class Pentastomida
- Superclass Altocrustacea: Clade Multicrustacea
- Class Malacostraca
- Subclass Phyllocarida
- Order Leptostraca
- Subclass Hoplocarida
- Order Stomatopoda
- Subclass Eumalacostraca
- Superorder Syncarida
- Superorder Eucarida
- Order Euphausiacea
- Order Decapoda
- Suborder Dendrobranchiata
- Suborder Pleocyemata
- Infraorder Caridea
- Infraorder Stenopodidea
- Infraorder Brachyura
- Infraorder Anomura
- Infraorder Astacidea
- Infraorder Achelata
- Infraorders Axiidea and Gebiidea
- Infraorders Glypheidea and Polychelida
- Superorder Peracarida
- Order Mysida
- Order Stygiomysida
- Order Lophogastrida
- Order Cumacea
- Order Tanaidacea
- Order Mictacea
- Order Spelaeogriphacea
- Order Thermosbaenacea
- Order Isopoda
- Order Amphipoda
- Order Ingolfiellida
- Class Copepoda
- Class Thecostraca
- Subclass Facetotecta
- Subclass Ascothoracida
- Subclass Cirripedia
- Class Tantulocarida
- Superclass Altocrustacea: Clade Allotriocarida
- Class Cephalocarida
- Class Branchiopoda
- Subclass Anostraca
- Subclass Phyllopoda
- Order Notostraca
- Order Diplostraca
- Class Remipedia
- Locomotion
- Feeding
- Digestive System
- Circulation and Gas Exchange
- Excretion and Osmoregulation
- Nervous System and Sense Organs
- Reproduction and Development
- Reproduction
- Development
- Classification of the Subphylum Hexapoda
- Subphylum Hexapoda
- Synopses of Hexapod Groups
- Subphylum Hexapoda
- Entognatha
- Order Collembola
- Order Protura
- Order Diplura
- Class Insecta
- Order Archaeognatha
- Dicondylia
- Order Zygentoma
- Subclass Pterygota
- Palaeoptera
- Order Ephemeroptera
- Order Odonata
- Infraclass Neoptera
- Superorder Polyneoptera
- Order Plecoptera
- Order Blattodea
- Order Mantodea
- Order Phasmida
- Order Grylloblattodea
- Order Dermaptera
- Order Orthoptera
- Order Mantophasmatodea
- Order Embioptera (Embiidina)
- Order Zoraptera
- Superorder Acercaria
- Order Thysanoptera
- Order Hemiptera
- Order Psocodea
- Superorder Holometabola
- Order Hymenoptera
- Coleopterida
- Order Coleoptera
- Order Strepsiptera
- Neuropterida
- Order Megaloptera
- Order Raphidioptera
- Order Neuroptera
- Antliophora
- Order Mecoptera
- Order Siphonaptera
- Order Diptera
- Amphiesmenoptera
- Order Trichoptera
- Order Lepidoptera
- General Morphology
- The hexapod head
- The hexapod thorax
- The hexapod abdomen
- Locomotion
- Walking
- Flight
- The Origin of Insect Flight
- Feeding and Digestion
- Feeding
- Digestive system
- Circulation and Gas Exchange
- Excretion and Osmoregulation
- Nervous System and Sense Organs
- Reproduction and Development
- Reproduction
- Embryology
- Postembryonic development
- Myriapod Classification
- Subphylum Myriapoda
- Class Chilopoda
- Class Diplopoda
- Class Pauropoda
- Class Symphyla
- The Myriapod Body Plan
- Head and Mouth Appendages
- Locomotion
- Feeding and Digestion
- Circulation and Gas Exchange
- Excretion and Osmoregulation
- Nervous System and Sense Organs
- Reproduction and Development
- Chilopoda
- Diplopoda
- Pauropoda
- Symphyla
- Embryonic Development
- Myriapod Phylogeny
- Chapter Summary
- Synopses of Living Chelicerate Groups
- Class Euchelicerata
- Subclass Merostomata*
- Order Xiphosura
- Subclass Arachnida
- “Acari”
- Order Amblypygi
- Order Araneae
- Order Opiliones
- Order Palpigradi
- Order Pseudoscorpiones
- Order Ricinulei
- Order Schizomida
- Order Scorpiones
- Order Solifugae
- Order Uropygi
- Spinnerets, Spider Silk, and Spider Webs
- Locomotion
- Feeding and Digestion
- Feeding
- Digestion
- Circulation and Gas Exchange
- Excretion and Osmoregulation
- Nervous System and Sense Organs
- Reproduction and Development
- External Anatomy
- Locomotion
- Feeding and Digestion
- Circulation, Gas Exchange, and Excretion
- Nervous System and Sense Organs
- Reproduction and Development
- Introduction to the Deuterostomia
- Phylum Hemichordata: Acorn Worms and Pterobranchs*
- Hemichordate Classification
- The Hemichordate Body Plan
- Class Enteropneusta (Acorn Worms)
- External Anatomy
- Support Structures
- Coelomic Cavities
- Musculature and Locomotion
- Feeding and Digestion
- Circulatory System
- Excretory System
- Gas Exchange
- Nervous System
- Reproduction and Development
- Asexual reproduction
- Sexual reproduction
- Development
- Body Wall and Cavities
- Support, Muscles, and Movement
- Gut and Feeding
- Circulation and Gas Exchange
- Nervous System
- Reproduction and Development
- Hemichordate Fossil Record and Phylogeny
- Taxonomic History and Classification
- The Echinoderm Body Plan
- Developmental Roots of the Echinoderm Body Plan
- Axial and extraxial body regions
- Ray homologies
- Body Wall and Coelom
- Mutable Collagenous Tissue
- Water Vascular System
- Asteroidea
- Ophiuroidea
- Crinoidea
- Echinoidea
- Holothuroidea
- Support and Locomotion
- Feeding and Digestion
- Crinoidea
- Asteroidea
- Ophiuroidea
- Echinoidea
- Holothuroidea
- Circulation and Gas Exchange
- Circulation
- Gas exchange
- Excretion and Osmoregulation
- Excretion
- Osmoregulation
- Nervous System and Sense Organs
- Reproduction and Development
- Regeneration and asexual reproduction
- Sexual reproduction
- Development
- Developmental Roots of the Echinoderm Body Plan
- First Echinoderms
- Modern Echinoderms
- Phylum Chordata, Subphylum Cephalochordata: The Lancelets
- The Cephalochordate Body Plan
- Body Wall, Support, and Locomotion
- Feeding and Digestion
- Circulation, Gas Exchange, and Excretion
- Nervous System and Sense Organs
- Reproduction and Development
- Phylum Chordata, Subphylum Urochordata: The Tunicates
- The Tunicate Body Plan
- Body Wall, Support, and Locomotion
- Feeding and Digestion
- Circulation, Gas Exchange, and Excretion
- Nervous System and Sense Organs
- Reproduction and Development
- Asexual reproduction
- Sexual reproduction
- Chapter Openers
- Chapter 1
- Chapter 2
- Chapter 3
- Chapter 4
- Chapter 5
- Chapter 6
- Chapter 7
- Chapter 9
- Chapter 10
- Chapter 11
- Chapter 12
- Chapter 13
- Chapter 14
- Chapter 15
- Chapter 16
- Chapter 17
- Chapter 18
- Chapter 19
- Chapter 20
- Chapter 21
- Chapter 22
- Chapter 23
- Chapter 24
- Chapter 25
- Chapter 26
- Chapter 27
- General References
- Phylogeny and Paleontology
- General Invertebrate Embryology
- Life Histories
- Phylogeny and the Origins of Major Clades
- General References
- Calcarea
- Demospongiae
- Hexactinellida
- Homoscleromorpha
- Phylogeny and Evolution
- Placozoa
- Ctenophora
- General References
- Anthozoa
- Cubozoa
- Hydrozoa
- Myxozoa
- Scyphozoa
- Staurozoa
- General References
- Acoela
- Nemertodermatida
- Xenoturbellida
- General References
- Gnathifera
- Gnathostomulida
- Rotifera
- Acanthocephala
- Micrognathozoa
- Chaetognatha
- Platytrochozoa
- Entoprocta
- Cycliophora
- General References
- Caudofoveata and Solenogastres (the Aplacophorans)
- Monoplacophora
- Polyplacophora
- Gastropoda
- Bivalvia
- Scaphopoda
- Cephalopoda
- Molluscan Evolution and Phylogeny
- General References
- Hirudinea
- Siboglinidae
- Sipuncula
- Thalassematidae
- Orthonectida
- General References
- Phoronida
- Bryozoa
- Brachiopoda
- General References
- Free-living Flatworms
- Neodermata: Trematoda (flukes) and Cestoda (tapeworms)
- Gastrotricha
- General References
- Kinorhyncha
- Priapula
- Loricifera
- Nematoda
- Nematomorpha
- Chapter 20
- General References
- Tardigrada
- Onychophora
- Arthropod Phylogeny and Evolution
- General References
- Phylogeny and Evolution
- General References
- Hexapod Evolution
- General References
- Myriapod Evolution
- General References
- Merostomata
- Arachnida
- Pycnogonida
- Deuterostomia
- Hemichordata
- General References
- Crinoidea
- Asteroidea
- Ophiuroidea
- Echinoidea
- Holothuroidea
- General References
- Cephalochordata
- Urochordata
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Fleiri góðir kostir
- Þú getur prentað síður úr bókinni (innan þeirra marka sem útgefandinn setur)
- Möguleiki á tengingu við annað stafrænt og gagnvirkt efni, svo sem myndbönd eða spurningar úr efninu
- Auðvelt að afrita og líma efni/texta fyrir t.d. heimaverkefni eða ritgerðir
- Styður tækni sem hjálpar nemendum með sjón- eða heyrnarskerðingu
- Gerð : 208
- Höfundur : 14642
- Útgáfuár : 2022
- Leyfi : 380