Introduction to the Environmental Humanities

In an era of climate change, deforestation, melting ice caps, poisoned environments, and species loss, many people are turning to the power of the arts and humanities for sustainable solutions to global ecological problems. Introduction to the Environmental Humanities offers a practical and accessible guide to this dynamic and interdisciplinary field. This book provides an overview of the Environmental Humanities’ evolution from the activist movements of the early and mid-twentieth century to more recent debates over climate change, sustainability, energy policy, and habitat degradation in the Anthropocene era.
The text introduces readers to seminal writings, artworks, campaigns, and movements while demystifying important terms such as the Anthropocene, environmental justice, nature, ecosystem, ecology, posthuman, and non-human. Emerging theoretical areas such as critical animal and plant studies, gender and queer studies, Indigenous studies, and energy studies are also presented. Organized by discipline, the book explores the role that the arts and humanities play in the future of the planet.
- Höfundar: J. Andrew Hubbell, John C. Ryan
- Útgáfa:1
- Útgáfudagur: 2021-09-14
- Hægt að prenta út 2 bls.
- Hægt að afrita 2 bls.
- Format:ePub
- ISBN 13: 9781351200332
- Print ISBN: 9780815391920
- ISBN 10: 135120033X
- Cover
- Half Title
- Endorsement Page
- Title Page
- Copyright Page
- Contents
- Figures
- Preface
- Acknowledgments
- 1 Introduction to the Environmental Humanities
- History and theory
- Chapter objectives
- Book overview
- Resurrecting the auroch
- What on earth are the Environmental Humanities?
- Historical roots of the Environmental Humanities
- A humanities to come? EH arrives
- Chapter summary
- Exercises
- Annotated bibliography
- Weblinks
- References
- 2 Climate change
- The great disrupter
- Chapter objectives
- More than an inconvenient truth
- What is climate change?
- The Environmental Humanities difference
- Environmental Humanities action
- Chapter summary
- Exercises
- Annotated bibliography
- Weblinks
- References
- 3 The Anthropocene
- A superhero species comes of age
- Chapter objectives
- It is the dawning of the age of the human
- What is the Anthropocene?
- What does the Anthropocene mean?
- What the Environmental Humanities contributes
- Chapter summary
- Exercises
- Annotated bibliography
- Weblinks
- References
- 4 Indigenous cultures and nature
- Past, present, and future
- Chapter objectives
- Contacting the sentinelese
- Indigenous cultures and the Environmental Humanities
- Indigenous cultures and EH: Historical perspectives
- Indigenous cultures and EH: Current directions
- Summary
- Exercises
- Annotated bibliography
- Weblinks
- References
- 5 Environmental anthropology, cultural geography, and the geohumanities
- Space and place
- Chapter objectives
- Razing the amazon
- Space and place in the Environmental Humanities
- Space and place: historical perspectives
- Space and place: current trends and future prospects
- Chapter summary
- Exercises
- Annotated bibliography
- Weblinks
- References
- 6 Environmental history
- The story of coevolution
- Chapter objectives
- Virus cultures
- Environmental history
- Telling it like it is
- History for the future
- Chapter summary
- Exercises
- Annotated bibliography
- Weblinks
- References
- 7 Environmental philosophy
- Thinking about nature
- Chapter objectives
- Luminescing flora
- Ecophilosophy as a pillar of the Environmental Humanities
- Historical developments and key texts in environmental philosophy
- Current trends and future prospects in environmental philosophy
- Chapter summary
- Exercises
- Annotated bibliography
- Weblinks
- References
- 8 Ecological religious studies
- Faith in nature
- Chapter objectives
- Religion versus environment
- Religion or ecology
- Religion and ecology
- Religion and ecology futures
- Chapter summary
- Exercises
- Annotated bibliography
- Weblinks
- References
- 9 Environmental art
- Creativity, activism, and sustainability
- Chapter objectives
- The art of vegetating
- Environmental art: from representation to relation
- Historical and theoretical contexts in environmental art
- Current and future directions in environmental art
- Chapter summary
- Exercises
- Annotated bibliography
- Weblinks
- References
- 10 Ecological literary studies
- Imagining nature
- Chapter objectives
- Can literature save the world?
- Literary environments
- Reading literary environments
- Being at home in the world
- Chapter summary
- Exercises
- Annotated bibliography
- Weblinks
- References
- 11 Environmental theater
- Performing nature
- Chapter objectives
- Deliberating species
- Ecotheater: imaginative impressions of sustainable futures
- Performing nature: Ecotheater history and theory
- Hope for the Earth? Current trajectories in ecotheater
- Chapter summary
- Exercises
- Annotated bibliography
- Weblinks
- References
- 12 Environmental film
- Projecting nature
- Chapter objectives
- Harvesting honeycomb
- Green film criticism and environmental consciousness
- Imaging nature: ecocinema history and theory
- The timeliness of film? Current trajectories in ecocinema studies
- Chapter summary
- Exercises
- Annotated bibliography
- Weblinks
- Filmography
- References
- 13 Environmental journalism
- Mediating ecological issues
- Chapter objectives
- Investigating environmental crime
- Reporting environmental facts: journalism and ecological concerns
- News about nature: environmental journalism history and theory
- New green beats? Current trajectories in environmental journalism
- Chapter summary
- Exercises
- Annotated bibliography
- Weblinks
- Filmography
- References
- 14 Conclusion
- Back to the future Environmental Humanities
- Chapter objectives
- Rewilding the urban
- The Environmental Humanities: old roots, new seeds
- Animal and plant studies
- Arctic and Antarctic humanities
- Asian Environmental Humanities
- Blue humanities
- Emergency humanities
- Energy humanities
- Extinction studies
- Medical environmental humanities
- Paleoenvironmental humanities
- Wetland humanities
- Chapter summary
- Exercises
- Annotated bibliography
- Weblinks
- References
- Index
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- Gerð : 208
- Höfundur : 18439
- Útgáfuár : 2021
- Leyfi : 380