Introduction to Psycholinguistics: Understanding Language Science

The new edition of the popular introduction to the field of psycholinguistics, providing a solid foundation for understanding how people produce and comprehend language Introduction to Psycholinguistics: Understanding Language Science, Second Edition, presents a comprehensive overview of the cognitive processes involved in language acquisition, production, and comprehension. Balancing depth and accessibility, this bestselling textbook adopts a multidisciplinary approach to the study of language that incorporates perspectives from psychology, linguistics, philosophy, computer science, neurology, neurophysiology, and related fields.
Student-friendly chapters explain the core components of speech, discuss how the brain receives and applies the basic building blocks of language, review leading research in psycholinguistics, describe the experimental evidence behind major theories, and more. Fully updated to incorporate recent developments in the field, the second edition of Introduction to Psycholinguistics includes a new section devoted to language and cognitive disorders, two entirely new chapters on language as aspects of autism and schizophrenia, updated illustrations and learning objectives, and new coverage of language acquisition, the cognitive neuroscience of language, bilingualism, and sign language.
This valuable textbook: Reviews leading research and theory in psycholinguistics , including in-depth descriptions of the experimental evidence behind theories Describes phonology, morphology, semantics, syntax, pragmatics, and other key components of language Covers bilingualism, second-language acquisition, sign language comprehension, reading comprehension, and non-literal language interpretation Discusses cognitive disorders such as autism, aphasia, schizophrenia, and specific language impairment (SLI) Offers clear learning objectives, engaging thought exercises, chapter review questions, and step-by-step explanations of all key concepts Provides resources for instructors and students, including a companion website with review exercises, quizzes, PowerPoint slides, test banks, and other supplementary materials Introduction to Psycholinguistics: Understanding Language Science, Second Edition, is an excellent textbook for upper-level undergraduate courses in psycholinguistics, language processing, and cognitive or communication disorders, as well as related courses in psychology, linguistics, cognitive science, neuroscience, language education, and computational linguistics.
- Höfundur: Matthew J. Traxler
- Útgáfa:2
- Útgáfudagur: 2023-04-11
- Hægt að prenta út 10 bls.
- Hægt að afrita 2 bls.
- Format:ePub
- ISBN 13: 9781119852988
- Print ISBN: 9781119852964
- ISBN 10: 1119852986
- Cover
- Title page
- Copyright
- List of Illustrations
- Acknowledgments
- Preface
- About the Companion Website
- Language Characteristics
- Grammar, Language Origins, and Nonhuman Communication Systems
- Research on communication abilities in apes
- “Monkeys don’t talk”
- Language origins
- Language and Thought
- Whorf, linguistic determinism, and linguistic relativity
- Whorf makes a comeback
- A Description of the Language-Processing System
- Summary and Conclusions
- Test Yourself
- Speech Production
- Speech errors
- Tip-of-the-tongue experiences
- Picture naming and picture–word interference studies
- The spreading activation model of speech production
- Potential limitations of lemma theory
- Self-monitoring and self-repair
- Articulation
- Foreign Accent Syndrome Revisited
- Speech Perception
- Coarticulation effects on speech perception
- The motor theory of speech perception
- The McGurk effect: Visual gestures affect speech perception
- Mirror neurons: The motor theory enjoys a renaissance
- The mirror neuron theory of speech perception jumps the shark
- Other problems for mirror neuron/motor theory
- The general auditory approach to speech perception
- Summary and Conclusions
- Test Yourself
- Speech Production
- The Anatomy of a Word: How We Mentally Represent Word Form
- Lexical Semantics
- Associationist accounts of word meaning
- The symbol-grounding problem Embodied semantics
- Lexical Access
- First-generation models
- Second-generation models
- Third-generation models
- Lexical Ambiguity Resolution
- Does context influence meaning selection for ambiguous words?
- The Neural Basis of Lexical Representation and Lexical Access
- How are word meanings represented in the brain?
- Summary and Conclusions
- Test Yourself
- Models of Parsing: Two-stage Models
- Models of Parsing: Constraint-based Models
- Story context effects
- Subcategory frequency effects
- Cross-linguistic frequency data
- Semantic effects
- Prosody
- Visual context effects
- Interim Summary
- Argument Structure Hypothesis
- Limitations, Criticisms, and Some Alternative Parsing Theories
- Construal
- Good-enough parsing
- Parsing Long-distance Dependencies
- Summary and Conclusions
- Test Yourself
- Construction-Integration Theory
- Construction and integration
- The Structure-building Framework
- The Event-Indexing Model
- Modeling space, time, protagonists, and motivation
- Causation, Cohesion, and Coherence in Discourse Encoding and Memory
- The Role of General World Knowledge in Discourse Processing
- Building Situation Models
- Inferencing: Memory-based Account of Discourse Processing—Minimalist versus Constructionist Inferencing
- The Neural Basis of Discourse Comprehension
- Summary and Conclusions
- Test Yourself
- Construction-Integration Theory
- Characteristics of Referents that Make Co-Reference Easier
- Characteristics of Anaphors that Make Co-Reference Easier
- The Relationship between an Anaphor and Possible Referents Affects Anaphor Resolution
- Binding Theory
- Psycholinguistic Theories of Anaphoric Reference
- The memory focus model
- Centering theory
- Informational load hypothesis
- Summary and Conclusions
- Test Yourself
- Types of Nonliteral Language
- The Standard Pragmatic View
- Metaphor
- Class inclusion and dual reference
- Conceptual mapping and meaning
- The structural similarity view
- The career-of-metaphor hypothesis
- Why Metaphor?
- Metonymy and Under-Specification
- Idioms and Frozen Metaphors
- Embodiment and the Interpretation of Nonliteral Language
- The Neural Basis of Nonliteral Language Interpretation
- Summary and Conclusions
- Test Yourself
- Gricean Maxims
- Dialogue Is Interactive
- Common Ground
- Audience Design
- Egocentric production
- Effects of Listeners’ Perspective-taking on Comprehension
- Summary and Conclusions
- Test Yourself
- Prenatal Learning
- Babies suck
- Infant Perception and Categorization of Phonemes
- Solving the Segmentation Problem
- Infant-directed speech
- Practical advice corner
- Statistical Learning and Speech Segmentation
- Interim Summary
- Learning Word Meanings
- Syntactic bootstrapping
- Acquisition of Morphological and Syntactic Knowledge
- Acquisition of word category knowledge
- Acquisition of morphological knowledge
- Acquisition of phrase structure knowledge
- Summary and Conclusions
- Test Yourself
- Prenatal Learning
- Speed-reading?
- Eye-Movement Control and Reading
- The perceptual span
- Oculomotor and Cognitive Control Theories of Reading
- E-Z reader
- Parallel attention models and parafoveal-on-foveal effects
- Cognitive Processing in Reading I
- Different writing systems and scripts Learning to read
- Cognitive Processing in Reading II: Visual Word Processing
- Dual-route and dual-route cascaded models
- Single-route models
- Neighborhood effects
- Nonword pronunciation
- Dyslexia: Single-Deficit Models
- Dyslexia: Dual-Route and Single-Route Explanations
- Summary and Conclusions
- Test Yourself
- Mary Potter and the Secrets of Bilingualism
- Languages Are Simultaneously Active during Comprehension and Production
- Competition in production
- Effects of fluency, balance, and language similarity on competition
- Shared syntactic structure representations
- Models of Language Control in Bilingual Speakers
- BIA+
- Inhibitory control
- Context effects and the zooming-in hypothesis
- Bilingualism and Executive Control
- Teaching Techniques and Individual Differences in Second-Language Learning
- The Neural Bases of Bilingualism
- Summary and Conclusions
- Test Yourself
- Characteristics of Signed Languages
- Sign language morphology
- Lexical Access in Sign Language
- Sign Language Acquisition and Language Evolution
- The Neural Basis of Sign Language: Left-Hemisphere Contributions to Production and Comprehension
- Does the Right Hemisphere Play a Special Role in Sign Language?
- Why is language left lateralized?
- The Effects of Deafness and Learning Sign Language on Cognitive Processing
- Perspective taking and sign language
- Cochlear Implants
- Outcomes for CI users
- Summary and Conclusions
- Test Yourself
- Characteristics of Signed Languages
- Aphasiology: What Happens to Language When the Brain Is Damaged?
- The classic WLG model
- Problems with the classic WLG model
- Broca’s Aphasia, Wernicke’s Aphasia, and Syntactic Parsing
- The trace deletion hypothesis
- Evidence against the trace deletion hypothesis
- The mapping hypothesis
- The resource restriction hypothesis
- The slowed syntax hypothesis
- Treatment and Recovery from Aphasia
- Summary and Conclusions
- Test Yourself
- Aphasiology: What Happens to Language When the Brain Is Damaged?
- What Is Developmental Language Disorder?
- Him going fishing! Jim hold … water. And go fish
- Characteristics of children with DLD
- Outcomes for children and adults with DLD
- How Do We Identify Children with DLD?
- The discrepancy criteria approach
- The functional impairment approach
- Early indicators of DLD and prognosis
- Causes
- Genetic contributions to DLD
- Brain structure and lateralization of function
- What about connectivity?
- Extended optional infinitive account: Tense is for losers
- The surface account
- The procedural deficit hypothesis
- Treatment Options
- Direct imitation
- Targeted elicitation
- Conversational recast
- Interactive book reading
- Conclusions and Open Questions
- Test Yourself
- What Is Developmental Language Disorder?
- How Is Autism Diagnosed?
- Do Chidren with Autism Get Better?
- Profile of Language Disorders in Autism
- Word Learning in Autism
- Comprehension Problems
- Nonliteral Language Problems
- Pragmatic Deficits in Autism
- Causes of Autism: Genetic Contributions
- Neural Hypothesis of Autism: “It Starts Early”
- Neuroinflammation Hypothesis
- Minicolumn Hypothesis
- Connectivity Hypothesis: Especially the Hyper/Hypo Connectivity Variant
- The Left Hemisphere Hypothesis
- Mirror Neuron Hypothesis: The “Broken Mirror” Hypothesis
- The Broken Mirror Hypothesis Is Broken
- Cognitive Theories of Autism
- Theory of mind hypothesis
- The weak central coherence account
- Treatments for Autism
- Evidence-based Practices
- Intensive behavioral interventions
- Experimental Treatments
- Neurofeedback
- Theory of mind training
- Facial recognition training
- Treatments based on emerging technology
- Diet
- Ineffective or Harmful Treatments
- Facilitated Communication
- Sensory integration treatment and pressure vests
- Attachment therapy (aka holding therapy)
- Summary and Conclusions
- Test Yourself
- Causes of Schizophrenia
- Developmental factors
- Whistling Past the Graveyard: Neural Abnormalities in Schizophrenia
- Differences in connectivity between brain regions
- Cognitive Deficits in Schizophrenia
- Language Deficits in Schizophrenia
- Failure of core language systems
- Failure in semantic memory systems
- The dual streams hypothesis
- Generalized Cognitive Deficits in Schizophrenia
- Cascading Failure
- Attention problems in schizophrenia
- Failure of working memory systems
- The context maintenance account
- Failure of Theory of Mind Processes
- Shut Up and Get Out of Here: Self-Monitoring, Corollary Discharge, and Auditory Hallucinations
- Haunted by the Balloon Folk: Language and Delusions
- Conclusions
- Test Yourself
- Causes of Schizophrenia
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- Gerð : 208
- Höfundur : 14583
- Útgáfuár : 2011
- Leyfi : 379