Introduction to Learning and Behavior

- E-113-NAMS Námssálfræði
Gain a clear understanding of the basic principles of learning and behavior and how you can apply this information to better understand and improve today's world with Powell/Honey/Symbaluk's INTRODUCTION TO LEARNING AND BEHAVIOR, 6E. This engaging, student-friendly behavioral approach to psychology uses examples derived from both animals and humans to vividly illustrate the relevance of behavioral principles in comprehending and impacting human behavior.
Updated, expanded coverage and a dedicated appendix address self-control and behavior self-management in detail with specific tactics you can immediately apply. "Study Tip" guide you in strategies, from effectively reading texts to using procedures to increase concentration and reduce procrastination. You also see how principles apply to managing relationships and raising children. Numerous innovative and updated review, self-testing, learning and independent study features further your understanding of key concepts.
- Höfundur: Russell Powell
- Útgáfa:6
- Útgáfudagur: 2022-03-10
- Engar takmarkanir á útprentun
- Engar takmarkanir afritun
- Format:ePub
- ISBN 13: 9798214346557
- Print ISBN: 9780357658475
- Cover Page
- Title Page
- Copyright Page
- Dedication
- Preface
- Key Characteristics
- Changes to the Sixth Edition
- Learning Aids
- Acknowledgments
- About the Authors
- Chapter 1. Introduction
- 1.1. Historical Background
- Aristotle: Empiricism and the Laws of Association
- Descartes: Mind–Body Dualism and the Reflex
- The British Empiricists
- Structuralism: The Experimental Study of Human Consciousness
- Functionalism: The Study of the Adaptive Mind
- The Theory of Evolution: Humans as Animals
- Behaviorism: The Study of Observable Behavior
- 1.2. Five Schools of Behaviorism
- Watson’s Methodological Behaviorism
- Hull’s Neobehaviorism
- Tolman’s Cognitive Behaviorism
- Bandura’s Social Learning Theory
- Skinner’s Radical Behaviorism
- In Review
- For Further Exploration
- Study Questions
- Concept Review
- Chapter Test
- 1.1. Historical Background
- Chapter 2. Research Methods
- 2.1. Basic Terms and Definitions
- Independent and Dependent Variables
- Functional Relationships
- Stimulus and Response
- Overt and Covert Behavior
- Appetitive and Aversive Stimuli
- Motivating Operations
- Contiguity and Contingency
- 2.2. Measurement of Behavior
- Behavioral Definitions
- Recording Methods
- Assessing Reliability
- 2.3. Research Designs
- Descriptive Research
- Experimental Research
- 2.4. Use of Animals in Behavioral Research
- In Review
- Further Exploration
- Study Questions
- Concept Review
- Chapter Test
- 2.1. Basic Terms and Definitions
- Chapter 3. Elicited Behaviors and Classical Conditioning
- 3.1. Elicited Behaviors
- Reflexes
- Fixed Action Patterns
- 3.2. Simple Mechanisms of Learning
- Habituation and Sensitization
- Opponent-Process Theory of Emotion
- 3.3. Classical Conditioning
- Pavlov’s Discovery of Classical Conditioning
- Basic Procedure and Definitions
- Appetitive and Aversive Conditioning
- Excitatory and Inhibitory Conditioning
- Temporal Factors in Conditioning
- Pseudoconditioning
- In Review
- Further Exploration
- Study Questions
- Concept Review
- Chapter Test
- 3.1. Elicited Behaviors
- Chapter 4. Classical Conditioning: Basic Phenomena and Various Complexities
- 4-1. Some Basic Conditioning Phenomena
- Acquisition
- Extinction and Related Phenomena
- Stimulus Generalization and Discrimination
- Experimental Neurosis
- 4-2. Three Extensions to Classical Conditioning
- Higher-Order Conditioning
- Sensory Preconditioning
- US Revaluation
- 4-3. Four Examples of Specificity in Classical Conditioning
- Overshadowing
- Blocking
- Occasion Setting
- Latent Inhibition
- In Review
- For Further Exploration
- Study Questions
- Concept Review
- Chapter Test
- 4-1. Some Basic Conditioning Phenomena
- Chapter 5. Classical Conditioning: Underlying Processes and Practical Applications
- 5.1. Underlying Processes in Classical Conditioning
- Stimulus-Substitution Theory
- Preparatory-Response Theory (and the Compensatory-Response Model)
- Rescorla–Wagner Theory
- 5.2. Practical Applications of Classical Conditioning
- Understanding Phobias
- Treating Phobias
- Aversion Therapy for Problem Behaviors
- Medical Applications of Classical Conditioning
- In Review
- For Further Exploration
- Study Questions
- Concept Review
- Chapter Test
- 5.1. Underlying Processes in Classical Conditioning
- Chapter 6. Operant Conditioning: Introduction
- 6.1. Historical Background
- Thorndike’s Law of Effect
- Skinner’s Selection by Consequences
- 6.2. Operant Conditioning
- Operant Behavior
- Operant Consequences: Reinforcers and Punishers
- Operant Antecedents: Discriminative Stimuli
- 6.3. Four Types of Contingencies
- Positive Reinforcement
- Negative Reinforcement
- Positive Punishment
- Negative Punishment
- 6.4. Positive Reinforcement: Further Distinctions
- Immediate versus Delayed Reinforcement
- Primary and Secondary Reinforcers
- Intrinsic and Extrinsic Reinforcement
- Natural and Contrived Reinforcers
- Shaping
- In Review
- For Further Exploration
- Study Questions
- Concept Review
- Chapter Test
- 6.1. Historical Background
- Chapter 7. Schedules and Theories of Reinforcement
- 7.1. Schedules of Reinforcement
- Continuous versus Intermittent Schedules
- Four Basic Intermittent Schedules
- Other Simple Schedules of Reinforcement
- Complex Schedules of Reinforcement
- 7.2. Theories of Reinforcement
- Drive Reduction Theory
- The Premack Principle
- Response Deprivation Hypothesis
- Behavioral Bliss Point Approach
- In Review
- Further Exploration
- Study Questions
- Concept Review
- Chapter Test
- 7.1. Schedules of Reinforcement
- Chapter 8. Extinction and Stimulus Control
- 8.1. Extinction
- Side Effects of Extinction
- Resistance to Extinction
- Spontaneous Recovery
- Differential Reinforcement of Other Behavior
- 8.2. Stimulus Control
- Stimulus Generalization and Discrimination
- The Peak Shift Effect
- Multiple Schedules and Behavioral Contrast
- Fading and Errorless Discrimination Learning
- Stimulus Control: Additional Applications
- In Review
- Further Exploration
- Study Questions
- Concept Review
- Chapter Test
- 8.1. Extinction
- Chapter 9. Escape, Avoidance, and Punishment
- 9.1. Escape and Avoidance
- Two-Process Theory of Avoidance
- Avoidance Conditioning and Phobias
- Avoidance Conditioning and Obsessive–Compulsive Disorder
- 9.2. Punishment
- Types of Punishment
- Problems with the Use of Punishment
- Benefits and the Effective Use of Punishment
- Theories of Punishment
- 9.3. Noncontingent Punishment
- Learned Helplessness
- Masserman’s Experimental Neurosis
- In Review
- Further Exploration
- Study Questions
- Concept Review
- Chapter Test
- 9.1. Escape and Avoidance
- Chapter 10. Choice, Matching, and Self-Control
- 10.1. Choice and Matching
- Concurrent Schedules
- The Matching Law
- Deviations from Matching
- Matching and Melioration
- 10.2. Self-Control
- Skinner on Self-Control
- Self-Control as a Temporal Issue
- Mischel’s Delay of Gratification Paradigm
- The Ainslie–Rachlin Model of Self-Control
- The Small-But-Cumulative Effects Model
- In Review
- Further Exploration
- Study Questions
- Concept Review
- Chapter Test
- 10.1. Choice and Matching
- Chapter 11. Observational Learning and Rule-Governed Behavior
- 11.1. Observational or Social Learning
- Contagious Behavior and Stimulus Enhancement
- Observational Learning in Classical Conditioning
- Observational Learning in Operant Conditioning
- Imitation
- Social Learning and Aggression
- 11.2. Rule-Governed Behavior
- Definitions and Characteristics
- Some Disadvantages of Rule-Governed Behavior
- Personal Rules in Self-Regulation
- In Review
- Further Exploration
- Study Questions
- Concept Review
- Chapter Test
- 11.1. Observational or Social Learning
- Chapter 12. Biological Dispositions in Learning
- 12.1. Preparedness and Conditioning
- Preparedness in Classical Conditioning
- Preparedness in Operant Conditioning
- 12.2. Operant–Respondent Interactions
- Instinctive Drift
- Sign Tracking
- 12.3. Adjunctive Behavior
- Basic Procedure and Defining Characteristics
- Adjunctive Behavior in Humans
- Adjunctive Behavior as Displacement Activity
- 12.4. Activity Anorexia
- Basic Procedure and Defining Characteristics
- Comparisons with Anorexia Nervosa
- Underlying Mechanisms
- Clinical Implications
- 12.5. Behavior Systems Theory
- In Review
- Further Exploration
- Study Questions
- Concept Review
- Chapter Test
- 12.1. Preparedness and Conditioning
- Chapter 13. Comparative Cognition
- 13.1. What Is Comparative Cognition?
- 13.2. Memory in Animals
- How to Study Animal Memory
- Memory in Food-Storing Birds
- 13.3. Can Animals Count?
- The Case of Clever Hans
- Beyond Clever Hans: Evidence for Numerical Ability in Animals
- 13.4. Category Learning and Relational Decisions
- 13.5. Concepts of Tools, Self, and Others
- Making and Using Tools
- Theory of Mind
- Self-Awareness and Differentiating Self from Others
- Cooperation and Deception
- 13.6. Language
- Can Animals “Talk”?
- Sign Language Experiments
- Artificial Language Experiments
- In Review
- Further Exploration
- Study Questions
- Concept Review
- Chapter Test
- Appendix. A Brief Guide to Behavior Self-Management
- References
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- Gerð : 208
- Höfundur : 18948
- Útgáfuár : 2022
- Leyfi : 380