An Introduction to Genetic Analysis

- LÍF109G Erfðafræði.
Ensk lýsing:
With each edition, An Introduction to Genetic Analysis (IGA) evolves discovery by discovery with the world of genetic research, taking students from the foundations of Mendelian genetics to the latest findings and applications by focusing on the landmark experiments that define the field. With its author team of prominent scientists who are also highly accomplished educators, IGA again combines exceptional currency, expansive updating of its acclaimed problem sets, and a variety of new ways to learn genetics.
The evolution of a classic The new 12th edition of Introduction to Genetic Analysis takes this cornerstone textbook to the next level. The hallmark focuses on genetic analysis, quantitative problem solving, and experimentation continue in this new edition while incorporating robust updates to the science. Introduction to Genetic Analysis is now supported in Achieve, Macmillan’s new online learning platform.
- Höfundar: Anthony J.F. Griffiths, John Doebley, Catherine Peichel
- Útgáfa:12
- Útgáfudagur: 29-04-2020
- Hægt að prenta út 2 bls.
- Hægt að afrita 2 bls.
- Format:ePub
- ISBN 13: 9781319287054
- Print ISBN: 9781319114770
- ISBN 10: 1319287050
- About this Book
- Cover Page
- Half Title Page
- About the Authors
- Title Page
- Copyright Page
- Contents in Brief
- Contents
- The Evolution of a Classic
- Problem-Solving Skills for Success
- Powerful Pedagogy
- Acknowledgments
- Chapter 1: The Genetics Revolution
- 1.1 The Birth of Genetics
- Gregor Mendel—A monk in the garden
- Mendel rediscovered
- The central dogma of molecular biology
- 1.2 After Cracking the Code
- Model organisms
- Tools for genetic analysis
- 1.3 Genetics Today
- From classical genetics to medical genomics
- Investigating mutation and disease risk
- When rice gets its feet a little too wet
- Recent evolution in humans
- The complex genetics of color blindness
- Summary
- Key Terms
- Problems
- 1.1 The Birth of Genetics
- Part 1: Core Principles in Transmission Genetics
- Chapter 2: Single-Gene Inheritance
- 2.1 Single-Gene Inheritance Patterns
- Mendel’s pioneering experiments
- Mendel’s law of equal segregation
- 2.2 Genes and Chromosomes
- Single-gene inheritance in diploids
- Single-gene inheritance in haploids
- 2.3 The Molecular Basis of Mendelian Inheritance Patterns
- Structural differences between alleles at the molecular level
- Molecular aspects of gene transmission
- Alleles at the molecular level
- 2.4 Some Genes Discovered by Observing Segregation Ratios
- A gene active in the development of flower color
- A gene for wing development
- A gene for hyphal branching
- Predicting progeny proportions or parental genotypes by applying the principles of single-gene inheritance
- 2.5 Sex-Linked Single-Gene Inheritance Patterns
- Sex chromosomes
- Sex-linked patterns of inheritance
- X-linked inheritance
- 2.6 Human Pedigree Analysis
- Autosomal recessive disorders
- Autosomal dominant disorders
- Autosomal polymorphisms
- X-linked recessive disorders
- X-linked dominant disorders
- Y-linked inheritance
- Calculating risks in pedigree analysis
- Summary
- Key Terms
- Solved Problems
- Problems
- Appendix 2-1 Stages of Mitosis
- Appendix 2-2 Stages of Meiosis
- 2.1 Single-Gene Inheritance Patterns
- Chapter 3: Independent Assortment of Genes
- 3.1 Mendel’s Law of Independent Assortment
- 3.2 Working with Independent Assortment
- Predicting progeny ratios
- Using the chi-square test on monohybrid and dihybrid ratios
- Synthesizing pure lines
- Hybrid vigor
- 3.3 The Chromosomal Basis of Independent Assortment
- Independent assortment in diploid organisms
- Independent assortment in haploid organisms
- Recombination
- 3.4 Polygenic Inheritance
- 3.5 Organelle Genes: Inheritance Independent of The Nucleus
- Patterns of inheritance in organelles
- Cytoplasmic segregation
- Cytoplasmic mutations in humans
- mtDNA in evolutionary studies
- Summary
- Key Terms
- Solved Problems
- Problems
- Chapter 4: Mapping Eukaryote Chromosomes by Recombination
- 4.1 Diagnostics Of Linkage
- Using recombinant frequency to recognize linkage
- How crossovers produce recombinants for linked genes
- Linkage symbolism and terminology
- Evidence that crossing over is a breakage-and-rejoining process
- Evidence that crossing over takes place at the four-chromatid stage
- Multiple crossovers can include two or more than two chromatids
- 4.2 Mapping By Recombinant Frequency
- Map units
- Three-point testcross
- Deducing gene order by inspection
- Interference
- Using ratios as diagnostics
- 4.3 Mapping with Molecular Markers
- 4.4 Using the Chi-Square Test to Infer Linkage
- 4.5 The Molecular Mechanism of Crossing Over
- 4.6 Using Recombination-Based Maps in Conjunction with Physical Maps
- Summary
- Key Terms
- Solved Problems
- Problems
- 4.1 Diagnostics Of Linkage
- Chapter 5: Gene Interaction
- 5.1 Interactions Between the Alleles of a Single Gene: Variations on Dominance
- Complete dominance and recessiveness
- Incomplete dominance
- Codominance
- Recessive lethal alleles
- Penetrance and expressivity
- 5.2 Interaction of Genes in Pathways
- Biosynthetic pathways in Neurospora
- Gene interaction in other types of pathways
- 5.3 Inferring Gene Interactions
- Sorting mutants using the complementation test
- Analyzing double mutants of random mutations
- Summary
- Key Terms
- Solved Problems
- Problems
- 5.1 Interactions Between the Alleles of a Single Gene: Variations on Dominance
- Chapter 6: The Genetics of Bacteria and Their Viruses
- 6.1 Working with Microorganisms
- 6.2 Bacterial Conjugation
- Discovery of conjugation
- Discovery of the fertility factor
- Strains
- Linear transmission of the genes from a fixed point
- Inferring integration sites of and chromosome circularity
- Mapping of bacterial chromosomes
- Broad-scale chromosome mapping by using time of entry
- Fine-scale chromosome mapping by using recombinant frequency
- F plasmids that carry genomic fragments
- Plasmids
- 6.3 Bacterial Transformation
- The nature of transformation
- Chromosome mapping using transformation
- 6.4 Bacteriophage Genetics
- Infection of bacteria by phages
- Mapping phage chromosomes by using phage crosses
- 6.5 Transduction
- Discovery of transduction
- Generalized transduction
- Specialized transduction
- Behavior of the prophage
- Insertion
- Mechanism of specialized transduction
- 6.6 Physical Maps and Linkage MAPS Compared
- Summary
- Key Terms
- Solved Problems
- Problems
- Chapter 2: Single-Gene Inheritance
- Chapter 7: DNA: Structure and Replication
- 7.1 DNA is the Genetic Material
- The discovery of bacterial transformation: The Griffith experiment
- Evidence DNA that is the genetic material in bacteria: The Avery, MacLeod, and McCarty experiments
- Evidence DNA that is the genetic material in phage: The Hershey–Chase experiment
- 7.2 DNA Structure
- DNA Structure before Watson and Crick
- The building blocks of
- Chargaff’s rules of base composition
- Diffraction analysis of : Rosalind Franklin
- The DNA double helix structure: Watson and Crick
- DNA Structure before Watson and Crick
- 7.3 DNA Replication is Semiconservative
- Evidence that DNA replication is semiconservative: The Meselson–Stahl experiment
- Evidence for a replication fork: The Cairns experiment
- 7.4 Replication in Bacteria
- Unwinding the DNA double helix
- Assembling the replisome: replication initiation
- DNA Polymerases catalyze chain elongation
- DNA Replication is semidiscontinuous
- DNA Replication is accurate and rapid
- 7.5 DNA Replication in Eukaryotes
- Eukaryotic origins of replication
- DNA Replication and the yeast cell cycle
- Replication origins in higher eukaryotes
- Telomeres and telomerase: Replication termination
- Summary
- Key Terms
- Problems
- 7.1 DNA is the Genetic Material
- Chapter 8: RNA: Transcription, Processing, and Decay
- 8.1 RNA Structure
- RNA is the information-carrying intermediate between DNA and proteins
- Consequences of the distinct chemical properties of RNA
- Classes of RNA
- 8.2 Transcription and Decay of mRNA in Bacteria
- Overview: DNA as transcription template
- Stages of transcription
- Transcription initiation in bacteria
- Transcription elongation in bacteria
- Transcription termination in bacteria
- mRNA decay in bacteria
- 8.1 RNA Structure
- 8.3 Transcription in Eukaryotes
- Transcription initiation in eukaryotes
- RNA polymerase I promoters and GTFs
- RNA polymerase II promoters and GTFs
- RNA polymerase III promoters and GTFs
- RNA polymerase II transcription elongation
- Transcription termination in eukaryotes
- Transcription initiation in eukaryotes
- 8.4 Processing of mRNA in Eukaryotes
- Capping
- Polyadenylation
- The discovery of splicing
- The splicing mechanism
- snRNAs in the spliceosome may carry out the catalytic steps of splicing
- Alternative splicing can expand the proteome
- RNA editing
- RNA nucleotide modification
- RNA export from the nucleus
- 8.5 Decay of mRNA in Eukaryotes
- mRNA decay mechanisms
- The discovery of RNA interference (RNAi)
- siRNA-mediated RNA decay and transcriptional silencing
- RNAi protects the genome from foreign DNA
- Summary
- Key Terms
- Problems
- 9.1 Protein Structure
- 9.2 The Genetic Code
- A degenerate three-letter genetic code specifies the 20 amino acids
- The genetic code is nonoverlapping and continuous
- Cracking the code
- Stop codons
- Degeneracy of the genetic code limits the effects of point mutations
- 9.3 tRNAs and Ribosomes
- tRNAs are adaptors
- Wobble base pairing allows tRNAs to recognize more than one codon
- Ribosome structure and function
- 9.4 Translation
- Translation initiation
- Translation elongation
- Translation termination
- Nonsense suppressor mutations
- 9.5 Translational and Post-Translational Regulation
- Protein folding
- Post-translational modification of amino acid side chains
- Phosphorylation
- Ubiquitination
- Protein targeting
- Summary
- Key Terms
- Solved Problems
- Problems
- 10.1 Detecting and Quantifying DNA, RNA, and Protein
- Detecting and quantifying molecules by Southern, Northern, and Western blot analysis
- Detecting and amplifying DNA by the polymerase chain reaction
- 10.2 Generating Recombinant DNA
- DNA cloning
- DNA libraries
- Identifying a clone of interest from a genomic or cDNA library
- Genomic and cDNA clones are used in different ways
- Cloning by PCR
- 10.3 Sequencing DNA
- 10.4 Engineering Genomes
- Genetic engineering in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
- Genetic engineering in plants
- Genetic engineering in animals
- CRISPR-Cas9 genome engineering
- Summary
- Key Terms
- Solved Problems
- Problems
- 11.1 Gene Regulation
- The Basics of Bacterial Transcriptional Regulation: Genetic Switches
- A First Look at the Lac Regulatory Circuit
- 11.2 Discovery of the Lac System: Negative Regulation
- Genes Controlled Together
- Genetic Evidence for the Operator and Repressor
- Genetic Evidence for Allostery
- Genetic Analysis of the Lac Promoter
- Molecular Characterization of the Lac Repressor and the Lac Operator
- 11.3 Catabolite Repression of the Lac Operon: Positive Regulation
- The Basics of Lac Catabolite Repression: Choosing the Best Sugar to Metabolize
- The Structures of Target DNA Sites
- A Summary of the Lac Operon
- 11.4 Dual Positive and Negative Regulation: The Arabinose Operon
- 11.5 Metabolic Pathways and Additional Levels of Regulation: Attenuation
- 11.6 Bacteriophage life Cycles: More Regulators, Complex Operons
- Regulation of the Bacteriophage λ life Cycle
- Molecular Anatomy of the Genetic Switch
- Sequence-Specific Binding of Regulatory Proteins to DNA
- 11.7 Alternative Sigma Factors Regulate Large Sets of Genes
- Summary
- Key Terms
- Solved Problems
- Problems
- 12.1 Transcription Factors Regulate Transcription
- Transcription factors bind distal and proximal enhancers
- Transcription factors: lessons from the yeast GAL system
- Gal4 binds enhancers called upstream activation sequences
- Gal4 domains function independently of one another
- Regulation of Gal4
- Combinatorial control of transcription: lessons from yeast mating type
- 12.2 Chromatin Structure
- Histones
- Nucleosomes
- Chromatin folding
- 12.3 Chromatin Regulates Transcription
- Histone modification: a type of chromatin modification
- The histone code hypothesis
- DNA modification: another type of chromatin modification
- Chromatin remodeling
- Connecting chromatin structure to transcription: lessons from the interferon‐β gene
- 12.4 Chromatin in Epigenetic Regulation
- Cellular memory
- Position-effect variegation
- Genomic imprinting
- X-chromosome inactivation
- Summary
- Key Terms
- Problems
- 13.1 The Genetic Approach to Development
- 13.2 The Genetic Toolkit for Drosophila Development
- Classification of genes by developmental function
- Homeotic genes and segmental identity
- Organization and expression of Hox genes
- The homeobox
- Clusters of Hox genes control development in most animals
- 13.3 Defining the Entire Toolkit
- The anteroposterior axis
- Expression of toolkit genes
- 13.4 Spatial Regulation of Gene Expression in Development
- Maternal gradients and gene activation
- Drawing stripes: Integration of gap-protein inputs
- Making segments different: integration of inputs
- 13.5 Post-Transcriptional Regulation of Gene Expression in Development
- RNA splicing and sex determination in Drosophila
- Regulation of mRNA translation and cell lineage in C. elegans
- Translational control in the early embryo
- miRNA control of developmental timing in C. elegans and other species
- 13.6 From Flies to Fingers, Feathers, and Floor Plates: The Many Roles of Individual Toolkit Genes
- 13.7 Development and Disease
- Polydactyly
- Holoprosencephaly
- Cancer as a developmental disease
- Summary
- Key Terms
- Solved Problems
- Problems
- 14.1 The Genomics Revolution
- 14.2 Obtaining the Sequence of a Genome
- Turning sequence reads into an assembled sequence
- Whole-genome sequencing
- Traditional WGS sequencing
- Next-generation WGS sequencing
- Whole-genome-sequence assembly
- 14.3 Bioinformatics: Meaning from Genomic Sequence
- The nature of the information content of DNA
- Deducing the protein-encoding genes from genomic sequence
- 14.4 The Structure of the Human Genome
- Noncoding functional elements in the genome
- 14.5 The Comparative Genomics of Humans with other Species
- Phylogenetic inference
- Of mice and humans
- Comparative genomics of chimpanzees and humans
- 14.6 Comparative Genomics and Human Medicine
- The evolutionary history of human disease genes
- The exome and personalized genomics
- Comparative genomics of nonpathogenic and pathogenic E. coli
- 14.7 Functional Genomics and Reverse Genetics
- “ ’Omics”
- Reverse genetics
- Summary
- Key Terms
- Solved Problems
- Problems
- Chapter 15: DNA Damage, Repair, and Mutation
- 15.1 Molecular Consequences of Point Mutations
- The types of point mutations
- The molecular consequences of a point mutation in an open reading frame
- The molecular consequences of a point mutation in a noncoding region
- 15.2 Molecular Basis of Spontaneous Mutations
- Evidence for spontaneous mutations: The Luria and Delbrück fluctuation test
- Mechanisms of spontaneous mutations
- 15.3 Molecular Basis of Induced Mutations
- Mechanisms of induced mutagenesis
- Identifying mutagens in the environment: The Ames test
- 15.4 DNA Repair Mechanisms
- Direct repair of damaged DNA
- Base excision repair
- Nucleotide excision repair
- Mismatch repair
- Translesion synthesis
- Repair of double-strand breaks
- Summary
- Key Terms
- Problems
- 15.1 Molecular Consequences of Point Mutations
- Chapter 16: The Dynamic Genome: Transposable Elements
- 16.1 Discovery of Transposable Elements in Maize
- McClintock’s experiments: the Ds element
- Ac (Activator) and Ds (Dissociation) today
- Transposable elements: Only in maize?
- 16.2 Transposable Elements in Bacteria
- Evidence for transposable elements in bacteria
- Simple and composite transposons
- Mechanism of transposition
- 16.3 Transposable Elements in Eukaryotes
- Class 1: retrotransposons
- Class 2: DNA transposons
- Utility of DNA transposons as tools for genetic research
- 16.4 The Dynamic Genome: More Transposable Elements Than Ever Imagined
- Large genomes are largely transposable elements
- Transposable elements in the human genome
- Plants: LTR-retrotransposons thrive in large genomes
- Safe havens
- 16.5 Regulation of Transposable Element Movement by the Host
- RNAi silencing of transposable elements
- Genome surveillance
- Summary
- Key Terms
- Solved Problems
- Problems
- 16.1 Discovery of Transposable Elements in Maize
- Chapter 17: Large-Scale Chromosomal Changes
- 17.1 Changes in Chromosome Number
- Aberrant euploidy
- Aneuploidy
- The concept of gene balance
- 17.2 Changes in Chromosome Structure
- Deletions
- Duplications
- Inversions
- Reciprocal translocations
- Robertsonian translocations
- Applications of inversions and translocations
- 17.3 Phenotypic Consequences of Chromosomal Changes
- Chromosome rearrangements and evolution
- Chromosome rearrangements and cancer
- Overall incidence of human chromosome mutations
- Summary
- Key Terms
- Solved Problems
- Problems
- 17.1 Changes in Chromosome Number
- Chapter 18: Population Genetics
- 18.1 Detecting Genetic Variation
- Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs)
- Microsatellites
- Haplotypes
- Other sources and forms of variation
- 18.2 The Gene-Pool Concept and the Hardy–Weinberg Law
- 18.3 Mating Systems
- Assortative mating
- Isolation by distance
- Inbreeding
- The inbreeding coefficient
- Population size and inbreeding
- 18.4 Genetic Variation and its Measurement
- 18.5 The Modulation of Genetic Variation
- New alleles enter the population: mutation and migration
- Recombination and linkage disequilibrium
- Genetic drift and population size
- Selection
- Forms of selection
- Balance between mutation and drift
- Balance between mutation and selection
- 18.6 Biological and Social Applications
- Conservation genetics
- Calculating disease risks
- DNA forensics
- Summary
- Key Terms
- Solved Problems
- Problems
- 18.1 Detecting Genetic Variation
- Chapter 19: The Inheritance of Complex Traits
- 19.1 Measuring Quantitative Variation
- Types of traits and inheritance
- The mean
- The variance
- The normal distribution
- 19.2 A Simple Genetic Model for Quantitative Traits
- Genetic and environmental deviations
- Genetic and environmental variances
- Correlation between variables
- 19.3 Broad-Sense Heritability: Nature Versus Nurture
- Measuring heritability in humans using twin studies
- 19.4 Narrow-Sense Heritability: Predicting Phenotypes
- Gene action and the transmission of genetic variation
- The additive and dominance effects
- A model with additivity and dominance
- Narrow-sense heritability
- Predicting offspring phenotypes
- Selection on complex traits
- 19.5 Mapping QTL in Populations With Known Pedigrees
- The basic method for QTL mapping
- From QTL to gene
- 19.6 Association Mapping in Random-Mating Populations
- The basic method for GWAS
- GWA, genes, disease, and heritability
- Summary
- Key Terms
- Solved Problems
- Problems
- 19.1 Measuring Quantitative Variation
- Chapter 20: Evolution of Genes, Traits, and Species
- 20.1 Evolution by Natural Selection
- 20.2 Natural Selection in Action: An Exemplary Case
- The Selective Advantage of HbS
- The Molecular Origins of HbS
- 20.3 Molecular Evolution
- The Development of the Neutral Theory of Evolution
- The Rate of Neutral Substitutions
- The Signature of Purifying Selection on DNA Sequences
- The Signature of Positive Selection on DNA Sequences
- 20.4 Evolution of Genes and Genomes
- Expanding Gene Number
- The Fate of Duplicated Genes
- The Fate of Duplicated Genomes
- 20.5 Evolution of Traits
- Adaptive Changes in a Pigment-Regulating Protein
- Gene Inactivation
- Regulatory-Sequence Evolution
- Loss of Characters Through Regulatory-Sequence Evolution
- Regulatory Evolution in Humans
- 20.6 Evolution of Species
- Species Concepts
- Mechanisms of Reproductive Isolation
- Genetics of Reproductive Isolation
- Summary
- Key Terms
- Problems
- Escherichia Coli
- Saccharomyces Cerevisiae
- Neurospora Crassa
- Arabidopsis Thaliana
- Caenorhabditis Elegans
- Drosophila Melanogaster
- Mus Musculus
- Beyond Model Organisms
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- Gerð : 208
- Höfundur : 7084
- Útgáfuár : 2015
- Leyfi : Eign , Leiga