Introduction to Biotechnology, Global Edition

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Thoroughly updated for currency and with exciting new practical examples throughout, this popular text provides the tools, practice, and basic knowledge for success in the biotech workforce. With its balanced coverage of basic cell and molecular biology, fundamental techniques, historical accounts, new advances, and hands-on applications, the Third Edition emphasizes the future of biotechnology and the biotechnology student’s role in that future.
For courses in biotechnology. Introduction to Biotechnology brings the latest information students need to understand the science and business of biotechnology. The popular text emphasises the future of biotechnology and the biotechnology student’s role in that future with balanced coverage of basic cell and molecular biology, fundamental techniques, historical accounts, new advances, and hands-on applications.
The 4th Edition features content updates in every chapter that reflect the most relevant, up-to-date changes in technology, applications, ethical issues, and regulations. Additionally, every chapter now includes an analytic Case Study that highlights current research and asks students to use what they’ve learned about key chapter concepts to answer questions. New Career Profiles, written by biotech professionals highlight potential jobs in the biotech industry.
The chapter on biotechnology regulations has been revised to include regulations involving international bodies. The full text downloaded to your computer With eBooks you can: search for key concepts, words and phrases make highlights and notes as you study share your notes with friends eBooks are downloaded to your computer and accessible either offline through the Bookshelf (available as a free download), available online and also via the iPad and Android apps.
- Höfundar: William J. Thieman, Michael A. Palladino
- Útgáfa:4
- Útgáfudagur: 2019-09-09
- Hægt að prenta út 2 bls.
- Hægt að afrita 2 bls.
- Format:Page Fidelity
- ISBN 13: 9781292261799
- Print ISBN: 9781292261775
- ISBN 10: 129226179X
- Title Page
- Copyright Page
- Dedication Page
- About the Authors
- Preface
- Contents
- Chapter 1 The Biotechnology Century and Its Workforce
- 1.1 What Is Biotechnology and What Does It Mean to You?
- A Brief History of Biotechnology
- The Do-It-Yourself Biotechnology Movement
- Biotechnology: A Science of Many Disciplines
- Products of Modern Biotechnology
- Ethics and Biotechnology
- 1.2 Types of Biotechnology
- Microbial Biotechnology
- Agricultural Biotechnology
- Animal Biotechnology
- Forensic Biotechnology
- Bioremediation
- Aquatic Biotechnology
- Medical Biotechnology
- Biotechnology Regulations
- The Biotechnology “Big Picture”
- 1.3 What Will the New Biotechnology Century Look Like? An Example from Medical Biotechnology
- A Scenario in the Future: How Might We Benefit from the Human Genome Project?
- 1.4 The Biotechnology Workforce
- The Business of Biotechnology
- Top Regions for Biotechnology Jobs
- What Is a Biotechnology Company?
- Jobs in Biotechnology
- Salaries in Biotechnology
- Hiring Trends in the Biotechnology Industry
- Questions & Activities
- 1.1 What Is Biotechnology and What Does It Mean to You?
- Chapter 2 An Introduction to Genes and Genomes
- 2.1 A Review of Cell Structure
- Prokaryotic Cells
- Eukaryotic Cells
- 2.2 The Molecule of Life
- DNA Structure
- What Is a Gene?
- 2.3 Chromosome Structure, DNA Replication, and Genomes
- Chromosome Structure
- 2.4 RNA and Protein Synthesis
- Copying the Code: Transcription
- Translating the Code: Protein Synthesis
- 2.5 Regulation of Gene Expression
- Transcriptional Regulation of Gene Expression
- Noncoding RNAs and Their Roles in Regulating Gene Expression
- Bacteria Use Operons to Regulate Gene Expression
- 2.6 Mutations: Causes and Consequences
- Types of Mutations
- Mutations Are the Basis of Variation in Genomes and a Cause of Human Genetic Diseases
- 2.7 Revealing the Epigenome
- 2.8 Immune Response Mechanism in Prokaryotes Results in Extraordinary New Technology for Editing Gen
- Questions & Activities
- Case Study Loss of Circular RNA Impacts miRNA Degradation and Brain Function
- 2.1 A Review of Cell Structure
- Chapter 3 Recombinant DNA Technology and Genomics
- 3.1 Introduction to Recombinant DNA Technology and DNA Cloning
- Restriction Enzymes and Plasmid DNA Vectors
- Transformation of Bacterial Cells and Antibiotic Selection of Recombinant Bacteria
- Introduction to Human Gene Cloning and Expressing Proteins for Biotechnology Applications
- What Makes a Good Vector?
- 3.2 How Do You Identify and Clone a Gene of Interest?
- DNA Libraries: Collections of Cloned Genes
- 3.3 Laboratory Techniques and Applications of Recombinant DNA Technology
- Agarose Gel Electrophoresis
- Restriction Mapping
- DNA Sequencing
- Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS)
- Third-Generation Sequencing Technology
- Fluorescence in Situ Hybridization
- Southern Blotting
- Studying Gene Expression
- Analyzing Gene Function
- 3.4 Genomics and Bioinformatics: The Hottest Disciplines in the History of Biotechnology
- Whole-Genome Sequencing
- Bioinformatics: Merging Molecular Biology with Computing Technology
- Examples of Bioinformatics in Action
- A Genome Cloning Effort of Epic Proportion: The Human Genome Project
- What Have We Learned from the Human Genome?
- Accessing Human Genome Information Via the Internet
- The Human Genome Project Started an “Omics” Revolution
- After the HGP: What Is Next?
- 3.5 Systems Biology and Synthetic Biology
- Questions & Activities
- Case Study The PANTHER Database
- 3.1 Introduction to Recombinant DNA Technology and DNA Cloning
- Chapter 4 Proteins as Products
- 4.1 Proteins as Biotechnology Products
- Biotech Drugs and Other Medical Applications
- Bioremediation: Treating Pollution with Proteins
- 4.2 Protein Structures
- Structural Arrangement
- Protein-Protein Interaction Map Created
- Protein Folding
- Post-Translational Protein Modifications
- Protein Engineering by Directed Molecular Evolution
- 4.3 Protein Production
- Protein Expression: Upstream Processing
- Protein Purification Methods: Downstream Processing
- Verification
- Preserving Proteins
- Scaling Up Protein Purification
- Postpurification Analysis Methods
- 4.4 Proteomics
- Questions & Activities
- Case Study Tau-Tau Protein Interaction in Alzheimer's Disease Study
- 4.1 Proteins as Biotechnology Products
- Chapter 5 Microbial Biotechnology
- 5.1 The Structure of Microbes
- Yeasts Are Important Microbes, Too
- 5.2 Microorganisms as Tools
- Microbial Enzymes
- Bacterial Transformation
- Cloning and Expression Techniques
- 5.3 Using Microbes for a Variety of Everyday Applications
- Food Products
- Therapeutic Proteins
- Using Microbes Against Other Microbes
- 5.4 Vaccines
- A Primer on Antibodies
- Types of Vaccines: How Are Vaccines Made?
- Major Targets for Vaccine Development
- 5.5 Microbial Genomics
- Why Sequence Microbial Genomes?
- Metagenomic Studies Sequence Genomes from Microbial Communities
- Viral Genomics
- Creating Synthetic Genomes
- 5.6 Microbial Diagnostics
- Detecting and Tracking Disease-Causing Microorganisms
- 5.7 Combating Bioterrorism
- Microbes as Bioweapons
- Targets of Bioterrorism
- Using Biotechnology against Bioweapons
- 5.8 Microbes for Making Biofuels
- Questions & Activities
- Case Study Designer Microbes Rely on Synthetic Amino Acids
- 5.1 The Structure of Microbes
- Chapter 6 Plant Biotechnology
- 6.1 Uses of Biotechnology to Enhance Selective Breeding
- Marker-Assisted Selection
- Mutation Breeding
- Protoplast Fusion
- 6.2 Genetic Engineering of Plants
- Using Agrobacterium to Insert Genes
- The Leaf Fragment Technique
- Gene Guns
- Chloroplast Engineering
- Gene Inactivation Using CRISPR-Cas Technology
- Antisense Technology
- Gene Stacking
- 6.3 Practical Applications
- Protecting Plants from Viruses
- Genetic Pesticides
- Herbicide Resistance
- Enhanced Nutrition
- “Biopharming”
- Engineered Deletion of Gene Promoters Rather Than Genes
- 6.4 Health and Environmental Concerns
- Concerns about Human Health
- Concerns about the Environment
- Regulations
- Questions & Activities
- Case Study Can RNA Interference Silence Genes in a Citrus Pest?
- 6.1 Uses of Biotechnology to Enhance Selective Breeding
- Chapter 7 Animal Biotechnology
- 7.1 Animals in Research
- Why Use Animals in Research?
- Types of Animals Used in Research
- Regulations in Animal Research
- Alternatives to the Use of Animals
- Regulation of Animal Research
- Veterinary Medicine: Benefits for Humans and Animals
- 7.2 Cloning
- Creating Dolly: A Breakthrough in Cloning
- Limits to Cloning
- Human Organ Development in GM Animals
- 7.3 Transgenic Animals
- Transgenic Techniques
- GM Animals for the Agriculture Industry
- Transgenic Animals as Bioreactors
- Kidney on a Chip Determines Drug Dosing
- Gene Editing Technologies in Animals
- 7.4 Producing Human Antibodies in Animals
- Monoclonal Antibodies
- Questions & Activities
- Case Study Using Zebrafish as a Heart Disease Model
- 7.1 Animals in Research
- Chapter 8 DNA Fingerprinting and Forensic Analysis
- 8.1 What Is a DNA Fingerprint?
- How Is DNA Typing Performed?
- 8.2 Preparing a DNA Fingerprint
- Specimen Collection
- Extracting DNA for Analysis
- PCR and STR Analysis
- STR Analysis
- 8.3 Putting DNA to Use
- The Narborough Village Murder Case Led to a New Method of DNA Separation
- How Significant Is Contamination?
- World Events Lead to the Development of New Technologies
- 8.4 DNA and the Rules of Evidence
- DNA Fingerprinting and the Chain of Evidence
- Human Error and Sources of Contamination
- DNA Forensics from “Touch DNA”
- 8.5 Familial Relationships and DNA Profiles
- Mitochondrial DNA Analysis
- Y-Chromosome Analysis
- 8.6 Nonhuman DNA Analysis
- Identifying Plants through DNA
- Protein Analysis May Join DNA Forensics
- Animal DNA Analysis
- Food Fraud—A Recent DNA Forensics Application
- Genetically Modified Organism (GMO) Testing
- Questions & Activities
- Case Study Mouse Cell Line Contamination ID Using DNA Forensics
- 8.1 What Is a DNA Fingerprint?
- Chapter 9 Bioremediation
- 9.1 What Is Bioremediation?
- Why Is Bioremediation Important?
- 9.2 Bioremediation Basics
- What Needs to Be Cleaned Up?
- Chemicals in the Environment
- Fundamentals of Cleanup Reactions
- The Players: Metabolizing Microbes
- Bioremediation Genomics Programs
- 9.3 Cleanup Sites and Strategies
- Soil Cleanup
- Bioremediation of Water
- 9.4 Turning Wastes into Energy
- 9.5 Applying Genetically Engineered Strains to Clean Up the Environment
- Petroleum-Eating Bacteria
- Engineering Microbes to Clean Up Heavy Metals
- Genetically Modified Plants and Phytoremediation
- Biosensors
- 9.6 Environmental Disasters: Case Studies in Bioremediation
- The Exxon Valdez Oil Spill
- Oil Fields of Kuwait
- The Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill
- 9.7 Challenges for Bioremediation
- Recovering Valuable Metals
- Bioremediation of Radioactive Wastes
- Degrading Macro- and Microplastics in the Environment
- Questions & Activities
- Case Study Turning Outhouses into Light houses?
- 9.1 What Is Bioremediation?
- Chapter 10 Aquatic Biotechnology
- 10.1 Introduction to Aquatic Biotechnology
- 10.2 Aquaculture: Increasing the World’s Food Supply through Biotechnology
- The Economics of Aquaculture
- Fish-Farming Practices
- Improving Strains for Aquaculture
- Enhancing the Quality and Safety of Seafood
- Barriers and Limitations to Aquaculture
- 10.3 Genetic Technologies and Aquatic Organisms
- Analysis of Novel Genes from Aquatic Species
- Genetic Manipulations of Finfish and Shellfish
- 10.4 Medical Applications of Aquatic Biotechnology
- Bioprospecting to Isolate Medicines from the Sea
- 10.5 Nonmedical Products
- A Potpourri of Products
- Aquatic Biomass and Bioprocessing Applications
- 10.6 Environmental Applications of Aquatic Biotechnology
- Antifouling Agents
- Biosensors
- Environmental Remediation
- Questions & Activities
- Case Study Massive Fish Escape Jeopardizes New Salmon Farm
- Chapter 11 Medical Biotechnology
- 11.1 Animal Models of Human Disease
- 11.2 Detecting and Diagnosing Human Disease Conditions
- Biomarkers for Disease Detection
- The Human Genome Project Revealed Disease Genes on All Human Chromosomes
- Genetic Testing: Detecting Chromosomal Abnormalities and Defective Genes
- 11.3 Sequence Analysis of Individual Genomes
- Whole-Exome Sequencing
- Genomic Analysis of Single Cells by DNA and RNA Sequencing
- Genome-Wide Association Studies Identify Genome Variations in Populations
- 11.4 Precision Medicine and Biotechnology
- What Is the Precision Medicine Initiative?
- Harnessing the Immune System for Treating Disease: Antibodies and Immunotherapy
- 11.5 Gene Therapy
- How Is It Done?
- Genome Editing Approaches for Gene Therapy
- Curing Genetic Diseases: Targets for Gene Therapy
- Challenges Facing Gene Therapy
- Future Challenges to Address
- 11.6 The Potential of Regenerative Medicine
- Cell and Tissue Transplantation
- Tissue Engineering
- Stem Cells
- Cloning
- Therapeutic Cloning and Reproductive Cloning
- Regulations Governing Embryonic Stem Cell and Therapeutic Cloning in the United States
- Questions & Activities
- Case Study Personal Genomics Helps Elizabeth Davis Walk Again
- Chapter 12 International Biotechnology Regulations
- 12.1 Overview of International Regulations
- 12.2 Protection of Human, Animal, and Plant Health
- Biotechnology for Disease Control, Surveillance, and Response
- Safe Handling, Transfer, and Use of Biological Materials
- Food Safety
- 12.3 Biodiversity Conservation and the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety
- 12.4 Management of Genetic Resources
- State Sovereign Rights
- The Nagoya Protocol
- International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture
- The Pandemic Influenza Preparedness Framework
- 12.5 Trade and Intellectual Property Rights
- Trade in Biotechnology Products
- Intellectual Property Rights
- Plant Variety Rights
- 12.6 Human Rights
- 12.7 Preventing the Hostile Use of Biotechnology
- 12.8 Role of Scientists in the Development of International Regulations
- Questions & Activities
- Case Study How Should the Safe Transport of Infectious Substances Be Ensured?
- Chapter 13 Ethics and Biotechnology
- 13.1 What Is Ethics?
- Approaches to Ethical Decision Making
- Ethical Exercise Warm-up
- 13.2 Examples of Ethics and Biotechnology
- Cells and Products
- GM Crops: Are You What You Eat?
- Animal Husbandry or Animal Tinkering?
- Synthetic Genomes and Synthetic Biology
- Drug Trials with Human Patients
- What Does It Mean to Be Human?
- Spare Embryos for Research Versus Creating Embryos for Research
- Should Humans and Other Animals Be Cloned for Any Reason?
- Mitochondrial Replacement Therapy
- Patient Rights and Biological Materials
- Genetic Information and Genetic Privacy
- More or Less Human?
- Genome Editing and Germline Gene Modifications
- 13.3 Economics, the Role of Science, and Communication
- Questions & Activities
- Case Study The GTEx Project, Cadavers, and Family Rights
- 13.1 What Is Ethics?
- Appendix 1: Answers to Questions & Activities
- Appendix 2: The 20 Amino Acids of Proteins
- Credits
- Glossary
- Index
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- Gerð : 208
- Höfundur : 5910
- Útgáfuár : 2019
- Leyfi : 380