ISE Integrated Principles of Zoology
Námskeið LBHI Dýrafræði hryggleysingja - Höfundar: Cleveland Hickman, Susan Keen, David Eisenhour, Allan Larson, Helen I'Anson
5.090 kr.

LBHI Dýrafræði hryggleysingja
- Höfundur: Cleveland P. Hickman, Jr., Susan L. Keen, David J. Eisenhour, Allan Larson, Helen I'Anson
- Útgáfa:19
- Útgáfudagur: 2023-02-15
- Engar takmarkanir á útprentun
- Engar takmarkanir afritun
- Format:ePub
- ISBN 13: 9781266392030
- Print ISBN: 9781266263293
- ISBN 10: 1266392033
- Title Page
- Copyright Page
- Contents in Brief
- Table of Contents
- About the Authors
- Preface
- Connect Page
- CHAPTER 1 Life: Biological Principles and the Science of Zoology
- 1.1 Fundamental Properties of Life
- 1.2 Zoology as a Part of Biology
- 1.3 Principles of Science
- 1.4 Theories of Evolution and Heredity
- Summary
- CHAPTER 2 The Origin and Chemistry of Life
- 2.1 Water and Life
- 2.2 Macromolecules
- 2.3 Chemical Evolution
- 2.4 Origin of Living Systems
- 2.5 Precambrian Life
- Summary
- CHAPTER 3 Cells as Units of Life
- 3.1 Cell Concept
- 3.2 Organization of Cells
- 3.3 Membrane Function
- 3.4 Mitosis and Cell Division
- Summary
- CHAPTER 4 Cellular Metabolism
- 4.1 Energy and the Laws of Thermodynamics
- 4.2 The Role of Enzymes
- 4.3 Enzyme Regulation
- 4.4 Chemical Energy Transfer by ATP
- 4.5 Cellular Respiration
- 4.6 Metabolism of Lipids
- 4.7 Metabolism of Proteins
- Summary
- CHAPTER 1 Life: Biological Principles and the Science of Zoology
- CHAPTER 5 Genetics: A Review
- 5.1 Mendel’s Investigations
- 5.2 Chromosomal Basis of Inheritance
- 5.3 Mendelian Laws of Inheritance
- 5.4 Gene Theory
- 5.5 Storage and Transfer of Genetic Information
- 5.6 Gene Mutations
- 5.7 Molecular Genetics of Cancer
- Summary
- CHAPTER 6 Organic Evolution
- 6.1 Origins of Darwinian Evolutionary Theory
- 6.2 Darwinian Evolutionary Theory: The Evidence
- 6.3 Revisions of Darwin’s Theory
- 6.4 Microevolution: Genetic Variation and Change Within Species
- 6.5 Macroevolution: Major Evolutionary Events
- Summary
- CHAPTER 7 The Reproductive Process
- 7.1 Nature of the Reproductive Process
- 7.2 The Origin and Maturation of Germ Cells
- 7.3 Reproductive Patterns
- 7.4 Structure of Reproductive Systems
- 7.5 Endocrine Events That Orchestrate Reproduction
- Summary
- CHAPTER 8 Principles of Development
- 8.1 Early Concepts: Preformation Versus Epigenesis
- 8.2 Fertilization
- 8.3 Cleavage and Early Development
- 8.4 An Overview of Development Following Cleavage
- 8.5 Mechanisms of Development
- 8.6 Gene Expression During Development
- 8.7 Developmental Patterns in Animals
- 8.8 Evolutionary Developmental Biology
- 8.9 Vertebrate Development
- 8.10 Development of Systems and Organs
- Summary
- CHAPTER 9 Architectural Pattern of an Animal
- 9.1 Hierarchical Organization of Animal Complexity
- 9.2 Animal Body Plans
- 9.3 Components of Animal Bodies
- 9.4 Complexity and Body Size
- Summary
- CHAPTER 10 Taxonomy and Phylogeny of Animals
- 10.1 Linnaeus and Taxonomy
- 10.2 Species
- 10.3 Taxonomic Characters and Phylogenetic Reconstruction
- 10.4 Theories of Taxonomy
- 10.5 Major Subdivisions of the Animal Kingdom
- Summary
- CHAPTER 11 Unicellular Eukaryotes
- 11.1 Naming and Identifying Unicellular Eukaryotic Taxa
- 11.2 Form and Function
- 11.3 Nutrition and Digestion
- 11.4 Excretion and Osmoregulation
- 11.5 Reproduction and Life Cycles
- 11.6 Major Unicellular Eukaryotic Taxa
- 11.7 Phylogeny and Adaptive Diversification
- Summary
- CHAPTER 12 Sponges and Placozoans
- 12.1 Origin of Animals
- 12.2 Phylum Porifera: Sponges
- 12.3 Form and Function in Sponges
- 12.4 Survey of Sponges
- 12.5 Phylum Placozoa
- Summary
- CHAPTER 13 Cnidarians and Ctenophores
- 13.1 Phylum Cnidaria
- 13.2 Form and Function
- 13.3 Survey of Cnidarians
- 13.4 Phylum Ctenophora
- 13.5 Phylogeny and Adaptive Diversification
- Summary
- CHAPTER 14 Xenacoelomorpha, Platyhelminthes, Gastrotricha, Gnathifera, and Mesozoa
- 14.1 Phylum Xenacoelomorpha
- 14.2 Clades Within Protostomia
- 14.3 Phylum Platyhelminthes
- 14.4 Phylum Gastrotricha
- 14.5 Clade Gnathifera
- 14.6 Phylum Gnathostomulida
- 14.7 Phylum Chaetognatha
- 14.8 Phylum Micrognathozoa
- 14.9 Phylum Rotifera
- 14.10 Phylum Acanthocephala
- 14.11 Phylum Mesozoa
- 14.12 Phylogeny
- Summary
- CHAPTER 15 Polyzoa and Trochozoa
- 15.1 Clade Polyzoa
- 15.2 Phylum Cycliophora
- 15.3 Phylum Entoprocta
- 15.4 Phylum Ectoprocta (Bryozoa)
- 15.5 Clade Trochozoa
- 15.6 Clade Brachiozoa
- 15.7 Phylum Brachiopoda
- 15.8 Phylum Phoronida
- 15.9 Phylum Nemertea (Rhynchocoela)
- 15.10 Phylogeny
- Summary
- CHAPTER 16 Molluscs
- 16.1 Molluscs
- 16.2 Form and Function
- 16.3 Classes of Molluscs
- 16.4 Phylogeny and Adaptive Diversification
- Summary
- CHAPTER 17 Annelids
- 17.1 Phylum Annelida, Including Pogonophorans (Siboglinids), Sipunculans, and Echiurans
- 17.2 Errantia
- 17.3 Sedentaria
- 17.4 Clade Clitellata
- 17.5 Evolutionary Significance of a Coelom and Metamerism
- 17.6 Phylogeny and Adaptive Diversification
- Summary
- CHAPTER 18 Smaller Ecdysozoans
- 18.1 Phylum Nematoda: Roundworms
- 18.2 Phylum Nematomorpha
- 18.3 Phylum Loricifera
- 18.4 Phylum Kinorhyncha
- 18.5 Phylum Priapulida
- 18.6 Clade Panarthropoda
- 18.7 Phylum Onychophora
- 18.8 Phylum Tardigrada
- 18.9 Phylogeny and Adaptive Diversification
- Summary
- CHAPTER 19 Trilobites, Chelicerates, and Myriapods
- 19.1 Phylum Arthropoda
- 19.2 Subphylum Trilobita
- 19.3 Subphylum Chelicerata
- 19.4 Subphylum Myriapoda
- 19.5 Phylogeny and Adaptive Diversification
- Summary
- CHAPTER 20 Crustaceans
- 20.1 Subphylum Crustacea
- 20.2 A Brief Survey of Crustaceans
- 20.3 Phylogeny and Adaptive Diversification
- Summary
- CHAPTER 21 Hexapods
- 21.1 Classes Entognatha and Insecta
- 21.2 External Form and Function
- 21.3 Internal Form and Function
- 21.4 Metamorphosis and Growth
- 21.5 Behavior and Defense
- 21.6 Insects and Human Welfare
- 21.7 Phylogeny and Adaptive Diversification
- Summary
- CHAPTER 22 Echinoderms and Hemichordates
- 22.1 Clade Ambulacraria
- 22.2 Phylum Echinodermata
- 22.3 Phylogeny and Adaptive Diversification of Echinoderms
- 22.4 Phylum Hemichordata
- 22.5 Phylogeny and Adaptive Diversification of Hemichordates
- Summary
- CHAPTER 23 Chordates
- 23.1 Ancestry and Evolution of the Chordates
- 23.2 Five Chordate Characteristics
- 23.3 Subphylum Tunicata (Urochordata)
- 23.4 Subphylum Cephalochordata
- 23.5 Subphylum Vertebrata
- Summary
- CHAPTER 24 Fishes
- 24.1 Ancestry and Relationships of Major Groups of Fishes
- 24.2 Cyclostomata: Living Jawless Fishes
- 24.3 Chondrichthyes: Cartilaginous Fishes
- 24.4 Osteichthyes: Bony Fishes and Tetrapods
- 24.5 Structural and Functional Adaptations of Fishes
- Summary
- CHAPTER 25 Early Tetrapods and Modern Amphibians
- 25.1 Devonian Origin of Tetrapods
- 25.2 Temnospondyls and Modern Amphibians
- 25.3 Caecilians: Order Gymnophiona (Apoda)
- 25.4 Salamanders: Order Urodela (Caudata)
- 25.5 Frogs and Toads: Order Anura (Salientia)
- Summary
- CHAPTER 26 Amniote Origins and Nonavian Reptiles
- 26.1 Origin and Early Evolution of Amniotes
- 26.2 Changes in Traditional Classification of Reptiles
- 26.3 Characteristics and Natural History of Reptilian Groups
- Summary
- CHAPTER 27 Birds
- 27.1 Origin and Relationships
- 27.2 Structural and Functional Adaptations for Flight
- 27.3 Flight
- 27.4 Migration and Navigation
- 27.5 Social Behavior and Reproduction
- 27.6 Bird Populations and Their Conservation
- Summary
- CHAPTER 28 Mammals
- 28.1 Origin and Evolution of Mammals
- 28.2 Structural and Functional Adaptations of Mammals
- 28.3 Mammals and Their Environments
- 28.4 Humans and Mammals
- 28.5 Human Evolution
- Summary
- CHAPTER 29 Support, Protection, and Movement
- 29.1 Integument
- 29.2 Skeletal Systems
- 29.3 Animal Movement
- Summary
- CHAPTER 30 Homeostasis: Osmotic Regulation, Excretion, and Temperature Regulation
- 30.1 Water and Osmotic Regulation
- 30.2 Invertebrate Excretory Structures
- 30.3 Vertebrate Kidney
- 30.4 Temperature Regulation
- Summary
- CHAPTER 31 Homeostasis: Internal Fluids and Respiration
- 31.1 Internal Fluid Environment
- 31.2 Composition of Blood
- 31.3 Circulation
- 31.4 Respiration
- Summary
- CHAPTER 32 Digestion and Nutrition
- 32.1 Feeding Mechanisms
- 32.2 Digestion
- 32.3 Organization and Regional Function of Alimentary Canals
- 32.4 Regulation of Food Intake
- 32.5 Nutritional Requirements
- Summary
- CHAPTER 33 Nervous Coordination: Nervous System and Sense Organs
- 33.1 Neurons: Functional Units of Nervous Systems
- 33.2 Synapses: Junctions Between Nerves
- 33.3 Evolution of Nervous Systems
- 33.4 Sense Organs
- Summary
- CHAPTER 34 Chemical Coordination: Endocrine System
- 34.1 Mechanisms of Hormone Action
- 34.2 Invertebrate Hormones
- 34.3 Vertebrate Endocrine Glands and Hormones
- Summary
- CHAPTER 35 Immunity
- 35.1 Susceptibility and Resistance
- 35.2 Innate Defense Mechanisms
- 35.3 Immunity in Invertebrates
- 35.4 Acquired Immune Response in Vertebrates
- 35.5 Blood Group Antigens
- Summary
- CHAPTER 36 Animal Behavior
- 36.1 Describing Behavior: Principles of Classical Ethology
- 36.2 Control of Behavior
- 36.3 Social Behavior
- Summary
- CHAPTER 37 Animal Distributions
- 37.1 Principles of Historical Biogeography
- 37.2 Distribution of Life on Earth
- Summary
- CHAPTER 38 Animal Ecology
- 38.1 The Hierarchy of Ecology
- 38.2 Populations
- 38.3 Community Ecology
- 38.4 Ecosystems
- 38.5 Extinction and Biodiversity
- Summary
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- Gerð : 208
- Höfundur : 8608
- Útgáfuár : 2019
- Leyfi : 380