Over 100 Quick and Easy Recipes Wondering how get the most out of your Instant Pot or your favorite multi-cooker? This one-of a kind guide will walk you through what you need to know to start cooking with your Instant Pot today. It covers what you can cook to setting functions to keeping your pot looking (and smelling!) like new, plus what will happen step-by-step through the cooking process. You will also get over 100 tasty, family-friendly recipes for making delicious mains, appetizers, sides, breakfasts, and desserts—in a flash.
Inside, you’ll get the lowdown on getting to know your pot and all its features. Discover all that you and your Instant Pot can achieve, from cooking fluffy rice, beans from scratch, and creating roasts, soups, vegetarian, Mediterranean, Keto, and Indian dishes, to making homemade yogurt, baby food, and decadent desserts. Prep, set it, and go Compatable with Instant Potmodels and brands like Ninja All-in-One Multi-Cooker Get hours back in your day Save time without losing flavor Baby-friendly recipes Includes recipes to suit the entire family, including baby-friendly, keto, gluten free and vegan options created by two dietitians! Now you can serve up home-cooked meals in a fraction of the time of a slow cooker—without feeling guilty about not spending a lot of time in your kitchen.
- Höfundar: Wendy Jo Peterson, Elizabeth Shaw
- Útgáfa:1
- Útgáfudagur: 2020-03-02
- Hægt að prenta út 10 bls.
- Hægt að afrita 2 bls.
- Format:ePub
- ISBN 13: 9781119641438
- Print ISBN: 9781119641407
- ISBN 10: 1119641438
- Cover
- Introduction
- About This Book
- Foolish Assumptions
- Icons Used in This Book
- Beyond the Book
- Where to Go from Here
- Part 1: Getting Started with the Instant Pot
- Chapter 1: Becoming the Boss of Your Instant Pot
- Overcoming Your Instant Pot Fears
- Staying Safe When Using Your Instant Pot
- Troubleshooting Your Instant Pot
- Getting Answers to Common Instant Pot Questions
- Chapter 2: Instant Pot 101: Understanding the Pot
- Exploring Other Multiuse Pressure Cookers on the Market
- Exploring the Instant Pot
- Considering the Various Instant Pot Models
- Looking at the Newest Instant Pot: The DUO EVO Plus
- Looking at the Instant Pot’s Features
- Releasing Pressure Inside the Pot
- Chapter 3: Kitchen Staples for Making Meals Come to Life
- Starting with the Pantry
- Focusing on the Fridge
- Making the Most of Your Freezer
- Chapter 4: Building Your Kitchen Arsenal
- Accessorizing Your Instant Pot
- Stocking Up on Other Kitchen Tools
- Taking Your Instant Pot Kitchen on the Road
- Chapter 5: Instant Pot Tips, Tricks, and Hacks
- BURN, Baby, BURN: Dealing with a Burn Error Message
- Trying Some Mind-Blowing Tricks with Your Instant Pot
- Saving on Your Energy Bill with the Instant Pot
- Making Edible Gifts for Every Occasion
- Chapter 1: Becoming the Boss of Your Instant Pot
- Chapter 6: Meal-Planning Basics
- The Essentials of Meal Planning
- Foods for the Whole Family — Even Baby!
- Cook Once Eat Twice: Batch-Cooking and Freezing
- Time-Saving Hacks for Busy People
- Chapter 7: Seven-Day Meal Plans
- A Family-Friendly Meal Plan
- A Vegetarian Meal Plan
- A Modified Keto Meal Plan
- Chapter 8: Instant Pot Basics: Yogurt, Applesauce, Broth, and More
- Chapter 9: Jump-Start Your Day: Breakfast
- Chapter 10: Classic Meats and Poultry
- Chapter 11: The Beauty of Bowls
- Chapter 12: One-Pot Wonders
- Chapter 13: Star-Studded Side Dishes
- Chapter 14: Hearty Soups and Stews
- Chapter 15: Going Global
- Chapter 16: Getting the Party Started: Appetizers
- Chapter 17: Beverages
- Chapter 18: Sweet Treats
- Chapter 19: Baking and Sous Vide with the New Instant Pot
- Chapter 20: Ten Tips for Making the Most of Your Instant Pot
- Cleaning Your Instant Pot
- Keeping Your Instant Pot Out
- Starting Simple
- Exploring the Functions of Your Instant Pot
- Feeling Confident with Your Instant Pot
- Trying One New Recipe per Week
- Comparing Recipes
- Shopping the Sales
- Investing in Accessories
- Buying Extra Basics
- Chapter 21: Ten (or So) Tips to Care for Your Instant Pot
- Cleaning Your Instant Pot
- Keeping Strange Odors at Bay
- Storing Your Instant Pot
- Chapter 22: Ten Ways to Carry Over Pulled Meats
- Bowls
- Casseroles
- Enchiladas
- Omelets
- Salads
- Sandwiches
- Soups
- Tacos
- Tamales
- Toast
- Chapter 23: Ten Meals to Modify for Baby
- Sloppy Joes (Chapter 12)
- Nancy’s Stuffed Bell Peppers (Chapter 12)
- Madras Lentils (Chapter 15)
- Farmers Market Frittata (Chapter 9)
- Carne Guisada (Chapter 10)
- Chicken Sausage and Ancient Grain Casserole (Chapter 12)
- Cinnamon Spice Steel-Cut Oats (Chapter 9)
- Plain Yogurt (Chapter 8) and Coconut Milk Kefir (Chapter 8)
- Simple Spanish Paella (Chapter 15)
- Texas Beef Chili with Beans (Chapter 14)
- Chapter 24: Top Ten Keto-Friendly Meals
- Coconut Milk Kefir
- Poached Eggs
- Beef Bone Broth
- Seasoned Pulled Pork
- Carne Guisada
- Korean Beef Bulgogi Bowl
- Turkey and Mushroom Meatloaf
- Garlic Green Beans and Tomatoes
- Cheese Fondue with Jalapeños
- Spiced Walnuts and Cashews
- Appendix A: Metric Conversion Guide
- Appendix B: Safe Cooking Temperatures
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- Gerð : 208
- Höfundur : 16131
- Útgáfuár : 2020
- Leyfi : 380