The easy way to get a grip on inorganic chemistry Inorganic chemistry can be an intimidating subject, but it doesn't have to be! Whether you're currently enrolled in an inorganic chemistry class or you have a background in chemistry and want to expand your knowledge, Inorganic Chemistry For Dummies is the approachable, hands-on guide you can trust for fast, easy learning. Inorganic Chemistry For Dummies features a thorough introduction to the study of the synthesis and behavior of inorganic and organometallic compounds.
In plain English, it explains the principles of inorganic chemistry and includes worked-out problems to enhance your understanding of the key theories and concepts of the field. Presents information in an effective and straightforward manner Covers topics you'll encounter in a typical inorganic chemistry course Provides plain-English explanations of complicated concepts If you're pursuing a career as a nurse, doctor, or engineer or a lifelong learner looking to make sense of this fascinating subject, Inorganic Chemistry For Dummies is the quick and painless way to master inorganic chemistry.
- Höfundar: Michael Matson, Alvin W. Orbaek
- Útgáfa:1
- Útgáfudagur: 2013-05-30
- Hægt að prenta út 10 bls.
- Hægt að afrita 2 bls.
- Format:Page Fidelity
- ISBN 13: 9781118228913
- Print ISBN: 9781118217948
- ISBN 10: 111822891X
- About the Authors
- Contents at a Glance
- Table of Contents
- Introduction
- About This Book
- Conventions Used in This Book
- What You Don’t Need to Read
- Foolish Assumptions
- How This Book Is Organized
- Icons Used in This Book
- Where to Go from Here
- Part I: Reviewing Some General Chemistry
- Chapter 1: Introducing Inorganic Chemistry
- Building the Foundation
- Getting a Grip on Chemical Bonding
- Traveling Across the Periodic Table
- Diving Deeper: Special Topics
- Listing 40 More
- Chapter 2: Following the Leader: Atomic Structure and Periodic Trends
- Up an’ Atom: Reviewing Atomic Terminology
- Grouping Elements in the Periodic Table
- Chapter 3: The United States of Oxidation
- Entering the Oxidation-Reduction Zone
- Walking through a Redox Reaction
- Isolating Elements
- Chapter 4: Gone Fission: Nuclear Chemistry
- Noting Nuclear Properties
- Documenting Atomic Decay: Radioactivity
- Catalyzing a Nuclear Reaction
- Chapter 5: The ABCs: Acid-Base Chemistry
- Starting with the Basics: Acids and Bases
- Touring Key Theories: A Historical Perspective
- Comparing Lewis and Brønsted theories
- Pearson’s Hard and Soft Acids and Bases (HSAB)
- Strapping on a Cape: Superacids
- Chapter 1: Introducing Inorganic Chemistry
- Chapter 6: No Mr. Bond, I Expect You to π: Covalent Bonding
- Connecting the Dots: Lewis Structures
- Keeping Your Distance: VSEPR
- Ante Up One Electron: Valence-Bond Theory
- Summing It All Up: Molecular Orbital Theory
- Chapter 7: Molecular Symmetry and Group Theory
- Identifying Molecules: Symmetry Elements and Operations
- It’s Not Polite to Point! Molecular Point Groups
- Being Such a Character Table
- Chapter 8: Ionic and Metallic Bonding
- Blame It on Electrostatic Attraction: Forming Ionic Bonds
- Admiring Ionic Crystals
- “I’m Melting!” Dissolving Ionic Compounds with Water: Solubility
- What Is a Metal, Anyway?
- Swimming in the Electron Sea: Metallic Bonding Theories
- Chapter 9: Clinging to Complex Ions: Coordination Complexes
- Identifying Isomers
- Naming Coordination Complexes
- Sorting Out the Salts
- Creating Metal Complexes throughout the Periodic Table
- Applying Coordination Complexes in the Real World
- Chapter 10: What the H? Hydrogen!
- Visiting Hydrogen at Home: Its Place in the Periodic Table
- Appreciating the Merits of Hydrogen
- Introducing Hydrogen Isotopes
- Investing in Hydrogen Bonds
- Applying Itself: Hydrogen’s Uses in Chemistry and Industry
- Chapter 11: Earning Your Salt: The Alkali and Alkaline Earth Metals
- Salting the Earth: Group 1 Elements
- Reacting Less Violently: The Group 2 Alkaline Earth Metals
- Diagramming the Diagonal Relationship
- Chapter 12: The Main Groups
- Placing Main Group Elements on the Periodic Table
- Lucky 13: The Boron Group
- The Diamond Club: The Carbon Group
- Noting Pnictides of the Nitrogen Group
- Keeping Up with the Chalcogens
- (Re)Active Singles: The Group 17 Halogens
- Lights of New York: The Group 18 Noble Gases
- Chapter 13: Bridging Two Sides of the Periodic Table: The Transition Metals
- Getting to Know Transition Metals
- Partially Filling d-Orbitals
- Splitting the Difference: Crystal Field Theory and Transition Metal Complexes
- Electronic Structure and Bonding
- Chapter 14: Finding What Lies Beneath: The Lanthanides and Actinides
- Spending Quality Time with the Rare Earth Elements: Lanthanides
- Feelin’ Radioactive: The Actinides
- Comparing Reactivity: Actinide versus Lanthanide
- Looking More Closely at Uranium
- Chapter 15: Not Quite Organic, Not Quite Inorganic: Organometallics
- Building Organometallic Complexes
- Adhering to Electron Rules
- Bonding with Metals: Ligands
- Including Carbon: Carbonyls
- Providing the Best Examples
- Behaving Oddly: Organometallics of Groups 1, 2, and 12
- Sandwiched Together: Metallocenes
- Clustering Together: Metal-Metal Bonding
- Creating Vacancies: Insertion and Elimination
- Synthesizing Organometallics
- Showing Similarities with Main Group Chemistry
- Chapter 16: Accelerating Change: Catalysts
- Speeding Things Up – The Job of a Catalyst
- Considering Types of Catalysts
- Chapter 17: Bioinorganic Chemistry: Finding Metals in Living Systems
- Focusing on Photosynthesis
- Climbing Aboard the Oxygen Transport
- Feeding a Nitrogen Fixation
- Being Human
- Answering When Nature Calls: Environmental Chemistry
- Chapter 18: Living in a Materials World: Solid-State Chemistry
- Studying Solid Structures
- Three Types of Crystal Structure
- Calculating Crystal Formation: The Born-Haber Cycle
- Bonding and Other Characteristics
- Synthesizing Solid Structures
- Detecting Crystal Defects
- Chapter 19: Nanotechnology
- Defining nanotechnology
- Nanomaterials
- Applications for Nanotechnology
- Chapter 20: Ten Nobels
- Locating Ligands: Alfred Werner
- Making Ammonia: Fritz Haber
- Creating Transuranium Elements: McMillan and Seaborg
- Adding Electronegativity: Pauling
- Preparing Plastics: Ziegler and Natta
- Sandwiching Compounds: Fischer and Wilkinson
- Illuminating Boron Bonds: Lipscomb
- Characterizing Crystal Structures: Hauptman and Karle
- Creating Cryptands: Jean-Marie Lehn
- Making Buckyballs
- Chapter 21: Tools of the Trade: Ten Instrumental Techniques
- Absorbing and Transmitting Light Waves: UV-vis and IR
- Catching Diffracted Light: XRD
- Rearranging Excited Atoms: XRF
- Measuring Atoms in Solution: ICP/AA
- Detecting Secondary Electrons: SEM
- Reading the Criss-Crossed Lines: TEM
- Characterizing Surface Chemistry: XPS
- Evaporating Materials: TGA
- Cyclic Voltammetry
- Tracking Electron Spin: EPR
- Chapter 22: Ten Experiments
- Turning Blue: The Clock Reaction
- Forming Carbon Dioxide
- The Presence of Carbon Dioxide
- Mimicking Solubility
- Separating Water into Gas
- Testing Conductivity of Electrolyte Solutions
- Lemon Batteries
- Purifying Hydrogen
- Colorful Flames
- Making Gunpowder
- Chapter 23: Ten Inorganic Household Products
- Salting Your Food
- Bubbling with Hydrogen Peroxide
- Baking with Bicarbonate
- Whitening with Bleach
- Using Ammonia in Many Ways
- Killing Pests with Borax
- Soothing Babies with Talc
- Cleaning with Lye
- Scratching Stainless Steel
- Wrapping It Up with Aluminum Foil
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- Gerð : 208
- Höfundur : 10522
- Útgáfuár : 2013
- Leyfi : 379