Inclusive Education

- SÁA0110 Skóli án aðgreiningar.
Ensk lýsing:
What does inclusion really mean and what impact have inclusive approaches to education had on practice? Bringing together issues of theory, research, policy and practice from both the countries of the South and the North, this ground-breaking book provides a critical discussion of recent developments in the field of inclusive education. The authors consider developments, both in current thinking about the meaning of inclusion and in terms of policies and practices, in the context of education systems across the world and their differences and inter-relatedness.
Topics covered include the increasing pressure on educators to develop a global policy agenda for inclusive education, the individual needs of children, the illusion of inclusivity and the importance of local contexts in determining policy. The book's international perspective illuminates common successes, failures and concerns. With case studies from Europe, the Caribbean and Australasia, the book also features chapter summaries, questions to facilitate critical thinking and discussion, case studies and suggestions for further reading.
An essential read for anyone studying inclusive education, special educational needs, disability studies, social policy and international and comparative education, this book will ignite debate and enable the reader to develop a deep understanding of the issues. Ann Cheryl Armstrong is the Director of the Division of Professional Learning, Derrick Armstrong is Acting Deputy Vice Chancellor (Education) and Professor of Education and Ilektra Spandagou is a Lecturer in Inclusive Education.
What does inclusion really mean and what impact have inclusive approaches to education had on practice? Bringing together issues of theory, research, policy and practice from both the countries of the South and the North, this ground-breaking book provides a critical discussion of recent developments in the field of inclusive education. The authors consider developments, both in current thinking about the meaning of inclusion and in terms of policies and practices, in the context of education systems across the world and their differences and inter-relatedness.
Topics covered include the increasing pressure on educators to develop a global policy agenda for inclusive education, the individual needs of children, the illusion of inclusivity and the importance of local contexts in determining policy. The book′s international perspective illuminates common successes, failures and concerns. With case studies from Europe, the Caribbean and Australasia, the book also features chapter summaries, questions to facilitate critical thinking and discussion, case studies and suggestions for further reading.
An essential read for anyone studying inclusive education, special educational needs, disability studies, social policy and international and comparative education, this book will ignite debate and enable the reader to develop a deep understanding of the issues. Ann Cheryl Armstrong is the Director of the Division of Professional Learning, Derrick Armstrong is Acting Deputy Vice Chancellor (Education) and Professor of Education and Ilektra Spandagou is a Lecturer in Inclusive Education.
- Höfundar: Ann Cheryl Armstrong, Derrick Armstrong, Ilektra Spandagou
- Útgáfa:1
- Útgáfudagur: 2009-12-09
- Hægt að prenta út 30 bls.
- Hægt að afrita 30 bls.
- Format:ePub
- ISBN 13: 9781446243121
- Print ISBN: 9781847879417
- ISBN 10: 1446243125
- Cover Page
- Title Page
- Copyright Page
- Contents
- About the Authors
- Preface
- Acknowledgements
- Section 1 History, Social Context and Key Ideas
- 1 Inclusive Education: Key Themes
- 2 The Social History of Inclusion
- 3 The Current State of Inclusive Education: Contradictions and Concerns
- Section 2 Policy Case Studies
- 4 Globalization: Internationalization of Inclusive Education
- 5 The Impact of International Agencies on Inclusive Policies
- 6 The European Union: A Common Policy on Inclusion?
- Section 3 From Policy to Practice
- 7 Making Inclusion Special: A Case Study of English Policy Contradictions
- 8 From Policy to Practice: Defining Inclusion in Schools
- 9 Exporting Inclusion to the Developing World
- Section 4 Conclusions and Reflections
- 10 A Conclusion or a Starting Point for the Future?
- References
- Index
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- Gerð : 208
- Höfundur : 6038
- Útgáfuár : 2009
- Leyfi : 380