Inclusive education is complex, multi-faceted and ever-changing and to date there has been no fixed definition of what is meant by the term ‘inclusion’, leading to confusion about what inclusive education actually means in practice. This key text introduces readers to the underlying knowledge and wider complexities of inclusion and explores how this can relate to practice. Considering inclusion as referring to all learners, it surveys the concept of inclusive practice in its broadest sense and examines its implementation in a variety of educational institutions.
Throughout the book, international contributors consider this broader concept to critically evaluate the realities of practically implementing inclusive objectives. Each chapter assesses key theories and concepts alongside a range of examples to encourage students to think critically and reappraise their own experience as learners. Key topics covered include: • studying the definition of inclusion • the relevance of pedagogy in inclusive practice • how to lead and manage for inclusion • the issue of inclusion in early years, primary, secondary and post-16 settings • inclusive practice for families • international perspectives on inclusive practice.
- Höfundur: Zeta Brown
- Útgáfa:1
- Útgáfudagur: 2016-04-28
- Hægt að prenta út 2 bls.
- Hægt að afrita 2 bls.
- Format:ePub
- ISBN 13: 9781317429258
- Print ISBN: 9781138913905
- ISBN 10: 1317429257
- Cover Page
- Half Title Page
- Series Page
- Title Page
- Copyright Page
- Dedication Page
- Contents
- List of tables
- Notes on contributors
- Series editor’s preface
- List of abbreviations
- Introduction
- Part I The wider complexities of inclusive practice
- 1 Inclusion Defining definitions
- Introduction
- Definitions of ‘inclusion'
- Inclusion as a singular noun
- Inclusion as a noun of the Many
- Conclusion
- 2 Pedagogy for inclusion?
- Introduction
- What is ‘pedagogy'?
- Three questions about pedagogy
- Examples of pedagogy
- Conclusion
- 3 Leading and managing for inclusion
- What are leadership and management?
- Roles, responsibilities and influences on the SENCO
- Conclusion
- 4 Students as core A time for change in the higher education discourse of ‘widening participation' and ‘inclusion’
- Introduction
- History and locating ‘inclusion': a word, a political movement, a policy?
- ‘Inclusion' and widening participation in higher education
- The impact of ‘inclusion' and widening participation on higher education: what has it achieved?
- What for the future of ‘inclusion' and HE? Changes to improve inclusive practice
- Conclusion
- 5 Inclusive practice for families
- Introduction
- Poverty and inclusion
- ‘Hard-to-reach' families: acknowledging diversity and complexity
- Why is parental participation in service shaping important?
- A case study example of effective consultation with parents of young children who experience disability
- Recommendations for practice
- Conclusion
- Part II Inclusion through the stages of learning
- 6 Inclusive practice in early childhood education
- Introduction
- Complexity in defining inclusion
- Emphasis on individual need
- Developmentally appropriate practice
- Intrinsic involvement of parents and carers
- Conclusion
- 7 Primary teachers' perspectives on implementing the inclusion agenda
- Introduction
- The Warnock Report and the development of integration
- The development of the standards agenda
- The impact of the standards agenda on children with special educational needs
- The combination of the standards agenda with the new concept of inclusion
- Considering the collective development of the inclusion and standards agendas
- Teachers' perspectives on practically implementing the inclusion agenda
- The confusion in defining inclusion
- Teachers' pragmatic positions on implementing inclusion in practice
- Barriers to implementing the inclusion agenda
- The standards agenda and its impact upon the inclusion agenda
- Implementing the inclusion and standards agenda in tandem: mission impossible?
- Conclusion
- 8 Inclusive practice in secondary education
- Introduction
- From segregation to inclusion
- Othering, labelling and intersectionality
- Groups of pupils at risk of exclusion or marginalisation
- Education for inclusive citizenship
- Conclusion
- 9 Post-16 education and issues of inclusion
- Introduction
- The history of post-16 education
- The culture of inclusion (or exclusion) in 16–19 educational institutions
- Further education and training today
- Inclusion in FE today
- Funding for inclusion at 16–19
- Planning and implementation of learning activities to suit the needs of all
- Conclusion
- 10 From elitist to inclusive higher education
- Introduction
- The context of higher education
- ‘Presence': who gets into university?
- ‘Participation': what happens once they get there?
- ‘Achievement': students' degree attainment
- What has been done to improve equity?
- How can academic standards be maintained?
- Conclusion
- Part III Inclusive practice International perspectives
- 11 Diversity in Greece Equity, access and inclusion issues
- Introduction
- Social geography: Greece, a changing society
- A struggling economy
- The impact of social change on education
- Diversity in Greece
- Diverse students but with similar needs
- Education and migrant students
- Education and special educational needs
- Conclusion
- 12 Inclusion and inclusive practice in Australia
- Introduction
- Snapshot: Australia's geographic and climate context
- Snapshot: Australia's historical, social and cultural context
- Snapshot: Australia's political and economic context
- Snapshot: current education policy
- Snapshot: schooling system in Australia
- Snapshot: educational provision for individuals with disabilities in Australia
- Snapshot: prevalence of disability in Australian populations
- Snapshot: the Australian Curriculum
- Inclusion: challenges in the Australian context
- Conclusion
- 13 Inclusive practice in Montserrat, Caribbean Natural disaster experiences
- Introduction
- A teacher's intervention with children who witnessed a pyroclastic flow
- Inclusive education in emergencies
- Notions of inclusion – the Montserrat context
- Pre- and post-emergency experiences and practices
- A teacher's account of using storytelling
- Changing needs and access to interventions
- Resources
- Conclusion
- 14 Inclusive practice post conflict An exploration of examples from Liberia
- Introduction
- Social and historical context
- Post-conflict inclusion practices
- Reflecting on the experiences of former child soldiers
- An ‘Education for All' (EFA) agenda
- Achieving Education for All
- Children with special educational needs
- Rural localities
- Gender parity
- Partnerships for inclusion
- Making teacher training inclusive
- Conclusion
- Index
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- Gerð : 208
- Höfundur : 6529
- Útgáfuár : 2016
- Leyfi : 380