How to Write and Publish a Scientific Paper,

Thoroughly updated throughout, this classic, practical text on how to write and publish a scientific paper takes its own advice to be "as clear and simple as possible. " "The purpose of scientific writing," according to Barbara Gastel and Robert A. Day, "is to communicate new scientific findings. Science is simply too important to be communicated in anything other than words of certain meaning. " This clear, beautifully written, and often funny text is a must-have for anyone who needs to communicate scientific information, whether they're writing for a professor, other scientists, or the general public.
The thoughtfully revised ninth edition retains the most important material—including preparing text and graphics, publishing papers and other types of writing, and plenty of information on writing style—while adding up-to-date advice on copyright, presenting online, identifying authors, creating visual abstracts, and writing in English as a non-native language. A set of valuable appendixes provide ready reference, including words and expressions to avoid, SI prefixes, a list of helpful websites, and a glossary.
Students and working scientists will want to keep How to Write and Publish a Scientific Paper at their desks and refer to it at every stage of writing and publication. Provides practical, easy-to-read, and immediately applicable guidance on preparing each part of a scientific paper, from the title and abstract to each section of the main text to acknowledgments and references Explains step-by-step how to decide to which journal to submit a paper, what happens to a paper after submission, and how to work effectively with a journal throughout the publication process Includes key advice on other communication important to success in scientific careers, such as giving presentations, writing proposals, and writing for a general audience Presents updated information throughout and new material on timely topics like copyright and presenting online.
- Höfundar: Barbara Gastel, Robert A. Day
- Útgáfa:9
- Útgáfudagur: 2022-06-30
- Hægt að prenta út 2 bls.
- Hægt að afrita 2 bls.
- Format:Page Fidelity
- ISBN 13: 9781440878831
- Print ISBN: 9781440878824
- ISBN 10: 1440878838
- Title Page
- Copyright
- Dedication
- Contents
- Preface
- A Word to International Readers
- Acknowledgments
- Part I: Some Preliminaries
- 1. What Is Scientific Writing?
- The Scope of Scientific Writing
- The Need for Clarity
- Receiving the Signals
- Understanding the Signals
- Understanding the Context
- Organization and Language in Scientific Writing
- 2. Historical Perspectives
- The Early History
- The Electronic Era
- The IMRAD Story
- 3. Approaching a Writing Project
- Establishing the Mindset
- Preparing to Write
- Doing the Writing
- Revising Your Work
- 4. What Is a Scientific Paper?
- Definition of a Scientific Paper
- Organization of a Scientific Paper
- Shape of a Scientific Paper
- Other Definitions
- 5. Ethics in Scientific Publishing
- Ethics as a Foundation
- Authenticity and Accuracy
- Originality
- Credit
- Ethical Treatment of Humans and Animals
- Disclosure of Conflicts of Interest
- 6. Where to Submit Your Manuscript
- Decide Early, Decide Well
- Prestige and Impact
- Access
- Avoiding Predatory Journals
- Other Factors to Consider
- Using Instructions to Authors
- 1. What Is Scientific Writing?
- 7. How to Prepare the Title
- Importance of the Title
- Length of the Title
- Need for Specific Titles
- Importance of Syntax
- The Title as Label
- Abbreviations and Jargon
- More About Title Format
- 8. How to List the Authors and Addresses
- Definition of Authorship
- The Order of the Names
- Defining the Order: An Example
- Specifying Contributions
- Proper and Consistent Form
- Solutions: ORCID and More
- Listing Affiliations and Addresses
- 9. How to Prepare the Abstract
- Definition
- Types of Abstracts
- Clarity and Conciseness
- Akin to Abstracts
- Keywords
- Visual Varieties
- 10. How to Write the Introduction
- Guidelines
- Reasons for the Guidelines
- Exceptions
- Citations and Abbreviations
- 11. How to Write the Materials and Methods Section
- Purpose of the Section
- Materials
- Methods
- Headings
- Measurements and Analysis
- Need for References
- Tables and Figures
- Correct Form and Grammar
- 12. How to Write the Results
- Content of the Results
- How to Handle Numbers
- Strive for Clarity
- Avoid Redundancy
- A Supplement on Supplementary Material Online
- 13. How to Write the Discussion
- Discussion and Verbiage
- Components of the Discussion
- Noting Strengths and Limitations
- Significance of the Paper
- Conclusions
- Defining Scientific Truth
- 14. How to State the Acknowledgments
- Ingredients of the Acknowledgments
- Being Courteous
- 15. How to Cite the References
- Rules to Follow
- Checking Against the Original
- Electronic Aids to Citation
- Citations in the Text
- Reference Styles
- Titles and Inclusive Pages
- Journal Abbreviations
- Some Trends in Reference Format
- Examples of Different Reference Styles
- Citing Electronic Material
- One More Reason to Cite Carefully
- 16. How to Design Effective Tables
- When to Use Tables
- How to Arrange Tabular Material
- Exponents in Table Headings
- Following the Journal’s Instructions
- Titles, Footnotes, and Abbreviations
- Additional Tips on Tables
- 17. How to Prepare Effective Graphs
- When Not to Use Graphs
- When to Use Graphs
- How to Prepare Graphs
- Symbols and Legends
- A Few More Tips on Graphs
- Beyond Graphs
- Sources Offering Further Assistance
- 18. How to Prepare Effective Photographs
- Photographs and Micrographs
- Submission Formats
- Cropping and Combining
- Necessary Keys and Guides
- Color
- 19. Rights and Permissions
- What is Copyright?
- Copyright of Unpublished Materials
- Creative Commons Licenses
- Obtaining Permissions
- 20. How to Submit the Manuscript
- Checking Your Manuscript
- Submitting Your Manuscript
- The Cover Letter
- Sample Cover Letter
- Electronic Cover Letters
- Confirmation of Receipt
- 21. The Review Process (How to Deal with Editors)
- Functions of Editors, Managing Editors, and Manuscript Editors
- The Review Process
- The Editor’s Decision
- The Accept Letter
- The Modify Letter—And How to Respond to It
- The Reject Letter
- Editors as Gatekeepers
- 22. The Publishing Process (How to Deal with Proofs)—and After Publication
- The Copyediting and Proofing Processes
- Why Proofs Are Sent to Authors
- Misspelled Words
- Marking the Corrections
- Additions to the Proofs
- Addition of References
- Proofing the Illustrations
- When to Complain
- Reprints
- Publicizing and Archiving Your Paper
- Celebrating Publication
- 23. How to Write a Review Paper
- Characteristics of a Review Paper
- Preparing an Outline
- Types of Reviews
- Writing for the Audience
- Importance of Introductory Paragraphs
- Importance of Conclusions
- Additional Tips for Writing Review Articles
- 24. How to Write Opinion (Letters to the Editor, Editorials, Book Reviews, and Essays)
- Writing Informed Opinion
- Letters to the Editor
- Editorials
- Book (and Other Media) Reviews
- Essays
- 25. How to Write a Book Chapter or a Book
- How to Write a Book Chapter
- Why (or Why Not) to Write a Book
- How to Find a Publisher
- How to Prepare a Book Manuscript
- How to Participate in the Publication Process
- How to Help Market Your Book
- 26. How to Write for the Public
- Why Write for General Readerships?
- Finding Publication Venues
- Engaging the Audience
- Conveying Content Clearly
- Emulating the Best
- 27. How to Present a Paper Orally
- How to Get to Present a Paper
- A Word of Caution
- Organization of the Paper
- Presentation of the Paper
- Slides
- Presenting Online
- Making a Mini-Presentation
- The Audience
- A Few Answers on Questions
- 28. How to Prepare a Poster
- Popularity of Posters
- Organization
- Preparing the Poster
- Presenting the Poster
- 29. How to Write a Conference Report
- Definition
- Format
- Presenting New Ideas
- Editing and Publishing
- 30. Use and Misuse of English
- Some Basics
- Some Finer Points
- On a Lighter Note
- 31. Avoiding Jargon
- Definition of Jargon
- Mumblespeak and Other Sins
- Bureaucratese
- Special Cases
- Mottoes to Live By
- 32. How and When to Use Abbreviations
- General Principles
- Good Practice
- Units of Measurement
- Special Problems
- SI (Système International) Units
- Other Abbreviations
- 33. Writing Clearly Across Cultures and Media
- Readable Writing
- Consistency in Wording
- Serving International Readers
- A Few Words on Email Style
- Writing for Online Reading
- 34. How to Write Science in English as a Foreign Language
- English as the International Language of Science
- The Essentials: Content, Organization, and Clarity
- Cultural Differences to Consider
- Some Common Language Challenges
- More Strategies for English-Language Writing
- More Resources
- 35. How to Write a Thesis
- Purpose of the Thesis
- Tips on Writing
- When to Write the Thesis
- Relationship to the Outside World
- From Thesis to Publication
- 36. How to Prepare a Curriculum Vitae, Cover Letter, and Personal Statement
- What’s a Curriculum Vitae? What’s It Good For?
- What to Put in (and What to Leave Out)
- Other Suggestions
- Preparing a Cover Letter
- Writing a Personal Statement
- 37. How to Prepare Grant Proposals and Progress Reports
- Preparing a Grant Proposal
- Writing a Progress Report
- 38. How to Write a Recommendation Letter—and How to Ask for One
- Deciding Whether to Write the Letter
- Gathering the Information
- Writing Letters
- A Light Aside
- If You’re Seeking Recommendation Letters
- 39. How to Work with the Media
- Before the Interview
- During the Interview
- After the Interview
- 40. How to Provide Peer Review
- Responding to a Request for Peer Review
- Peer-Reviewing a Scientific Paper
- Providing Informal Peer Review
- For More on Reviewing
- 41. How to Edit Your Own Work
- Preparing to Edit Your Work
- Items to Notice: 8 Cs
- A Good Choice: Checklists
- Finding and Working with an Author’s Editor
- 42. How to Seek a Scientific-Communication Career
- Career Options in Scientific Communication
- An Admittedly Unvalidated Quiz
- Career Preparation
- Entering the Field and Keeping Up
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- Gerð : 208
- Höfundur : 18307
- Útgáfuár : 2022
- Leyfi : 380