An incisive, up-to-date, and comprehensive treatment of effective health promotion programs In the newly revised Third Edition of Health Promotion Programs: From Theory to Practice , health and behavior experts Drs. Carl I. Fertman and Melissa Grim deliver a robust exploration of the history and rapid evolution of health promotion programs over the last three decades. The authors describe knowledge advances in health and behavior that have impacted the planning, support, and implementation of health promotion programs.
With thoroughly updated content, statistics, data, figures, and tables, the book discusses new resources, programs, and initiatives begun since the publication of the Second Edition in 2016. "Key Terms" and "For Practice and Discussion Questions" have been revised, and the authors promote the use of health theory by providing the reader with suggestions, models, boxes, and templates. A renewed focus on health equity and social justice permeates much of the book, and two significant health promotion and education events- the HESPA ll study and Healthy People 2030- are discussed at length.
Readers will also find: A thorough introduction to health promotion programs, including the historical context of health promotion, settings and stakeholders for health promotion programs, advisory boards, and technology disruption and opportunities for health promotion. Comprehensive explorations of health equity and social justice, including dicussions of vulnerable and underserved population groups, racial and ethnic disparities in health and minority group engagement.
Practical discussions of theory in health promotion programs, including foundational theories and health promotion program planning models. In-depth examinations of health promotion program planning, including needs assessments and program support. Perfect for undergraduate and graduate students studying public health, health administration, nursing, and medical research, Health Promotion Programs: From Theory to Practice is also ideal for medical students seeking a one-stop resource on foundational concepts and cutting-edge developments in health promotion programs.
- Höfundur: (SOPHE) Society for Public Health Education
- Útgáfa:3
- Útgáfudagur: 2022-02-23
- Hægt að prenta út 10 bls.
- Hægt að afrita 2 bls.
- Format:ePub
- ISBN 13: 9781119770909
- Print ISBN: 9781119770886
- ISBN 10: 1119770904
- Cover
- Title page
- Copyright
- Dedication
- List of Figures, Tables, and Sidebars
- Editors
- The Contributors
- Preface
- About the Third Edition
- Acknowledgements
- Part One: Health Promotion Program Foundations
- Chapter 1 What Are Health Promotion Programs?
- Health Promotion in a New Health Era
- Health, Health Promotion, and Health Promotion Programs
- Historical Context for Health Promotion
- Healthy People 2030: A National Public-Private Partnership to Promote Health
- Health Education and Health Promotion
- Settings for Health Promotion Programs
- Stakeholders in Health Promotion Programs
- Emerging Health Promotion Era
- Summary
- For Practice and Discussion
- Key Terms
- References
- Chapter 2 Health Promotion, Equity, and Social Justice
- Health Promotion, Equity, and Social Justice Intersection
- Health Status and Healthcare Vary
- Actions to Advance Health Equity and Social Justice
- Actions Using Healthy People 2030 to Advance Health Equity and Social Justice
- The Health in All Policies Guide
- Summary
- For Practice and Discussion
- Key Terms
- References
- Chapter 3 Theory in Health Promotion Programs
- Theory in Health Promotion Programs
- Foundational Theories/Models: Intrapersonal Level
- Foundational Theories/Models: Interpersonal Level
- Foundational Theories/Models: Population Level
- Foundational Theories/Models Applied Across the Levels
- Health Promotion Program Planning Models
- Summary
- For Practice and Discussion
- Key Terms
- References
- Chapter 1 What Are Health Promotion Programs?
- Chapter 4 Assessing the Health Needs of a Defined Population
- Defining a Needs Assessment
- Conducting a Health Needs Assessment
- Using Primary Data Methods and Tools
- Using Secondary Data Methods and Tools
- Reporting and Sharing the Findings
- Needs Assessments, Health Equity, and Social Justice
- Summary
- For Practice and Discussion
- Key Terms
- References
- Chapter 5 Making Decisions to Create and Support a Program
- Identifying a Mission Statement, Goals, and Objectives
- Writing Program Objectives
- Deciding on Program Interventions
- Selecting Health Promotion Materials
- Developing Effective Policies and Procedures
- Transitioning to Program Implementation
- Summary
- For Practice and Discussion
- Key Terms
- References
- Chapter 6 Implementation Tools, Program Staff, and Budgets
- From Program Planning to Action Planning
- Preparing a Logic Model
- Using a Gantt Chart to Guide Implementation
- Planning for Implementation Challenges
- Program Management
- Summary
- For Practice and Discussion
- Key Terms
- References
- Chapter 7 Advocacy
- Advocacy Defined
- Becoming Fluent in the Language of Advocacy
- Creating an Advocacy Agenda for a Program
- Forming Alliances and Partnerships for Advocacy
- Advocacy Methods
- Examples of Successful Health Policy Advocacy
- Overcoming Challenges to Advocacy
- Summary
- For Practice and Discussion
- Key Terms
- References
- Chapter 8 Communicating Health Information Effectively
- Communication in Health Promotion Programs
- Developing a Communication Plan for a Site
- Developing and Pretesting Concepts, Messages, and Materials
- Increased Consumption of Misinformation and Disinformation
- Summary
- For Practice and Discussion
- Key Terms
- References
- Chapter 9 Where Money Meets Mission: Developing, Increasing, and Sustaining Program Funding
- Funding is Power
- Sources of Program Funding
- Funding Varies by Program Participants and Setting
- Writing a Grant Proposal
- Maintaining Relationships With Funders
- Fundraising Activities and Strategies
- Working With Board Members
- Summary
- For Practice and Discussion
- Key Terms
- References
- Chapter 10 Evaluating and Improving Health Promotion Programs
- Understanding Program Evaluation
- Using a Participatory Approach to Evaluation
- Different Types of Program Evaluations
- Program and Evaluation Alignment
- Evaluation Report
- Implementing an Evaluation
- Improving Health Promotion Programs
- Summary
- For Practice and Discussion
- Key Terms
- References
- Chapter 11 Using Big Data for Action and Impact
- What Is Big Data?
- Health Analytics Data Mining with Health Promotion Big Data
- Health Promotion Dashboards and Visual Mapping
- Building Big Data Organizational Capacity
- Big Data Challenges
- Health Information Management and Health Informatics Professionals: Big Data Professional Fields
- Summary
- For Practice and Discussion
- Key Terms
- References
- Chapter 12 Sustaining Health Promotion Programs
- Health Promotion Program Sustainability
- Implementation Science Improves Program Effectiveness and Sustainability
- Enhancing Program Impact and Sustainability
- Increasing Sustainability by Ensuring Competence through Credentialing
- Summary
- For Practice and Discussion
- Key Terms
- References
- Chapter 13 School Health Education: Promoting Health and Academic Success
- History of School Health Education
- Opportunities and Challenges in Promoting Health and Academic Success
- Tools and Resources
- Career Opportunities
- Summary
- For Practice and Discussion
- Key Terms
- References
- Chapter 14 Promoting Health in Colleges and Universities
- History of Health Promotion Programs in Colleges and Universities
- Opportunities and Challenges in College Health
- Tools and Resources
- Career Opportunities
- Summary
- For Practice and Discussion
- Key Terms
- References
- Chapter 15 Patient-Centered Health Promotion Programs in Healthcare Organizations
- History of Patient-Centered Health Promotion Programs
- Opportunities and Challenges of Patient-Centered Health Promotion Programs
- Tools and Resources
- Career Opportunities
- Summary
- For Practice and Discussion
- Key Terms
- References
- Chapter 16 Health Promotion Programs in Workplace Settings
- History of Health Promotion in the Workplace
- Opportunities and Challenges in the Workplace
- Tools and Resources
- Career Opportunities
- Summary
- For Practice and Discussion
- Key Terms
- References
- Chapter 17 Promoting Community Health: Local Health Departments and Community Health Organizations
- History of Local Health Departments and Community Health Organizations
- Opportunities and Challenges to Promoting Community Health
- Tools and Resources
- Career Opportunities
- Summary
- For Practice and Discussion
- Key Terms
- References
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- Gerð : 208
- Höfundur : 10175
- Útgáfuár : 2016
- Leyfi : 379