- PRO401G Örveru og lífefnafræði
- Útgáfudagur:
- Hægt að prenta út 35 bls.
- Hægt að afrita 2 bls.
- Format:Page Fidelity
- ISBN 13: 9781307543520
- ISBN 10: 1307543529
- Preface
- Structures & Functions of Proteins & Enzymes
- Biochemistry & Medicine
- Water & pH
- Amino Acids & Peptides
- Proteins: Determination of Primary Structure
- Proteins: Higher Orders of Structure
- Enzymes: Kinetics, Mechanism, Regulation, & Role of Transition Metals
- Proteins: Myoglobin & Hemoglobin
- Enzymes: Mechanism of Action
- Enzymes: Kinetics
- Enzymes: Regulation of Activities
- The Biochemical Roles of Transition Metals
- Bioenergetics
- Bioenergetics: The Role of ATP
- Biologic Oxidation
- The Respiratory Chain & Oxidative Phosphorylation
- Metabolism of Carbohydrates
- Overview of Metabolism & the Provision of Metabolic Fuels
- Carbohydrates of Physiological Significance
- The Citric Acid Cycle: The Central Pathway of Carbohydrate, Lipid, & Amino Acid Metabolism
- Glycolysis & the Oxidation of Pyruvate
- Metabolism of Glycogen
- Gluconeogenesis & the Control of Blood Glucose
- The Pentose Phosphate Pathway & Other Pathways of Hexose Metabolism
- Structure, Function, & Replication of Informational Macromolecules
- Lipids of Physiologic Significance
- Oxidation of Fatty Acids: Ketogenesis
- Biosynthesis of Fatty Acids & Eicosanoids
- Metabolism of Acylglycerols & Sphingolipids
- Lipid Transport & Storage
- Cholesterol Synthesis, Transport, & Excretion
- Metabolism of Proteins & Amino Acids
- Biosynthesis of the Nutritionally Nonessential Amino Acids
- Catabolism of Proteins & of Amino Acid Nitrogen
- Catabolism of the Carbon Skeletons of Amino Acids
- Conversion of Amino Acids to Specialized Products
- Porphyrins & Bile Pigments
- Structure, Function, & Replication of Informational Macromolecules
- Nucleotides
- Metabolism of Purine & Pyrimidine Nucleotides
- Nucleic Acid Structure & Function
- DNA Organization, Replication, & Repair
- RNA Synthesis, Processing, & Modification
- Protein Synthesis & the Genetic Code
- Regulation of Gene Expression
- Molecular Genetics, Recombinant DNA, & Genomic Technology
- Biochemistry of Extracellular & Intracellular Communication
- Membranes: Structure & Function
- The Diversity of the Endocrine System
- Hormone Action & Signal Transduction
- Special Topics (A)
- Nutrition, Digestion, & Absorption
- Micronutrients: Vitamins & Minerals
- Free Radicals & Antioxidant Nutrients
- Glycoproteins
- Metabolism of Xenobiotics
- Clinical Biochemistry
- Special Topics (B)
- Intracellular Traffic & Sorting of Proteins
- The Extracellular Matrix
- Muscle & the Cytoskeleton
- Plasma Proteins & Immunoglobulins
- Red Blood Cells
- White Blood Cells
- Special Topics (C)
- Hemostasis & Thrombosis
- Cancer: An Overview
- The Biochemistry of Aging
- Biochemical Case Histories
- The Answer Bank
- Index
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- Gerð : 208
- Leyfi : 379