Group Dynamics for Teams
7.890 kr.
- FRG308G Teymi og þverfaglegt samstarf.
Grounded in psychology research but with a practical focus on organizational behavior issues, Group Dynamics for Teams helps readers understand and participate in teams more effectively in day-to-day work. Best-selling author Daniel Levi and new co-author David A. Askay thoroughly examine basic group dynamics concepts, such as goals, norms, cooperation, and communication, as well as review the main challenges that teams face, such as conflict, decision making, problem solving, creativity, and valuing diversity.
- Höfundar: Daniel Levi, David A. Askay
- Útgáfa:6
- Útgáfudagur: 2020-07-24
- Hægt að prenta út 2 bls.
- Hægt að afrita 2 bls.
- Format:ePub
- ISBN 13: 9781544309682
- Print ISBN: 9781544309699
- ISBN 10: 1544309686
- New to This Edition
- Acknowledgments
- About the Authors
- Introduction
- Part I Characteristics of Teams
- Chapter 1 Understanding Teams
- Learning Objectives
- 1.1 Why Groups and Teams Matter
- 1.2 Defining Groups
- 1.3 Defining Teams
- 1.4 Why Organizations Use Teams
- Organizational Characteristics
- Job Characteristics
- 1.5 Purposes and Types of Teams
- How Organizations Use Teams
- Classifying Teams
- 1.6 History of Teams and Group Dynamics
- Foundations of Teamwork
- Foundations of Group Dynamics
- Summary
- Team Leadership Challenge 1
- Survey: Attitudes Toward Teamwork
- Activity: Working in Teams
- Chapter 2 Defining Team Success
- Learning Objectives
- 2.1 Nature of Team Success
- Completing the Task
- Developing Social Relations
- Benefiting the Individual
- 2.2 Conditions for Team Success
- Team Composition
- Characteristics of the Task
- Teamwork Processes
- Organizational Context
- 2.3 Characteristics of Successful Teams
- Team Structures
- Collective Intelligence
- Teaming Mindset
- 2.4 Positive-Psychology View of Team Success
- 2.5 Using Teams in the Workplace
- Benefits of Teamwork
- Problems of Teamwork
- When the Use of Teams Becomes a Fad
- Summary
- Team Leadership Challenge 2
- Activity: Understanding Team Success
- Chapter 1 Understanding Teams
- Chapter 3 Team Beginnings
- Learning Objectives
- 3.1 Stages of Group Development
- Group Development Perspective
- Project Development Perspective
- Cyclical Perspective
- Implications of Team Development Stages
- 3.2 Group Socialization
- Team Turnover
- 3.3 Team Goals
- Value and Characteristics of Goals
- Goals Gone Wild
- Hidden Agendas
- 3.4 Team Norms
- How Norms Are Formed
- Impact of Team Norms
- 3.5 Application: Jump-Starting Project Teams
- Building Social Relations
- Clarifying Roles and Responsibilities
- Team Charter
- Developing Virtual Teams
- Summary
- Team Leadership Challenge 3
- Activity: Observing Team Development
- Activity: Developing a Team Charter
- Chapter 4 Understanding the Basic Team Processes
- Learning Objectives
- 4.1 Motivation
- Social Loafing
- Increasing Team Motivation
- 4.2 Group Cohesion
- How Cohesion Affects the Team’s Performance
- Building Group Cohesion
- 4.3 Team Roles
- Role Stress
- Types of Team Meeting Roles
- 4.4 Task and Social Behaviors
- Value of Social Behaviors
- 4.5 Team Adaptation and Learning
- Team Mental Models
- Transactive Memory Systems
- Reflexivity and Team Debriefing
- Using Feedback
- Group Process Observations
- 4.6 Basic Team Processes in Virtual Teams
- Summary
- Team Leadership Challenge 4
- Activity: Tracking Teamwork Behaviors
- Chapter 5 Cooperation and Competition
- Learning Objectives
- 5.1 Teamwork as a Mixed-Motive Situation
- 5.2 Why Are People in Teams Competitive?
- Culture
- Personality
- Organizational Rewards
- 5.3 Problems With Competition
- Competition Erodes Trust
- Competition Reduces Learning
- Intergroup Competition
- When Is Competition Appropriate?
- 5.4 Benefits of and Problems With Cooperation
- Benefits of Cooperation
- Problems With Cooperation
- Competitive Versus Cooperative Rewards
- 5.5 Application: Encouraging Cooperation
- Common Goals
- Rebuilding Trust and Communication
- Encouraging Altruistic Norms
- Negotiating Cooperation
- Summary
- Team Leadership Challenge 5
- Survey: Cooperative, Competitive, or Individualistic Orientation
- Activity: Understanding Competitive Versus Cooperative Goals
- Chapter 6 Communication
- Learning Objectives
- 6.1 The Communication Process
- Verbal Communication
- Nonverbal Communication
- Communication Within Teams
- 6.2 Flow of a Team’s Communication
- Dysfunctional Information Processing Within the Team
- Gender and Communication
- Repairing Trust
- Psychological Safety
- Communication Climates
- 6.3 Emotional Intelligence
- 6.4 Facilitating Team Meetings
- 6.5 Communication Skills for Team Meetings
- Summary
- Team Leadership Challenge 6
- Survey: Team Emotional Intelligence
- Activity: Observing Communication Patterns in a Team
- Chapter 7 Managing Conflict
- Learning Objectives
- 7.1 Conflict Is Normal
- 7.2 Sources of Conflict
- 7.3 Types of Conflict
- Task Conflict
- Process Conflict
- Relational Conflict
- 7.4 Conflict Management
- Two Dimensions of Conflict
- Comparing Different Conflict Management Styles
- Aligning Conflict Type With Conflict Management Styles
- Fostering Collaboration Through Open-Minded Discussions
- Negotiated Agreements
- Conflict in Virtual Teams
- 7.5 Preventing and Preparing for Team Conflict
- Preventing Conflict
- Preparing for Conflicts
- Summary
- Team Leadership Challenge 7
- Survey: Conflict Management Styles
- Activity: Observing Conflict Management Styles
- Chapter 8 Social Influence and Power
- Learning Objectives
- 8.1 Understanding Social Influence and Power
- Conformity
- Conversion
- Obedience
- 8.2 Types Of Power
- Bases of Power
- Influence Tactics
- Influence Tactics in Virtual Teams
- 8.3 Power Dynamics
- Status and the Corrupting Effect of Power
- Unequal Power in a Team
- Managing Unequal Power in a Team
- 8.4 Empowerment
- Degrees of Empowerment Programs
- Barriers to Empowerment Programs
- 8.5 Application: Acting Assertively
- Power Styles
- Use of Power Styles
- Encouraging Assertiveness
- Summary
- Team Leadership Challenge 8
- Activity: Using Power Styles—Passive, Aggressive, and Assertive
- Chapter 9 Decision Making
- Learning Objectives
- 9.1 Decision Making in Teams
- 9.2 Deciding How to Decide: Evaluating Decision-Making Approaches
- 9.3 Individual Decision Making
- Leader Decides
- Designated Expert
- Consultative Decision Making
- Problems With Individual Decision Making
- 9.4 Group Decision Making
- Aggregation Without Interaction
- Aggregation With Limited Group Interaction
- Fully Interacting Teams
- Problems With Group Decision Making
- 9.5 Crowd and Algorithmic Decision Making
- Wisdom of the Crowd
- Prediction Markets
- Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
- Summary
- Team Leadership Challenge 9
- Activity: Making Consensus Decisions
- Activity: Group Versus Individual Decision Making
- Chapter 10 Leadership and Followership
- Learning Objectives
- 10.1 Defining Leadership
- 10.2 Leadership Emergence
- Leader Traits, Abilities, and Behaviors
- Follower Perceptions
- 10.3 Models of Effective Leadership
- Trait Approach
- Behavioral Approach
- Contingency Approach
- Relational Approach
- Charismatic Approach
- 10.4 Team Leadership
- Functional Approach
- Shared Leadership
- 10.5 Followership
- Summary
- Team Leadership Challenge 10
- Activity: Observing the Leader’s Behavior
- Chapter 11 Problem Solving
- Learning Objectives
- 11.1 Understanding Problems
- 11.2 Descriptive Approach: How Teams Typically Solve Problems
- 11.3 Rational Problem Solving: How Teams Should Solve Problems
- Problem Recognition
- Problem Definition
- Problem Analysis
- Establishing Solution Criteria
- Generating Alternatives and Selecting a Solution
- Implementation
- Evaluation
- 11.4 Application: Constructing a Shared Mental Model Through Process Mapping
- Summary
- Team Leadership Challenge 11
- Activity: Using Problem-Solving Techniques
- Chapter 12 Creativity, Innovation, and Design Thinking
- Learning Objectives
- 12.1 Creativity and Innovation
- 12.2 Four Phases of the Idea Journey
- Idea Generation
- Idea Elaboration
- Idea Championing
- Idea Implementation
- 12.3 What Is Design Thinking?
- Embrace Innovation: Design Thinking in Action
- 12.4 The Design Thinking Process
- Empathize
- Define
- Ideate
- Prototype
- Test
- 12.5 Promoting Team Creativity and Innovation
- Team Diversity
- Information Integration
- Conflict
- Team Climate for Innovation
- Organizational Context
- 12.6 Virtual Creativity
- Summary
- Team Leadership Challenge 12
- Activity: Comparing Different Creativity Techniques
- Chapter 13 Diversity and Inclusion
- Learning Objectives
- 13.1 The Importance of Diversity
- 13.2 Difference and Diversity
- Types of Difference
- Types of Diversity
- Diversity Over Time
- 13.3 How Diversity Operates
- Personality Traits
- Social Processes
- Cognitive Processes
- 13.4 Effects of Diversity on Team Performance
- Categorization–Elaboration Model
- 13.5 Application: Supporting Diversity and Inclusion
- Managing Goals and Identities
- Diversity Training
- Fostering Inclusion
- Leadership
- Summary
- Team Leadership Challenge 13
- Survey: Work Group Inclusion
- Activity: Understanding Gender and Status Differences in a Team
- Chapter 14 Team, Organizational, and International Culture
- Learning Objectives
- 14.1 What Is Culture?
- 14.2 Team Culture
- 14.3 Defining Organizational Culture
- 14.4 Organizational Culture and Teamwork
- 14.5 Dimensions of International Culture
- Individualism Versus Collectivism
- Power Distance
- Uncertainty Avoidance
- Comparing the United States and Japan
- 14.6 International Differences in Teamwork
- 14.7 Multinational Teams
- Characteristics of Multinational Teams
- Creating Effective Multinational Teams
- 14.8 Cultural Intelligence
- Summary
- Team Leadership Challenge 14
- Survey: Individualism–Collectivism
- Activity: Evaluating a Team’s Culture and Cultural Context
- Activity: Comparing Teams in the United States and Japan
- Chapter 15 Virtuality and Teamwork
- Learning Objectives
- 15.1 Virtuality and Virtual Teams
- 15.2 Communication Technologies
- Characteristics of Communication Technologies
- Types of Communication Technologies
- 15.3 Geographic Dispersion
- Spatial Dispersion
- Temporal Dispersion
- Configurational Dispersion
- 15.4 Managing Virtuality on Teams
- Determine Team Size and Locations
- Develop Virtual Teams
- Develop Knowledge of Communication Technologies
- Use Skillful Virtual Communication
- Consider the Intercultural Context
- Develop and Sustain Trust
- Adapt Leadership to Virtuality
- Summary
- Team Leadership Challenge 15
- Activity: Developing Norms for Virtual Teams
- Activity: Experiencing Teamwork in a Simulated Virtual Team
- Chapter 16 Evaluating and Rewarding Team Performance
- Learning Objectives
- 16.1 Performance Management
- 16.2 Evaluating Performance
- Measure Individual and Team Performance
- Measure Processes and Outcomes
- Develop Measures With Internal and External Input
- Gather Ongoing Performance Information From Multiple Sources
- Use Performance Reviews to Foster Learning and Development
- 16.3 Rewarding Performance
- Rewarding Individual Team Member Performance
- Rewarding Team Performance
- Rewarding Organizational Performance
- Combining Reward Programs
- Relationship of Rewards to Types of Teams
- Linking Rewards to Types of Team
- Summary
- Team Leadership Challenge 16
- Survey: Individual Versus Team Rewards
- Activity: Evaluating and Rewarding a Project Team
- Activity: Team Halo Effect
- Chapter 17 Team Development Interventions
- Learning Objectives
- 17.1 What Are Team Development Interventions?
- 17.2 Team Building
- Does Your Team Need Team Building?
- 17.3 Types of Team-Building Programs
- Goal Setting
- Role Clarification
- Interpersonal Relations
- Cohesion Building
- Problem Solving
- 17.4 Team Training
- Establishing the Need for Team Training
- Fostering an Effective Team-Training Climate
- Designing an Effective Team-Training Program
- Evaluating the Training Program
- Sustaining Trained Teamwork Behaviors
- 17.5 Types of Training
- Team Resource Management Training
- Cross-Training and Interpositional Training
- Action Learning
- Summary
- Team Leadership Challenge 17
- Activity: Team Building
- Activity: Appreciative Inquiry of Teamwork
- A.1 Starting the Team
- Team Warm-Ups
- Developing a Team Contract
- Leadership and Meeting Roles
- Managing Team Technology
- A.2 Planning and Developing the Project
- Challenging the Assignment
- Generating Project Ideas
- Brainwriting Method
- Project Planning
- Roles and Assignments
- Reevaluating the Project and Approach
- A.3 Monitoring the Project and Maintaining Teamwork
- Team Meetings: Sharing Information, Making Decisions, and Tracking Assignments
- Group Process Evaluations
- Managing Problem Behaviors
- Milestone: Midpoint Evaluation
- A.4 Performing Team Writing
- Overall Strategy
- Division of Work
- A.5 Wrapping Up and Completing the Project
- Milestone: Precompletion Planning
- Team Evaluations
- Celebrating Success and Learning From the Experience
- References
- Index
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- Gerð : 208
- Höfundur : 6092
- Útgáfuár : 2020
- Leyfi : 380