Grief and Bereavement in Contemporary Society is an authoritative guide to the study of and work with major themes in bereavement. Its chapters synthesize the best of research-based conceptualization and clinical wisdom across 30 of the most important topics in the field. The volume’s contributors come from around the world, and their work reflects a level of cultural awareness of the diversity and universality of bereavement and its challenges that has rarely been approximated by other volumes.
- Höfundur: Robert A. Neimeyer
- Útgáfa:1
- Útgáfudagur: 2011-06-15
- Blaðsíður: 472
- Hægt að prenta út 2 bls.
- Hægt að afrita 2 bls.
- Format:ePub
- ISBN 13: 9781136894565
- Print ISBN: 9780415884808
- ISBN 10: 113689456X
- Cover Page
- Half-Title Page
- Title Page
- Copyright Page
- Dedication
- Table of Contents
- Preface
- About the Editors
- Contributors
- 1 Introduction: The Historical Landscape of Loss: Development of Bereavement Studiess
- Section I Current Conceptualizations of the Grief Response
- 2 Meaning Reconstruction in Bereavement: From Principles to Practice
- 3 Attachment and Coping with Bereavement: Implications for Therapeutic Interventions with the Insecurely Attached
- 4 The Changing Bond in Therapy for Unresolved Loss: An Attachment Theory Perspective
- 5 The Two-Track Model of Bereavement: The Double Helix of Research and Clinical Practice
- 6 A Task-Based Approach for Counseling the Bereaved
- 7 The Influence of Gender and Socialization on Grieving Styles
- Section II Contexts of Grieving
- 8 Spousal Bereavement in Later Life
- 9 Parenting Challenges After the Death of a Child
- 10 Bereavement in Children and Adults Following the Death of a Sibling
- 11 Bridging the Gap: Translating a Research-Based Program into an Agency-Based Service for Bereaved Children and Families
- Section III Challenges in Bereavement
- 12 Treating Complicated Grief: Converging Approaches
- 13 Grief in the Midst of Ambiguity and Uncertainty: An Exploration of Ambiguous Loss and Chronic Sorrow
- 14 Restorative Retelling: Revising the Narrative of Violent Death
- 15 Bereavement and Disasters: Research and Clinical Intervention
- 16 Grief After Terrorism: Toward a Family-Focused Intervention
- 17 Is Suicide Bereavement Different? Perspectives From Research and Practice
- 18 Giving Voice to Nonfinite Loss and Grief in Bereavement
- Section IV Specific Populations
- 19 Grief in GLBT Populations: Focus on Gay and Lesbian Youth
- 20 Traumatic Death in the United States Military: Initiating the Dialogue on War-Related Loss
- 21 Pet Loss: The Interface of Continuing Bonds Research and Practice
- Section V Specialized Therapeutic Modalities
- 22 Family Therapy for the Bereaved
- 23 Grief and Expressive Arts Therapy
- 24 Bereavement Rituals and the Creation of Legacy
- 25 Bereavement Services Provided under the Hospice Model of Care
- Section VI Grief in a Global Perspective
- 26 Culture and Ethnicity in Experiencing, Policing, and Handling Grief
- 27 Religion and Spirituality in Adjusting to Bereavement: Grief as Burden, Grief as Gift
- 28 Technology and Grief Support in the Twenty-First Century: A Multimedia Platform
- 29 “The Remedy Is Not Working”: Seeking Socially Just and Culturally Conscientious Practices in Bereavement
- 30 Grief Dimensions Associated with Hastened Death: Clinical and Ethical Implications
- Section VII Conclusion
- 31 Building Bridges in Bereavement Research and Practice: Some Concluding Reflections
- Author Index
- Subject Index
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- Gerð : 208
- Höfundur : 13255
- Útgáfuár : 2011
- Leyfi : 380