Gray's Anatomy for Students Flash Cards
Based on the acclaimed artwork found in Gray's Anatomy for Students and Gray’s Atlas of Anatomy , this set of over 400 flashcards is the perfect review companion to help you test your anatomical knowledge for course exams or the USMLE Step 1. Updates to this edition reflect the latest medical imaging, including ultrasound; new content throughout, including neuroanatomy; and a new alternative table of contents and card numbering system that make it easier to navigate the cards from a body systems perspective.
Study efficiently while being confident in your mastery of the most important anatomical concepts! Flashcards have been thoroughly revised to reflect the updates made to the companion text, Gray's Anatomy for Students, 5th Edition. Understand the clinical relevance of your anatomical knowledge with clinical imaging cards. Conveniently access all of the need-to-know anatomy information! Each card presents beautiful 4-color artwork or a radiologic image of a particular structure/area of the body, with numbered leader lines indicating anatomical structures; labels to the structures are listed by number on the reverse, in addition to relevant functions, clinical correlations, and more.
Fully grasp the practical applications of anatomy with "In the Clinic" discussions on most cards, which relate structures to corresponding clinical disorders; a page reference to the companion textbook ( Gray's Anatomy for Students, 5th Edition ) facilitates access to further information. Access a clear, visual review of key concepts with wiring diagrams that detail the innervation of nerves to organs and other body parts, as well as muscle cards covering functions and attachments.
- Höfundar: Richard L. Drake, A. Wayne Vogl, Adam W. M. Mitchell
- Útgáfa:5
- Útgáfudagur: 2023-03-09
- Engar takmarkanir á útprentun
- Engar takmarkanir afritun
- Format:ePub
- ISBN 13: 9780443105470
- Print ISBN: 9780443105142
- ISBN 10: 0443105472
- Cover image
- Title page
- Table of Contents
- Copyright
- Preface
- Systems-Based Contents
- Section 1. Overview
- 1. Surface Anatomy: Male Anterior View
- 2. Surface Anatomy: Female Posterior View
- 3. Skeleton: Anterior View
- 4. Skeleton: Posterior View
- 5. Muscles: Anterior View
- 6. Muscles: Posterior View
- 7. Vascular System: Arteries
- 8. Vascular System: Veins
- Section 2. Back
- 9. Skeletal Framework: Vertebral Column
- 10. Skeletal Framework: Typical Vertebra
- 11. Skeletal Framework: Vertebra 1
- 12. Skeletal Framework: Atlas, Axis, and Ligaments
- 13. Skeletal Framework: Vertebra 2
- 14. Skeletal Framework: Vertebra 3
- 15. Skeletal Framework: Sacrum and Coccyx
- 16. Skeletal Framework: Vertebra Radiograph I
- 17. Skeletal Framework: Vertebra Radiograph II
- 18. Skeletal Framework: Vertebra Radiograph III
- 19. Skeletal Framework: Intervertebral Joints
- 20. Skeletal Framework: Intervertebral Foramen
- 21. Skeletal Framework: Vertebral Ligaments
- 22. Skeletal Framework: Intervertebral Disc Protrusion
- 23. Muscles: Superficial Group
- 24. Muscles: Trapezius Innervation and Blood Supply
- 25. Muscles: Intermediate Group
- 26. Muscles: Erector Spinae
- 27. Muscles: Transversospinalis and Segmentals
- 28. Muscles: Suboccipital Region
- 29. Spinal Cord
- 30. Spinal Cord Details
- 31. Spinal Nerves
- 32. Spinal Cord Arteries
- 33. Spinal Cord Arteries Detail
- 34. Spinal Cord Meninges
- Section 3. Thorax
- 35. Thoracic Skeleton
- 36. Typical Rib
- 37. Rib I Superior Surface
- 38. Sternum
- 39. Vertebra, Ribs, and Sternum
- 40. Thoracic Wall
- 41. Thoracic Cavity
- 42. Intercostal Space with Nerves and Vessels
- 43. Pleural Cavity
- 44. Pleura
- 45. Parietal Pleura
- 46. Right Lung
- 47. Left Lung
- 48. CT: Left Pulmonary Artery
- 49. CT: Right Pulmonary Artery
- 50. Mediastinum: Subdivisions
- 51. Pericardium
- 52. Pericardial Sinuses
- 53. Anterior Surface of the Heart
- 54. Diaphragmatic Surface and Base of the Heart
- 55. Right Atrium
- 56. Right Ventricle
- 57. Left Atrium
- 58. Left Ventricle
- 59. Plain Chest Radiograph
- 60. MRI: Chambers of the Heart
- 61. Coronary Arteries
- 62. Coronary Veins
- 63. Conduction System
- 64. Superior Mediastinum
- 65. Superior Mediastinum: Cross Section
- 66. Superior Mediastinum: Great Vessels
- 67. Superior Mediastinum: Trachea and Esophagus
- 68. Mediastinum: Right Lateral View
- 69. Mediastinum: Left Lateral View
- 70. Posterior Mediastinum
- 71. Normal Esophageal Constrictions and Esophageal Plexus
- 72. Thoracic Aorta and Branches
- 73. Azygos System of Veins and Thoracic Duct
- 74. Thoracic Sympathetic Trunks and Splanchnic Nerves
- Section 4. Abdomen
- 75. Abdominal Wall: Nine-Region Pattern
- 76. Abdominal Wall: Layers Overview
- 77. Abdominal Wall: Transverse Section
- 78. Rectus Abdominis
- 79. Rectus Sheath
- 80. Inguinal Canal
- 81. Spermatic Cord
- 82. Round Ligament of The Uterus
- 83. Inguinal Region: Internal View
- 84. Viscera: Anterior View
- 85. Viscera: Anterior View, Small Bowel Removed
- 86. Stomach
- 87. Double-Contrast Radiograph: Stomach and Duodenum
- 88. Duodenum
- 89. Radiograph: Jejunum and Ileum
- 90. Large Intestine
- 91. Barium Radiograph: Large Intestine
- 92. Liver
- 93. CT: Liver
- 94. Pancreas
- 95. CT: Pancreas
- 96. Bile Drainage
- 97. Arteries: Arterial Supply of Viscera
- 98. Arteries: Celiac Trunk
- 99. Arteries: Superior Mesenteric
- 100. Arteries: Inferior Mesenteric
- 101. Veins: Portal System
- 102. Viscera: Innervation
- 103. Posterior Abdominal Region: Overview
- 104. Posterior Abdominal Region: Bones
- 105. Posterior Abdominal Region: Muscles
- 106. Diaphragm
- 107. Anterior Relationships of Kidneys
- 108. Internal Structure of the Kidney
- 109. CT: Renal Pelvis
- 110. Renal and Suprarenal Gland Vessels
- 111. Abdominal Aorta
- 112. Inferior Vena Cava
- 113. Urogram: Pathway of Ureter
- 114. Lumbar Plexus
- Section 5. Pelvis and Perineum
- 115. Pelvis
- 116. Pelvic Bone
- 117. Ligaments
- 118. Muscles: Pelvic Diaphragm and Lateral Wall
- 119. Perineal Membrane and Deep Perineal Pouch
- 120. Viscera: Female Overview
- 121. Viscera: Male Overview
- 122. Male Reproductive System
- 123. Female Reproductive System
- 124. Uterus and Uterine Tubes
- 125. Sacral Plexus
- 126. Internal Iliac Posterior Trunk
- 127. Internal Iliac Anterior Trunk
- 128. Female Perineum
- 129. Male Perineum
- 130. Anal Triangle Cross Section
- 131. Superficial Perineal Pouch: Muscles
- 132. MRI: Male Pelvic Cavity and Perineum
- 133. Deep Perineal Pouch: Muscles
- 134. MRI: Female Pelvic Cavity and Perineum
- Section 6. Lower Limb
- 135. Skeleton: Overview
- 136. Acetabulum
- 137. Femur
- 138. Hip Joint Ligaments
- 139. Ligament of Head of Femur
- 140. Radiograph: Hip Joint
- 141. CT: Hip Joint
- 142. Femoral Triangle
- 143. Saphenous Vein
- 144. Anterior Compartment: Muscles
- 145. Anterior Compartment: Muscle Attachments
- 146. Femoral Artery
- 147. Medial Compartment: Muscles
- 148. Medial Compartment: Muscle Attachments
- 149. Obturator Nerve
- 150. Gluteal Region: Muscles
- 151. Gluteal Region: Muscle Attachments I
- 152. Gluteal Region: Muscle Attachments II
- 153. Gluteal Region: Arteries
- 154. Gluteal Region: Nerves
- 155. Sacral Plexus
- 156. Posterior Compartment: Muscles
- 157. Posterior Compartment: Muscle Attachments
- 158. Sciatic Nerve
- 159. Knee: Anterolateral View
- 160. Knee: Menisci and Ligaments
- 161. Knee: Collateral Ligaments
- 162. MRI: knee joint
- 163. Radiographs: Knee Joint
- 164. Knee: Popliteal Fossa
- 165. Leg: Bones
- 166. Leg Posterior Compartment: Muscles
- 167. Leg Posterior Compartment: Muscle Attachments I
- 168. Leg Posterior Compartment: Muscle Attachments II
- 169. Leg Posterior Compartment: Arteries and Nerves
- 170. Leg Lateral Compartment: Muscles
- 171. Leg Lateral Compartment: Muscle Attachments
- 172. Leg Lateral Compartment: Nerves
- 173. Leg Anterior Compartment: Muscles
- 174. Leg Anterior Compartment: Muscle Attachments
- 175. Leg Anterior Compartment: Arteries and Nerves
- 176. Foot: Bones
- 177. Radiograph: Foot
- 178. Foot: Ligaments
- 179. Radiograph: Ankle
- 180. Dorsal Foot: Muscles
- 181. Dorsal Foot: Muscle Attachments
- 182. Dorsal Foot: Arteries
- 183. Dorsal Foot: Nerves
- 184. Tarsal Tunnel
- 185. Sole of Foot: Muscles, First Layer
- 186. Sole of Foot: Muscles, Second Layer
- 187. Sole of Foot: Muscles, Third Layer
- 188. Sole of Foot: Muscles, Fourth Layer
- 189. Sole of Foot: Muscle Attachments, First and Second Layers
- 190. Sole of Foot: Muscle Attachments, Third Layer
- 191. Sole of Foot: Arteries
- 192. Sole of Foot: Nerves
- Section 7. Upper Limb
- 193. Overview: Skeleton
- 194. Clavicle
- 195. Scapula
- 196. Humerus
- 197. Sternoclavicular and Acromioclavicular Joints
- 198. Multidetector CT: Sternoclavicular Joint
- 199. Radiograph: Acromioclavicular Joint
- 200. Shoulder Joint
- 201. Radiograph: Glenohumeral Joint
- 202. Pectoral Region: Breast
- 203. Pectoralis Major
- 204. Pectoralis Minor: Nerves and Vessels
- 205. Posterior Scapular Region: Muscles
- 206. Posterior Scapular Region: Muscle Attachments
- 207. Posterior Scapular Region: Arteries and Nerves
- 208. Axilla: Vessels
- 209. Axilla: Arteries
- 210. Axilla: Nerves
- 211. Axilla: Brachial Plexus
- 212. Axilla: Lymphatics
- 213. Humerus: Posterior View
- 214. Distal Humerus
- 215. Proximal End of Radius and Ulna
- 216. Arm Anterior Compartment: Biceps
- 217. Arm Anterior Compartment: Muscles
- 218. Arm Anterior Compartment: Muscle Attachments
- 219. Arm Anterior Compartment: Arteries
- 220. Arm Anterior Compartment: Veins
- 221. Arm Anterior Compartment: Nerves
- 222. Arm Posterior Compartment: Muscles
- 223. Arm Posterior Compartment: Muscle Attachments
- 224. Arm Posterior Compartment: Nerves and Vessels
- 225. Elbow Joint
- 226. Cubital Fossa
- 227. Radius
- 228. Ulna
- 229. Radiographs: Elbow Joint
- 230. Radiograph: Forearm
- 231. Wrist and Bones of Hand
- 232. Radiograph: Wrist
- 233. Radiographs: Hand and Wrist Joint
- 234. Forearm Anterior Compartment: Muscles, First Layer
- 235. Forearm Anterior Compartment: Muscle Attachments, Superficial Layer
- 236. Forearm Anterior Compartment: Muscles, Second Layer
- 237. Forearm Anterior Compartment: Muscles, Third Layer
- 238. Forearm Anterior Compartment: Muscle Attachments, Intermediate and Deep Layers
- 239. Forearm Anterior Compartment: Arteries
- 240. Forearm Anterior Compartment: Nerves
- 241. Forearm Posterior Compartment: Muscles, Superficial Layer
- 242. Forearm Posterior Compartment: Muscle Attachments, Superficial Layer
- 243. Forearm Posterior Compartment: Outcropping Muscles
- 244. Forearm Posterior Compartment: Muscle Attachments, Deep Layer
- 245. Forearm Posterior Compartment: Nerves and Arteries
- 246. Hand: Cross Section Through Wrist
- 247. Hand: Superficial Palm
- 248. Hand: Thenar and Hypothenar Muscles
- 249. Palm of Hand: Muscle Attachments, Thenar and Hypothenar Muscles
- 250. Lumbricals
- 251. Adductor Muscles
- 252. Interosseous Muscles
- 253. Palm of Hand: Muscle Attachments
- 254. Superficial Palmar Arch
- 255. Deep Palmar Arch
- 256. Median Nerve
- 257. Ulnar Nerve
- 258. Radial Nerve
- 259. Dorsal Venous Arch
- Section 8. Head and Neck
- 260. Skull: Anterior View
- 261. Multidetector CT: Anterior View of Skull
- 262. Skull: Lateral View
- 263. Multidetector CT: Lateral View of Skull
- 264. Skull: Posterior View
- 265. Skull: Superior View
- 266. Skull: Inferior View
- 267. Skull: Anterior Cranial Fossa
- 268. Skull: Middle Cranial Fossa
- 269. Skull: Posterior Cranial Fossa
- 270. Meninges
- 271. Dural Septa
- 272. Meningeal Arteries
- 273. Blood Supply to Brain
- 274. Magnetic Resonance Angiogram: Carotid and Vertebral Arteries
- 275. Circle of Willis
- 276. Dural Venous Sinuses
- 277. Cavernous Sinus
- 278. Cavernous Sinus
- 279. Cranial Nerves: Floor of Cranial Cavity
- 280. Facial Muscles
- 281. Lateral Face
- 282. Sensory Nerves of the Head
- 283. Vessels of the Lateral Face
- 284. Scalp
- 285. Orbit: Bones
- 286. Lacrimal Apparatus
- 287. Orbit: Extra-ocular Muscles
- 288. MRI: Muscles of the Eyeball
- 289. Superior Orbital Fissure and Optic Canal
- 290. Orbit: Superficial Nerves
- 291. Orbit: Deep Nerves
- 292. Eyeball
- 293. Visceral Efferent (Motor) Innervation: Lacrimal Gland
- 294. Visceral Efferent (Motor) Innervation: Eyeball (Iris and Ciliary Body)
- 295. Visceral Efferent (Motor) Pathways Through Pterygopalatine Fossa
- 296. External Ear
- 297. External, Middle, and Internal Ear
- 298. Tympanic Membrane
- 299. Middle Ear: Schematic View
- 300. Internal Ear
- 301. Infratemporal Region: Muscles of Mastication
- 302. Infratemporal Region: Muscles
- 303. Infratemporal Region: Arteries
- 304. Infratemporal Region: Nerves, Part 1
- 305. Infratemporal Region: Nerves, Part 2
- 306. Parasympathetic Innervation of Salivary Glands
- 307. Pterygopalatine Fossa: Gateways
- 308. Pterygopalatine Fossa: Nerves
- 309. Pharynx: Posterior View of Muscles
- 310. Pharynx: Lateral View of Muscles
- 311. Pharynx: Midsagittal Section
- 312. Pharynx: Posterior View, Opened
- 313. Larynx: Overview
- 314. Larynx: Cartilage and Ligaments
- 315. Larynx: Superior View of Vocal Ligaments
- 316. Larynx: Posterior View
- 317. Larynx: Laryngoscopic Images
- 318. Larynx: Intrinsic Muscles
- 319. Larynx: Nerves
- 320. Nasal Cavity: Paranasal Sinuses
- 321. Radiographs: Nasal Cavities and Paranasal Sinuses
- 322. CT: Nasal Cavities and Paranasal Sinuses
- 323. Nasal Cavity: Nasal Septum
- 324. Nasal Cavity: Lateral Wall, Bones
- 325. Nasal Cavity: Lateral Wall, Mucosa, and Openings
- 326. Nasal Cavity: Arteries
- 327. Nasal Cavity: Nerves
- 328. Oral Cavity: Overview
- 329. Oral Cavity: Floor
- 330. Oral Cavity: Tongue
- 331. Oral Cavity: Sublingual Glands
- 332. Oral Cavity: Glands
- 333. Oral Cavity: Salivary Gland Nerves
- 334. Oral Cavity: Soft Palate (Overview)
- 335. Oral Cavity: Palate, Arteries, and Nerves
- 336. Oral Cavity: Teeth
- 337. Neck: Triangles
- 338. Neck: Fascia
- 339. Neck: Superficial Veins
- 340. Neck: Anterior Triangle, Infrahyoid Muscles
- 341. Neck: Anterior Triangle, Carotid System
- 342. Neck: Anterior Triangle, Glossopharyngeal Nerve
- 343. Neck: Anterior Triangle, Vagus Nerve
- 344. Neck: Anterior Triangle, Hypoglossal Nerve, and Ansa Cervicalis
- 345. Neck: Anterior Triangle, Anterior View Thyroid
- 346. Neck: Anterior Triangle, Posterior View Thyroid
- 347. Neck: Posterior Triangle, Muscles
- 348. Neck: Posterior Triangle, Nerves
- 349. Base of Neck
- 350. Base of Neck: Arteries
- 351. Base of Neck: Lymphatics
- Section 9. Surface Anatomy
- 352. Back Surface Anatomy
- 353. End of Spinal Cord: Lumbar Puncture
- 354. Thoracic Skeletal Landmarks
- 355. Heart Valve Auscultation
- 356. Lung Auscultation 1
- 357. Lung Auscultation 2
- 358. Referred Pain: Heart
- 359. Inguinal Hernia I
- 360. Inguinal Hernia II
- 361. Inguinal Hernia III
- 362. Referred Abdominal Pain
- 363. Female Perineum
- 364. Male Perineum
- 365. Gluteal Injection Site
- 366. Femoral Triangle Surface Anatomy
- 367. Popliteal Fossa
- 368. Tarsal Tunnel
- 369. Lower Limb Pulse Points
- 370. Upper Limb Pulse Points
- 371. Head and Neck Pulse Points
- Section 10. Nervous System
- 372. Brain: Base of Brain Cranial Nerves
- 373. Spinal Cord
- 374. Spinal Nerve
- 375. Heart Sympathetics
- 376. Gastrointestinal Sympathetics
- 377. Parasympathetics
- 378. Parasympathetic Ganglia
- 379. Pelvic Autonomics
- Section 11. Imaging
- 380. Mediastinum: CT Images, Axial Plane
- 381. Mediastinum: CT Images, Axial Plane
- 382. Mediastinum: CT Images, Axial Plane
- 383. Stomach and Duodenum: Double-Contrast Radiograph
- 384. Jejunum and Ileum: Radiograph
- 385. Large Intestine: Radiograph, Using Barium
- 386. Liver: Abdominal CT Scan with Contrast, in Axial Plane
- 387. Pancreas: Abdominal CT Scan with Contrast, in Axial Plane
- 388. Male Pelvic Cavity and Perineum: T2-Weighted MR Images, in Axial Plane
- 389. Male Pelvic Cavity and Perineum: T2-Weighted MR Images, in Axial Plane
- 390. Female Pelvic Cavity and Perineum: T2-Weighted MR Images, in Sagittal Plane
- 391. Female Pelvic Cavity and Perineum: T2-Weighted MR Images, in Coronal Plane
- 392. Female Pelvic Cavity and Perineum: T2-Weighted MR Images, in Axial Plane
- 393. Female Pelvic Cavity and Perineum: T2-Weighted MR Images, in Axial Plane
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- Gerð : 208
- Höfundur : 14063
- Útgáfuár : 2023
- Leyfi : 380