Dive into the ghostly world of the supernatural with America’s leading paranormal investigator Inside, paranormal investigator, star, and executive producer of The Travel Channel's hit series, Ghost Adventures and founder of the award-winning Haunted Museum (Las Vegas’ most popular attraction), Zak Bagans takes readers on an exciting journey into the supernatural world. With insider information on the history of ghost-hunting to learning about ghosts with all kinds of temperaments, Ghost-Hunting For Dummies is peppered with true accounts and stories from Bagans' famous cases and investigations.
Featuring expert advice on picking a haunted location, setting up cameras, and dealing with unwieldy ghosts, this book shows how today's investigators use the tools of modern science to study a wide range of paranormal activity. Take an exciting adventure into the supernatural world Explore haunted sites Get messages from beyond the grave Read true accounts from famous cases and investigations If you're one of the countless fans of Ghost Adventures itching to get off the couch and track some spirits on your own, this book provides everything you need to know to conduct a successful paranormal investigation.
- Höfundur: Zak Bagans
- Útgáfa:1
- Útgáfudagur: 2020-05-21
- Hægt að prenta út 10 bls.
- Hægt að afrita 2 bls.
- Format:ePub
- ISBN 13: 9781119757535
- Print ISBN: 9781119584759
- ISBN 10: 1119757533
- Cover
- Introduction
- About This Book
- Foolish Assumptions
- Icons Used in This Book
- Beyond the Book
- Where to Go from Here
- Part 1: The Basics of Ghost-Hunting
- Chapter 1: Searching for Spirits: Why Do We Do It?
- My Approach to Ghost-Hunting
- The Search for Life after Death
- Chasing Ghosts
- Is All the Work Really Worth It?
- Chapter 2: The Phenomenon of Ghost-Hunting
- Ghosts in Antiquity
- Classic Encounters with Ghosts
- Spiritualism and the Beginning of Paranormal Research
- The First Ghost-Hunters
- Chapter 3: Believing in Ghosts and Spirits
- Incorporating Ghosts into the Christian World
- Ghost Stories
- Exploring American Belief in the Supernatural
- After-Death Communications
- Chapter 4: What’s Science Got to Do with It?
- The Relationship between Science and the Supernatural
- Sir William Crookes and the Paranormal
- William James and “One White Crow”
- Thomas Edison and Communicating with the Dead
- Examining Mysteries with J.B. Rhine
- Ghosts Don’t Always Perform on Command
- Adapting the Scientific Method
- Using History as Science
- Chapter 5: Seeing the Spirit World as Entertainment
- Having Fun with the Spirit World
- Viewing Ghosts at the Movies
- Changing Ghost-Hunting with the Internet
- Watching How Television Changed It Again
- Chapter 6: Preparing to Look for Ghosts
- Getting in the Right Frame of Mind
- Ghost-Hunting with an Open Mind
- Things to Know Before You Begin
- Chapter 1: Searching for Spirits: Why Do We Do It?
- Chapter 7: Researching the Spirit World
- What Are Hauntings?
- Traditional Hauntings
- Residual Hauntings
- Poltergeist-Like Activity
- Portal Hauntings
- Demonic Hauntings
- Haunted Objects
- Chapter 8: Where the Ghosts Are
- Finding Ghosts
- Chapter 9: The Ghost-Hunter’s Toolkit
- Exploring the Basic Items for Investigations
- Ghost-Hunting Experiments
- Ghost-Detection Devices: The Basics
- Ghost-Detection Devices: The Advanced
- Using Other Detection Devices
- Final Thoughts on Ghost-Hunting Equipment
- Chapter 10: The Dangers of Investigating
- What Not to Do as a Ghost-Hunter
- Health Hazards from Ghost-Hunting
- Chapter 11: Ghosts on Film: Using Your Camera to Capture Evidence of Ghosts
- A Brief History of Photography
- Understanding Cameras
- Evaluating Anomalies in Photographs
- Photography in Paranormal Investigations
- Using Video in Your Investigations
- Analyzing Your Photographs
- Chapter 12: Talking to Ghosts
- Table Tipping
- Automatic Writing
- Talking Boards
- EVP — The Voices of the Dead
- Using Devices to Talk to the Dead
- Chapter 13: Putting It All into Practice: The Paranormal Investigation
- What to Do Before You Get There
- Tracking Down Leads
- Guidelines for Your Investigation
- Setting Up the Nerve Center
- Starting and Conducting an Investigation
- Learning Ghost-Watch Skills
- Chasing the Poltergeist
- Examining the House
- Investigating Outdoors
- Going out in the Dark
- Chapter 14: Interviewing the Haunted
- Sample Questions for the Paranormal Witness
- Interviewing Children
- Chapter 15: Authenticating the Ghosts
- Reaching into the Past
- Bringing the Dead to Life
- Chapter 16: The Mundane Side of Ghost-Hunting
- Building Your Case Reports
- Picking a Case Manager
- Organizing Your Records and Files
- Releases and Permission Forms
- Covering Your Assets
- Chapter 17: When Things Go Wrong
- Afraid of Ghosts
- Equipment Failures
- Weather and the Paranormal
- When Spirits Attack
- Faking the Ghosts
- Chapter 18: Going beyond Just a Hobby
- Making Contact with Other Investigators
- Building an Online Presence
- Building a Presence in Your Local Community
- Attending Lectures and Workshops
- Starting a Ghost Tour
- Chapter 19: America’s Ten Most Haunted Cities and Towns
- Virginia City, Nevada
- Gettysburg, Pennsylvania
- New Orleans, Louisiana
- Hollywood, California
- Salem, Massachusetts
- Savannah, Georgia
- San Francisco, California
- Alton, Illinois
- Vicksburg, Mississippi
- Charleston, South Carolina
- Chapter 20: Ten of America’s Most Haunted Places
- Goldfield Hotel
- Washoe Club
- Crescent Hotel
- Trans-Allegheny Lunatic Asylum
- Queen Mary
- Pennhurst State School
- Bobby Mackey’s Music World
- Winchester Mystery House
- Waverly Hills Sanitorium
- The Haunted Museum
- Chapter 21: Ten Signs Your House Is Haunted — and What to Do Next
- Unexplained Temperature Drops
- Electrical Glitches
- Unusual Smells
- Movement of Objects
- Unidentifiable Sounds
- Odd Behavior from Your Pets
- Feelings of a Nearby Presence
- Sensation of Being Touched
- Seeing Shadows and Movement
- Feelings of Depression and Sadness
- Actions You Can Take
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- Gerð : 208
- Höfundur : 16140
- Útgáfuár : 2020
- Leyfi : 380