Getting Pregnant For Dummies

The hands-on guide that addresses the common barriers to achieving pregnancy and offers tips to maximize your potential for fertility For millions of people, starting a family is a lifelong dream. However, many face challenges in welcoming children into the world. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), approximately 12% of women in the US from ages 15 to 44 have difficulty getting pregnant or staying pregnant.
A variety of factors exist that can contribute to infertility, such as ovulation disorders, uterine abnormalities, congenital defects, and a host of environmental and lifestyle considerations. But infertility is not just a female problem. For approximately 35% of couples with infertility, a male factor is identified along with a female factor, while in 8% of couples, a male factor is the only identifiable cause.
Fortunately, there are many treatment options that offer hope. Getting Pregnant For Dummies discusses the difficulties related to infertility and offers up-to-date advice on the current methods and treatments to assist in conception. This easy-to-read guide will help you understand why infertility occurs, its contributing risk factors, and the steps to take to increase the chances of giving birth.
From in vitro fertilization (IVF) to third party reproduction (donor sperm or eggs and gestational surrogacy) to lifestyle changes to understanding genetic information to insurance, legal and medication considerations, this bookcovers all the information you need to navigate your way to the best possible results. Packed with the latest information and new developments in medical technology, this book: Helps readers find real-life solutions to getting pregnant Covers the latest information on treatments for infertility for both women and men Offers advice on choosing the option best suited for an individual’s unique situation Explains the different types and possible causes of infertility issues Provides insight to genetic testing information Provides suggestions for lifestyle changes that help prepare for conception Getting Pregnant For Dummies is an indispensable guide for every woman trying to conceive and for men experiencing infertility issues.
- Höfundar: Lisa A. Rinehart, John S. Rinehart, Sharon Perkins, Jackie Meyers-Thompson
- Útgáfa:1
- Útgáfudagur: 2020-02-04
- Hægt að prenta út 10 bls.
- Hægt að afrita 2 bls.
- Format:ePub
- ISBN 13: 9781119601234
- Print ISBN: 9781119601159
- ISBN 10: 1119601231
- Cover
- Introduction
- About This Book
- Foolish Assumptions
- Icons Used in This Book
- Beyond the Book
- Where to Go from Here
- Part 1: Are We There Yet? Wondering Why You’re Not Pregnant
- Chapter 1: Where, Oh Where, Can My Baby Be?
- Defining Infertility
- Looking at Infertility Statistics
- Shaking Down the Family Tree
- Seeing What Causes Infertility
- Diagnosing Infertility
- Recognizing Why Getting Pregnant Seems Harder Today
- Calculating the Cost of Infertility
- Chapter 2: What Does Anatomy Have to Do with It?
- Reviewing the Female Anatomy
- In Sync: How Female Reproductive Parts Work Together
- Hanging Out with the Guys
- Putting Male and Female Parts Together
- Conceiving a Baby: How Sex Should Work
- Figuring Out How Often to Have Sex
- Chapter 3: Blame It on My Genes! The Role of Genetics and Family History
- Grasping Genetics Basics
- Inheriting Infertility — Really?
- Inheriting Diseases that May Impact Fertility — Different Story!
- Shaking the Family Tree for Information
- Finding Out What’s in Your Genes
- Looking at What’s on the Horizon
- Chapter 4: Before the Baby: Exploring Lifestyle and Behavioral Factors
- Making Healthy Lifestyle Changes
- Understanding Common Infections That Can Cause Uncommon Results
- STIs May Cause PID: More Than Just a “Pain in the Derriere”
- Exploring Specific Lifestyle Choices and Busting Some Common Myths
- Getting Checked Out from Top to Bottom
- Chapter 5: It Worked the First Time! Tackling Secondary Infertility
- Facing Secondary Infertility
- Wanting an Heir and a Spare?
- Facing Secondary Infertility
- Looking for What’s Different This Time Around
- Dealing with the Emotional Pain
- Planning Treatment for the Second Time Around
- Chapter 1: Where, Oh Where, Can My Baby Be?
- Chapter 6: DIY Methods to Increase Your Chances
- Reading Your Body’s Signals and Signs — An Incomplete Story
- Keeping a Fertility Chart
- Predicting Ovulation: Kits, Sticks, and Software
- Getting through the Two-Week Wait
- Looking for a Positive with Home Pregnancy Tests (HPTs)
- Chapter 7: Considering Special Circumstances
- Calculating Your Fertility Odds as an “Older” Mom
- Calculating Your Fertility Odds as an “Older” Dad
- Living with Diseases That Affect Fertility
- Cancer and Fertility: The News Is Cautiously Optimistic
- Chapter 8: Harnessing the Power of Modern Medicine: Finding a Doctor and More
- Exploring Your “Doctor” Options
- Moving Up to Dr. Specialist
- Getting Help from National Organizations
- Going Online for More Resources and Information
- Discussing Dollars with the Doctor
- Understanding What Your Doctor Says
- Knowing When to Switch Doctors
- Keeping Your Own (Hit) Records
- Facing the Stranger in Your Sex Life — Treatment and Your Loss of Privacy
- Chapter 9: Improving Your Odds with Diet, Supplements, and Exercise
- Eating for Fertility
- The Controversy over Estrogen
- Considering Supplements — Vitamins, Minerals, Herbs, and More
- Exploring Alternative Medicine from China and Beyond
- Chanting Your Way to Conception: Meditation and Yoga
- Seeking Help from On High
- Putting Your Body in Motion: The Benefits of Exercise
- Chapter 10: Are We Having Fun Yet? Managing Your Emotions and Relationships
- Holding Your Relationship Together during Treatment
- Healing Your Relationship: Band-Aids and Longer-Term Solutions
- Dealing with Buttinskies (a.k.a. Friends and Relatives)
- Getting Professional Help for Very Personal Hurts
- Taking a Break from Your Fertility “Job” — You Deserve It
- Chapter 11: Ladies First: Female Testing Basics
- Understanding the Limits of Testing
- Testing Your Blood for Clues
- Addressing Female Structural Problems
- Reversing a Tubal Ligation
- Testing to Diagnose Structural Problems
- Checking for Endometriosis
- Considering Ovulation Disorders: Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Prognosis
- Chapter 12: Your Turn, Honey! Back to the Boys
- What is Male Factor Infertility?
- Sizing Up the Semen
- Interpreting the SA Test Results
- Checking for Structural Problems
- Correcting Varicoceles
- Looking for Clues in Your Blood
- Considering Potential Functional Issues
- Undoing a Vasectomy: Is it Worth It?
- Analyzing the Effects of Age and Lifestyle
- Chapter 13: Riding the Roller Coaster of Early Pregnancy Loss
- Defining What Being Pregnant Really Means
- Being “A Little Bit” Pregnant: Chemical Pregnancies
- Suffering a Miscarriage
- Navigating an Ectopic Pregnancy
- Experiencing Recurrent Pregnancy Loss
- How is Recurrent Implantation Failure Different?
- Picking Yourself Up after a Loss
- Chapter 14: First: The Lower-Tech Options
- Seeking Personalized Fertility Treatment
- Jump-Starting Your Ovaries
- Considering Artificial Insemination
- Checking out the Controlled Ovarian Hyperstimulation Option
- Injecting hCG to Mature Your Eggs
- Ensuring Proper Monitoring throughout Your Cycle
- Deciding When to Pursue Higher-Tech Options
- Chapter 15: Going High-Tech: Welcome to the In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) Club
- What IVF Means for You
- Switching Doctors: Will a Change Really Matter?
- Choosing the Best Clinic for You
- Addressing the High Costs of IVF
- It’s the Law! States That Mandate Fertility Coverage
- Fighting City Hall: Insurance Appeals
- When Having Insurance Doesn’t Help
- Getting Creative When You’re Out of Other Options
- Getting Your Medications for Less
- Chapter 16: Ready, Steady, Go! Starting Your IVF Cycle
- Preparing for a Roller Coaster Ride of Emotions
- Taking a Shot in the Dark: Time for hCG
- Heading to the Big Dance: The Egg Retrieval
- Your Partner Is Busy Too
- After the Dance: Do’s and Don’ts for a Happy Recovery
- Answering Common Post-IVF Questions
- Post-Retrieval Pills and Potions
- The Waiting Game: Knowing What’s Next
- Chapter 17: The Care and Feeding of an Embryo: Amazing Teamwork in the Lab
- Recognizing a Good Egg When You See One
- Prepping Sperm to Meet the Egg
- Looking at What Can Go Wrong When Egg Meets Sperm
- The High-Tech Meet-and-Greet: Doing ICSI
- Answering the Call About the Embryos
- Testing That Embryo: Checking Genetics Before the Transfer
- Hatching Embryos — Come on Out of There!
- Looking at the Embryos’ Next Home: Your Uterine Lining
- Undergoing the Embryo Transfer
- Post Transfer Tips and Boosts
- Chapter 18: Keeping Your Head in the Game: Successfully Waiting after an IVF Cycle
- Not “Not Pregnant” — But Waiting for Proof
- Sensing Every Little Twinge: The Truth about Pregnancy Symptoms
- Checking on Your Own: Home Pregnancy Test Traps
- Waiting for the News
- Responding to Good News: OMG!
- Taking the Next Step if IVF Doesn’t Work
- Keeping Embryos on Ice
- Regrouping and Future Planning
- Chapter 19: Staying Afloat When You’re Drowning in a Sea of Fertility Data
- Exploring the Link Between Information and the Care You Receive
- Choosing What’s Best for You
- Chapter 20: Considering Third-Party Reproduction Options
- Deciding to Use Donor Eggs, Sperm, or Embryos
- Protecting Yourselves When Considering a Donor for Anything
- Heading to the Bank — the Sperm or Egg “Cryo” Bank, That Is
- Shopping at an Egg Bank
- Selecting a Donor for a “Fresh” Donor Egg Cycle
- Enlisting the Aid of a Surrogate
- Embryo Donation
- Telling your Pregnancy Story (or Not)
- Modern Families: Getting Pregnant
- Chapter 21: Moving On: Not Necessarily the End of The Road
- Letting Go of the Dream
- Opting to Adopt
- Deciding to be a “Family of Two” — Living Child-Free
- Chapter 22: The Future is Now! New Advances, New Concerns in Fertility
- Looking into the Future: Long-Term Health Effects of Fertility Medication
- Gathering Steam: The Genetics Tool Train
- Transplanting Body Parts to Improve Fertility
- Putting Your Plans on Ice
- Getting Up to Speed on Reproductive Law
- Saving Stem Cells for Research: Raising Ethical Concerns
- Cloning and Human Concerns
- Forcing Clinics to Decide Who’s Fit to Parent
- Realizing that Machines and People are Fallible
- Looking Beyond IVF
- Chapter 23: Ten “Fake News” Stories about Fertility
- News for Rodents
- Reading about Medical Miracles
- Celebrity Fecundity (also known as Fertility)
- Cell Phones Decrease Male Fertility
- Increased Longevity Means a Larger Fertility Window
- Men Don’t Undergo Menopause
- Looking Good Means Your Fertility Is Good
- You Can Glue Your Embryos to Your Uterus
- Procreation Vacations Work
- Adopt and You’ll Get Pregnant
- Chapter 24: Ten Things to Know in Early Pregnancy
- Good Pregnancy or Not?
- Bleeding Is Bad, Right?
- What About Exercise?
- Can I Fly When I’m Pregnant?
- Should I Quit My Job?
- Should I Get a Flu Shot?
- When Should I See My Ob/Gyn?
- Do I Have to Stay on My Medication?
- Dealing with a UTI
- What Is Happening to My Skin?
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- Gerð : 208
- Höfundur : 16141
- Útgáfuár : 2020