Gardening with Free-Range Chickens For Dummies

Maintain a beautiful garden with chickens? Easy. Chickens are great gardening assistants, with lots of benefits for a home garden and landscape—from soil-building to managing pests and weeds. Home gardens can be great chicken habitats if designed well, and Gardening with Free-Range Chickens For Dummies provides a plain-English guide with step-by-step guidance for creating a gorgeous chicken-friendly landscape that helps the chickens and the garden thrive.
Gardening with Free-Range Chicken For Dummies offers guidance and step-by-step instructions for designing and implementing a host of different chicken garden plans. Plus, you'll get detailed information on the best plants and landscaping materials for your chicken garden (and the ones to avoid), seasonal considerations, attractive fencing options, predator and pest control, and much more. An excellent supplement to Raising Chickens For Dummies and Building Chicken Coops For Dummies A plain-English guide with step-by-step guidance for creating a chicken garden Advice on how to manage chickens while maintaining a beautiful garden If you're looking for step-by-step advice on building a chicken garden, Gardening with Free-Range Chickens For Dummies has you covered.
- Höfundar: Bonnie Jo Manion, Robert T. Ludlow
- Útgáfa:1
- Útgáfudagur: 2013-06-04
- Hægt að prenta út 10 bls.
- Hægt að afrita 2 bls.
- Format:Page Fidelity
- ISBN 13: 9781118612644
- Print ISBN: 9781118547540
- ISBN 10: 1118612647
- About the Authors
- Contents at a Glance
- Table of Contents
- Introduction
- About This Book
- Conventions Used in This Book
- What You’re Not to Read
- Foolish Assumptions
- How This Book Is Organized
- Icons Used in This Book
- Where to Go from Here
- Part I: Getting Started with Gardening and Chickens
- Chapter 1: Joining Forces: Companion Gardening with Chickens
- Getting Down to the Roots with Keeping Chickens
- Defining the Free-Range Concept
- There’s No Beef About Chickens
- Creating Sustainability in Your Own Backyard
- Having Fun with Style and Structure
- Chapter 2: Preparing Your Garden for Chickens
- Planning Your Flock
- Providing a Healthy Environment for Chickens
- Providing Fresh Water, Food, and Treats
- Re-purposing Existing Structures for Chickens
- Chapter 3: Preparing Yourself and Your Family for Chickens
- Checking Out Chicken Chores
- Working with City Rules and Neighbors Needs
- Finding a Fit For Your Lifestyle
- Noting Regional Variables that Make a Difference
- Children and Chickens are a Natural Mix
- Adapting Chickens with Family Pets
- Chapter 4: Creating Your Space for Free-Range Chickens
- Looking at the Lay of the Land
- Knowing What to Expect from Free-Ranging Chickens
- Creating a Chicken Utopia
- Chapter 1: Joining Forces: Companion Gardening with Chickens
- Chapter 5: Creating a Safe and Smart Garden Space: Landscape Material Ideas
- Setting the Landscape Stage
- Laying the Foundation: Handling Hardscape
- Layering the Landscape: Adding Softscape
- Water Is Key
- Fencing Is King
- Chapter 6: From Garden to Pasture: Perfect Plantings for All Your Needs
- Creating a Layered Landscape
- Choosing Plants That Are Functional
- Chickens in Pastured Open Areas
- Chapter 7: Growing Good Eats for Chickens and People
- Practicing Good Sense in an Edible Garden
- Food for You: Tips for Growing Vegetables
- Highlighting Chicken-Friendly Edible Areas
- Greens, Grains, and Seeds for Chickens
- Chapter 8: From Lawns to Poisonous Plants: Other Landscape Considerations
- The Lawn: To Be or Not to Be
- Getting Your Chickens to Do the Dirty Work
- Restricting Chickens from Certain Spaces
- Knowing Which Plants Are Poisonous to Chickens
- Chapter 9: Know Thy Flock: Understanding Chicken Behaviors
- Checking on Normal Chicken Behavior
- Training Your Chickens
- Handling Changes in a Flock
- Chapter 10: Caring for Chickens: Predators, Sickness, Injury, and Death
- Using Common-Sense Predator Protection
- Watching Out for Chicken Predators
- Dealing with Diseases and Parasites
- Dealing with Unexpected Chicken Injuries
- Coping with Old Age and Death
- Chapter 11: Ten Common Chicken Problems Solved
- Discouraging Rodents
- Taking Care of the Poop
- Spending Less on Bedding
- Worming Your Chickens Regularly
- Denying Predators Access through Windows
- Getting a Rooster by Mistake
- Watching Out for Wet Areas
- Protecting Your Feed
- Creating Enough Shade
- Selecting the Right Chicken Breed
- Chapter 12: Ten Beneficial Tools and Aids to Have
- Making Use of Two Types of Thermometers
- Blending Compost with a Pitchfork and Putting a Small Rake to Use
- Storing Feed in a Clean Metal Garbage Can
- Employing a Sturdy Scoop for the Feed Bucket
- Making Sure Your Chickens are Secure with Locks
- Handling Tight Areas with a Hand Brush and Dustpan
- Protecting Yourself with Dust Masks
- Raising Chicks by Using a Brooder Clamp Heater
- Re-Purposing a Soft Baby Play Tent
- Training Chickens with a Pet Clicker
- Chapter 13: Ten Ways to Get Really Fancy
- Customizing Egg Cartons
- Collecting Eggs in a Specialized Bucket
- Measuring Up with an Egg Scale
- Going Digital with a Chicken Cam
- Playing It Safe with an Automatic Door Opener
- Providing Water Automatically
- Installing a Small Door within a Door
- Adding a Green Roof
- Jazzing Up the Chicken Coop
- Showing Personality with Rare Chicken Breeds
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- Gerð : 208
- Höfundur : 10550
- Útgáfuár : 2013
- Leyfi : 379