Fundamentals of Nursing

- HJÚK0103 Hjúkrunarfræði I
- HJÚ0208 Hjúkrunarfræði II
- HJÚ0406 Hjúkrunarfræði IV
- HJÚ0508 Hjúkrunarfræði V
- HJÚ0106160 Hjúkrunarfræði I
Ensk lýsing:
It’s your complete guide to nursing - from basic concepts to essential skills! Fundamentals of Nursing, 9th Edition prepares you to succeed as a nurse by providing a solid foundation in critical thinking, evidence-based practice, nursing theory, and safe clinical care in all settings. With illustrated, step-by-step guidelines, this book makes it easy to learn important skills and procedures. Care plans are presented within a nursing process framework, and case studies show how to apply concepts to nursing practice.
Learn the concepts and skills and develop the clinical judgment you need to provide excellent nursing care! Fundamentals of Nursing, 11th Edition prepares you to succeed as a nurse by providing a solid foundation in critical thinking, clinical judgment, nursing theory, evidence-based practice, and patient-centered care in all settings. With illustrated, step-by-step guidelines, this book makes it easy to learn important skills and procedures.
- Höfundur: Patricia Potter
- Útgáfa:11
- Útgáfudagur: 2021-12-22
- Engar takmarkanir á útprentun
- Engar takmarkanir afritun
- Format:ePub
- ISBN 13: 9780323812153
- Print ISBN: 9780323810340
- ISBN 10: 0323812155
- Cover image
- Title page
- Disclaimer
- Table of Contents
- Copyright
- Contributors to previous editions
- Dedication
- Preface to the instructor
- Acknowledgments
- List of Tables
- List of Illustrations
- Unit 1. Nursing and the Health Care Environment
- 1. Nursing today
- Nursing as a profession
- Historical influences
- Contemporary influences
- Trends in nursing
- Professional registered nurse education
- Nursing practice
- Professional nursing organizations
- Key points
- Reflective learning
- Review questions
- References
- Research references
- 2. The health care delivery system
- Traditional level of health care
- Integrated health care delivery
- Issues in health care delivery for nurses
- The future of health care
- Key points
- Reflective learning
- Review questions
- References
- Research references
- 3. Community-based nursing practice
- Community-based health care
- Community-oriented nursing
- Community-based nursing
- Community assessment
- Changing patients’ health
- Key points
- Reflective learning
- Review questions
- References
- Research references
- 4. Theoretical foundations of nursing practice
- Theory
- Shared theories
- Select nursing theories
- Links among theory and knowledge development and research in nursing
- Key points
- Reflective learning
- Review questions
- References
- Research references
- 5. Evidence-based practice
- The need for evidence-based practice
- The scientific method
- Nursing research
- Performance improvement
- The relationship among evidence-based practice, research, and performance improvement
- Key points
- Reflective learning
- Review questions
- References
- Research references
- 1. Nursing today
- 6. Health and wellness
- Healthy people
- Definition of health
- Models of health and illness
- Variables influencing health and health beliefs and practices
- Health promotion, wellness, and illness prevention
- Risk factors
- Risk-factor identification and changing health behaviors
- Illness
- Caring for yourself
- Key points
- Reflective learning
- Review questions
- References
- Research references
- 7. Caring in nursing practice
- Theoretical views on caring
- Patients’ perceptions of caring
- Ethic of care
- Caring in nursing practice
- The challenge of caring
- Key points
- Reflective learning
- Review questions
- References
- Research references
- 8. Caring for patients with chronic illness
- The prevalence and costs of chronic disease
- Multifactorial nature of chronic disease
- Family caregivers
- The chronic care model
- Implications for nursing
- Health promotion and disease prevention
- Key points
- Reflective learning
- Review questions
- References
- Research references
- 9. Cultural competence
- Worldview
- Health disparities
- Racial, ethnic, and cultural identity
- Disease and illness
- A model of cultural competence
- Cultural awareness and knowledge
- Cultural skill
- Cultural encounter
- Cultural desire
- Key points
- Reflective learning
- Review questions
- References
- Research references
- 10. Family dynamics
- The family
- Family forms and current trends
- Family nursing
- Family-centered care and the nursing process
- Key points
- Reflective learning
- Review questions
- References
- Research references
- 11. Developmental theories
- Developmental theories
- Key points
- Reflective learning
- Review questions
- References
- Research references
- 12. Conception through adolescence
- Stages of growth and development
- Selecting a developmental framework for nursing
- Intrauterine life
- Transition from intrauterine to extrauterine life
- Newborn
- Infant
- Toddler
- Preschooler
- School-age child and adolescent
- School-age child
- Adolescent
- Key points
- Reflective learning
- Review questions
- References
- Research references
- 13. Young and middle adults
- Young adults
- Middle adults
- Key points
- Reflective learning
- Review questions
- References
- Research references
- 14. Older adults
- Variability among older adults
- Myths and stereotypes
- Nurses’ attitudes toward older adults
- Developmental tasks for older adults
- Community-based and institutional health care services
- Assessing the needs of older adults
- Addressing the health concerns of older adults
- Older adults and the acute care setting
- Older adults and restorative care
- Key points
- Reflective learning
- Review questions
- References
- Research references
- 15. Critical thinking and clinical judgment
- Clinical judgment in nursing practice
- Critical thinking
- Critical thinking competencies
- Levels of critical thinking
- Components of critical thinking in the clinical judgment model
- Evaluation of clinical judgments
- Key points
- Reflective learning
- Review questions
- References
- Research references
- 16. Nursing assessment
- Critical thinking in assessment
- Critical thinking in assessment
- The nurse-patient relationship in assessment
- The patient-centered interview
- Nurse’s experience
- Environment in assessment
- Critical thinking attitudes for assessment
- Standards in assessment
- The nursing health history format
- The assessment process
- Key points
- Reflective learning
- Review questions
- References
- Research references
- 17. Analysis and nursing diagnosis
- Types of diagnoses
- Terminologies for nursing diagnoses
- Critical thinking in analysis and nursing diagnosis
- Use of nursing diagnosis in practice
- Care planning
- Documentation and informatics
- Key points
- Reflective learning
- Review questions
- References
- Research references
- 18. Planning and outcomes identification in nursing care
- Critical thinking in planning
- Establishing priorities
- Clinical judgment in outcomes identification
- Planning nursing interventions
- Systems for planning nursing care
- Consulting with health care professionals
- Key points
- Reflective learning
- Review questions
- References
- Research references
- 19. Implementing nursing care
- Standard nursing interventions
- Critical thinking in implementation
- Implementation process
- Direct care
- Indirect care
- Achieving patient outcomes
- Key points
- Reflective learning
- Review questions
- References
- Research references
- 20. Evaluation
- Clinical judgment and critical thinking in evaluation
- Knowledge
- Experience
- Standards and attitudes for evaluation
- Environment
- The evaluation process
- Document outcomes
- Collaborate and evaluate effectiveness of interventions
- Evaluation of health care
- Key points
- Reflective learning
- Review questions
- References
- Research references
- 21. Managing patient care
- Building a nursing team
- Leadership skills for nursing students
- Key points
- Reflective learning
- Review questions
- References
- Research references
- 22. Ethics and values
- Basic terms in health ethics
- Professional nursing code of ethics
- Values
- Approaches to ethics
- Nursing point of view
- Issues in health care ethics
- Key points
- Reflective learning
- Review questions
- References
- Research references
- 23. Legal implications in nursing practice
- Legal limits of nursing
- Federal statutes affecting nursing practice
- State statutes affecting nursing practice
- Nursing workforce guidelines
- Legal implications and reducing your legal risks
- Key points
- Reflective learning
- Review questions
- References
- Statutes
- 24. Communication
- Communication and nursing practice
- Elements of the communication process
- Forms of communication
- Professional nursing relationships
- Elements of professional communication
- Nursing process
- Key points
- Reflective learning
- Review questions
- References
- Research references
- 25. Patient education
- Purposes of patient education
- Teaching and learning
- Domains of learning
- Basic learning principles
- Clinical judgment in patient education
- Nursing process
- Key points
- Reflective learning
- Review questions
- References
- Research references
- 26. Informatics and documentation
- Purposes of the health care record
- Interprofessional communication within the health record
- Standards and guidelines for quality nursing documentation
- Methods of documentation
- Common record-keeping forms within the electronic health record
- Documenting communication with providers and unique events
- Acuity rating systems
- Documentation in the long-term health care setting
- Documentation in the home health care setting
- Case management and use of critical pathways
- Informatics and information management in health care
- Key points
- Reflective learning
- Review questions
- References
- Research references
- 27. Patient safety and quality
- Scientific knowledge base
- Nursing knowledge base
- Critical thinking
- Nursing process
- Safety guidelines for nursing skills
- Skill 27.1 Fall prevention in health care settings
- Skill 27.2 Applying physical restraints
- Key points
- Reflective learning
- Review questions
- References
- Research references
- 28. Infection prevention and control
- Scientific knowledge base
- Nursing knowledge base
- Nursing process
- Safety guidelines for nursing skills
- Skill 28.1 Hand hygiene
- Skill 28.2 Preparation of sterile field
- Skill 28.3 Surgical hand asepsis
- Skill 28.4 Open gloving
- Key points
- Reflective learning
- Review questions
- References
- Research references
- 29. Vital signs
- Guidelines for measuring vital signs
- Body temperature
- Nursing process
- Pulse
- Nursing process
- Respiration
- Nursing process
- Blood pressure
- Nursing process
- Safety guidelines for nursing skills
- Skill 29.1 Measuring body temperature
- Skill 29.2 Assessing apical and radial pulse
- Skill 29.3 Assessing respirations
- Skill 29.4 Measuring oxygen saturation (pulse oximetry)
- Skill 29.5 Measuring blood pressure by auscultation
- Key points
- Reflective learning
- Review questions
- References
- Research references
- 30. Health assessment and physical examination
- Purposes of the physical examination
- Preparation for examination
- Organization of the examination
- Techniques of physical assessment
- General survey
- Skin, hair, and nails
- Head and neck
- Thorax and lungs
- Heart
- Breasts
- Abdomen
- Female genitalia and reproductive tract
- Male genitalia
- Rectum and anus
- Musculoskeletal system
- Neurological system
- After the examination
- Key points
- Reflective learning
- Review questions
- References
- Research references
- 31. Medication administration
- Scientific knowledge base
- Nursing knowledge base
- Critical thinking
- Nursing process
- Medication administration
- Safety guidelines for nursing skills
- Skill 31.1 Administering oral medications
- Skill 31.2 Administering ophthalmic medications
- Skill 31.3 Using metered-dose inhalers (MDIs) or dry powder inhalers (DPIs)
- Skill 31.4 Preparing injections: Ampules and vials
- Skill 31.5 Administering injections
- Needle length for immunizations (Based on CDC 2021a Guidelines)
- Skill 31.6 Administering medications by intravenous bolus
- Skill 31.7 Administering intravenous medications by piggyback, volume-control administration sets, and mini-infusion (syringe) pumps
- Key points
- Reflective learning
- Review questions
- References
- Research references
- 32. Complementary, alternative, and integrative therapies
- Complementary and integrative therapies
- Nursing-accessible therapies
- Training-specific therapies
- The integrative nursing role
- Key points
- Reflective learning
- Review questions
- References
- Research references
- 33. Self-concept
- Scientific knowledge base
- Nursing knowledge base
- Critical thinking
- Nursing process
- Key points
- Reflective learning
- Review questions
- References
- Research references
- 34. Sexuality
- Scientific knowledge base
- Nursing knowledge base
- Critical thinking
- Nursing process
- Key points
- Reflective learning
- Review questions
- References
- Research references
- 35. Spiritual health
- Scientific knowledge base
- Nursing knowledge base
- Critical thinking
- Nursing process
- Key points
- Reflective learning
- Review questions
- References
- Research references
- 36. Loss and grief
- Scientific knowledge base
- Nursing knowledge base
- Critical thinking
- Nursing process
- Key points
- Reflective learning
- Review questions
- References
- Research references
- 37. Stress and coping
- Scientific knowledge base
- Nursing knowledge base
- Critical thinking
- Nursing process
- Key points
- Reflective learning
- Review questions
- References
- Research references
- 38. Activity and exercise
- Scientific knowledge base
- Nursing knowledge base
- Critical thinking
- Nursing process
- Safety guidelines for nursing skills
- Skill 38.1 Using safe and effective transfer techniques
- Key points
- Reflective learning
- Review questions
- References
- 39. Immobility
- Scientific knowledge base
- Nursing knowledge base
- Critical thinking
- Nursing process
- Safety guidelines for nursing skills
- Skill 39.1 Moving and positioning patients in bed
- Key points
- Reflective learning
- Review questions
- References
- Research references
- 40. Hygiene
- Scientific knowledge base
- Nursing knowledge base
- Critical thinking
- Nursing process
- Safety guidelines for nursing skills
- Skill 40.1 Bathing and perineal care
- Skill 40.2 Performing nail and foot care
- Skill 40.3 Performing mouth care for an unconscious or debilitated patient
- Key points
- Reflective learning
- Review questions
- References
- Research references
- 41. Oxygenation
- Scientific knowledge base
- Nursing knowledge base
- Critical thinking
- Nursing process
- Safety guidelines for nursing skills
- Skill 41.1 Suctioning
- Skill 41.2 Care of an artificial airway
- Care of patients with chest tubes
- Using home oxygen equipment
- • Key points
- • Reflective learning
- • Review questions
- References
- Research references
- 42. Fluid, electrolyte, and acid-base balance
- Scientific knowledge base
- Nursing knowledge base
- Critical thinking
- Nursing process
- Safety guidelines for nursing skills
- Skill 42.1 Insertion of a short-peripheral intravenous device
- Skill 42.2 Regulating intravenous flow rate
- Skill 42.3 Maintenance of an intravenous system
- Skill 42.4 Changing a short-peripheral intravenous dressing
- Key points
- Reflective learning
- Review questions
- References
- Research references
- 43. Sleep
- Scientific knowledge base
- Nursing knowledge base
- Critical thinking
- Nursing process
- Key points
- Reflective learning
- Review questions
- References
- Research references
- 44. Pain management
- Scientific knowledge base
- Nursing knowledge base
- Critical thinking
- Nursing process
- Safety guidelines for nursing skills
- Skill 44.1 Patient-controlled analgesia
- Key points
- Reflective learning
- Review questions
- References
- Research references
- 45. Nutrition
- Scientific knowledge base
- Nursing knowledge base
- Critical thinking
- Nursing process
- Safety guidelines for nursing skills
- Skill 45.1 Aspiration precautions
- Skill 45.2 Inserting and removing a small-bore nasoenteric tube for enteral feedings
- Skill 45.3 Administering enteral feedings via nasoenteric, gastrostomy, or jejunostomy tubes
- Skill 45.4 Blood glucose monitoring
- Key points
- Reflective learning
- Review questions
- References
- Research references
- 46. Urinary elimination
- Scientific knowledge base
- Nursing knowledge base
- Critical thinking
- Nursing process
- Safety guidelines for nursing skills
- Skill 46.1 Collecting midstream (clean-voided) urine specimen
- Skill 46.2 Inserting a straight (intermittent) or indwelling catheter
- Skill 46.3 Care and removal of an indwelling catheter
- Skill 46.4 Closed catheter irrigation
- Key points
- Reflective learning
- Review questions
- References
- Research references
- 47. Bowel elimination
- Scientific knowledge base
- Nursing knowledge base
- Critical thinking
- Nursing process
- Safety guidelines for nursing skills
- Skill 47.1 Administering a cleansing enema
- Skill 47.2 Inserting and maintaining a nasogastric tube for gastric decompression
- Skill 47.3 Pouching an ostomy
- Key points
- Reflective learning
- Review questions
- References
- Research references
- 48. Skin integrity and wound care
- Scientific knowledge base
- Nursing knowledge base
- Critical thinking
- Nursing process
- Safety guidelines for nursing skills
- Skill 48.1 Assessment and prevention strategies for pressure injury development
- Skill 48.2 Treating pressure injuries and wounds
- Skill 48.3 Applying dry and moist dressings
- Skill 48.4 Implementation of negative-pressure wound therapy (NPWT)
- Skill 48.5 Performing wound irrigation
- Skill 48.6 Applying roll gauze or elastic bandage
- Key points
- Reflective learning
- Review questions
- References
- Research references
- 49. Sensory alterations
- Scientific knowledge base
- Nursing knowledge base
- Critical thinking
- Nursing process
- Key points
- Reflective learning
- Review questions
- References
- Research references
- 50. Perioperative nursing care
- Scientific knowledge base
- Nursing knowledge base
- Critical thinking
- Preoperative surgical phase
- Nursing process
- Transport to the operating room
- Preanesthesia care unit
- Intraoperative surgical phase
- Nursing roles during surgery
- Nursing process
- Postoperative surgical phase
- Immediate postoperative recovery (phase I)
- Recovery in ambulatory surgery (phase II)
- Recovery of inpatients: Postoperative recovery and convalescence
- Nursing process
- Safety guidelines for nursing skills
- Skill 50.1 Teaching and demonstrating postoperative exercises
- Key points
- Reflective learning
- Review questions
- References
- Research references
Bókahillan þín er þitt svæði og þar eru bækurnar þínar geymdar. Þú kemst í bókahilluna þína hvar og hvenær sem er í tölvu eða snjalltæki. Einfalt og þægilegt!Rafbók til eignar
Rafbók til eignar þarf að hlaða niður á þau tæki sem þú vilt nota innan eins árs frá því bókin er keypt.
Þú kemst í bækurnar hvar sem er
Þú getur nálgast allar raf(skóla)bækurnar þínar á einu augabragði, hvar og hvenær sem er í bókahillunni þinni. Engin taska, enginn kyndill og ekkert vesen (hvað þá yfirvigt).
Auðvelt að fletta og leita
Þú getur flakkað milli síðna og kafla eins og þér hentar best og farið beint í ákveðna kafla úr efnisyfirlitinu. Í leitinni finnur þú orð, kafla eða síður í einum smelli.
Glósur og yfirstrikanir
Þú getur auðkennt textabrot með mismunandi litum og skrifað glósur að vild í rafbókina. Þú getur jafnvel séð glósur og yfirstrikanir hjá bekkjarsystkinum og kennara ef þeir leyfa það. Allt á einum stað.
Hvað viltu sjá? / Þú ræður hvernig síðan lítur út
Þú lagar síðuna að þínum þörfum. Stækkaðu eða minnkaðu myndir og texta með multi-level zoom til að sjá síðuna eins og þér hentar best í þínu námi.
Fleiri góðir kostir
- Þú getur prentað síður úr bókinni (innan þeirra marka sem útgefandinn setur)
- Möguleiki á tengingu við annað stafrænt og gagnvirkt efni, svo sem myndbönd eða spurningar úr efninu
- Auðvelt að afrita og líma efni/texta fyrir t.d. heimaverkefni eða ritgerðir
- Styður tækni sem hjálpar nemendum með sjón- eða heyrnarskerðingu
- Gerð : 208
- Höfundur : 6026
- Útgáfuár : 2021
- Leyfi : 380