Fundamentals of Cognition

Is it possible to learn something without being aware of it? How does emotion influence the way we think? How can we improve our memory? Fundamentals of Cognition, Fourth Edition, provides a basic, reader-friendly introduction to the key cognitive processes we use to interact successfully with the world around us. Our abilities in attention, perception, learning, memory, language, problem solving, thinking, and reasoning are all vitally important in enabling us to cope with everyday life.
Understanding these processes through the study of cognitive psychology is essential for understanding human behaviour. This edition has been thoroughly updated and revised with an emphasis on making it even more accessible to introductory-level students. This new edition includes: updated references for readers who are looking for more detailed information; checks to make sure that statements made in the previous version are still valid, given recent findings on replication issues; extended research activities and "In the Real World" case studies to make it easy for students to engage with the material; real-world topics such as discussions of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, the reading problems of individuals with dyslexia, why magic tricks work, and why we cannot remember the Apple logo accurately; an extensive set of "Key term" definitions; supporting Instructor and Student Resources containing multiple choice questions, flashcards, simulations of key experiments, and instructor resources.
- Höfundar: Michael W. Eysenck, Marc Brysbaert
- Útgáfa:4
- Útgáfudagur: 2023-09-12
- Hægt að prenta út 2 bls.
- Hægt að afrita 2 bls.
- Format:ePub
- ISBN 13: 9781000919530
- Print ISBN: 9781032471303
- ISBN 10: 1000919536
- Cover
- Half Title
- Endorsements
- Title Page
- Copyright Page
- Contents
- Preface
- 1 What is cognitive psychology?
- Introduction
- What methods have been proposed to study the human mind?
- Introspection
- Observation and Manipulation
- Theory Building, VERIFICATION, AND Falsification
- Contemporary cognitive psychology
- Experimental Cognitive Psychology
- Cognitive Neuroscience
- Cognitive Neuropsychology
- Computational Cognitive Science
- Combining Approaches
- Growing Interest in Individual Differences
- Use of Big Data
- References
- 2 Visual perception
- Introduction
- From sensation to perception
- Sensation vs. perception
- Perceptual organisation
- The gestalt laws
- Figure–ground segregation
- Findings
- Pattern recognition
- Template theories
- Feature Theories
- Top-Down Processes
- Visual object recognition
- Recognition-by-components theory
- Does viewpoint affect object Recognition?
- Disorders of Object Recognition
- Face recognition
- Face recognition by eyewitnesses
- Face vs. object Recognition
- Face blindness: Prosopagnosia
- Face recognition network in the brain
- Models of face Recognition
- Super-Recognisers
- Perception and action
- Two visual systems: perception and action
- In sight but out of mind
- Inattentional blindness
- Change blindness
- What causes change blindness?
- Does perception require conscious awareness?
- Empirical evidence for unconscious processing
- Issues
- Evaluation
- References
- 3 Attention and performance
- Introduction
- Selective auditory attention
- Where is the Bottleneck?
- Recent Developments
- Selective visual attention
- POSNER'S Paradigm
- Spotlight, Zoom Lens, or Split?
- What is Selected?
- What Happens to Unattended Stimuli?
- Cross-Modal Effects
- Visual search
- The Guided Search Model
- Disorders of attention
- Neglect and Extinction
- Multitasking
- Why do We Multitask?
- Practice and Dual-Task Performance
- Does Practice Make 100% Perfect?
- Attention and consciousness
- Consciousness
- The Relationship Between Attention and Consciousness
- Controlling Actions: Unconscious Processing and Free Will
- References
- 4 Short-term and working memory
- Introduction
- Short-term memory
- The Atkinson and Shiffrin Model of Memory
- Short-Term Memory Capacity
- Duration
- Short-Term vs. Long-Term Memory
- Working memory
- The Baddeley and Hitch Working Memory Model
- Phonological Loop
- Visuo-Spatial Sketchpad
- Central Executive
- Episodic Buffer
- Unitary-Store Alternative
- Working memory capacity
- Measuring Working Memory Capacity
- Working Memory Capacity and Intelligence
- Can Working Memory Capacity be Trained?
- References
- 5 Learning and long-term memory
- Introduction
- Implicit vs. explicit learning
- Assessing implicit learning
- Specific characteristics of implicit learning
- Neuroscientific evidence
- Conclusions
- Variables affecting explicit learning
- Levels of processing
- Distinctiveness
- The testing effect
- Long-term memory
- Declarative vs. non-declarative memory
- Semantic memory
- Episodic memory
- Amnesia
- Retrograde and anterograde amnesia
- What remains intact?
- Episodic memory is particularly vulnerable
- Semantic memory without episodic memory?
- Forgetting and misremembering
- The forgetting curve
- Origins of forgetting
- Interference effects
- Recall vs. recognition
- Consolidation
- Misremembering
- References
- 6 Knowledge in semantic memory
- Introduction
- Concepts
- The Common Feature Approach
- Prototype Approach
- Exemplar Approach
- Knowledge-Based Approach
- Embodied Cognition Approach
- Integration: the Hub-and-Spoke-Model
- Conclusion
- Organisation of concepts
- Hierarchies of Concepts
- A Network of Concepts
- Schemas and stereotypes
- From Concepts to Propositions
- Combining Propositions Into Events and Schemas
- Stereotypes
- References
- Introduction
- 7 Everyday memory
- Introduction
- Traditional Memory Research Vs. Everyday Memory Research
- Chapter Structure
- Autobiographical memory
- Autobiographical Vs. Episodic Memory
- How Good Is Autobiographical Memory?
- Flashbulb Memories
- Recovered Memories
- Memories Across The Lifespan
- Self-Memory System Model
- Eyewitness testimony
- Post-Event Misinformation Effect
- Source Misattribution
- Remembering Faces
- Confirmation Bias
- Violence And Anxiety
- Ageing And Eyewitness Testimony
- Cognitive Interview
- Self-Administered Interview
- Prospective memory
- Prospective Memory Vs. Retrospective Memory
- Stages In Prospective Memory
- Event-Based VS. Time-Based Prospective Memory
- Prospective Memory As Part Of Future Thinking
- Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder And Checking Behaviour
- Improving Prospective Memory
- References
- Introduction
- 8 Language
- Introduction
- Chapter organisation
- Speaking
- Stages of speech production
- Tip-of-the-tongue state
- Speech planning
- Speech errors
- Speech disorders and aphasia
- Speech perception
- Models of speech perception
- Multi-Modal Aspects of Speech Perception
- Cognitive neuropsychology of speech perception
- Reading
- IT'S IN THE Eyes
- Sound as well as vision?
- Three routes from orthography to phonology
- Dyslexia
- From words to conversations
- Easy and difficult words
- Sentence parsing: who does what to whom?
- From sentences to conversation
- Common ground
- References
- Introduction
- 9 Problem solving
- Introduction
- Problem-solving strategies
- Algorithms Vs. Heuristics
- Heuristics Used In Problem Solving
- Does insight exist?
- Insight Vs. Non-Insight Problems
- How Special Are Insight Problems?
- Facilitating Insight With Hints
- Incubation And Sleep
- How useful is past experience?
- Expertise
- Deliberate Practice
- Functional Fixedness
- Mental Set
- Ways To Counteract Functional Fixedness And Mental Set
- Hypothesis testing
- Two Ways To Test Hypotheses
- Motivated Reasoning
- Problem solutions
- References
- 10 Judgement, decision making, and reasoning
- Introduction
- Judgement
- Likelihood depends on the availability of supporting information
- Base rate information
- Why we keep using heuristics
- Dual-process model
- Decision making
- Losses and gains
- Emotional factors
- Social context
- Study context
- Reasoning
- Syllogistic reasoning
- Conditional Reasoning
- Wason selection task
- Theories of reasoning
- Mental models theory
- Informal reasoning
- Are humans rational?
- Why people are better than researchers claim
- Evidence that human reasoning is not optimal
- What is rationality?
- Individual differences: intelligence
- References
- 11 Cognition and emotion
- Introduction
- The Structure of Emotions
- The Components of Emotions
- Emotion, Mood, Personality, and Affect
- Cognitive processes in emotions
- Stimulus Appraisal
- Physiological Processes in Emotions
- Understanding Emotions
- Emotion Regulation
- How does emotion influence cognition?
- Attention
- Interpretation Bias
- Memory
- Judgement and Decision Making
- Moral Dilemmas
- References
- Introduction
- Glossary
- Name index
- Subject index
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- Gerð : 208
- Höfundur : 12415
- Útgáfuár : 2023
- Leyfi : 380