Fundamentals of Applied Electromagnetics, Global Edition
- RT EXH1013 Rafsegulfræði og hálfleiðarar
- RAF402G Rafsegulfræði
Ensk lýsing:
Fundamentals of Applied Electromagnetics is intended for use in one- or two-semester courses in Electromagnetics Widely acclaimed both in the U. S. and abroad, this authoritative text bridges the gap between circuits and electromagnetics material. Coverage begins with transmission lines, leading students from familiar concepts into more advanced topics and applications. A student-friendly approach, full-color figures and images, and a set of interactive simulations will help students develop a deeper understanding of electromagnetic concepts and applications.
For courses in electromagnetics. Bridging the gap between circuits and electromagnetics Widely acclaimed in the field, this authoritative text bridges the gap between circuits and electromagnetics material. Fundamentals of Applied Electromagnetics begins coverage with transmission lines, leading students from familiar concepts into more advanced topics and applications. The 8th Edition builds on the core content and style of previous editions, retaining the student-friendly approach and hands-on simulation modules that help students develop a deeper understanding of electromagnetic concepts and applications.
- Höfundar: Fawwaz T. Ulaby, Umberto Ravaioli
- Útgáfa:8
- Útgáfudagur: 2022-03-09
- Hægt að prenta út 2 bls.
- Hægt að afrita 2 bls.
- Format:Page Fidelity
- ISBN 13: 9781292436760
- Print ISBN: 9781292436739
- ISBN 10: 129243676X
- Title Page
- Copyright
- Dedication
- Preface to Eighth Edition
- List of Technology Briefs
- Contents
- List of Modules
- Photo Credits
- Chapter 1. Introduction: Waves and Phasors
- 1-1 Historical Timeline
- 1-2 Dimensions, Units, and Notation
- 1-3 The Nature of Electromagnetism
- TB1 LED Lighting
- 1-4 Traveling Waves
- 1-5 The Electromagnetic Spectrum
- 1-6 Review of Complex Numbers
- TB2 Solar Cells
- 1-7 Review of Phasors
- Chapterr 2. Transmission Lines
- 2-1 General Considerations
- 2-2 Lumped-Element Model
- 2-3 Transmission-Line Equations
- 2-4 Wave Propagation on a Transmission Line
- 2-5 The Lossless Microstrip Line
- 2-6 The Lossless Transmission Line: General Considerations
- 2-7 Wave Impedance of the Lossless Line
- 2-8 Special Cases of the Lossless Line
- TB3 Microwave Ovens
- 2-9 Power Flow on a Lossless Transmission Line
- 2-10 The Smith Chart
- 2-11 Impedance Matching
- 2-12 Transients on Transmission Lines
- TB4 EM Cancer Zappers
- Chapter 3. Vector Analysis
- 3-1 Basic Laws of Vector Algebra
- 3-2 Orthogonal Coordinate Systems
- 3-3 Transformations between Coordinate Systems
- 3-4 Gradient of a Scalar Field
- TB5 Global Positioning System
- 3-5 Divergence of a Vector Field
- 3-6 Curl of a Vector Field
- TB6 X-Ray Computed Tomography
- 3-7 Laplacian Operator
- Chapter 4. Electrostatics
- 4-1 Maxwell’s Equations
- 4-2 Charge and Current Distributions
- 4-3 Coulomb’s Law
- 4-4 Gauss’s Law
- 4-5 Electric Scalar Potential
- TB7 Resistive Sensors
- 4-6 Conductors
- TB8 Supercapacitors as Batteries
- 4-7 Dielectrics
- 4-8 Electric Boundary Conditions
- TB9 Capacitive Sensors
- 4-9 Capacitance
- 4-10 Electrostatic Potential Energy
- 4-11 Image Method
- Chapter 5. Magnetostatics
- 5-1 Magnetic Forces and Torques
- 5-2 The Biot–Savart Law
- 5-3 Maxwell’s Magnetostatic Equations
- 5-4 Vector Magnetic Potential
- TB10 Electromagnets
- 5-5 Magnetic Properties of Materials
- 5-6 Magnetic Boundary Conditions
- 5-7 Inductance
- 5-8 Magnetic Energy
- TB11 Inductive Sensors
- Chapter 6. Maxwell’s Equations for Time-Varying Fields
- 6-1 Faraday’s Law
- 6-2 Stationary Loop in a Time-Varying Magnetic Field
- 6-3 The Ideal Transformer
- 6-4 Moving Conductor in a Static Magnetic Field
- 6-5 The Electromagnetic Generator
- 6-6 Moving Conductor in a Time-Varying Magnetic Field
- 6-7 Displacement Current
- 6-8 Boundary Conditions for Electromagnetics
- 6-9 Charge–Current Continuity Relation
- 6-10 Free-Charge Dissipation in a Conductor
- TB12 EMF Sensors
- 6-11 Electromagnetic Potentials
- Chapter 7. Plane-Wave Propagation
- 7-1 Time-Harmonic Fields
- 7-2 Plane-Wave Propagation in Lossless Media
- 7-3 Wave Polarization
- TB13 RFID Systems
- 7-4 Plane-Wave Propagation in Lossy Media
- TB14 Liquid Crystal Display (LCD)
- 7-5 Current Flow in a Good Conductor
- 7-6 Electromagnetic Power Density
- Chapter 8. Wave Reflection and Transmission
- 8-1 Wave Reflection and Transmission at Normal Incidence
- TB15 Lasers
- 8-2 Snell’s Laws
- 8-3 Fiber Optics
- 8-4 Wave Reflection and Transmission at Oblique Incidence
- TB16 Bar-Code Readers
- 8-5 Reflectivity and Transmissivity
- 8-6 Waveguides
- 8-7 General Relations for E and H
- 8-8 TM Modes in Rectangular Waveguide
- 8-9 TE Modes in Rectangular Waveguide
- 8-10 Propagation Velocities
- 8-11 Cavity Resonators
- Chapter 9. Radiation and Antennas
- 9-1 The Hertzian Dipole
- 9-2 Antenna Radiation Characteristics
- 9-3 Half-Wave Dipole Antenna
- 9-4 Dipole of Arbitrary Length
- 9-5 Effective Area of a Receiving Antenna
- 9-6 Friis Transmission Formula
- TB17 Health Risks of EM Fields
- 9-7 Radiation by Large-Aperture Antennas
- 9-8 Rectangular Aperture with Uniform Aperture Distribution
- 9-9 Antenna Arrays
- 9-10 N-Element Array with Uniform Phase Distribution
- 9-11 Electronic Scanning of Arrays
- Chapter 10. Satellite Communication Systems and Radar Sensors
- 10-1 Satellite Communication Systems
- 10-2 Satellite Transponders
- 10-3 Communication-Link Power Budget
- 10-4 Antenna Beams
- 10-5 Radar Sensors
- 10-6 Target Detection
- 10-7 Doppler Radar
- 10-8 Monopulse Radar
- Appendix A: Symbols, Quantities, and Units
- Appendix B: Material Constants of Some Common Materials
- Appendix C: Mathematical Formulas
- Appendix D: Fundamental Constants and Units
- Appendix E: Answers to Selected Problems
- Bibliography
- Index
- A
- B
- C
- D
- E
- F
- G
- H
- I
- J
- K
- L
- M
- N
- O
- P
- Q
- R
- S
- T
- U
- V
- W
- X
- Z
- Tables for Reference
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- Gerð : 208
- Höfundur : 6005
- Útgáfuár : 2015
- Leyfi : 380