Foye's Principles of Medicinal Chemistry
- LYF409G Lyfjaefnafræði I
Ensk lýsing:
Acclaimed by students and instructors alike, Foye's Principles of Medicinal Chemistry is now in its Seventh Edition, featuring updated chapters plus new material that meets the needs of today's medicinal chemistry courses. This latest edition offers an unparalleled presentation of drug discovery and pharmacodynamic agents, integrating principles of medicinal chemistry with pharmacology, pharmacokinetics, and clinical pharmacy.
With expert contributions from experienced educators, research scientists and clinicians, Foye’s Principles of Medicinal Chemistry, Eighth Edition is an invaluable resource for professional students, graduate students and pharmacy faculty alike. This ‘gold standard’ text explains the chemical basis of drug action, emphasizing the structure-activity relationships, physicochemical-pharmacokinetic properties, and metabolic profiles of the most commonly used drugs.
- Höfundar: Victoria Roche, William S. Zito, Thomas Lemke, David A. Williams
- Útgáfa:8
- Útgáfudagur: 2019-07-29
- Hægt að prenta út 2 bls.
- Hægt að afrita 2 bls.
- Format:ePub
- ISBN 13: 9781496385888
- Print ISBN: 9781496385024
- ISBN 10: 1496385888
- Cover image
- Title page
- Copyright
- Dedication
- Dedication to William O. Foye
- Preface
- Acknowledgments
- Contributors
- Clinical Contributors
- Clinical Advisory Panel
- Contents
- Part I Principles
- CHAPTER 1 Introduction to Medicinal Chemistry
- CHAPTER 2 Foundational Principles and Functional Group Impact on Activity
- CHAPTER 3 Drug Metabolism
- CHAPTER 4 Membrane Drug Transporters
- CHAPTER 5 Principles of Biotechnology-Derived Drugs
- Part II Receptor Targets
- CHAPTER 6 G Protein–Coupled Receptors
- CHAPTER 7 Nuclear Receptors
- CHAPTER 8 Ion Channel Receptors
- CHAPTER 9 Enzyme/Catalytic Receptors
- Part III Pharmacodynamic Agents
- Section 1 Drugs Impacting the Central Nervous System
- CHAPTER 10 Drugs Used to Treat Neuromuscular Disorders
- CHAPTER 11 Drugs Used to Treat Mental, Behavioral, and Cognitive Disorders
- CHAPTER 12 Drugs Used to Induce/Support Sedation or Anesthesia
- CHAPTER 13 Drugs Used to Treat Seizure Disorders
- Section 2 Drugs Impacting Pain Perception
- CHAPTER 14 Drugs Used to Treat Pain: Centrally Acting Agents
- CHAPTER 15 Drugs Used to Treat Pain: Peripherally Acting Agents
- Section 3 Drugs Impacting the Cardiovascular System
- CHAPTER 16 Drugs Used to Treat Cardiac Disorders
- CHAPTER 17 Drugs Used to Treat Hypertensive/Hypotensive Disorders
- CHAPTER 18 Drugs Used to Treat Coagulation Disorders
- CHAPTER 19 Drugs Used to Treat Dyslipidemic Disorders
- Section 4 Drugs Impacting Hormonal Systems
- CHAPTER 20 Drugs Used to Treat Diabetic Disorders
- CHAPTER 21 Drugs Used to Treat Inflammatory and Corticosteroid Deficiency Disorders
- CHAPTER 22 Drugs Used to Treat Thyroid Disorders
- CHAPTER 23 Drugs Used to Treat Calcium-Dependent Disorders
- CHAPTER 24 Drugs Used to Advance Men’s and Women’s Health
- Section 5 Drugs Impacting Immune, Gastrointestinal and Genitourinary Systems
- CHAPTER 25 Drugs Used to Treat Allergic Disorders
- CHAPTER 26 Drugs Used to Treat Gastrointestinal and Genitourinary Disorders
- Section 6 Drugs Impacting Ocular, Nasal and Pulmonary Systems
- CHAPTER 27 Drugs Used to Treat Ocular and Nasal Congestion Disorders
- CHAPTER 28 Drugs Used to Treat Pulmonary Disorders
- Section 7 Drugs Impacting Infectious and Neoplastic Disease Processes
- CHAPTER 29 Drugs Used to Treat Bacterial Infections
- CHAPTER 30 Drugs Used to Treat Viral Infections
- CHAPTER 31 Drugs Used to Treat Fungal Infections
- CHAPTER 32 Drugs Used to Treat Parasitic Infections
- CHAPTER 33 Drugs Used to Treat Neoplastic Diseases
- Section 8 Therapeutic Biologics
- CHAPTER 34 Biologics Used in the Treatment of Disease
- Part IV Disease State Management
- CHAPTER 35 Coronary Artery Disease
- CHAPTER 36 Rheumatoid Arthritis
- CHAPTER 37 Nutrition and Obesity
- Appendix A cLogP and cLogDpH 7.4 Values of Selected Drugs
- Appendix B Predicted pKa Values of Commonly Prescribed Drugs
- Appendix C pH Values of Biological Fluids
- Subject Index
- Drug Index
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- Gerð : 208
- Höfundur : David A. Williams , Thomas Lemke , William S. Zito , Lemke, Thomas L. , Victoria Roche
- Útgáfuár : 2019
- Leyfi : 379