Foundations of Sport and Exercise Psychology

- SÁL627G Íþróttasálfræði
- E-511-SEPS Íþróttasálfræði
- ÍÞS3406190 Íþróttasálfræði
- ÍÞS3406190 Íþróttasálfræði
- ÍÞH515G Íþróttasálfræði
Foundations of Sport and Exercise Psychology, Eighth Edition With HKPropel Access, is a leading textbook that offers a comprehensive view of sport and exercise psychology. It draws connections between research and practice, and it captures the excitement of the world of sport and exercise. Internationally respected authors Robert Weinberg and Daniel Gould have built a text that addresses emerging trends and remains relevant with each new edition.
Every chapter has been updated with the latest research and practice in sport and exercise psychology while maintaining and highlighting classic studies that have shaped the field. In-depth learning aids have been refreshed to help students think critically. Specific content changes were made throughout the text to highlight significant advances in research and practices. These include areas such as mental health of athletes, effects of COVID-19 on athletes, mindfulness, legalized gambling, psychological issues surrounding the 2020 Olympic Games (held in 2021), and drug controversies.
Foundations of Sport and Exercise Psychology provides students with a unique learning experience—starting with an exploration of the field’s origins, key concepts, research development, and career options available in the field. After this introduction to the field, the text shifts to personal factors that affect performance and behavior in sport, physical education, and exercise settings. It augments those concepts by factoring in situational circumstances that influence behavior, group interaction and processes, and the use of psychological techniques to help people perform more effectively.
Students will gain critical insights into the role psychological factors play in health and exercise and the psychological consequences of participation in sport and physical activity, including children’s psychological development through sport participation, aggression in sport, and moral development and good sporting behavior in sport and physical activity contexts. More than 100 related online activities offer interactive opportunities to engage with the content—many of which can be assigned, and progress tracked, by instructors directly through HKPropel.
In addition, chapter quizzes may also be assigned; these are automatically graded to test comprehension of critical concepts. Some activities may be downloaded and printed as assignments to be completed by students. Many of the activities offer compelling audio and video clips that reveal how sport psychology consultants communicate with athletes and coaches to improve athletic experiences. These clips feature esteemed experts from the field discussing concepts that they have studied and refined during their professional careers.
- Höfundar: Robert S. Weinberg, Daniel Gould
- Útgáfa:8
- Útgáfudagur: 2023-03-03
- Engar takmarkanir á útprentun
- Engar takmarkanir afritun
- Format:ePub
- ISBN 13: 9781718207608
- Print ISBN: 9781718207592
- ISBN 10: 1718207603
- Title Page
- Copyright
- Contents
- To the Instructor
- To the Student
- Acknowledgments
- Part I: Beginning Your Journey
- 1. Welcome to Sport and Exercise Psychology
- Defining Sport and Exercise Psychology
- Specializing in Sport and Exercise Psychology
- Distinguishing Between Two Specialties
- Reviewing the History of Sport and Exercise Psychology
- Learning Aids
- 2. Science and Professional Practice of Sport and Exercise Psychology
- Bridging Science and Practice
- Choosing From Many Sport and Exercise Psychology Orientations
- Understanding Present and Future Trends
- Learning Aids
- 1. Welcome to Sport and Exercise Psychology
- 3. Personality and Sport
- Defining Personality
- Understanding Personality Structure
- Studying Personality From Six Viewpoints
- Measuring Personality
- Using Psychological Measures
- Focusing on Personality Research
- Examining Cognitive Strategies and Success
- Identifying Your Role in Understanding Personality
- Learning Aids
- 4. Motivation
- Defining Motivation
- Reviewing Three Approaches to Motivation
- Building Motivation With Five Guidelines
- Developing a Realistic View of Motivation
- Understanding Achievement Motivation and Competitiveness
- Identifying Four Theories of Achievement Motivation
- Developing Achievement Motivation and Competitiveness
- Using Achievement Motivation in Professional Practice
- Learning Aids
- 5. Arousal, Stress, and Anxiety
- Defining Arousal and Anxiety
- Measuring Arousal and Anxiety
- Defining Stress and Understanding the Stress Process
- Identifying Sources of Stress and Anxiety
- Connecting Arousal and Anxiety to Performance
- Applying Knowledge to Professional Practice
- Learning Aids
- 6. Competition and Cooperation
- Defining Competition and Cooperation
- Viewing Competition as a Process
- Reviewing Studies of Competition and Cooperation
- Determining Whether Competition Is Good or Bad
- Enhancing Cooperation
- Learning Aids
- 7. Feedback, Reinforcement, and Intrinsic Motivation
- Principles of Reinforcement
- Approaches to Influencing Behavior
- Guidelines for Using Positive Reinforcement
- Guidelines for Using Punishment
- Behavior Modification in Sport
- Behavior Modification and Cognitive Behavior Therapy
- Intrinsic Motivation and Extrinsic Rewards
- Cognitive Evaluation Theory
- How Extrinsic Rewards Affect Intrinsic Motivation in Sport
- Strategies for Increasing Intrinsic Motivation
- Flow—A Special Case of Intrinsic Motivation
- Learning Aids
- 8. Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
- Definition of Culture, Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Cultural Competence
- Cultural Sport and Exercise Psychology Research
- Benefits of Diversity and Inclusion
- Strategies for Diversifying Sport and Physical Activity and Creating Inclusive Environments
- Learning Aids
- 9. Team Dynamics and Cohesion
- Recognizing the Difference Between Groups and Teams
- Identifying Three Theories of Group Development
- Understanding Group Structure
- Creating an Effective Team Climate
- Maximizing Individual Performance in Team Sports
- Definition of Cohesion
- Conceptual Model of Cohesion
- Tools for Measuring Cohesion
- Relationship Between Cohesion and Performance
- Other Factors Associated With Cohesion
- Strategies for Enhancing Cohesion
- Guidelines for Building Team Cohesion
- Learning Aids
- 10. Leadership
- Definition of Leadership
- Approaches to Studying Leadership
- Sport-Oriented Interactional Approaches to Leadership
- Research on the Multidimensional Model of Sport Leadership
- Leadership Training Interventions
- Four Components of Effective Leadership
- The Art of Leadership
- Learning Aids
- 11. Communication
- Understanding the Communication Process
- Sending Messages Effectively
- Receiving Messages Effectively
- Recognizing Breakdowns in Communication
- Improving Communication
- Dealing With Confrontation and Conflict
- Delivering Constructive Criticism
- Learning Aids
- 12. Introduction to Psychological Skills Training
- What Psychological Skills Training Entails
- Why PST Is Important
- Why Sport and Exercise Participants Neglect PST
- Myths About PST
- PST Knowledge Base
- PST Effectiveness
- Three Phases of PST Programs
- Self-Regulation: The Ultimate Goal of PST
- Who Should Conduct PST Programs
- When to Implement a PST Program
- PST Program Development
- Common Problems in Implementing PST Programs
- Learning Aids
- 13. Arousal Regulation
- Increasing Self-Awareness of Arousal
- Using Anxiety Reduction Techniques
- Exploring the Matching Hypothesis
- Coping With Adversity
- Using Arousal-Inducing Techniques
- Learning Aids
- 14. Imagery
- Defining Imagery
- Uses of Imagery
- Evidence of Imagery’s Effectiveness
- Imagery in Sport: Where, When, Why, and What
- Factors Affecting the Effectiveness of Imagery
- How Imagery Works
- Keys to Effective Imagery
- How to Develop an Imagery Training Program
- When to Use Imagery
- Learning Aids
- 15. Self-Confidence
- Defining Self-Confidence
- Understanding How Expectations Influence Performance
- Examining Self-Efficacy Theory
- Assessing Self-Confidence
- Building Self-Confidence
- Learning Aids
- 16. Goal Setting
- Definition of Goals
- Effectiveness of Goal Setting
- Principles of Goal Setting
- Development of Group Goals
- Design of a Goal-Setting System
- Common Problems in Goal Setting
- Learning Aids
- 17. Concentration
- Defining Concentration
- Explaining Attentional Focus: Three Processes
- Connecting Concentration to Optimal Performance
- Identifying Types of Attentional Focus
- Recognizing Attentional Problems
- Mindfulness
- Using Self-Talk to Enhance Concentration
- Assessing Attentional Skills
- Improving Concentration
- Learning Aids
- 18. Exercise and Psychological Well-Being
- Mental Health
- Reducing Anxiety and Depression With Exercise
- Understanding the Effect of Exercise on Psychological Well-Being
- Changing Personality and Cognitive Functioning With Exercise
- Enhancing Quality of Life With Exercise
- Examining the Runner’s High
- Using Exercise as an Adjunct to Therapy
- Learning Aids
- 19. Exercise Behavior and Adherence
- Reasons to Exercise
- Reasons for Not Exercising
- Problem of Exercise Adherence
- Theories and Models of Exercise Behavior
- Determinants of Exercise Adherence
- Settings for Exercise Interventions
- Strategies for Enhancing Adherence to Exercise
- Guidelines for Improving Exercise Adherence
- Learning Aids
- 20. Athletic Injuries and Psychology
- What Is Injury?
- Causes and Predictors of Injury
- Relationship Between Stress and Injury
- Other Psychologically Based Explanations for Injury
- Psychological Reactions to Exercise and Athletic Injuries
- Role of Sport Psychology in Injury Rehabilitation
- Identify Athletes and Exercisers Who Are at Risk for Injury
- Learning Aids
- 21. Addictive and Unhealthy Behaviors
- Eating Disorders
- Substance Abuse
- Addiction to Exercise
- Compulsive Gambling
- Learning Aids
- 22. Burnout and Overtraining
- Definitions of Overtraining, Staleness, and Burnout
- Frequency of Overtraining, Staleness, and Burnout
- Models of Burnout
- Factors Leading to Athlete Overtraining and Burnout
- Symptoms of Overtraining and Burnout
- Ways to Measure Burnout
- Burnout in Sport Professionals
- Treatment and Prevention of Overtraining and Burnout
- Learning Aids
- 23. Children and Sport Psychology
- Importance of Studying the Psychology of Young Athletes
- Understanding the Youth Sports System
- Children’s Reasons for Participation and Nonparticipation
- Role of Friends in Youth Sport
- Stress and Burnout in Children’s Competitive Sport
- Effective Coaching Practices for Young Athletes
- Role of Parents
- The Professionalization of Children’s Sports
- Learning Aids
- 24. Aggression in Sport
- Defining Aggression
- Understanding the Causes of Aggression
- Examining Aggression in Sport
- Applying Knowledge to Professional Practice
- Learning Aids
- 25. Character Development and Good Sporting Behavior
- Defining Character, Fair Play, and Good Sporting Behavior
- Developing Character and Good Sporting Behavior
- Examining Moral Development Research
- Understanding the Connection Between Moral Reasoning and Moral Behavior
- Hazing, Bullying, and Abusive Behavior in Sport
- Studying the Connection Between Character Development and Physical Activity
- Guiding Practice in Character Development
- Learning Aids
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- Gerð : 208
- Höfundur : 18222
- Útgáfuár : 2018
- Leyfi : 380