Foundations of Behavioral Neuroscience, Global Edition
4.290 kr.

For courses in Physiological Psychology or Biopsychology Foundations of Behavioral Neuroscience offers a concise introduction to behavioral neuroscience with a good balance of human and animal studies. Authors Neil Carlson and Melissa Birkett help students grasp the key concepts of the discipline, apply theory and research findings to daily life, and better understand their own behavior. Along with the fresh perspectives brought by new co-author Melissa Birkett, the 10th Edition incorporates the latest studies in this rapidly changing field as well as a new dedicated chapter on movement, added in response to faculty feedback.
- Höfundar: Neil R. Carlson, Melissa Birkett
- Útgáfa:10
- Útgáfudagur: 2020-06-15
- Hægt að prenta út 2 bls.
- Hægt að afrita 2 bls.
- Format:Page Fidelity
- ISBN 13: 9781292349558
- Print ISBN: 9781292349541
- ISBN 10: 1292349557
- Title Page
- Copyright Page
- Brief Contents
- Contents
- Preface
- 1 Origins of Behavioral Neuroscience
- The Nature of Behavioral Neuroscience
- The Goals of Research
- Biological Roots of Behavioral Neuroscience
- Ancient World
- Seventeenth Century
- Nineteenth Century
- Contemporary Research
- The Nature of Behavioral Neuroscience
- Natural Selection and Evolution
- Functionalism and the Inheritance of Traits
- Evolution of the Human Brain
- Ethical Issues in Research with Humans and Other Animals
- Research with Animals
- Research with Humans
- Careers in Behavioral Neuroscience and Strategies for Learning
- Careers in Neuroscience
- Strategies for Learning
- Cells of the Nervous System
- The Nervous System: an Overview
- Neurons
- Soma
- Dendrites
- Axon
- Myelin Sheath
- Terminal Buttons
- Other Cell Structures
- Supporting Cells
- Supporting Cells of the Central Nervous System
- Supporting Cells of the Peripheral Nervous System
- The Blood–brain Barrier
- Communication Within a Neuron
- Neural Communication: an Overview
- Electrical Potentials of Axons
- The Membrane Potential: Balance of Two Forces
- The Force of Diffusion
- The Force of Electrostatic Pressure
- Ions in the Extracellular and Intracellular Fluid
- The Sodium–potassium Pump
- The Action Potential
- Conduction of the Action Potential
- Communication Between Neurons
- Structure of Synapses
- Release of Neurotransmitters
- Activation of Receptors
- Postsynaptic Potentials
- Termination of Postsynaptic Potentials
- Reuptake
- Enzymatic Deactivation
- Effects of Postsynaptic Potentials: Neural Integration
- Autoreceptors
- Axoaxonic Synapses
- Nonsynaptic Chemical Communication
- Basic Features of the Nervous System
- Anatomical Directions
- Meninges
- The Ventricular System and Production of Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF)
- Structure and Function of the Central Nervous System (CNS)
- The Forebrain
- Telencephalon
- Diencephalon
- The Midbrain
- Tectum
- Tegmentum
- The Hindbrain
- Metencephalon
- Myelencephalon
- The Spinal Cord
- The Forebrain
- Structure and Function of the Peripheral Nervous System (pns)
- Cranial Nerves
- Spinal Nerves
- The Autonomic Nervous System
- Sympathetic Division of the Ans
- Parasympathetic Division of the Ans
- Principles of Psychopharmacology
- An Overview of Psychopharmacology
- Pharmacokinetics
- Absorption: Routes of Administration
- Distribution: Entry of Drugs into the Brain
- Metabolism and Excretion
- Drug Effectiveness
- Effects of Repeated Administration
- Placebo Effects
- Sites of Drug Action
- Effects on Production of Neurotransmitters
- Effects on Storage and Release of Neurotransmitters
- Effects on Receptors
- Effects on Reuptake or Destruction of Neurotransmitters
- Neurotransmitters and Neuromodulators
- Amino Acids
- Glutamate
- Gaba
- Acetylcholine (ACh)
- Pathways
- Production, Storage, and Release
- Receptors
- Reuptake and Deactivation
- The Monoamines
- Dopamine
- Norepinephrine
- Serotonin
- Histamine
- Peptides
- Production, Storage, and Release
- Receptors
- Lipids
- Neurotransmitter Production, Storage, and Release
- Receptors
- Reuptake and Deactivation
- Amino Acids
- Experimental Ablation
- Evaluating the Behavioral Effects of Brain Damage
- Producing Brain Lesions
- Stereotaxic Surgery
- The Stereotaxic Atlas
- The Stereotaxic Apparatus
- Histological Methods
- Fixation and Sectioning
- Staining
- Electron Microscopy
- Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy
- Tracing Neural Connections
- Tracing Efferent Axons
- Tracing Afferent Axons
- Transneuronal Tracing Methods
- Studying the Structure of the Living Human Brain
- Recording and Stimulating Neural Activity
- Recording Neural Activity
- Recordings with Microelectrodes
- Recordings with Macroelectrodes
- Magnetoencephalography
- Recording the Brain’s Metabolic and Synaptic Activity
- Stimulating Neural Activity
- Electrical and Chemical Stimulation
- Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation
- Optogenetic Methods
- Recording Neural Activity
- Finding Neurons That Produce Particular Neurochemicals
- Localizing Particular Receptors
- Measuring Chemicals Secreted in the Brain
- Twin Studies
- Adoption Studies
- Genomic Studies
- Targeted Mutations
- Antisense Oligonucleotides
- CRISPR-Cas Methods
- The Eye
- Introduction to Sensation and Perception
- The Stimulus: Light
- Anatomy of the Eye
- Photoreceptors
- Transduction
- Central and Peripheral Vision
- Fovea and Periphery
- Types of Eye Movements
- The Optic Nerves
- Overview of the Visual Pathway
- Brain Regions Involved in Visual Processing
- Lateral Geniculate Nucleus
- Striate Cortex
- Extrastriate Cortex
- Structures of the Extrastriate Cortex
- Pathways of the Extrastriate Cortex
- Role of the Retina in Color Perception
- Photoreceptors: Trichromatic Coding
- Retinal Ganglion Cells: Opponent-process Coding
- Role of the Striate Cortex
- Role of the Extrastriate Cortex
- Role of the Extrastriate Cortex
- Visual Agnosia
- Recognizing Categories
- Recognizing Faces
- Role of the Striate Cortex
- Role of the Extrastriate Cortex
- Perception of Motion
- Form from Motion
- Audition
- The Stimulus
- Anatomy of the Ear
- Outer Ear
- Middle Ear
- Inner Ear
- Auditory Hair Cells and the Transduction of Auditory Information
- The Auditory Pathway
- Afferent Connections with the Cochlear Nerve
- Efferent Connections with the Cochlear Nerve
- Subcortical Structures
- Auditory Cortex
- Perception of Pitch
- Place and Rate Coding
- Perception of Loudness
- Perception of Timbre
- Perception of Spatial Location
- Perception of Complex Sounds
- Perception of Environmental Sounds and Their Location
- Perception of Music
- Vestibular System
- Anatomy of the Vestibular System
- The Vestibular Pathway
- Somatosenses
- The Stimuli
- Anatomy of the Skin and Its Receptive Organs
- Perception of Cutaneous Stimulation
- Touch
- Temperature
- Pain
- The Somatosensory Pathways
- Nerves and Subcortical Processing
- Perception of Pain
- Why Do We Experience Pain?
- Perceptual and Behavioral Effects of Pain
- The Stimuli
- Gustation
- Anatomy of the Taste Buds and Gustatory Cells
- Perception of Gustatory Information
- Salt
- Sour
- Bitter, Sweet, and Umami
- The Gustatory Pathway
- Olfaction
- The Stimulus and Anatomy of the Olfactory Apparatus
- Olfactory Receptors
- Olfactory Processing
- Perception of Specific Odors
- The Stimulus and Anatomy of the Olfactory Apparatus
- Skeletal Muscle
- Anatomy
- The Physical Basis of Muscular Contraction
- Sensory Feedback from Muscles
- Control of Movement by the Spinal Cord
- The Monosynaptic Stretch Reflex
- Polysynaptic Reflexes
- Control of Movement by the Brain
- Cortical Structures
- Primary Motor Cortex
- Supplementary Motor Area and Premotor Cortex
- Cortical Control of Movement: Descending Pathways
- Lateral Group
- Ventromedial Group
- Planning and Initiating Movements: Role of the Motor Association Cortex
- Subcortical Structures
- The Reticular Formation
- The Cerebellum
- The Basal Ganglia
- Cortical Structures
- Imitating and Comprehending Movements: Role of the Mirror Neuron System
- Control of Reaching and Grasping: Role of the Parietal Cortex
- Reaching Behavior
- Grasping Behavior
- Limb Apraxia
- Constructional Apraxia
- What Is Sleep?
- Stages of Sleep
- Brain Activity During Sleep
- Brain Activity in Rem and Dreaming
- Brain Activity in Slow-wave Sleep
- Functions of Sleep
- Effects of Sleep Deprivation
- Effects of Physical Activity on Slow-wave Sleep
- Effects of Cognitive Activity on Slow-wave Sleep
- Functions of Rem Sleep
- Sleep and Learning
- Neural Control of Sleep
- Neural Control of Arousal
- Acetylcholine
- Norepinephrine
- Serotonin
- Histamine
- Orex in
- Neural Control of Sleep/waking Transitions
- Homeostatic, Allostatic, and Circadian Factors
- The Preoptic Area
- Role of Orexin in Sleep/waking Transitions
- Neural Control of Transition to Rem
- Insomnia
- Treatment
- Sleep Apnea
- Narcolepsy
- Sleep Attacks
- Cataplexy
- Sleep Paralysis
- Physiological Basis of Narcolepsy
- Treatment
- Rem Sleep Behavior Disorder
- Problems Associated with Slow-wave Sleep
- Circadian Rhythms and Zeitgebers
- The Suprachiasmatic Nucleus
- Role in Circadian Rhythms
- Suprachiasmatic Nucleus Control of Sleep and Waking
- The Nature of the Clock
- Control of Seasonal Rhythms: the Pineal Gland and Melatonin
- Changes in Circadian Rhythms: Shift Work and Jet Lag
- Sexual Development
- Production of Gametes and Fertilization
- Development of the Sex Organs
- Gonads
- Internal Sex Organs
- External Genitalia
- Sexual Maturation
- Hormonal Control of Sexual Behavior
- Hormonal Control of Female Reproductive Cycles
- Hormonal Control of Sexual Behavior of Laboratory Animals
- Males
- Females
- Organizational Effects of Androgens on Behavior: Masculinization and Defeminization
- Human Sexual Behavior
- Activational Effects of Sex Hormones in Women
- Activational Effects of Sex Hormones in Men
- Effects of Pheromones
- Human Examples
- Males
- Females
- Formation of Pair Bonds
- Roles of Activational and Organizational Effects of Hormones in Sexual Orientation
- Role of Steroid Hormones
- Sexual Orientation and the Brain
- Role of Prenatal Environment in Sexual Orientation
- Heredity and Sexual Orientation
- Maternal Behavior of Rodents
- Hormonal Control of Maternal Behavior
- Neural Control of Maternal Behavior
- Neural Control of Paternal Behavior
- Components of Emotional Response
- Role of the Amygdala
- Role of the Ventromedial Prefrontal Cortex
- Aggression, Impulse Control, and Emotional Decision-making
- Role of Testosterone in Aggressive Behavior
- Role of Serotonin in Aggressive Behavior
- Heredity and Aggressive Behavior
- Role of the Ventromedial Prefrontal Cortex
- Communication of Emotions
- Facial Expression of Emotions: Innate Responses
- Neural Basis of the Communication of Emotions: Recognition
- Laterality of Emotional Recognition
- Role of the Amygdala
- Role of Imitation in Recognition of Emotional Expressions: the Mirror Neuron System
- Neural Basis of the Communication of Emotions: Expression
- Feeling Emotions
- The James-Lange Theory
- Feedback from Emotional Expressions
- Drinking
- Physiological Regulatory Mechanisms
- Two Types of Thirst
- Osmometric Thirst
- Volumetric Thirst
- The Short-Term Reservoir
- The Long-Term Reservoir
- Fasting Phase
- Absorptive Phase
- Signals from the Environment
- Signals from the Stomach
- Metabolic Signals
- Gastric Factors
- Intestinal Factors
- Liver Factors
- Insulin
- Long-term Satiety: Signals from Adipose Tissue
- Brain Stem
- Hypothalamus
- Role in Hunger
- Role in Satiety
- Possible Causes
- Environmental Factors
- Physical Activity Factors
- Genetic Factors
- Treatment
- Role of Reinforcement and Stress
- Surgical Interventions
- Pharmcological Intervention
- Behavioral Interventions
- Possible Causes
- Brain Changes
- Excessive Exercise
- Genetic Factors
- Treatment
- Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
- Pharmacology
- Alternative Therapies
- Overview of Learning and Memory
- Types of Learning
- Stimulus-response Learning
- Motor Learning
- Perceptual Learning
- Relational Learning
- Types of Memory
- Sensory Memory
- Short-term Memory
- Long-term Memory
- Types of Learning
- Classical Conditioning
- Role of Amygdala
- Role of Glutamate
- Operant Conditioning
- Role of the Basal Ganglia
- Transcortical Pathways
- Basal Ganglia Pathways
- Reinforcement
- Role of the Cortex
- Role of the Basal Ganglia
- Role of the Cortex
- Memory
- Human Anterograde Amnesia
- Spared Learning Abilities
- Declarative and Nondeclarative Memories
- Role of the Hippocampal Formation in Consolidation of Declarative Memories
- Semantic Memories
- Spatial Memory
- Relational Learning in Laboratory Animals
- Spatial Learning in Animals
- Induction of Long-Term Potentiation
- Role of NMDA Receptors
- Role of AMPA Receptors
- Role of Synaptic Changes
- Presynaptic Changes
- Postsynaptic Changes
- Protein Synthesis
- Language Production and Comprehension: Brain Mechanisms
- Lateralization
- Language Production
- Language Comprehension
- Bilingualism
- Prosody
- Recognition of People’s Voices
- Disorders of Language Production and Comprehension
- Disorders of Language Production: Broca’s Aphasia
- Agrammatism
- Anomia
- Articulation Difficulties
- Disorders of Language Comprehension: Wernicke’s Aphasia
- Deficits in Spoken Word Recognition
- Deficits in Language Comprehension
- Deficits in Converting Thoughts into Words
- Conduction Aphasia
- Aphasia in People Who Are Deaf
- Stuttering
- Disorders of Language Production: Broca’s Aphasia
- Disorders of Reading and Writing
- Relation to Aphasia
- Pure Alexia
- Toward an Understanding of Reading
- Surface Dyslexia
- Direct Dyslexia
- Phonological Dyslexia
- Visual Word-form Area (vwfa)
- Plasticity in Vwfa
- Developmental Dyslexias
- Toward an Understanding of Writing
- Using Audition in Writing
- Using Vision in Writing
- Using Memorization in Writing
- Using Motor Memory in Writing
- Neural Basis of Writing
- Tumors and Seizures
- Tumors
- Causes
- Treatments
- Seizures
- Causes
- Treatments
- Tumors
- Causes
- Treatments
- Causes
- Treatments
- Toxic Chemicals
- Inherited Metabolic Disorders
- Down Syndrome
- Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathies
- Parkinson’s Disease
- Causes
- Treatments
- Huntington’s Disease
- Causes
- Treatments
- Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
- Causes
- Treatments
- Multiple Sclerosis
- Causes
- Treatments
- Dementia
- Causes
- Treatments
- Korsakoff’s Syndrome
- Encephalitis
- Meningitis
- Schizophrenia
- Description
- Positive Symptoms
- Negative Symptoms
- Cognitive Symptoms
- Genetic Factors
- Mutations
- Twin and Adoption Studies
- Paternal Age
- Epigenetics
- Environmental Factors
- The Mesolimbic Dopamine Pathway: Positive Symptoms
- Effects of Dopamine Agonists and Antagonists
- Differences in Dopamine Transmission
- Consequences of Long-term Drug Treatment of Schizophrenia
- The Mesocortical Dopamine Pathway: Negative and Cognitive Symptoms
- Hypofrontality
- Atypical Antipsychotics
- The Role of Glutamate
- Developmental Changes
- Description
- Description
- Genetic Factors
- Biological Treatments
- Pharmacological Treatment
- Electroconvulsive Therapy
- Vagus Nerve Stimulation
- Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation
- Deep Brain Stimulation
- Role of the Frontal Cortex
- The Monoamine Hypothesis
- Role of the 5-HT Transporter
- Role of Neurogenesis
- Role of Circadian Rhythms
- Role of Zeitgebers
- Symptoms
- Genetic and Environmental Factors
- Treatment
- Symptoms
- Genetic and Environmental Factors
- Treatment
- Neurodevelopmental Disorders
- Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
- Symptoms
- Possible Causes
- Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder
- Symptoms
- Possible Causes
- Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
- Physiology of the Stress Response
- Sympathetic Adrenal-medullary System
- Hypothalamic Pituitary Adrenal Axis
- Health Effects of Long-term Stress
- Effects of Stress on the Brain
- Prenatal Stress
- Resilience
- Stress and Infectious Diseases
- Symptoms
- Possible Causes
- Treatment
- The Role of Reinforcement
- Positive Reinforcement
- Neural Mechanisms
- Negative Reinforcement
- Craving and Relapse
- Commonly Abused Drugs
- Opiates
- Stimulants
- Nicotine
- Alcohol
- Cannabis
- Treatment for Substance Use Disorders
- Opiates
- Stimulants
- Nicotine
- Alcohol
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- Gerð : 208
- Höfundur : 5723
- Útgáfuár : 2020
- Leyfi : 380