Foundations for Health Promotion
2.890 kr.

- HHE0108170 Heilsa og heilsuefling
This hugely popular textbook provides a broad-based and user-friendly introduction to health promotion and its use in practice. Written by Professor Jane Wills, the book takes the reader through health promotion theory, strategy and methods, settings and implementation. It is clearly structured and accessibly written, with a discursive style that will appeal to readers of all levels and sufficient theoretical depth for undergraduates and postgraduates alike.
- Höfundur: Jane Wills
- Útgáfa:5
- Útgáfudagur: 062022
- Hægt að prenta út 1000 bls.
- Hægt að afrita 1000 bls.
- Format:ePub
- ISBN 13: 9780702085086
- Print ISBN: 9780702085062
- ISBN 10: 0702085081
- Cover image
- Title page
- Table of Contents
- Evolve Student Resources
- Copyright
- Preface
- Checklist for Health Promotion Practice
- Acknowledgements
- Part I: The Theory of Health Promotion
- Part I. The Theory of Health Promotion
- 1. Concepts of Health
- Key Concepts and Definitions
- Importance of the Topic
- Further Reading and Resources
- References
- 2. Influences on Health
- Key Concepts and Definitions
- Importance of the Topic
- Further Reading and Resources
- References
- 3. Measuring Health
- Key Concepts and Definitions
- Importance of the Topic
- Further Reading and Resources
- References
- 4. Defining Health Promotion
- Key Concepts and Definitions
- Importance of the Topic
- Further Reading and Resources
- References
- 5. Models and Approaches to Health Promotion
- Key Concepts and Definitions
- Importance of the Topic
- Further Reading and Resources
- References
- 6. Ethical Issues in Health Promotion
- Key Concepts and Definitions
- Importance of the Topic
- Further Reading and Resources
- References
- 7. The Politics of Health Promotion
- Key Concepts and Definitions
- Importance of the Topic
- Further Reading and Resources
- References
- Part II. Strategies and Methods
- 8. Preventing Disease and Health Protection
- Key Concepts and Definitions
- Importance of the Topic
- Further Reading And Resources
- References
- 9. Reorienting Health Services
- Key Concepts and Definitions
- Importance of the Topic
- Further Reading And Resources
- References
- 10. Developing Personal Skills
- Key Concepts and Definitions
- Importance of the Topic
- Further Reading and Resources
- References
- 11. Strengthening Community Action
- Key Concepts and Definitions
- Importance of the Topic
- Further Reading and Resources
- References
- 12. Developing Healthy Public Policy
- Key Concepts and Definitions
- Importance of the Topic
- Further Reading and Resources
- References
- 13. Communicating About Health
- Key Concepts and Definitions
- Importance of the Topic
- Further Reading and Resources
- References
- Part III. Settings and Supportive Environments for Health Promotion
- 14. Health Promoting Schools
- Key Concepts and Definitions
- Importance of the Topic
- Further Reading and Resources
- References
- 15. Health Promoting Universities
- Key Concepts and Definitions
- Importance of the Topic
- Further Reading and Resources
- References
- 16. Health Promoting Workplaces
- Key Concepts and Definitions
- Importance of the Topic
- Further Reading and Resource
- References
- 17. Health Promoting Neighbourhoods
- Key Concepts and Definitions
- Importance of the Topic
- Further Reading and Resources
- References
- 18. Health Promoting Health Services
- Key Concepts and Definitions
- Importance of the Topic
- Further Reading and Resources
- References
- 19. Health Promoting Prisons
- Key Concepts and Definitions
- Importance of the Topic
- Further Reading and Resources
- References
- Part IV. Implementing Health Promotion
- 20. Assessing Health Needs and Assets
- Key Concepts and Definitions
- Importance of the Topic
- Further Reading and Resources
- References
- 21. Finding and Using Evidence for Health Promotion
- Key Concepts and Definitions
- Importance of the Topic
- Further Reading and Resources
- References
- 22. Planning and Implementing Health Promotion Interventions
- Key Concepts and Definitions
- Importance of the Topic
- Further Reading and Resources
- References
- 23. Evaluating Health Promotion Interventions
- Key Concepts and Definitions
- Importance of the Topic
- Further Reading and Resources
- References
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- Gerð : 208
- Höfundur : 8838
- Útgáfuár : 2016
- Leyfi : 380