Play--and survive--in the game of Fortnite! Zombies. Battle. Survival. Fortnite has it all--and if you want to keep your gameplay going until the bitter end to outlast your competition, this book is the ace in your back pocket! Choose a gaming platform Download and optimize the game Play in each of the gameplay modes Scavenge, loot, and collect resources Avoid death and outlast your opponents Who will be the last person standing? When you want to outlast the competition and make Fortnite yours, this book makes it easier than ever to come out on top.
- Höfundur: Bill Loguidice
- Útgáfa:1
- Útgáfudagur: 2019-06-10
- Hægt að prenta út 10 bls.
- Hægt að afrita 2 bls.
- Format:ePub
- ISBN 13: 9781119606123
- Print ISBN: 9781119606109
- ISBN 10: 1119606128
- Cover
- Introduction
- About This Book
- Foolish Assumptions
- Icons Used in This Book
- Beyond the Book
- Where to Go from Here
- Chapter 1: Entering the Fortnite Universe
- Choosing PC/Mac, Console, or Mobile
- Registering a Fortnite Account
- Installing Fortnite
- Getting to Know the Game Options and Modes
- Understanding V-Bucks
- Getting to Know Seasons
- Understanding Cross-Platform Play
- Chapter 2: Customizing Settings, Gameplay, and Controls
- Selecting a Game Mode
- Getting to Know the Lobby
- Adjusting Settings
- Getting to Know the Controls
- Buying Accessories
- Chapter 3: Playing Your First Games
- Understanding the Sequence of Play
- Practicing in the Pre-Deployment Area
- Knowing When to Jump
- Knowing Where to Land
- Searching for and Gathering Loot
- Staying Ahead of the Storm
- Surviving on Your Own
- Playing with Other Players
- Chapter 4: Getting to Know the Map
- Understanding Map Coordinates
- Selecting a Starting Location
- Getting to Know the Points of Interest
- Chapter 5: Mastering Weapons, Items, Health, and Defenses
- Understanding Weapon Power and Rarity
- Understanding Weapon Characteristics
- Learning to Aim Guns
- Learning to Aim Projectiles and Explosives
- Managing Your Health and Maximizing Defenses
- Chapter 6: Building and Creating in Fortnite
- Understanding Raw Materials
- Harvesting Raw Materials
- Building Simple Structures
- Editing Structures
- Building with Purpose
- Putting It All Together in Creative Mode
- Chapter 7: Getting to Know Battle Pass
- Placing Value on the Battle Pass
- Understanding the Progression System
- Understanding Daily, Weekly, and Special Challenges
- Using Party Assist
- Chapter 8: Enhancing Fortnite Through Premium Cosmetic Items
- Acquiring Cosmetic Items
- Getting to Know the Item Shop
- Filling Your Locker
- Customizing Character Skins
- Customizing Pickaxes, Back Bling, and Pets
- Customizing Gliders and Contrails
- Getting Funky with Emotes, Emoticons, Toys, and Music
- Applying Sprays, Wraps, Banners, and Loading Screens
- Chapter 9: Ten Strategies for a Victory Royale
- Pick Your Battles
- Learn to Aim
- Build Ramps
- Focus on Structural Weak Spots
- Manage Supply Drops
- Have Building Materials
- Know the Map
- Let Time Dictate Strategy
- Coordinate with Your Teammates
- Practice
- Chapter 10: Ten Keys to Understanding Save the World
- Mandatory Tutorial
- Mission Structure Based on Objectives and Quests
- V-Bucks and Llamas
- Heroes
- Command Center
- Weapons
- Traps
- Player Statistics
- Upgrade Points
- Monsters
- Chapter 11: Ten Great Fortnite Creative Codes
- Choice! A Choose Your Own Adventure Map
- Freaky Flights
- Hoo Baller Pinball Island
- Lundle’s Puzzle Escape!
- Raft Wars
- Rainbow Road
- Snipers vs Runners
- Space Parkour!
- Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater’s “Warehouse”
- Weezer World!
- Chapter 12: Ten Ways to Enjoy Fortnite When Not Playing
- Action Figures and Playsets
- Apparel
- Board Games
- Calendars, Journals, and Notebooks
- Collectibles
- Costumes
- Home Goods
- NERF Blasters and Super Soakers
- Plushies
- Spectating
- Index
- About the Author
- Connect with Dummies
- End User License Agreement
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- Gerð : 208
- Höfundur : 16173
- Útgáfuár : 2019
- Leyfi : 379