Valuation is at the heart of investing. A considerable part of the information for valuation is in the financial statements. Financial Statement Analysis and Security Valuation , 5 e by Stephen Penman shows students how to extract information from financial statements and use that data to value firms. The 5th edition shows how to handle the accounting in financial statements and use the financial statements as a lens to view a business and assess the value it generates.
- Höfundur: Stephen Penman
- Útgáfa:5
- Útgáfudagur:
- Hægt að prenta út 2 bls.
- Hægt að afrita 2 bls.
- Format:Page Fidelity
- ISBN 13: 9780077147921
- Print ISBN: 9780071326407
- ISBN 10: 0077147928
- Preface
- List of Cases
- List of Accounting Clinics
- Chapter 1. Introduction to Investing and Valuation
- Investment Styles and Fundamental Analysis
- Bubble, Bubble, Toil, and Trouble
- How Bubbles Work
- Analysts During the Bubble
- More Toil and Trouble
- Fundamental Analysis Anchors Investors
- The Setting: Investors, Firms, Securities, and Capital Markets
- The Business of Analysis: The Professional Analyst
- Investing in Firms: The Outside Analyst
- Investing Within Firms: The Inside Analyst
- The Analysis of Business
- Strategy and Valuation
- Mastering the Details
- The Key Question: Sustainability of Competitive Advantage
- Financial Statements: The Lens on the Business
- Choosing a Valuation Technology
- Guiding Principles
- Anchoring Value on the Financial Statements
- How to Use This Book
- An Outline of the Book
- The Web Connection
- Key Concepts
- A Continuing Case: Kimberly-Clark Corporation
- Concept Questions
- Exercises
- Minicase
- Chapter 2. Introduction to the Financial Statements
- The Analyst's Checklist
- The Form of the Financial Statements
- Introducing Nike, Inc.
- The Balance Sheet
- The Income Statement
- The Cash Flow Statement
- The Statement of Shareholders' Equity
- The Footnotes and Supplementary Information to Financial Statements
- The Articulation of the Financial Statements: How the Statements Tell a Story
- Measurement in the Financial Statements
- The Price-to-Book Ratio
- Measurement in the Balance Sheet
- Measurement in the Income Statement
- The Price-Earnings Ratio
- Accounting as an Anchor: Don't Mix What You Know with Speculation
- Tension in Accounting
- Accounting Quality
- Summary
- The Web Connection
- Key Concepts
- The Analyst's Toolkit
- A Continuing Case: Kimberly-Clark Corporation
- Concept Questions
- Exercises
- Minicase
- Chapter 1. Introduction to Investing and Valuation
- Chapter 3. How Financial Statements Are Used in Valuation
- The Analyst's Checklist
- Multiple Analysis
- The Method of Comparables
- Screening on Multiples
- Asset-Based Valuation
- Fundamental Analysis
- The Process of Fundamental Analysis
- Financial Statement Analysis, Pro Forma Analysis, and Fundamental Analysis
- The Architecture of Fundamental Analysis: The Valuation Model
- Terminal Investments and Going-Concern Investments
- Valuation Models for Terminal Investments
- Valuation Models for Going-Concern Investments
- Criteria for a Practical Valuation Model
- What Generates Value?
- Valuation Models, the Required Return, and Asset Pricing Models
- Summary
- The Web Connection
- Key Concepts
- The Analyst's Toolkit
- A Continuing Case: Kimberly-Clark Corporation
- Concept Questions
- Exercises
- Minicases
- Appendix The Required Return and Asset Pricing Models
- Chapter 4. Cash Accounting, Accrual Accounting, and Discounted Cash Flow Valuation
- The Analyst's Checklist
- The Dividend Discount Model
- The Discounted Cash Flow Model
- Free Cash Flow and Value Added
- The Statement of Cash Flows
- The Cash Flow Statement under IFRS
- Forecasting Free Cash Flows
- Cash Flow, Earnings, and Accrual Accounting
- Earnings and Cash Flows
- Accruals, Investments, and the Balance Sheet
- Summary
- The Web Connection
- Key Concepts
- The Analyst's Toolkit
- A Continuing Case: Kimberly-Clark Corporation
- Concept Questions
- Exercises
- Minicase
- Chapter 5. Accrual Accounting and Valuation: Pricing Book Values
- The Analyst's Checklist
- The Concept Behind the Price-to-Book Ratio
- Beware of Paying Too Much for Earnings
- Prototype Valuations
- Valuing a Project
- Valuing a Savings Account
- The Normal Price-to-Book Ratio
- A Model for Anchoring Value on Book Value
- Residual Earnings Drivers and Value Creation
- A Simple Demonstration and a Simple Valuation Model
- Applying the Model to Equities
- The Forecast Horizon and the Continuing Value Calculation
- Beware of Paying Too Much for Growth
- Converting Analysts' Forecasts to a Valuation
- Build Your Own Valuation Engine
- Applying the Model to Projects and Strategies
- Features of the Residual Earnings Valuation
- Book Value Captures Value and Residual Earnings Captures Value Added to Book Value
- Protection from Paying Too Much for Earnings Generated by Investment
- Protection from Paying Too Much for Earnings Created by the Accounting
- Capturing Value Not on the Balance Sheet—for All Accounting Methods
- Residual Earnings Are Not Affected by Dividends, Share Issues, or Share Repurchases
- What the Residual Earnings Model Misses
- The Web Connection
- Summary
- Key Concepts
- The Analyst's Toolkit
- A Continuing Case: Kimberly-Clark Corporation
- Concept Questions
- Exercises
- Minicases
- Chapter 6. Accrual Accounting and Valuation: Pricing Earnings
- The Analyst's Checklist
- The Concept Behind the Price-Earnings Ratio
- Beware of Paying Too Much for Earnings Growth
- From Price-to-Book Valuation to P/E Valuation
- Prototype Valuation
- The Normal Forward P/E Ratio
- The Normal Trailing P/E Ratio
- A Poor P/E Model
- A Model for Anchoring Value on Earnings
- Measuring Abnormal Earnings Growth
- A Simple Demonstration and a Simple Valuation Model
- Anchoring Valuation on Current Earnings
- Applying the Model to Equities
- Converting Analysts' Forecasts to a Valuation
- Build Your Own Valuation Engine
- Features of the Abnormal Earnings Growth Model
- Buy Earnings
- Abnormal Earnings Growth Valuation and Residual Earnings Valuation
- Abnormal Earnings Growth Is Not Affected by Dividends, Share Issues, or Share Repurchases
- Accounting Methods and Valuation
- The Fed Model
- PEG Ratios
- Summary
- The Web Connection
- Key Concepts
- The Analyst's Toolkit
- A Continuing Case: Kimberly-Clark Corporation
- Concept Questions
- Exercises
- Minicase
- Chapter 7. Valuation and Active Investing
- The Analyst's Checklist
- How the Fundamental Investor Operates
- Common Misconceptions About Valuation
- Applying Fundamental Principles
- Challenging Speculation in the Market Price
- Reverse Engineering the S&P 500
- Challenging the Price of a Stock
- Reverse Engineering with the Abnormal Earnings Growth Model
- Build Your Own Active Investing Tool
- The Web Connection
- Summary
- Key Concepts
- The Analyst's Toolkit
- A Continuing Case: Kimberly-Clark Corporation
- Concept Questions
- Exercises
- Minicases
- Chapter 8. Viewing the Business Through the Financial Statements
- The Analyst's Checklist
- Business Activities: The Cash Flows
- The Reformulated Cash Flow Statement
- The Reformulated Balance Sheet
- Business Activities: All Stocks and Flows
- The Reformulated Income Statement
- Accounting Relations That Govern Reformulated Statements
- The Sources of Free Cash Flow and the Disposition of Free Cash Flow
- The Drivers of Dividends
- The Drivers of Net Operating Assets and Net Indebtedness
- Tying It Together for Shareholders: What Generates Value?
- Build Your Own Analysis Engine
- Summary
- The Web Connection
- Key Concepts
- The Analyst's Toolkit
- A Continuing Case: Kimberly-Clark Corporation
- Concept Questions
- Exercises
- Chapter 9. The Analysis of the Statement of Shareholders' Equity
- The Analyst's Checklist
- Reformulating the Statement of Owners' Equity
- Running with Nike
- Reformulation Procedures
- Dirty-Surplus Accounting
- Comprehensive Income Reporting Under U.S. GAAP and IFRS
- Ratio Analysis
- Payout and Retention Ratios
- Shareholder Profitability
- Growth Ratios
- Hidden Dirty Surplus
- Issue of Shares in Operations
- Issue of Shares in Financing Activities
- Handling Diluted Earnings per Share
- Share Transactions in Inefficient Markets
- The Eye of the Shareholder
- Build Your Own Analysis Engine
- Accounting Quality Watch
- The Web Connection
- Summary
- Key Concepts
- The Analyst's Toolkit
- A Continuing Case: Kimberly-Clark Corporation
- Concept Questions
- Exercises
- Minicase
- Chapter 10. The Analysis of the Balance Sheet and Income Statement
- The Analyst's Checklist
- Reformulation of the Balance Sheet
- Issues in Reformulating Balance Sheets
- Strategic Balance Sheets
- Reformulation of the Income Statement
- Tax Allocation
- Issues in Reformulating Income Statements
- Value Added to Strategic Balance Sheets
- Residual Income from Operations
- Comparative Analysis of the Balance Sheet and Income Statement
- Common-Size Analysis
- Trend Analysis
- Ratio Analysis
- Build Your Own Analysis Engine
- Summary
- The Web Connection
- Key Concepts
- The Analyst's Toolkit
- A Continuing Case: Kimberly-Clark Corporation
- Concept Questions
- Exercises
- Minicases
- Chapter 11. The Analysis of the Cash Flow Statement
- The Analyst's Checklist
- The Calculation of Free Cash Flow
- GAAP Statement of Cash Flows and Reformulated Cash Flow Statements
- Reclassifying Cash Transactions
- Tying It Together
- Cash Flow from Operations
- Summary
- The Web Connection
- Key Concepts
- The Analyst's Toolkit
- A Continuing Case: Kimberly-Clark Corporation
- Concept Questions
- Exercises
- Minicase
- Chapter 12. The Analysis of Profitability
- The Analyst's Checklist
- The Analysis of Return on Common Equity
- First-Level Breakdown: Distinguishing Financing and Operating Activities and the Effect of Leverage
- Financial Leverage
- Operating Liability Leverage
- Summing Financial Leverage and Operating Liability Leverage Effects on Shareholder Profitability
- Return on Net Operating Assets and Return on Assets
- Financial Leverage and Debt-to-Equity Ratios
- Second-Level Breakdown: Drivers of Operating Profitability
- Third-Level Breakdown
- Profit Margin Drivers
- Turnover Drivers
- Key Drivers
- Borrowing Cost Drivers
- Build You Own Analysis Engine
- The Web Connection
- Summary
- Key Concepts
- The Analyst's Toolkit
- A Continuing Case: Kimberly-Clark Corporation
- Concept Questions
- Exercises
- Minicase
- Chapter 13. The Analysis of Growth and Sustainable Earnings
- The Analyst's Checklist
- What Is Growth?
- Warnings About Growth
- Cutting to the Core: Sustainable Earnings
- Core Operating Income
- Issues in Identifying Core Operating Income
- Core Operating Profitability
- Core Borrowing Cost
- Analysis of Growth
- Growth Through Profitability
- Operating Leverage
- Analysis of Changes in Financing
- Analysis of Growth in Shareholders' Equity
- Growth, Sustainable Earnings, and the Evaluation of P/B Ratios and P/E Ratios
- How Price-to-Book Ratios and Trailing P/E Ratios Articulate
- Trailing Price-Earnings Ratios and Transitory Earnings
- P/E Ratios and the Analysis of Sustainable Earnings
- Price-to-Book and Growth
- Summary
- The Web Connection
- Key Concepts
- The Analyst's Toolkit
- A Continuing Case: Kimberly-Clark Corporation
- Concept Questions
- Exercises
- Minicases
- Chapter 14. The Value of Operations and the Evaluation of Enterprise Price-to-Book Ratios and Price-
- The Analyst's Checklist
- A Modification to Residual Earnings Forecasting: Residual Operating Income
- The Drivers of Residual Operating Income
- A Modification to Abnormal Earnings Growth Forecasting: Abnormal Growth in Operating Income
- Abnormal Growth in Operating Income and the “Dividend” from Operating Activities
- Eye on the Future: Sustainable Income
- The Cost of Capital and Valuation
- The Cost of Capital for Operations
- The Cost of Capital for Debt
- Operating Risk, Financing Risk, and the Cost of Equity Capital
- Financing Risk and Return and the Valuation of Equity
- Leverage and Residual Earnings Valuation
- Leverage and Abnormal Earnings Growth Valuation
- Leverage Creates Earnings Growth
- Debt and Taxes
- Mark-to-Market Accounting: A Tool for Incorporating the Liability for Stock Options in Valuation
- Enterprise Multiples
- Enterprise Price-to-Book Ratios
- Enterprise Price-Earnings Ratios
- Summary
- The Web Connection
- Key Concepts
- The Analyst's Toolkit
- A Continuing Case: Kimberly-Clark Corporation
- Concept Questions
- Exercises
- Minicase
- Chapter 15. Anchoring on the Financial Statements: Simple Forecasting and Simple Valuation
- The Analyst's Checklist
- Simple Forecasts and Simple Valuations
- Introducing PPE, Inc.
- The No-Growth Forecast and Valuation
- The Growth Forecast and Valuation
- Simple Forecasting: Adding information to Financial Statement Information
- Weighed-Average Forecasts of Growth
- Simple Valuations with Short-Term and Long-Term Growth Rates
- Growth in Sales as a Simple Forecast of Growth
- Information in Analysts' Forecasts
- Simple Valuation as an Analysis Tool
- Sensitivity Analysis
- Reverse Engineering to Challenge the Market Price
- Summary
- The Web Connection
- Key Concepts
- The Analyst's Toolkit
- A Continuing Case: Kimberly-Clark Corporation
- Concept Questions
- Exercises
- Minicases
- Chapter 16. Full-Information Forecasting, Valuation, and Business Strategy Analysis
- The Analyst's Checklist
- Financial Statement Analysis: Focusing the Lens on the Business
- 1. Focus on Residual Operating Income and Its Drivers
- 2. Focus on Change
- 3. Focus on Key Drivers
- 4. Focus on Choices Versus Conditions
- Full-Information Forecasting and Pro Forma Analysis
- A Forecasting Template
- Features of Accounting-Based Valuation
- Value Generated in Share Transactions
- Mergers and Acquisitions
- Share Repurchases and Buyouts
- Financial Statement Indicators and Red Flags
- Business Strategy Analysis and Pro Forma Analysis
- Unarticulated Strategy
- Scenario Analysis
- The Web Connection
- Summary
- Key Concepts
- The Analyst's Toolkit
- A Continuing Case: Kimberly-Clark Corporation
- Concept Questions
- Exercises
- Minicases
- Chapter 17. Creating Accounting Value and Economic Value
- The Analyst's Checklist
- Value Creation and the Creation of Residual Earnings
- Accounting Methods, Price-to-Book Ratios, Price-Earnings Ratios, and the Valuation of Going Concerns
- Accounting Methods with a Constant Level of Investment
- Accounting Methods with a Changing Level of Investment
- An Exception: LIFO Accounting
- Hidden Reserves and the Creation of Earnings
- Conservative and Liberal Accounting in Practice
- LIFO Versus FIFO
- Research and Development in the Pharmaceuticals Industry
- Expensing Goodwill and Research and Development Expenditures
- Liberal Accounting: Breweries and Hotels
- Profitability in the 1990s
- Economic-Value-Added Measures
- Accounting Methods and the Forecast Horizon
- The Quality of Cash Accounting and Discounted Cash Flow Analysis
- Growth, Risk, and Valuation
- Summary
- The Web Connection
- Key Concepts
- The Analyst's Toolkit
- Concept Questions
- Exercises
- Minicase
- Chapter 18. Analysis of the Quality of Financial Statements
- The Analyst's Checklist
- What Is Accounting Quality?
- Accounting Quality Watch
- Five Questions About Accounting Quality
- Cutting Through the Accounting: Detecting Income Shifting
- Separating What We Know from Speculation
- Prelude to a Quality Analysis
- Quality Diagnostics
- Diagnostics to Detect Manipulated Sales
- Diagnostics to Detect Manipulation of Core Expenses
- Diagnostics to Detect Manipulation of Unusual Items
- Detecting Transaction Manipulation
- Core Revenue Timing
- Core Revenue Structuring
- Core Expense Timing
- Releasing Hidden Reserves
- Other Core Income Timing
- Unusual Income Timing
- Organizational Manipulation: Off-Balance-Sheet Operations
- Justifiable Manipulation?
- Disclosure Quality
- Quality Scoring
- Abnormal Returns to Quality Analysis
- Summary
- The Web Connection
- Key Concepts
- The Analyst's Toolkit
- Concept Questions
- Exercises
- Minicases
- Chapter 19. The Analysis of Equity Risk and Return for Active Investing
- The Analyst's Checklist
- The Required Return and the Expected Return
- The Nature of Risk
- The Distribution of Returns
- Diversification and Risk
- Asset Pricing Models
- Fundamental Risk
- Risk to the Return on Common Equity
- Growth Risk
- Value-at-Risk Profiling
- Adaptation Options and Growth Options
- Strategy and Risk
- Discounting for Risk
- Price Risk
- Market Inefficiency Risk
- Liquidity Risk
- Inferring Expected Returns for Active Investing
- Growth-Return Profiles
- Finessing the Required Return Problem
- Evaluating Implied Expected Returns with Value-at-Risk Profiles
- Investing Within Risk Classes
- Beware of Paying for Risky Growth
- Expected Returns in Uncertain Times
- Summary
- The Web Connection
- Key Concepts
- The Analyst's Toolkit
- Concept Questions
- Exercises
- Minicase
- Chapter 20. The Analysis of Credit Risk and Return
- The Analyst's Checklist
- The Suppliers of Credit
- Financial Statement Analysis for Credit Evaluation
- Reformulated Financial Statements
- Short-Term Liquidity Ratios
- Long-Term Solvency Ratios
- Operating Ratios
- Forecasting and Credit Analysis
- Prelude to Forecasting: The Interpretive Background
- Ratio Analysis and Credit-Scoring
- Full-Information Forecasting
- Required Return, Expected Return, and Active Debt Investing
- Active Bond Investing
- Liquidity Planning and Financial Strategy
- The Web Connection
- Summary
- Key Concepts
- The Analyst's Toolkit
- Concept Questions
- Exercises
- Minicase
Bókahillan þín er þitt svæði og þar eru bækurnar þínar geymdar. Þú kemst í bókahilluna þína hvar og hvenær sem er í tölvu eða snjalltæki. Einfalt og þægilegt!Rafbók til eignar
Rafbók til eignar þarf að hlaða niður á þau tæki sem þú vilt nota innan eins árs frá því bókin er keypt.
Þú kemst í bækurnar hvar sem er
Þú getur nálgast allar raf(skóla)bækurnar þínar á einu augabragði, hvar og hvenær sem er í bókahillunni þinni. Engin taska, enginn kyndill og ekkert vesen (hvað þá yfirvigt).
Auðvelt að fletta og leita
Þú getur flakkað milli síðna og kafla eins og þér hentar best og farið beint í ákveðna kafla úr efnisyfirlitinu. Í leitinni finnur þú orð, kafla eða síður í einum smelli.
Glósur og yfirstrikanir
Þú getur auðkennt textabrot með mismunandi litum og skrifað glósur að vild í rafbókina. Þú getur jafnvel séð glósur og yfirstrikanir hjá bekkjarsystkinum og kennara ef þeir leyfa það. Allt á einum stað.
Hvað viltu sjá? / Þú ræður hvernig síðan lítur út
Þú lagar síðuna að þínum þörfum. Stækkaðu eða minnkaðu myndir og texta með multi-level zoom til að sjá síðuna eins og þér hentar best í þínu námi.
Fleiri góðir kostir
- Þú getur prentað síður úr bókinni (innan þeirra marka sem útgefandinn setur)
- Möguleiki á tengingu við annað stafrænt og gagnvirkt efni, svo sem myndbönd eða spurningar úr efninu
- Auðvelt að afrita og líma efni/texta fyrir t.d. heimaverkefni eða ritgerðir
- Styður tækni sem hjálpar nemendum með sjón- eða heyrnarskerðingu
- Gerð : 208
- Höfundur : 5622
- Leyfi : 379